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Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:25 am
Hi All, :hithere

What is a Divine Mission and do we all have them?


Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:37 am
by Geoff
Dear Lou,

I don't know. What is a "divine" Mission?

We all have a role we were intended to play. Few actually achieve that, but the moment you actually try to play your part, the Universe makes new plans, and you will get another mission, even if its nothing like the original plan. Is that "divine"?



Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:28 am
Hi Geoff,

But how do we know what our "mission" is and also, when we complete our first "mission" does that mean we pass over to the other side?


Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:59 pm
by George
Louise writesw:
What is a Divine Mission and do we all have them?
Potentially, yes. Be aware when opprtunity goes KNOK

I found mine, but I went looking for it. I wouldn't call it divine, tho. :shock:

Just bl**dy hard work. :)



Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:03 pm
Hi George,

May I ask what your mission was?


Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:11 pm
by jfarris
As the delightful Mick Jagger so eloquently expressed
you can't always get what you want, but if you try some time, you just might find, that you get what you neeeed, ah yeah, you get what you need..all right..(ad infinitum)
:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:


Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:20 pm
by George
Louise writes:
May I ask what your mission was?

"To place people at the starting gate to spirituality to let them run their own race" -- Machiventa.



Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:30 pm
:duh Oh no, how :oops: do I feel!! I've just realised who you are George! You're George with the "sexy voice" from the CD! :roll how dumb do I feel now!

Oh George, your sexy voice is sending me to sleep (that is meant as a compliment btw :love). Your voice is just soooooo sooooothing!

Well you are certainly doing a great job George and thank you and the Midwayers (especially number 22) for helping me to find you all! Can you just ask Midwayer 22 to speed things along for me please, i've been waiting for ages now, hehehe (sorry, just feeling in a mischievious mood) :lol:


Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:32 pm
jfarris wrote:As the delightful Mick Jagger so eloquently expressed
you can't always get what you want, but if you try some time, you just might find, that you get what you neeeed, ah yeah, you get what you need..all right..(ad infinitum)
:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

You're telling me jfarris :( :x lol.


Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:43 pm
by Stephen23
Hi LOu

I don't like this word "mission"! It sounds like you are sent to do something. When ultimately it's us who decides what we need to do with our lives in order to progress spiritually.

I think just living our lives is our "mission". You don't need to go looking for anything. What's meant for us to experience will find us. Trust me on that one!

On another note Lou, I was paying for my car park ticket the other night and if flashes up in big digital numbers the time you're checking out.......... date 11.12 time 22:22!!!!!!!!!!!! I then had to explain to my friend why I looked a bit shocked!




Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:51 pm
by Paul
Hi Louise,

I don't know about divine missions, but I do know that when we discover the Father fragment that resides in our minds we start to desire to be one with the Father. But the thing that points us in that direction is the love that we come to have for the Father. All of us here have come to know the Father in a more intimate way. We have learned about his superlative qualities of mercy, forgiveness and unconditional love. It is when we discover the unconditional love of the Father that we desire to make our will mesh with the will of the Father.

This is the most precious gift that we can give our Infinite Father. We can give Him our life. We can give Him our heart. We can give Him our love. And we give these most precious gifts because we choose to do so. We are not coerced to do so. We choose to make our will match the will of our Father. At no time do we give up our free will. It is just that we use our unique personality as a way to express our love for the Father in a way that no one else has ever done.

Our divine mission is simply to live a life that reflects the love of our Father on Paradise. We are so deeply moved by what we have learned about the Father and about all of our celestial friends, that love exudes from our pores. You see, we can express our love to our brethren that may be in need, as we pass by. Our Father will see to it, that persons in need of love and encouragement, will come our way. Then it is up to us to express the love of the Father and our own love in a unique way. The fire that we feel inside will spread to all those that we come into contact with. We will light a fire that will turn into a raging torrent. It is our divine mission to light the fire within that is awaiting to be ignited by the love of our Father.



Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:54 pm
Hi Stephen :hithere

You ok babe? How are those gorgeous pups of yours?

Oh wow at those numbers, did you think of me at the time too with all those 22's, lol. What did your friend say?



Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:34 pm
by Geoff
LOUISE wrote:Hi Geoff,

But how do we know what our "mission" is and also, when we complete our first "mission" does that mean we pass over to the other side?
Geez, I sure hope not. Never heard of anyone that happened to.



Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:38 pm
by Geoff
Stephen23 wrote:Hi LOu

I don't like this word "mission"! It sounds like you are sent to do something. When ultimately it's us who decides what we need to do with our lives in order to progress spiritually.
Hi Stephen,

There is a big difference between agreeing/ deciding to do something that presents itself, and setting out to make something happen. But its hard to explain. I will give you an example however.

