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So is it a warning or an agreement?

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:27 pm
by Cyclic
Hey there I'm new here,

I have a very deep desire to fix a friendship that went sour, very sour. It teared me apart for many month already. And I have a very deep desire to fix it.
Of course its a about broken hearts and lost trust. But I don't wanna fix the hearts, I wanna fix the friendship.

Now strangely when it comes to that person I regulary experience the 11:11 or 1:11 in a very odd way.
I must say that I'm a very emotional person, not at all religious, but I am pretty good with logic. As it comes with my job as a programmer.
So most of the time I just filed it under 'coincidence'.
But now I must say that there are too many coincidences to be mere coincidences.

It regualry happens that whenever I see these numbers, I think of that person. Now to no suprise, I think of her almost all day, for many month now.
So that doesnt have to mean anything.

One of the 11:11 stories, connected to that is this:
When I think very very strong of her. And have an idea to do a certain action that might help me on this almost impossible endeavour. I play it all through in my head, get lost in thought and awake with the strong feeling: Yeah thats right, you gotta do that and you got to do it soon. I'm totally motivated and I'm sure its the right thing to do. And then my eyes trace over any clock, alarm clock, windows clock, cell clock...whatever. And I see these numbers: 11:11 or 1:11. And then I start to wonder, if they exist, what do they tell me? YES do it? or Nooooo don't! It freaks me out already. 4 times in the last 3 days that happend. And they all took me by surprise. It's not like I'm waiting for that time of day.

So I don't wanna go too much into detail. Just is it a warning sign? or is it a "You're on the right track" sign? How would anyone know? Should I just take my 50/50 chances on it?

Re: So is it a warning or an agreement?

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:39 pm
by AJ
I just wanted to say welcome and in the short answer to your questions it is neither and sometimes it could be both. It is truly about you and your ability to connect to something that has always been there but you had not noticed yet. The prompts are your wake up call. They often do come in the middle of some thought but I would really try to digest those thoughts that you had before the prompt. If you were thinking in some manner in your case about a person then maybe the prompt is not about that person but really about the understanding of the person that YOU are becoming so I guess in a sense in that scenerio it would be a progression prompt. At the end of the day though you are getting prompted because deep down in the way your are genetically wired for some reason beyond anyone's knowledge but yourself and the source you have an abililty to learn how to come in contact with them to ultimately grow in a path to lead yourself and others to the wonderful soul stage of light and life so-to-speak or in the more basic terms lead your soul in a path towards love and away from the path of fear that so many of us are indeed on. I hope this helps a bit. check out the FAQs for many more answers.

Re: So is it a warning or an agreement?

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:10 pm
by Geoff
Cyclic wrote:But now I must say that there are too many coincidences to be mere coincidences.
Dear Cyclic,

Welcome and yes that's the issue.

Angels cannot live our lives and make decisions for us, but they can give advice. The way to get that advice, is through meditation. Some folks manage to get input easier than that, but they are the lucky ones.


Re: So is it a warning or an agreement?

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:04 pm
Hi Cyclic,

Welcome to the board.

Maybe I shouldn't say this but I will, lol.

You must do what your instinct tells you to do! Always listen to your instinct, because from personal experience, it never lets me down.

I hope this helps.


Re: So is it a warning or an agreement?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:08 am
by lilly
Hi Cyclic
Welcome aboard!! You must follow your own instinct or judgement on this relationship. Midwayers will be there to assist you to reach spiritual enlightenment and help you to strengthen your connection with your Higher self. Hope everything settles down for you and you are able to let go of the emotional turmoil that the soured relationship has brought on.
Love lilly xox :hithere

Re: So is it a warning or an agreement?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:12 pm
by Cyclic
Thank you all, I did what I intended to do and you know what. I don't know yet how it will turn out, though the moment I did it I suddenly became very calm and relaxed about it, and I still am. I haven't feeled like that for 5 month now.
I would not have done it without these prompts bugging me and I'm glad they did.
Maybe it won't fix the relationship, but it did fix me.
For the time being at least. I will dive in deeper into this Midwayers-thing and explore it a bit.

Re: So is it a warning or an agreement?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:57 pm
by jfarris
Cyclic wrote:, though the moment I did it I suddenly became very calm and relaxed about it, and I still am. I haven't feeled like that for 5 month now.

To me, that would be the proof!

"...the decision is ours, the consequence God's...." or something like that...

Re: So is it a warning or an agreement?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:22 pm
by luvinlife
That's what it's all about! Sometimes we can't fix other people....Glad you're feeling better!

Love, Clare

Re: So is it a warning or an agreement?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:48 pm
by Cyclic
thanks, its strange tho that you only seem to start being aware of the prompts when you're NOT doing well.
It's probably those times when you look for a meaning in life or redemption or a hook to stay sane or whatever, that you notice em first, although they might have been there long before. Unnoticed.

Re: So is it a warning or an agreement?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:10 pm
by CutieKenge
Cyclic wrote:thanks, its strange tho that you only seem to start being aware of the prompts when you're NOT doing well.
It's probably those times when you look for a meaning in life or redemption or a hook to stay sane or whatever, that you notice em first, although they might have been there long before. Unnoticed.
Welcome, Cyclic! :sunflower:
Yes, it's funny how it works that way sometimes. Sometimes it takes hard times for us to open up to the love & guidance that has been there all along.

But I guess, better late than never, right? :finger:

Look forward to seeing you around! :roll
