I'm new here (and I'm very confused)

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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I'm new here (and I'm very confused)

Post by PaintItBlack »

Let's start by saying that I'm not a sceptic. I'm very open to meditation, healing, etc, even though I've never really done anything like that before. But at the moment I just feel so confused and unsure, and I hope you guys here can tell me just what's happening.

I'm a 15 year old boy (16 tomorrow :D ). I recently discovered through numerology that my life path number is 11, as I was born on the 18th July 1993. But I didn't think much of it until I realised my lucky number has always been 11, even before I'd even heard of numerology. Then I started seeing 11:11 on clocks everywhere, and other times like 12:12, 13:13, 15:15, etc. Also, what I call the "mirror times", such as 12:21 and 05:50. (That's another thing: I've always had a fascination with mirrors and reflections, I've even seen a doppelgänger - I think - and I've formed several theories about mirrors and the universe/s.) But I still didn't really think much of it until I found out on the Internet that I wasn't the only one. But it all seemed so obscure and labyrinthine, with lots of talk about angels and meditation and I just couldn't get my head round it. I must admit I thought it was just one big farce, just some New Age hippy people talking about stuff that wasn't true, linking it to the supposed "apocalypse" in Twenty-Twelve. (Why can't I write that as a number here?)

But then, very recently, things have taken a much stranger turn. 11:11 has been appearing now almost on a regular basis. Last Wednesday (the 8th, I think), my horoscope was saying something about "developing your spirituality" and "finding a new way of seeing the world". I was a little bit :? at this point, and so I thought I'd try some of this newfangled meditation to see if I could get in touch with these angels people were talking about on this website. I hadn't the slightest idea how to do it, but I knew you had to sit very still and relax and breathe slowly. So I did. I whispered out to these angels who wanted to talk to me. What happened next was just....strange. My head kind of fell back involuntarily and my breathing went heavy, my eyes rolled back slightly and I saw in my head a face. It said, "Don't be afraid, you're chosen". Then I saw something else which I can't remember, then I woke back up. I was left so drained and I felt really tired, and when I stood up I was dizzy. That was last week. Since then I've felt different. I tried the same thing again last night and this time the face was clearer, but I can't remember what it said. But I can say that I actually felt as if something was close by me, and I got a huge wave of goosebumps.

What I ask is this: can someone please tell me what this means? Is it just my imagination (and I've always had a very strong mind and I dream a lot) or is it something else? I've never really been that into spirits and things until now, and I'm still slightly unsure whether to believe it or not. I've found I've always thought of a song and it would be played on the radio, or I'd think something and someone would say exactly the same thing seconds later. I've also found I can sense emotions very well and I'm good at picking up on things even when they're not said aloud. And I seem to do this without much effort. I feel weird asking this question but, could this mean I'm psychic? Even partially? Supposedly people with an 11 life path number are like that. I've been getting annoyed with all the cryptic stuff and I just want to know what's happening to me! This seems to be the right place to ask. My thanks to anyone who can tell me! All the people on this board seem so knowledgeable about it and I feel like such a newbie! :)
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello! I was a newbie to all of this, BUT, I've had angelic moments, warnings against potential accidents and even an abduction since I was small. I could feel emotions from others etc and assumed it was natural, that everyone could. Wrong! I was often taken the micky out of, but those 'voices' I heard were real and I knew it...so my child's logic accepted them as my Guardian Angels.
I started seeing the numbers in 2005 and first googled Solara's site but it didn't ring true for me, however, here I felt at once at home.
Not everyone will feel this way, but that's okay; we're almost all of us on the same path?
Nobody can tell you what the truth is, that's something you yourself will discover.
Here's link to what this MB is about, incase you haven't already read it?
11:11 MB FAQ

You aske why you couldn't type in Twenty Twelve, well, that's because the MB was getting inundated with mostly end-of-the-world theories which the Admin rightly decided enough of the scary hysteria! There's many site's out there to do with Twenty Twelve. You'll notice in the FAQ forum Geoff has explained more in detail about it.

