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Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:10 pm
by Chrystalchild
Good evening All,

I was interested in the Elohim subject and went on the search when i found the info from Wanaya..

I see 11:11 for years and lately i see every hour double numbers! No matter if its my mobile, pc, or inside my car or car plate numbers. This evening i had a car squeezing in front of me with 888 and at the same time my milage shows 7888.

In 2004 i used to wake up in he night around 2am because somebody called my name.

When i opened my eyes, I saw 3-4 faces surrounded by a white-golden light next to my bed.
Of course i was quite scared at that moment and screamed at them to go away. However the faces were kind and there was nothing bad about it...which made it easier the second time...
They visited me every night for about half a year. I thanked them for being here...i asked them what can i do for them..but never got any reply.
At times i was so tired that i just looked at them and turned to the other side and told them to let me go back to sleep.

Summer last year it happened that i woke up in the middle of the night and saw things enlightened flying through my room; things like birds, books and even a magic lamp (-like in Aladins magic lamp-) which was beautiful disturbed me and i noticed something was not right.
And it was not quite right because - luckily i didnt see the souls flying with these objects.
I organized a friend of mine who is communicating with angels, working with all kinds of energies - she cleaned my apartment with the help of AA Michael and protected me. Apparently my apartment was like an amusement park for souls which didnt find the light.
I believe i have it now quite under control with the right daily prayers which protect me.

Back to the Elohim - after my apartment was cleaned up..i woke one night and saw in white, golden very bright light words/letters engraved in my wall. It was quite a lot what was written - 3 Paragraphs with 4-5 sentences each.
All i remember was that i thought that i cannot read this letters...
Only two days after i found out that this were Elohim letters and the faces i saw some years back were Elohim as well.

Both times when the Elohim gave signs were really difficult times for me.

Anybody out there who had similar experiences with Elohim?

God bless!

WOW thats incredible

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:37 pm
by Ace2009
That is amazing what you saw, I see the numbers 111 all the time but I never saw any faces. I just joined this forum and just discovered that others are seeing the numbers like me. I thought that I was losing it for a while but obviously I am not. :)

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:27 am
by Geoff
Dear Ace,


Yup there are millions of us.


Re: Elohim

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:29 am
by Geoff
Chrystalchild wrote:Good evening All,

I was interested in the Elohim subject and went on the search when i found the info from Wanaya..
Dear Vera,

If I am not mistaken Elohim is just another word for a discarnate spirit. I am not aware that it describes any particular type of celestial however, but there are a huge number of orders of angel, and we don't know a great number of these.


Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:52 am
by Sandy
Hello Vera,
I cannot say I have had any experience with the Elohim...But interestingly I just read something similar in a book written just after the turn of the nineteenth century by a man recalling an earlier expedition into the Himalayas with a scientific research group.

Geoff has read these books too, so correct me if I'm wrong Geoff, but didn't the group members see at one point bright glowing letters (words)engraved on a wall and at another time glowing singing faces?
Whatever attibuted to these amazing experiences, Vera, I find it fascinating and would love to hear more of what you see, hear and experience along your spiritual journey.

And a big hello to you Ace! A lot of members feel like they are loosing it when they first come here. :) You are in good company... nutty or not, we're a rather friendly bunch. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:03 am
by Chrystalchild
Dear Ace,

welcome and thanks for your comment :P

I can only suggest that you read through the FAQ at first. There is a lot of information in it and honestly whenever i log in - i find out something new.
Be happy that you see number sequences as the angels are with you :lol:

Dear Geoff,
thanks for your words. i found an Elohim Alphabet in the net the other day and it is also written that they are one of the highest angel group that is known; that they are in the intention to teach the elohim language to the volks whilst asleep!

Dear Sandy,
great that you read into my message about the Elohim, as i was curious about your thoughts on that :wink:

Whatever it is, sometimes it is really scary but beautiful at the same time.

I have to do my daily prayers morning and evening to my guardian angels and i find twice during the day time to silent my thoughts - even for 10 minutes.
You know in Dubai you have in every permises prayer rooms :D

If i dont do that, i am lost and i can feel that souls who didnt find the light are surrounding me. So i have to keep it under daily control - sometimes not easy in the buzzlingl life of Dubai.

I am sure i do every night a journey to somewhere... the other night i was talking to Master Seraphis Bay on which ray i incarnated.

I am Curious - eventhough still scared to see things which i dont like to see ... that is why i see most of the time only the items and not the souls or angels itself.
Which is ok for the beginning :)

With lots of love and happiness!

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:25 pm
by lilaslight
In my understanding Elohim is the Hebrew name for God and used frequently throughout the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:37 am
by nasra1996
.. same too, i thought Elohim was another name for God...

