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Reality Or Autosuggestion?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:34 am
by Agondonter606
So I ran across some folk a year or so ago who were all aglow in their excitement discussing what I observed to be a random series of numbers. But clearly, these incidents held some significance for these souls. Their reply was that these were not random events or coincidences. I dismissed it as superstition.

In all their wonder, I thought, to what purpose did these numbers serve? Clocks and license plates are pretty much just clocks and license plates, right? I mean, I imagine a large number of people within a time zone will chance to glance at their watch or clock at 11:11. OK, so it's 11:11... what does one do with this???

Lately, however, I've been pretty spooked at the frequency by which I've glanced at my clocks to find them revealing 11:11. I say spooked because I've been experiencing this intense draw, or pull, rather to look at my clocks, not any other clocks, just mine, at this time - whether it be the cable box, alarm clock or the clock in my car. And no other numbers either - just 11:11. To which I get a strong sense of "something". I can't put my finger on it but I find myself asking: What?

Alongside 11:11 are groupings of threes - threes of a kind, as it were. This, in tandem with 11:11, got my attention as I've been studying the triunities and triodities. Then I recalled hearing about this website and decided to sign up tonight to ask these questions:

Are the celestials or midwayers trying to get my attention or have I developed a habit to glance at my clocks at these times - an experience similar to muscle memory? Is it possible that I am only having this experience because I heard others speak of this previously? And suppose this is some type of invitation, what am I to do with it now?

Biding time,


Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:51 am
by George
Hi Agondonter,

Welcome to the 11:11 MB.

It's one of our 1,111 Friends who explained that their prompt uses our natural pattern recognition ablility.

Of course neither MNO-8 (Dr. Mendoza) nor 'pattern recognition' appear in our UB text

God bless...
George Barnard
MB Administrator.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:27 am
by Agondonter606
Thank you for the welcome and your reply, Administrator. I find it interesting that these prompts would surface given my initial response. I suppose the amount of time that has passed has cleared some dust and debris from my machine, allowing for another attempt.

It's a fascinating fact, as postulated by Dr. Mendoza, that as it is their function to suddenly make us aware of the time, we are designed to respond accordingly. But are mortals actually selected? It would appear that (sub) conscious recognition is a requisite, yes? Or is that recognition prompted by another function of the celestials?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:40 pm
by George

There's another way of describing the process. On the part of the human there's a split-second SUB conscious re4cognition before conscious realization. Psychology has already done all the heckwork on that.

On the part of the Secondary Midwayers, some Primary Midwayers, some Morontia Companions, and plenty of Morontia Cherubim there is a simple 'mind intrusion' that makes us wonder what the time might be, or has our eyes wandering to a clock, car tag, house number.

I'm hoping here, however, that the spiritual aspect of Midwayer contact will be more important to you than the technical aspects of how it all works. 8)

And, yes, there is a selection process. Commitment IMO.

God bless...

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:59 am
by Sandy
Hello and a warm welcome Agondonter606,

I see by your name that you too are enjoying the Urantia Book. It sort of flowed into my life a few years back now and helped propel me forwards looking for answers and my own spiritual path and all its colorful directions. I found myself wanting to use what I was learning from the book in practical ways to make our world better. I guess finding this site for me was inevitable.

The 11:11 number is viewed as a wake up call here. It, by itself, isn't so much the importance as what lies behind it which is real help and communication from our celestial friends as we help our world and human siblings. We could be classified as a "light workers" site, where we help potential light workers open their own spiritual doors where they find the answers and their own direction from there. That is our simple task and what lights my inner flame. I want to see Urantia as the place it should be and will be some day. So I do my small part in the hopes that it will help a little...

It's nice to meet you Agondonter. (always loved that to believe without seeing...)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:03 pm
by Agondonter606
Thank you Sandy for the warm welcome.

I've spent a good amount of time trying to discern the meaning of these prompts. Now in the middle of my second read of the UB, I've come to understand that knowledge of this revelation is merely just that. What to do with this knowledge has been my question.