Well, I wish you all the best and hopefully you'll get more responses from the guys and gals here, (I've a feeling I've not been all that helpful...sorry if that's the case!)

Love, Petra x

Oh....And a HUGE WELCOME :)
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Re: I'm new here (and I'm very confused)

Post by ClrVoyant1 »

Hello PaintItBlack:)

and welcome to our family and this forum. You have definitely come to the right place, and you will feel very safe and welcomed here. So did I, when i arrived after seing the time prompts, and not being able to dismiss them as chance occurrances.

I have heard (and experienced myself) that the mirror prompts are one of the initial ones we see, when we are starting to notice them. When i read your post, it also became very clear, that a OBE (Out of body) experience I had a while ago, was in connection with the mirror prompts.

The OBE is explained in this forum, but I can tell you in this post; I was met by three women who were preoccupied with watching themselves in the mirror, and they even asked me to have a look at myself in the mirror.

My reflection, I remember was that of a beautiful young woman, but her eyes were closed. Eventuallt, the oldest of the women asked me to "take the trash out"...... back then, I interpreted it as literal, because i had indeed forgotten to take the trash out from the kitchen.

Now, I understand that the "trash", referred to, was a symbolic sence. Getting rid of fear, and other earthly elements that do not belong in our spitiual beings. To be able to, eventually, stand erect as pure souls of God love.

The angels, and the other celestials - are with us and they are guiding us tirelessly through our ordeals here on earth, and they are waiting for us to really understand the connection we have to the grand picture. We are never alone, this you already know of by your experience with the angel who spoke with you - and you, aswell as everyone else are being guided carefully until you finally comprehend Fathers plan :)

Now you are here with us, and in here - many of your questions will be answered. This forum has so much valuable insight to tap from - thanks to George, Geoff and the devoted administrators, moderators and family members here.

The Midwayers who are letting you see the time prompts are intencely dedicated to their work of scooping us up and showing us what life is all about:)

Love & Light,
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Post by PaintItBlack »

Well, thank you both very much for your help, but looking more around this board I can see now that this place isn't really my sort of thing. Maybe it's the way I was brought up, but all this talk about meditation, etc. is not the kind of thing I feel comfortable with. I accept that the 11:11 phenomena is true, but I still feel frustrated at the lack of communication. I've asked these angels on many occasions if they could talk to me but I still haven't had anything beyond "Don't be afraid. You're chosen". The couple of times I've tried meditation have left me feel very shaken and it's not something I feel comfortable doing (which probably comes as a surprise to you). I don't mind seeing 11:11 everywhere and it's nice to know that the angels have "chosen" me. (Since my last post I've seen 16:16 and 17:17 both times I looked at the clock!) I'm a Christian, yes, and I believe in God, angels, demons, heaven and hell, but probably more in the traditional, William Blake sense. I like to think that angels have feathery wings and sit on clouds rather than being all New-Agey. :) But you must understand I amn't trying to insult anyone here, I understand you have your beliefs, but I just think it's possible to talk to the "Midwayers" and the angels without the use of meditation, crystals and incense. John Dee is a good example, he conversed with angels using mirrors, Hermetic philosophy and occult science. (As it happens his birthday is 5 days before mine.) Then again that makes me sound like a scientific, rational person...I'm quite the opposite and I detest science, but I prefer Dr Dee's methods. If I do ever think about the spirit world, I tend to take a more Victorian, superstitious, old-fashioned attitude, thinking on paraffin lamps and the "Brown Lady" photograph.

