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1Force, 1Power, 1Spirit, 1Energy

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:20 am
by Twinstars
Since joining the 1111 MB I have read posts by people, young and old alike, and from all walks of life that share one basic question. “Why me?” Some are scared; some excited, some stay and learn, and still others have since gone their own way. But all have and share one common thread. A story, their own distinctly personal concept of what it means, as individuals, to be a living portion of the Universal Whole.
The information is reiterated that the number prompts are for our benefit, and that all force is as one force, all knowledge is one knowledge. That if we meditate, meditate, meditate we may attain to a level of consciousness whereby we may become conversant with the emissaries of the Lord of all the universe, inspired and blessed through and by their antediluvian knowledge, their supernal wisdom, and their unfailing constancy to minister to the needs of us erring humans.
Much information has already been given with respect to the number prompts in their various multiples and sequences, and although much remains to be learned as to their application in the physical plane, it becomes increasingly apparent that man must have his part in the information as may be attained, or gained through such forces as part of his learning process. When these are made applicable in the lives of individuals, or when the individual physical consciousness can obtain the conscious precept as given, or the workable effect of such, at what point does each individual become accountable to that portion of the divine from within for that to which purpose, the knowledge of the universe or divine, is applied in its individual passage through the earth's plane?
As to the numbers, or the many various fields, as are applicable in the lives of each and every individual as may attain to an understanding of such, with study, with a higher concept, a more perfect concept of same, it may become possible to apply in their individual fields of endeavor for the benefit of mankind.
In our time we are becoming the children of light, who come seeking to know the will of God through the light that is being given. Letting His Light shine that others may know, may see that we have been in close communion with Him who IS the light. Letting our thoughts, our acts, our conversation one with another, be so permeated with that love that all may know that there is no approach but through the awareness within that makes us one with Him.
For we have been called unto a service in Him. Being all things to all men, seeking to set plans, to make for that body through which there may be manifested the spirit of that which is prompting, that which has prompted individuals to give them-selves as the ways, the means for expression, provided there is unity of purpose, that oneness of purpose which from the foundations of the earth has been ONE in Him, who holds the worlds in their place.
Know that what is being set in motion works from the realm of the unseen, yet will bring the consciousness of His love, His hope, His presence, into the lives of all.
Be patient first with your self, preferring one another’s company. Measure all that would make for the creating of, bringing into being. We may only sow the seed, that which would present an expression or manifestation of that which may be sought through these channels by the activities of those that would bring healing to the minds of others, the healing must come first in self that it may be raised in another, with that raising of the vision that may heal others. For He is faithful who has promised to be near.

What? I was bored and got a 1234 prompt, so I felt like writing something.
WoooHooo :bike:
Love to All, John :loves

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:48 pm
by hmm
Wow that is one awe inspiring post! Thanks!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:02 am
by jfarris
:D :D I like that Dude.!! :loves

Love and Life,


Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:00 am
by nasra1996
.... beautiful John... your boredome serves you well.... :D

Much Love


Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:33 am
by Sandy
Loved your post John! Please feel free to share your "boredom" on the board anytime you want. :wink: :kiss:

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:46 pm
by blue nova
wooohoooo John !!!

:flower: :sunflower: :bana: :thumright: :cheers:

way to go bro :kiss:


Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:51 pm
by blue nova
hello john,

while deep in my thoughts......i receive something for you....this is familiar quote from my siggie line...but i will restate it because this is happening for you....
"For every man who retraces his steps to find God, there is a great celebration among the angels. They actually appear and receive that returning soul in great joy."

*~*~* Paramahansa Yogananda *~*~*

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:00 am
by lilly
Hi John
What an inspiring post....loved it!!!
Love lilly xox :kiss:

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:47 pm
by Twinstars
Hi All,

Thank you for the kind recognitions, however, I'm not sure I can take full credit for that post. When I was sitting at my desk, and shortly after I received a 1234 prompt, I closed my eyes for a few and when I opened them I almost immediatlely received a 122 prompt. When I saw that I said aloud "Glad to have you here. Let's create some magic together." And went to town on it. I have to admit that when it was finished and read it through I was quite surprised. It was everything I had been thinking but didn't know how exactly to put into perspective. And until prompted I got bored and almost shut down for the night.
It was a truly beautiful experience. The whole time there were several of those tiny *pings* or, balls of light, between my face and my monitor, darting all around, and one beautiful Blue light which seemed to actually be Pulling the thoughts right from my mind. The following morning I came back to my computer and read it again and was again surprised, asking aloud, "Wow, did I really write that?" And heard a voice saying "Yes." And instantly my mind reflected to something I had heard while meditating. A voice saying "Help will come when help is needed." So I posted it exactly as it is.
So there you have it.

Love to All,

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:27 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
Twinstars wrote:Let's create some magic together."
And that you certainly did!! I'm floored. :cheers: Good one!

Well done John! :loves


Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:30 pm
by sammy
I Like it when your bored!!!

Thank you for that post!

Re: 1Force, 1Power, 1Spirit, 1Energy

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:48 pm
by linda1111
That gave me chills! I love reading all these inspiring messages from everyone, I'm smiling!

Love you all,
Linda :kiss:

Re: 1Force, 1Power, 1Spirit, 1Energy

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:20 pm
Twinstars wrote:
What? I was bored and got a 1234 prompt, so I felt like writing something.
WoooHooo :bike:
Love to All, John :loves
That is a great post John, I enjoyed it and your
light visitations in front of your monitor are
great to know about as well!

Love & Blessings,