When I discovered a book recently called The Center Within, co-authored by, interestingly enough, a friend of mine, Fred Harris, it, in tandem with other sources, has taught me plenty about our Sovereign's Correcting Time. But most importantly, it has encouraged me to become available to more.

It took me a minute to "get it". It's been a slow process. The prompts have invited me to reach for a higher understanding of things, meanings and values. And it is now my desire to listen even more, for "The great circuit of love is from the Father, through sons to brothers, and hence to the Supreme." (pg 1289)

In my stillness, it is my intent to maintain a space for our Father's will and love to dominate. I used to imagine, as a young adult that, could I, I'd like to be a crystal clear conduit for God to flow. I dig the fact that these youthful imaginings may very well have proved the springboard of more to come!

In Good Cheer.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:33 pm
by Daddy - O
Welcome Agondonter,
When I discovered a book recently called The Center Within...
I really enjoyed that book too. It's been a while since I read it, but this is a good reminder to take it off the shelf and check it out again :D

welcome to the board.

Daddy - O

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:57 am
by Sandy
Hello Agondonter606,
I loved 'The Center Within'! The author, Fred Harris, unknowingly, helped me tremendously in those early days as I looking for my direction and path. He wrote this inscription in another wonderful book he authored called, 'The Correcting Time: where the Revelation Hits the Road'...
"There are as many paths to the Father as there are people to walk them..."
That has stayed in my heart and is fundamental in realizing that we are all One.
I used to imagine, as a young adult that, could I, I'd like to be a crystal clear conduit for God to flow. I dig the fact that these youthful imaginings may very well have proved the springboard of more to come!
:happy ... My youthful dream was to be able to sit at the feet of Jesus/Michael and take in his blesssed love, wisdom and understanding. :D Dreams do come true...and then some! Ahhh, there is no better place to be then before God in stillness. It is where Truth and reality are found.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:06 am
by George
Wonderful hosts, Fred and his dear wife in Tallahassee in 2000.

So were all the others in that group.

God bless.....

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:16 am
by justylonging1111

Welcome to this loving place! I hope you will enjoy your adventure here as much as I have! :sunny:

God Bless You and Yours! :sunny:

Love Tannis

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:58 am
by jfarris
Wonderful hosts, Fred and his dear wife in Tallahassee in 2000.

So were all the others in that group.
WOW! I wish I had been in on that group. I only live about 80 miles from Tally. But believe me, out here where i live intelligent conversation is not easily found (except via the internet, esp. this MB).

How great it would be (or have been) to meet the group from Tally and you too, George and Sandy!! :roll:

Love to all,


Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:40 am
by George
Jodi writes:
But believe me, out here where i live intelligent conversation is not easily found
Oh, yeah!?!? I flew in from San Francisco, and Fred picked me up from Tallahassee airport. We stopped on the way to his beach house to have something to eat. An African-American lady asked me what I would like to eat, telling me the choices I had. :shock:

I said I'd eat whatever Fred was having. Could not understand a word of what that lady said. :roll: Different kind of conversation problem!

Fred's group was into service in 2000, big time. Not sure if it's still going, but I guess it is, and we can check if you like.

Let us know, OK?


Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:42 pm
by jfarris
Fred's group was into service in 2000, big time. Not sure if it's still going, but I guess it is, and we can check if you like.

Let us know, OK?
DUDE, that would be awesome! :D Uhh, I mean, yes George, I would appreciate it very much! 8)

BTW, I suspect that if you and I were trying to have a verbal conversation, it would be very difficult at first. Because of my (our)extreme 'Southern' draawwlll. One guy described to me as 'you people sing when you talk'.

Whatever you call it, I definitely have a bad case of it! :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:46 pm
by jfarris
Different kind of conversation problem!
Ahhh! I have problems with inteligent, while you were having problems with intelligible, huh?

Anyhow, hate I missed you in 2000! Any plans to visit our area again?

