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11:11- make a wish

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:55 pm
by JJJ
I was in my office the other day when my co-worker said, "It's 11:11, make a wish!" I was a bit taken aback. Has anyone else heard this? It could have opened a gate-way for conversation but I have serious suspicions that she would think I was bonkers. :)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:37 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hiya JJJ,

Personally, I told ALL of my work colleagues my opinion of 11:11 whenever they mentioned it (4 in total) and though they often gave me the 'back-off' pirate look, before I left, we had an 11:11 party!!

Sod it! Tell them, give them links. Be honest! No matter what, it is always the best thing to do.

Love, Pet XXX

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:52 am
by Bluebelle235
Yes!! I have heard this too.

We were coming home from somewhere and stopped at Maccas drive thru to get icecream sundaes (it was a hot summers night!!). The car dash clock said 11.11 and my daughter said "make a wish, it's 11.11"

Another time we had just got home from school, and she said "make a wish, it's 3.33"

I think it's a 'child' thing, like the 'punch buggy' thing - every time you see an old VW, the kids say "punch buggy" and punch each other (playfully)!!! (OK, so maybe that's just an Aussie thing ???)

Am I making any sense here :oops:

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:04 pm
by Sandy
Yep I have heard that before from other people who have visited the message board. Hmmm ... I don't know if the subject of 11:11 has ever come up with anybody when I have been alone, without George. George, as you can imagine, has no qualms whatsoever discussing the number prompts and then some with the tiniest of encouragement. :)

Oh I was just telling George earlier Bluebell that a caramel sundae would taste soooo good! Just in the mood for something like that tonight...

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:01 pm
by JJJ
Yeah... I think it was like that (child thing)... repeating numbers. We work in a mental health setting and I can tell you that making connections that don't appear to be connections to others (observing coincidences) can fit several diagnostic criteria :D lol. She is Catholic (not to single any religion out)... there's just no way that she would observe this phenomena. Pretty cool lady, though. :) It was just weird. :)



Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:42 pm
by Chrystalchild
Hello All,
It's 11:11, make a wish
there are several facebook pages about that quote...with all kind of stuff...which certainly has nothing to do with what it really means.

Sometimes when i see double numbers and i think that i am with the right people i say "11:11 the angels are near" - some are laughing, some give me a weird look. Mainly i is the fear of the unknown.
You try to give explanation to some people who get prompted several times a day and still they are not interested in it - even it bothers them that they see the numbers.
Nobody can get forced to their luck - everybody has to find its own path!

God bless