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Two in a row. How do they do it?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:44 pm
by nestsman
So I was driving down the freeway and this car speeds past me. I happened to notice the license plate of 111. It made me smile and I decided to glance at the clock in my car and there was 11:11 Amazing! How do they coordinate it all?

There was also the mailbox I noticed the other night of 1111. Who has addresses like that?


Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:09 am
by Geoff
Dear Nestman,

I used to think they must co-ordinate these things, but I am not so sure now. But one does come across combinations that look so rare, you wonder.


Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:16 am
by nasra1996
I wanna know how they make my shopping come to 11's...

I have been saving my 'pennies from heaven' in a jar for over a year... so last week i decided to cash them in at a counting machine and use for shopping.. (i have a recuring prompt number of 626 always have) there were 6.26 coins.. i used them at the till and got 44 pence change.

Love Sarah

Re: Two in a row. How do they do it?

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:25 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
nestsman wrote:So I was driving down the freeway and this car speeds past me. I happened to notice the license plate of 111. It made me smile and I decided to glance at the clock in my car and there was 11:11 Amazing! How do they coordinate it all?

There was also the mailbox I noticed the other night of 1111. Who has addresses like that?

you got a double whammy :D that's great!

my house number is actually 11


Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:39 am
by Sandy
Hi nestsman,
It's wild when you get those "differing" kinds of prompts at the same time... or like the one Sarah just shared with the 6.26 heavenly pennies which is a personal prompt. How'd they get her to stop and cash them in? I haven't a clue how they pull these things off. :shock: 8) :D

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:44 pm
by brianm
There was also the mailbox I noticed the other night of 1111. Who has addresses like that?
A few years ago, I installed carpeting in a recroom of a home here in N. Vancouver. The address was 1111.
The owner's young Son, who kept me company while I did the job had the same name as me and they had important ties in a smallish town that we had recently moved from. Small world.
A few years later, we bought a house (the only one we could afford in all of N. Van.) and he is one of our neighbours. We then had all the locks changed in our new house by a company that our new neighbour turned out to own the franchise to. Even smaller world! LOL!!

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:18 am
by Sandy
Hi Brian,
Well isn't that amazing! When I read your post I remembered a book a read years ago...The Celestine Prohecy. It was the first time I was encouraged to think of these seeming coincedences or random chance meetings as more than what they appear.... :scratch: Hmmm... I am wondering if maybe there is a reason you keep bumping into these people...perhaps something important down the road for either one or both of you... 8)

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:05 pm
by AJ
Here is a great one. I just got done reading this thread and went into my next thread where I saw that Petra had changed her picture. I decided it was time to change mine so when I got into my photobucket and created the new picture to use when I resized it to fit better on this site the resize became exactly 111 x 177. When I saved a copy of it, the file was named img.3111-1. Pretty cool synchronicity!