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Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:15 pm
by George

Addicted to Cheese.
A message from an Akashic Construct participant – October 21, 2009.

It hardly matters how many decades you spend healing those who knock on your clinic door. There is always still something new to be experienced. This brand new participant using the Akashic Construct learned about an addiction to everyday cheese . . . and its effect on fertility.

She writes: I received my Akashic Construct CD, and the very first time I listened to it, I was ‘zoomed out there into another place.’ Sure, this was not my first time, but I was astounded all the same.

I went to a great hall in my Akashic Construct meditation. Huge it was! A long path led down the middle, and I began to glide down it. Light Beings that were about seven feet tall stood on either side, and they stepped back and bowed as I moved past. I felt embarrassed by this gesture of reverence -- kind of unworthy (see note 1). At the end of the hall, I felt, there was a throne. I could not see it, because the light emanating from it was blinding me. I knelt down on one knee in front of this light. George I don’t remember anything else after that! I awoke very stiff in the morning, because I had not moved an inch all night -- unusual for me because I have three prolapsed discs in my spine, and I re-adjust myself all night due to this regular discomfort.

I also have read your first book, The Search for 11:11. Boy did that hit me hard. As you know, I work full time as a therapist. I use many different techniques depending on what may be needed -- body work, hypnotherapy, EMF Balancing, counseling, guided visualization and more.

During my lifetime I have always had my Spirit Friends. Spirit works through amazing color for me, so I can read the auric field. I have been able to see these auric fields since I arrived in Australia, and it’s no big deal, really. However, lately, since coming upon your website, something has changed . . .

I am recieving one word messages that tell me about the core problem with my patients. Here is an example: I was working away on a lady a few days ago -- the day after I listened to your CD. She is about to have her last attempt at IVF after five upsetting failures. She was very emotional. I began with what most patients think is a massage, when in reality I am actually scanning their bodies. Out of nowhere, the word “cheese” popped into my head, and ‘going with this,’ I asked her if she ate much cheese. She opened her eyes wide and said, “Now that is my dirty little secret. I am addicted to cheese, and sneak eat it all day long.” Instantly I knew this was the culprit. Her system was full of toxins, and she was in constant allergy which made her contaminated. The earlier embryos could not possibly have taken in this battlefield that was her body.

I was as astounded as she was. Anyway, she is off all cheese, and having a tough time, like someone coming off any serious addiction. She is due to have the frozen embryo implanted in about three weeks. I was given a message that this new soul is going to be special, and she must look after herself better. I left that part out, but I will tell her when the babe is in her arms.

This is just one example of the kind of healings I am now performing. It’s so strange, being given just one word, and then having to work it out.

I know all of this is probably very normal for you (see note 2). I have been asking Christ Michael to help me improve my healings with one intent -- to serve humanity, and to help people awaken to their Divine Spark. So here I am, hopefully growing at a rate of knots, excited and humbled all at the same time.

Blessings to all . . .

* * * * *

George’s Note 1: It took me some time to realize that when Celestials bow their heads to me, it is hardly in recognition of the spiritual embryo that I am, but in reverence to the Spark of God that indwells me.

George’s Note 2: For a time that’s all I used to get – just one word, and ‘go figure it out’ from there.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:20 pm
by lilly
Hi George
This is so wonderful to read, thank you for posting it!!
Love lilly xox :kiss:

Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:16 pm
by George
Hi dear Lilly,

There's sense in moderation. :roll

I'll cut down on the coffee, or I'll be up every night to this hour. :shock:


Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:50 pm
by SheraX
Very nice. Ahhhh it's nice to be back. :)

Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:42 pm
by lilly
Hi George
Someone told me that instant coffee isn't really proper They said it can cause all manner of allergic reactions in people. The real beans is the way to go.... :bike: Nice to see you Heather!!
Love lilly xxooxx :kiss:

Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:34 am
by Geoff
lilly wrote:Hi George
Someone told me that instant coffee isn't really proper They said it can cause all manner of allergic reactions in people. The real beans is the way to go.... :bike: Nice to see you Heather!!
Love lilly xxooxx :kiss:
Hi Lilly,

Well since Nestle is the worlds biggest buyer of coffee, I suspect they must be using the real stuff in their instant coffee. But I guess it may be other stuff that causes the issues?


Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:17 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello Guys! I love nescafé and looked up whether it has any chemicals in it...From
Bascially, instant coffee is just regularly brewed coffee with nearly all the water removed. It's not that mysterious a process at all. There is no strange chemical adulteration that goes on. Instant coffee is still pure coffee.
Phew! Thank Gawd for that, although I'm a black tea drinker really.
But decaff had chemicals in it. It increases acidity, may increase heart attacks, glaucoma, rheumatoid arthritis and raises cholestorol! That's put me off for life!

I love cheeses too! I have about 8 varieties in my fridge as I type...hmm! Not that I'm trying for a baby or owt, but I think I'm going to have to cut right down. Cheers Light for your AC experience.

Love, Pet XXX

Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:32 pm
by Geoff
Petra Wilson wrote: But decaff had chemicals in it. It increases acidity, may increase heart attacks, glaucoma, rheumatoid arthritis and raises cholestorol! That's put me off for life!

I love cheeses too! I have about 8 varieties in my fridge as I type...hmm! Not that I'm trying for a baby or owt, but I think I'm going to have to cut right down. Cheers Light for your AC experience.

Love, Pet XXX
Dear Pet,

There are two different decaf processes. Chemical and water wash. They claim the latter is ok, but I would not be certain. I stick to just two full strength black coffees a day. Been reading lots about life after, and you don't want to have too many additions when you die. Because you will have to break those.


Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:16 am
by Petra Wilson
...and you don't want to have too many additions when you die. Because you will have to break those.
D'you know, even as a child I knew this to be true. I remember my dad hungover and telling me: "Never turn to drink Pet! Or smoking!" and I said: "You're not supposed to need anything except God!" and I'll never forget his expression when I said that...aged 6! I dunno where it came from, or rather I did... :?

I discovered I can easily do without my daily cuppa, certainly coffee but no wine??? Hmmm! Better work on that one.

Love, Pet xx

Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:23 pm
by ~*Star_Struck*~
:lol: And here i am often eating pepperoni cheese pizza, with extra cheese on top, and a stuffed cheese crust, accompanied by cheese sticks, potato balls, and chicken wings. It always tastes sooooo good.... i just can't get enough of cheese... but the next morning i suffer for it :( I always have tummy problems the next day. Almost worth it though :oops:

I drink three to five cups of strong coffee a day. I crave coffee on the hour, most hours, the same way i pine for cigarettes. Once i get into my head that i want a coffee, i must have it otherwise i cannot concentrate on anything else, all i can think about is the taste of the coffee.


Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:11 pm
by Petra Wilson
Star wrote:
And here i am often eating pepperoni cheese pizza, with extra cheese on top, and a stuffed cheese crust, accompanied by cheese sticks, potato balls, and chicken wings. It always tastes sooooo good.
:lol: buluuudy 'ell Star! Where d'ya put it? I've gorn right off everything, except roast lamb and milk. Not together of course. I drink pints of milk a day these days! I feel like a school kid, especially whn I'm blowing bubbles with me straw, hehe!

Loves, Pet xxx

Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:06 pm
by jfarris
Petra Wilson wrote:Star wrote:
And here i am often eating pepperoni cheese pizza, with extra cheese on top, and a stuffed cheese crust, accompanied by cheese sticks, potato balls, and chicken wings. It always tastes sooooo good.
:lol: buluuudy 'ell Star! Where d'ya put it? I've gorn right off everything, except roast lamb and milk. Not together of course. I drink pints of milk a day these days! I feel like a school kid, especially whn I'm blowing bubbles with me straw, hehe!

Loves, Pet xxx
That's funny. I used to drink like3 or 3 or 4 gallons of milk a week. And loved it. LUV2

Then i tried soy milk.... :baby :baby

These days I don't love cow milk. Now I love soy this much---> :loves :loves :loves :bana: :kiss: :kiss: :love

(but i still like you, cowsmilk) ;) :hithere

Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:51 pm
by ~*Star_Struck*~
haha you two.

Petra it's getting ridiculous :roll: None of my clothes fit me across the bust anymore. And i'm sure my butt and hips are expanding.. I need to start getting up and doing my yoga again in the morning.. bleh. And i need to stop eating pizza. It's just laziness... and deliciousness- i have to blame the pizza for that one. I hate cooking more than i hate hanging up washing. And that's a lot. But last night and tonight i made an effort to cook meat with vegetables. Roast lamb sounds good!!!

Jody! Soy milk... really? :sorry: :lol: I can't stand that stuff. Cows milk for me.


Re: Addicted to Cheese

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:31 pm
by Geoff
Petra Wilson wrote:I discovered I can easily do without my daily cuppa, certainly coffee but no wine??? Hmmm! Better work on that one.

Love, Pet xx
Me too.