Love to all,


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:32 pm
by Sandy
Hi Jody,
You wrote:
BTW, I suspect that if you and I were trying to have a verbal conversation, it would be very difficult at first. Because of my (our)extreme 'Southern' draawwlll. One guy described to me as 'you people sing when you talk'.

Whatever you call it, I definitely have a bad case of it!
:lol: It may not be as bad as you think...George is married to a "Tennessee girl" and I have been slowly "acclimatizing" him to the nuances of our interesting southern dialect. ( I'm trying to sound intelligent...failing miserably. :roll: :lol:) I sort of think he may have picked up a little of my "twang" and taken it as his own... :wink: So no doubt you two would get along famously. :thumright:

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:09 pm
by Petra Wilson
*Interrupting here..* Sandy, the kid's have picked up a bit on your Southern drawl too. In fact, Mathilda & Manny are doing it right now asthey play Pirates, I kid you not! :lol:

Love, Petra xxx

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:08 pm
by Sandy
8) Pirates with a southern drawl! :lol: Love those kids of yours...
Hug them for me, K?
Love, Sandy

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:30 pm
by Agondonter606
Thanks Daddy-O and Tannis for your welcomes. It is appreciated.

So I've purchased a few more The Center Within books and have given them to three members of my UB study group. I've also shared with them where they can find more info regarding this, in my opinion, very fascinating phenomenon.

I'm reading Correcting Time now and have engaged in deeper study of paper 20 of the UB. One of the many things that truly resonate with me is the fact our troubled little world on the edge of the Grand Universe is wholly subject to, and in the care of, a very experienced and tested Master Son.

In Good Cheer.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:09 am
by jfarris
You know Sandy, I knew you didn't look Australian. What I mean is that if you did then some Aussies, at least, looked very much like people in the Deep South. And now that you said Tenn girl, there is a small part of my subconscious that thanks you. You have in effect liberated this mental real estate from trying to place you as [/i]from somewhere that it knew you were not. And 'knowing' that without knowing it, even in the shadow of, shall we say, a preponderance of circumstantial evidence. :?

Ok, I'm back from that little trip. :shock:

As far as this
I'm trying to sound intelligent...failing miserably. )

goes, I won't even be a part of such a undeserved, negative attack on you by yourself! :( OK, maybe I'm not back, yet. :shock:

In any case, I think of you as very intelligent. Seriously. Even in light of the fact that it is improbable considering your roots. :lol:
Just kidding, couldn't resist it though! :twisted:

Much Love,


Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:55 am
by Petra Wilson
Jody, you're such a love! And I love the new avvie! x

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:12 am
by Sandy
Hi Agondonter,
One of the many things that truly resonate with me is the fact our troubled little world on the edge of the Grand Universe is wholly subject to, and in the care of, a very experienced and tested Master Son.
My heart skips a beat when I think of our Beautiful Michael! Even with all the mishaps in our evolutional history... we are the most blest planet in the universe! Years ago I bought a Center Within book for a friend of mine and every two weeks we would meet together in a back corner of our favorite McDonalds and drink tea, share french fries, and the pop corn (Obviously we weren't into health food :) ) that I often sneaked in while we discussed spiritual things. It was always facsinating where the conversation would go as we both added our imput to what we were reading. It was and still is one of my fondest memories of that time in my life. It filled a need in me as there were so few people who understood and would even listen without fear to the spiritual discoveries I was experiencing!

Hello Jody...yep you caught me in a behavior..something I am trying to knock out of my system...I used to put myself down constantly...reasons are a long story but anyway wanted to say thank you for the knock on the back of the head, bro. :)

You are a" love" as Pet says...

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:28 am
by jfarris
Pet and Sandy,

Thanks so much guys!! Your kind words really mean the world to me. :D

And if I am anything good, or am able to have a positive impact here, it is only becuase you guys and all the other wonderful spirits who post, were here first! Paving the way, so to speak.

What a blessing you all are!

Much Love,