I met a group of folks in 2000. I could see they were hopelessly organised, and not having any sort of decent impact with their outreach. I decided I could help them, and attended a meeting of trustees. It was a disaster, and I got the clear message from spirit "It was not my job". So I asked for a decent job, and then George banged on my door. :duh

Now I still had to recognise that George was a job (leaves pause here) and decide to do my best in that direction. (another pause) :hithere



Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:15 am
by George
Stephen23 writes:
I don't like this word "mission"! It sounds like you are sent to do something.
When the Planetary Prince and the local universe Creator Son make a suggestion of your involvement, one might safely suggest it's a mission.

What luck! You will not have a restful bone in your body till you snuff it. :D

It could be called "just a mission."

Theirs is the "divine mission."

God bless..........


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:32 am
by Stephen23
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm loving what Paul wrote :D

Lou, pups are a's my mission at the moment to get through Christmas with them! This litter are crossed with Gremlins I'm sure. And they will be the LAST litter! ha ha!

The 22:22 in the car park made me open up about all my experiences, (and the hand touching my face) to my friend. He was really interested. So I suppose I'm spreading the word in my own tiny way.



Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:22 pm
by George
Dear Stephen23,

Perhaps when your pups are grown up in the short term, you might enjoy some meditation in the long term, and find where your (mission) task really lies.

Seems the invitation is there as with almost everyone on this MB.

God bless you and yours....


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:33 pm
by Stephen23
I've tried the meditation route about 15 years ago now and it just made me soooo sensitive, I was seeing & hearing stuff everywhere I went. This made me "close up" I suppose.

Now I dont do anything or read anything about spiritual things, they just come to me. I have no control over it.

I did try meditating again this time last year when the prompts started but I found I wasn't really getting anything from it, so I stopped again. It's finding the time and space as well. I run 2 businesses and at the moment have 9 dogs!!!!!!!!!!! lol!



Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:03 pm
by George
Hi Stephen,

Between 1987 and 1992 I did not get a thing in the way of contact, although the Midwayers prompted me regularly. My mind could only be described as mercurial, as I dealt with very serious injuries.

There was little I could do in my trade of fixing near-bankrupt companies, but I let it be known to the Midwayers I could handle some patients even though I was now living way out on a farm. Within days patients came in for treatment, because an ex-patient (all smiles) went around the nearby town talking about how she "got out of the hole" she was in.

I appreciate you're flat to the boards with 2 businesses, but right there in your field there are easy to fix great needs. Just a thought.

God bless you and 9 dogs. Gawd!
George and two noisy parrots.


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:01 pm
Wow Stephen, wish I was that sensitive. I'd give anything to be able to see and hear things. It frustrates me so much that my mind doesn't go blank and switch off. It's just constant, chatter, chatter, chatter! :cry: I just can't switch off! :grrr


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:59 pm
by luvinlife
I'm really enjoying this thread. So, is it that we don't "find" our missions...they find us?

Love, Clare


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:04 pm
by ~*Star_Struck*~
Hello Louise :hithere

:lol: :lol: @ George's "sexy voice". You are a funny one! I agree it is sooo soothing. I believe i said the same thing to him after i received the CD.

I really believe that what i'm supposed to be doing here is loving! I want to reflect God's love, i want to be the warmest person i can be, to be able to comfort others with my support and caring. I want to be a beacon of light. I try very hard to be a loving person, but i am very far from perfect and i have much to work on. It could take me many years but in the meantime i'm sending out a lot of positive vibes, and receiving some very loving thoughts and energy.. i plan on being here the whole time, learning and growing with all of you.. for years to come. Every sense that i have confirms to me that this is what i am supposed to be doing.. i have spoken with my angels about this.. i have obstacles such as dealing with frustration and impatience, but i want to inspire, to grow where it counts for me - the heart

Lots of love


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:14 pm
by luvinlife
You're doing a great job, Star!!!

Love, Clare


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:30 pm
by jfarris
luvinlife wrote:You're doing a great job, Star!!!

Love, Clare
fo sho! :love


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:47 pm
by George
I beleve it was Lytske who one day some 20 years ago said, "God, I don't know what to do for You. Please put the right job in my path." Lytske got handed a Urantia Book by sheer chance. :idea:

IMO Lytske is one of the top six receivers in the world. If you're not on the 11:11 Progress list, you're missing out. I think I have some 2500 or 3000 of Lytske transmits on this computer :!:

I know two other people (excluding me) who made similar requests of Michael. They all got results.

Say "goodnight, George." :bike:
