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Heaven to Earth, by Betty Berger

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:28 pm
by ruthnfla
I am reading a book called Heaven to Earth that I received from the author at an IONs meeting near my home. This is a book of messages received through Eleanore Thedick, known as the Messenger "Ladye". I can tell from her book that she had some strong Catholic background, but the messages are beautiful and very interesting. I'm finding that there are many such books out there on Messages received from the spirit world. If anyone is interested in getting this book, it is self published and you can contact the author, (Betty Berger) Tell her Ruth Duvall told you about it. I am sure she will be happy to send you one. I don't know if it's on Amazon or some other site, I can check on that if you'd like. The cost is $25.00 which includes mailing.

Re: Heaven to Earth, by Betty Berger

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:34 pm
by brianm
Eleanore seems to be selling a lot of "booklets" etc. on bidding sites (75 cents to 95 cents in a lot of cases).
I couldn't find anything at all from her "received messages" that might be free.
Also seems to love the American flag and eagles quite a bit :lol:
I'll pass on this one, thanks anyhow.

Cheers, Brian.

PS : Your "ION" group sounds interesting....... I'll have a "Google" at it. :)