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What can this mean?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:57 pm
by ThaxterTewksbury
Very recently I was speaking with a co-worker whom I have known for a couple of years. She and I were chatting and I brought up the phenomena, I told her that I have had it happening to me for quite a few years now and she told me that she had never heard of it and after a few minutes we split apart and went to work again (we are slot attendants in a casino, of course this constantly exposes me to numbers...). Throughout the evening we chatted a couple more times and I told her about how it came to me or "chose" me for lack of a better word. I am sure she was beginning to think I was completely insane ;) . This is where it happens in the story though. I was finishing my shift and had to tally my tickets, usually 25-100 or so in a shift. I had of course done this a few hundred times in the past and nothing unusual happened throughout the day. It was the that I called my co-worker to my area to show her that my tickets totalled $1,111.00 exactly, through no interference by anyone. (these are tickets of nearly all odd change by the way ie. 22.36,125.29 etc.) This has or had NEVER happened to me before or since, ever...
Sometimes it is hard to explain to someone and sometimes it explains itself :!:

Re: What can this mean?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:50 pm
by Paul
Hi Thaxter,

That was quite an experience. Our celestial friends are getting your attention. They want to alert you to your spiritual heritage. There has been an enormous amount of positive spiritual pressure applied to us humans over the last few decades. There is a growing awareness of spirit and a growing awareness of our purpose for being alive. Simply put, a fragment of the Eternal Father dwells in your mind as He dwells in all minds. This spirit of the Father is encouraging us to live a more spirit filled life as human beings.

The FAQ section answers the question about the midwayers. It discusses who they are, why they are here and why they are prompting us. What you have been receiving are prompts from our midwayer cousins. Read this section here and it will answer the questions that you have. Welcome to the board my friend. It is good to have you here.


Re: What can this mean?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 12:04 am
by Geoff
Dear Thaxter,

Welcome. Yes, you can see its way beyond coincidence, so it demands explanation.


Re: What can this mean?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:27 am
by Sandy
Hello and Welcome Thaxter!

I enjoyed your post. It is nice to meet you. :)

Re: What can this mean?

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:13 pm
by justylonging1111
Wow Thaxter!!!

First welcome to the board!!! and I am amazed at what I experienced while reading of your experience! That sure must have left your co-worker going... :shock: lol :finger: :loves

One of my favourite prompts was on New Years Day, so 1/11, I believe it was 2008, another 1! This was after a very tramatic previous year, and great time of growth in my life. I did not know I had ordered my chinese food at 11:11am until I came to pay and pick up my food some couple of hours later.. I phoned early, thinking it would be very busy this day! lol I came out and right on Main Street smiled and looked up, saw a flock of pigeons flying and said out loud " Happy New Year!" to my Celestial Friends and Everyone! :love

What an amazing journey! Happy to meet you, Thaxter, you will love the amazing folks here!

God Bless, We Truly are One! :sunny:

Love Tannis