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R.Monroe's Far Journeys: are INSPECs the same as midwayers?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:36 pm
by midix
I am reading R.Monroe's book "Far Journeys" now, and this question popped up in my mind. I know really little about all this angels stuff, just getting bits of this and that from everywhere I can (I must confess, I am too lazy to study it more seriously :oops: ) Somehow I thought maybe there is some connection between the midwayers and those energy beings that R.Monroe calls "INSPECs".

What do other 11:11ers think?

Also, what do you think about this book in general?
While I am reading, it gets really weirder and more unbelievable with every page. But sometimes I am able to correctly guess what will be next or what will be the answer to the Monroe's (or one of the Explorers) question before I read it. And I am unsure if my subconscious knows something about it or maybe the book is so well written, that it creates illusion of knowing :D

Re: R.Monroe's Far Journeys: are INSPECs the same as midwaye

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:13 am
by Geoff
Dear midex,

This is not a book I have read, nor heard about. I think I should move this thread to the books section, as its more appropriate there.


Re: R.Monroe's Far Journeys: are INSPECs the same as midwaye

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:34 pm
by midix
Thanks, Geoff.

This book "Far journeys" is the second in Robert Monroe's series of three books. I would suggest this book to everyone who is interested not only in out-of-body experiences and the experiments of the Monroe institute, but also to look at our physical world and our life from a different point of view.

The experiences described in the book may seem overwhelming and sometimes completely unbelievable, but still most of that fits with all I have read in other books or websites about astral planes, the purpose of living and so on, only R.Monroe tries to look at it more scientifically, without any personal or dogmatic judgments.

I was reading the most of the book as just an interesting story. And today I finished reading, and the last chapter really got me, it just filled me with emotions. It was a short instruction (R.Monroe said he received it from other beings, who oversees the entry point to our physical Earth) for all the energy beings who want to know what will become of them if/when they decide to try to become a physical human and experience the Compressed Learning Course - which is how they call our life. The problem is that they will forget their divine source, their identity will change, and to get it all (and even more back), they need to "graduate" - to learn how to generate and transform the highest energy - love. It may take many cycles to learn that, it is like becoming addict, but at the end we all have to get enough energy to overcome the need to go back and then we return Home.

The instruction contains many good directions how to develop this energy, how to control it, actually - how to live a productive life. And the most of it all matches also what I have been feeling about my life personally, it answered many of my personal questions, it gave me understanding about many things in my life that I felt as depressing previously - now I feel I am much closer to understanding, what lesson each of the event in my life is trying to teach me. I even think I am able to identify what lessons I am learning some months already - how I am freeing myself from feeding my ego, so more energy can be directed at other more important things that deserve it.

Of course, now I have the only question - am I on the right track and did I understand everything right. I am intended to ask this question to my inner self or my spiritual guides before I go to sleep. The sleeping is a time when we unconsciously "go to school", where we can get help and some answers. R Monroe thinks that out-of-body experiences just let a person do that consciously, but it happens anyway.

So finally I have left just one question form many of my previous questions :D . But the most intriguing thing is - for some time already I feel that the world is full of answers, the problem is not to find the answer, but to find the question, which fits some certain answer. And I was not looking for answers but for a first question, and now I think I know it 8) . Of course there will be more questions later anyway, but at least I have a feeling of some starting point.

So I really suggest everyone to read this book, and the other two books by R.Monroe.

And I wish you all to find your own questions for the answers you already know :loves

Re: R.Monroe's Far Journeys: are INSPECs the same as midwaye

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:59 am
by Gabbriellini
hi Midix, I haven't read that book but I have heard about R.Monroe. Stuart Wilde mostly appreaciates Monroe's style. I really would like to read the book that you're on about, sounds cool. :roll
Nice meeting you here! ;) :roll :love