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Hello From Heaven

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:45 am
by Paul
Hi all,

I just thought I would share this book with you all entitled: "Hello From Heaven," By Bill and Judy Guggenheim. They recount dozens of experiences of loved ones from the other side coming through to assure their loved ones on the earth that they are very much alive. I believe that you will all find this book intriguing. It is inexpensive as well.

I also have an experience to relate. My friend Bob lost his wife about three years ago. Dozens of times she has come through to him in dreams and when he has been wide awake. Just last week his son and grand daughter were over his house. His grand daughter was in the room of his wife. She came out and told Bob she felt creepy in that room. Bob told his grand daughter not to be afraid because her grandmother would never harm her. Just then the lights dimmed very slowly and then brightened again several times. It was Bob's wife showing her loved ones that she was there with them. Shortly after that Bob found a penny placed directly in the heel of his slippers. The penny was face up. That is another way our loved ones let us know that they are around.

I hope that you all enjoy the book. It is an easy read and strengthens our faith in the other side.