But maybe I wasn't really "chosen", and it could just be my imagination. I can't see auras, I can't predict the future, I can't read minds or bend spoons, I can't sense the presence of spirits or ghosts. I suppose I'm just an ordinary teenager. I don't feel aglow with psychic energy like Danny in The Shining, I don't (oh gosh, just looked at the clock and it read 18:18 :shock: ) feel like I should've been chosen, or that I'm an indigo child. I feel almost as if I've been invited to the wrong party! As a person I'm very artistic, I have a very creative mind, people have told me I'm very intelligent for my age and I like to think I perceive the world in a different way to most others. But if I have been "chosen", and if these angels do want to speak to me, then why haven't they? What do they want from me? And this is my other big point: are you sure that meditation and et cetera is the only way to talk to these beings? There must be other methods, and yet it all seems very same-old same-old. I'm not convinced that inspirational poems, prayers and crystals are the only way to communicate with Them. And I still find myself attracted to mirrors and the number 11 in a way I can't fathom. Maybe the angels choose an occasional few who aren't very spiritually inclined. But I must have a spiritual part of me, because I had the two experiences with the angels. I came here to find answers, but I realise now that no one will ever know the true meaning of 11:11.

But please don't take any of this in offence, I'd be devastated if you thought I was trying to shun your way of thinking. On the contrary, I find the beliefs here very fascinating indeed, and yet it's something I'd never really want to get involved in myself. And, ClrVoyant1, I do believe what you said about the angels guiding us, and sometimes I do feel that I'm not alone, so I thank you for that advice. :)
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Post by nasra1996 »

I came here to find answers, but I realise now that no one will ever know the true meaning of 11:11.
Welcome PaintItblack.... i don't think you have been here long enough to come to that conclusion..:) ... take some time to read, it's probably best to start with the link below..


Love Sarah
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Post by ClrVoyant1 »

Dear PaintIn Black:)

It`s ok:) I have had countless episodes where my frustration over why the angels and the other celestial beings, would not just "TALK" if they needed something from me, and If there was something I was supposed to do. Then in my teens, my favorite hobby was Tarot cards:)

The thing is, they DO just talk to us. They do it every day, in countless ways. They are so creative, they find ways to communicate with us, we never even thought about. And they do this, because many of us are not yet "tuned in" to receive their plain talk. Many are not enough spiritually developed.

But when you progress spiritually towards them, when you open up your channels within - they become as clear to you inside your thoughts - as any though produced by will. Then, you will lift the veil separating our world and theirs, and you will have numerous encounters - enough to dismiss any seed of doubt within your heart. NO tool, mirror or deck of cards can do this.
You, are recuired in this. You, have to meet them half way. Penetrating into our physical reality requires tremendous amounts of energy from the angel og the higher celestial - and you know what? They are already way ahead of us in spiritual progression. They CAN do it - but that is not their goal. That is not what they work so hard for. They dedicate their entire excistence sometimes, for us mortals. So that we can understand how wonderful the road towards unity with them, is. They did not choose us, we chose them:) and they agreed on following our every individual step - because of the unending love they have for us.

They want you to come to them, because they know, that THAT is the only way - and all along they will guide you, to make your path the best path for you:) How you decide to walk that path, is entirely up to you, and they will support you in every free will desicion you make, for your best outcome.

It`s a wonderful journey:)

Love & Light,
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello again you wrote
But maybe I wasn't really "chosen", and it could just be my imagination. I can't see auras, I can't predict the future, I can't read minds or bend spoons, I can't sense the presence of spirits or ghosts. I suppose I'm just an ordinary teenager. I don't feel aglow with psychic energy like Danny in The Shining
Well, there you go! So why did you come here? Because you can! You can feel that something and you just want a verification? Well, there isn't one! You are like Danny in The Shining, as are everyone, but most are too afraid of that knowledge.

You are certainly not "chosen" AT ALL! WE are all chosen! All of us!

Love, Petra x
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Post by Sandy »

Hello dear PaintItBlack,
No I do not take your words as an insult... not at all. :) You are trying to understand where all this is coming from in a world that is often painted black and white...with very little values in between.

There is a big misconception among people about meditation though... Meditation is not just something that has popped up over the past few decades as a hippie or new age thing.. People have been meditating for thousands of years and in many different ways. Meditation is basically getting quiet before God. I believe there is a verse in the Bible which pertains to this... "Be still and know that I am God." When you commune with someone it isn't about one person doing all the talking is it? So communication with God and in a lesser way, with our angels and celestial friends, is about two way communication. You can be a member of any religious denomination if you like and still meditate.

