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My first Akashic Construct healing!?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:44 pm
I had 2 coolest dreams ever in the past few days.
Here's the first. The other one's in a separate post under "First deliberate contact with Higher Self"

The first one happened like this:
I was listening to George's AK CD and then fell asleep probably while I was in the AK.
I had a dream in which I was walking & talking to someone to my left.
I didn't look to see who it was & the person didn't feel like a stranger.
We were walking through rubble in the daytime and I approached what looked like an enclave
in a 'wall' of rubble. The enclave was nearly a cave and there was a baby sitting in it...expressionless.
I exclaimed in surprise & delight..."Hey there's a baby!" And I went to it, picked it up and held it.
I said "It probably hasn't eaten anything in 10 days" & then I thought that it probably hasn't had a diaper
change in those many days either. I looked to my left (didn't see that person) and saw a used diaper in the rubble.
Then the dream ended.
I abruptly woke up & my headphones were around my head so I tried to remove then and they pulled my stereo
to the ground in the middle of the night (aaargh!)
Then I looked at the clock and it said 2:22.
So I said "Hi Chief, I'm reaaallly sleeeppy, goodnight."
In the morning, I woke up, looked at the clock and it said 8:22.

Here's my analysis (& please feel free to critique it.)
-ABC-22 led me in an OOB experience to an earthquake zone (one of our recent earthquakes.)
-There was a dead baby that didn't know it had died.
-By touching it & holding it, I released its astral body from its limbo state sending it upward to heaven.

Your thoughts?

Re: My first Akashic Construct healing!?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:12 am
by memawlaura
:hithere djkenz,
I can ask one question was the analysis mindal or spiritual, than you will find your answer. I dont doubt your insight into your dream but you will find the answers you seek from within your self. Just ask the next time you go to your AC if your interpretation was correct. I cant say you will find it for sure that way because sometimes were just not necessary in the equation for some healings just our gift that we share with those in need. However it sounds beautiful and there's never anything wrong with beauty.


Re: My first Akashic Construct healing!?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:17 pm
by luvinlife
Wow, Kenz! Great dream and also great insight. John (Twinstars) and Judy on this forum have been very helpful in analyzing dreams, so I hope they read this thread!

Love, Clare