my story comdensed

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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my story comdensed

Post by equalforce »

I am 47 years old,husband married 19 years,father of two boys 18 and 11 years. I have lived in the same town for all my life aside from a year I spent in Denver drunk. Had an average dysfunctional Midwestern childhood.

In 07 I noticed 11:11 far to often to be a coincidence clocks mostly, in cruising the Internet I ran across many sites connected to 11:11 this one included. I chose to try meditating, within a few weeks of making the honest effort to stop the mind----POW--- or should I say --- ----
I rediscovered who/what I am, at least as far as I could understand at the time. This resulted in spiritual intoxication lasting for about a couple of weeks possibly more. It was a trial for my wife to say the least! I still feel divine love periodicly most days and during practice.

Life is completely different for us now ,I have steady spiritual practice, my wife is searching and growing by leaps and bounds,my oldest son seems to have the deeper wisdom of the upanishads in him, the youngest who was quite a test is now growing into a even tempered well adjusted

I still see 11:11 ocasionaly but lately its been more 4:44 3:33 1:11 4444 1111 clocks, license plates and signs. Just a month or so ago it was 5:55,4:44,3:33,2:22 with in hours but no 1:11. like we were counting down.

would love to hear some feedback.


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Re: my story comdensed

Post by happyrain »

hi equalforce :hithere
are you feeling the love today? :loves
there's a shift in consciousness and from your post i would agree
it seems more are waking up towards some idea or understanding of our spiritual nature

we're beginning to see our interconnectedness with all of life and listening more to our hearts
something big IS happening


-:} <3 ~~blessings~~ :D
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Re: my story comdensed

Post by equalforce »

Hi happyrain
today is to me very smooth and even, just very calm.
I'll ckeck back later

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Re: my story comdensed

Post by equalforce »

Sometimes I think the world doesnt need any help and then of most of the time I also feel that somthing big is hapening.
I do want to help this little part of creation as much as i can. Sometimes localy people seem so helpless.
have a good night. equalforce
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Re: my story comdensed

Post by AJ »

Welcome equalforce. Based on what you said in the above post about the world. A few years ago I was thinking a lot of what it would take for the world to truly wake up and move to a more harmonious state of love and light and could not think of what it would take to do this other than some huge natural disaster or calamity or huge global event (like say aliens making first contact) where the world would truly have to come together and put differences aside and work as one for the good of all. This year we may find ourselves in the potential beginning of this with the gulf oil disaster. If this thing gets worse and can't be stopped then it could impact all the oceans of the world and thus create a massive global disaster. A global disaster is not something I long for or hope for but at the same time if it results in a shift of thought and a true shift to the this new world in the correcting time that we find ourselves and ultimately helps man come together and learn to help and love one another for the greater good of all then who am I to say that in the longer term and greater scheme of things that this type of incident wasn't necessary.
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Re: my story comdensed

Post by equalforce »

Hi AJ,happyrain
I have thought along these lines quit often and I agree with your sentiment. what we are talking about is awakening or enlightenment of the whole human race. The only obstacle I see is the collective ego,mankind is so lost in the thought that we are all separate entities and must compete with who/whatever, be it nature or each other it would take divine intervention to bring about a permanent change.
Now the type of global catastrophe it would take would wipe out 50% of the population and I doubt that would even shock us out of it.
ETs coming may help but thats not going to be a shock to us after all these years of info leaking plus the sightings and crop circles.

I feel this is a correcting time and we just need to help our brothers and sisters to see past the illusion of separateness. I am confident that we can help it all happen but I wonder if we will see it in this lifetime.

personally I’m willing to work through a few more lifetimes to see it through or possibly it will only take a small % of us awakening to our true nature and then ---pow--- or----- ----- then suddenly we all know we are children of GOD. Then we can live as we are meant to! Lives of expansion glory and divine splendor!
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