There are also as many ways to reach the calm and quiet of meditation as there are people who meditate. Discovering for yourself what works best for you is a process that most of us here have gone through and are still going through. Unless you have in born gifts, tuning into the voices of our angels and guides is not as easy as picking up the phone. We humans often surround ourselves with layers of experiences, feelings, and fears which help to insulate us from hurts and troubles of the world, but which can cloud and distort the Celestial voices. Gently and slowly these things are brought to the surface in meditation and in their releasing help us to feel clearer even cleaner within...more intuned with the currents within and around us.

You are welcomed to join us and share your thoughts, your experiences, talk about your life and what is important to you, or simply get to know some really nice people even if you do not feel comfortable meditating. There are hundreds of people who pop on this site and not one of them is walking the exact same path. All paths eventually lead us God though... so the more the merrier! :D But we will also understand if you decide that you feel too uncomfortable here in regards to your beliefs. But please either way, make the world a better place in whatever way you are led. In my opinion, that is the underlying meaning behind the number prompts, using your innate gifts that flow from a loving caring heart to make the lives around you more beautiful. In this way the whole world benefits in the long run.
It is nice to meet you.
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Post by ClrVoyant1 »

A beautiful post Sandy, thank you:) And so true.

Love & Light,
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Post by Daddy - O »

Hi PaintItBlack,

Welcome :D .
...and if these angels do want to speak to me, then why haven't they?
This part of your post stood out the most for me.

They certainly have been speaking to you. I get the feeling that you should try to be more aware of their subtle signs and communications.

God bless,
Daddy - O
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Post by PaintItBlack »

I had a huge eye-opener (of sorts). It was my birthday today. My dad took me out for a meal. My parents divorced a few weeks ago, you see, so I spent time with mum and time with dad. My dad has kind of met someone new, and he was telling me how they met. The story was absolutely shocking, and it's a little complicated and tricky to explain, but when he told me I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by it. It doesn't sound like an eye-opener, but if you could've heard the story you'd be as astonished as I am. As he was telling it I felt an enormous energy washing over me, and then I realised: now the angels have truly got through to me. I can't doubt it. All my confusion is gone now, all my uncertainty which I spoke of before has vanished. I know now that I alone can find this path. I won't let others tell me what and how I should find it. I have to by myself. I'm still stunned now. In a manner of speaking, I've "seen the light". :) And it feels bizarre, surreal, but strangely amazing. Thank you everyone for your advice. It's actually helped a lot. :)
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Post by ClrVoyant1 »

YES YES YES!!:-) :P :D :wink: I am so happy for you, God bless you and you are so right, you WILL find the path on your own:)

And Happy Birthday!!

Love & Light,
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Post by Geoff »

PaintItBlack wrote: I know now that I alone can find this path. I won't let others tell me what and how I should find it. I have to by myself. I'm still stunned now. In a manner of speaking, I've "seen the light". :) And it feels bizarre, surreal, but strangely amazing. Thank you everyone for your advice. It's actually helped a lot. :)

take care,
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Post by nasra1996 »

As he was telling it I felt an enormous energy washing over me, and then I realised: now the angels have truly got through to me. I can't doubt it. All my confusion is gone now, all my uncertainty which I spoke of before has vanished. I know now that I alone can find this path.
:D ..I loved that... Happy Be-lated Birthday....

Love Sarah
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Post by Sandy »

Hi PaintItBlack,
I realised: now the angels have truly got through to me. I can't doubt it. All my confusion is gone now, all my uncertainty which I spoke of before has vanished. I know now that I alone can find this path.
:cheers: It's a wonderful feeling isn't it? :D

Oh and a "slightly late" Happy Birthday from me too!
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Post by Tiggy »

Hi PaintIt Black :hithere

Yes, we are all able to find that Path to the Creator. He loves us more than we can ever comprehend. His mercy is with us always.......and His help.

God bless
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Amazing ! Happy Belated Birthday

Post by shaun »

Hi PaintIt Black:

I am so grateful to have been led to your Post, I am new here also seeking answers -- stumbled on here today-- or guided-- funny thing is
your birthdate of July 18, 1993- is the Same Year of my arrival in the US
Sept 3, 1993- It will be here 16 years. Not that this should mean anything to you but--- what is the probability of me coming from South America to the US and the 11:11 promtps for over a Year, Finding George asking for help got his answer today and finding this site today, joining today, seeing 11:11 on my PC as I read your Post, then ask out loud "Is this a promth" pick up my cell phone and the time changed to 11:11 .. :) :) Some might say this is all coincidence or my imagination. Not sure why I am sharing this with you --- But your last post of "seeing the Light" :) Have turly touched and confirmed for me my path and answers to my questions. And the point is no one can tell us how to find the path. We do it by a closer connecting to God Within. Thank you so much for sharing and being open. For we are all connected. Much love and light :D
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Post by PaintItBlack »


I was astonished by your post. So many coincidences! On the day I was born you arrived in the US? It gets freakier, the sum of that date is 11! :D But I'm chuffed that my posts gave you answers! Maybe I'm not as useless as I once thought! :) And I must say my opinions of this site are changing as every moment passes. They say: There's no earthly way of knowing, just which way the river's flowing.

Lux lucis est verum: Light is truth!

(By the way, what's this I hear about feathers as prompts? As it happens I've encountered several white feathers simply appearing out of nowhere, but I never thought anything of them!)
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Post by Bluebelle235 »

PaintItBlack wrote: Maybe I'm not as useless as I once thought!
Please don't ever think that - not one of us is useless. We are all inter-connected. We are touching each other's lives in ways we may never know, but we are making a difference in each others lives somehow, that's why we are all here on this site.

~Many blessings~
~ We did not come here to fear the future, we came here to shape it ~ Barack Obama
~ Blessings ~
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It Gets Better!

Post by shaun »

Hi PaintItBlack--

I am Gracious for your response- not sure what to make of the feathers
either -- Can I share something even better-- I'll trun 40 on Sept 22
you just turned 16 on July 18-- 4+0+1+6= 11 and if you add 40 +16 =56 watch this 5+6 = 11----- now that's revealing :shock: It took me a while before I pushed the button on sending this response. There is no way I could have imagined being given such confirmation today by your Post and finding this group. All I can say is -- it is no accident and I have been asking for answers and they are coming in the most extraordinary ways. I send you abundant light and love kindered Spirit. God Bless You Eternally!! :)

With Gratitude
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Post by Geoff »

PaintItBlack wrote: (By the way, what's this I hear about feathers as prompts? As it happens I've encountered several white feathers simply appearing out of nowhere, but I never thought anything of them!)
Dear Shaun,

Yes white feathers are a well established form of hello from the spirit world. Predates 11:11 prompts. Folks find them inside the house, or they fall from a ceiling, that sort of thing.

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Shaun,
Welcome to this friendly group. I am happy to see you adding your good two cents to this thread and sharing your beautiful energy on the board.
You wrote:
All I can say is -- it is no accident and I have been asking for answers and they are coming in the most extraordinary ways.
We do it by a closer connecting to God Within.
:cheers: Those answers do come in in the most amazing ways don't they? Sometimes we forget to be open and receptive...we ask, but then close our minds around what we think we already know or think we know instead of allowing the essence of God to seep into our weary human bones. Love is the center of all that we long to be...all that we desire for ourselves and others and all that we will become in eternity. Love is God... When we find all encompassing Divine Love within us, we find our eternal selves.

With that said, I must say my Divine Self and I are having quite the game of "hide and seek" at this time. :lol:
Love and welcome once again...
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Thank you!

Post by shaun »

Dear Sandy:

Thank you, do appreciate your wisdom and welcome! Such love pours through your writing.

love and light
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Much Thanks

Post by shaun »

Dear Geoff:

I so appreciate your explaination of white feathers- how amazing....

Love and light
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