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:58 pm
by Judy
Hi Everyone,

I do not know much on this topic, but I think that I do know that Elohim is a plural name for God. I think that it denotes certain high created beings in the hierarchy of our Universe. As to a singular particular order of being, I do not know. In ancient times any being that was manifest in a so called supernatural way was usually considered to be God, we still do this today in many ways.
I too have considered this subject and vacillated as to who these might be. Mostly I have considered that these beings might be affiliated with the Most High rulers of our constellation, our constellation Fathers, maybe the most high assistants, which would be comprised of Divine Counselors, Perfectors of Wisdom, Universal Censors, Inspired Trinity Spirits, Trinitized Sons, and more. These thoughts are just my own musings. The Urantia book tells us that these beings sojourn with us for the purpose of helping our native personalities in the effort to bring our Universe into fuller harmony with the ideas of Orvonton and the ideals of Paradise. The Most Highs rule in the kingdom of men. Anyway, those are my thoughts.....they may be of help.....or not...

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:38 pm
by Chrystalchild
Hy Judy and All,

thanks for your thoughts which were quite interesting for me :)

If Elohim is the plural name for god, it might really describe the beings closest to god which are assisting us humans in the way forward.

I wish i could learn more about that and maybe someday i will have another chance for that!

Much of love and blessings for you all!

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:06 am
by Judy
Hi Vera,

You said:
"it might really describe the beings closest to god which are assisting us humans in the way forward."

Yes, my thoughts are along those lines. Beings of Holy Creation sent here to help us on our ascending path towards Paradise.
This is an interesting subject. One which is very facinating to me.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:01 pm
by Judy
Hi again Vera,

This topic has made me think back on things when I was researching the UB concerning Elohim some years ago
. I forgot to add in my first post that, originally I thought that Elohim, being a plural word, signified the Godhead, Father, Son, and Spirit (and the UB does back this up) and I still believe that but I also think that the various manifestations of the beings stated in the first post I made are perhaps involved. Maybe my imagination is working overtime cuz I like the word-Elohim! I looked up some UB online text links for you if you are interested.

On this one, click the "Search the Urantia Book" link to the left and it will take you to a page that you can type in the word you want and it will take you to all of the references of the word which will be in bold print.

Here is another link to an online text of the Urantia book and you can type in Elohim and find the references to the word. The word one is looking for is not highlighted on this one so it takes you to the page but you have to skim for the word.

Another link:

Anyway, just wanted to add this thinking that it might help in your search.
I might also add that there are a lot of imaginative things out there, online and otherwise re:Elohim and some of it will be just plain confusing and pure imagination claiming to be absolute truth. Imagination and speculation are both fine and neccessary, so long as they are labeled as such. Ha, ha, I just hope I am not adding to the confusion! :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:31 pm
by Chrystalchild
Dear Judy,

thank you so much for your further information and all the links :love

i will definitely use them soon, i feel i have still to read so many things..will you believe i didnt know until this forum..that there is an Urantia Book! And i still have to purchase the AC CD!!!
But...i listened yesterday for the first time to a meditation CD from Doreen sister sent it to me...asleep after the first 7 minutes and woke up again when the meditation was over...i think next time i have to sit on a hard chair so that i will make some progress :lol: but maybe not so much body relaxation..

Have you ever seen a link about the elohim alphabet? i think they are quite beautiful letters.

i will read in all this soon and surely share with you my thoughts then.
Much love & light

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 6:33 am
by ofek
Elohim is gods name by the way

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:32 am
by JAB
That's so cool that you were able to see those people.


Elohim...the Aramaic plural of Eloha

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:21 am
by EsotericNYC
Elohim is the Aramaic plural of Eloha, a.k.a. Alaha (also spelled Allaha). "Alaha Elohim" is Aramaic for God of Gods, Alaha and His Holy Archangels, the Creators in Alaha's One-ness.

For completeness, and in case you get any follow-up "visits":
Aba (Aramaic): Father
Adonai (Aramaic): Lord
Adonai Alaha (Aramaic): Lord God
Adonai Elohim (Aramaic): Lord of the Archangels, Lord of the Archangelic Hosts, Lord of Hosts
Adonai Melekh (Aramaic): Lord King
Adonai Melekh Shamayyim (Aramaic): Lord King of the Heavens
Ain Soph Aur (Aramaic): boundless, inextinguishable, self-sufficient, creative Light
AL (Aramaic): Absolute Infinite Be-ness, God the Father, the Source of everything existing, The First Cause. That aspect of God which lies absolutely beyond the reach of human and Archangelic comprehension. The ultimate Source, the fathomless and inarticulate depths of the Divine that are beyond expression.
Alaha Bra (Aramaic): God the Son
Alaha El Shaddai (Aramaic): Logos, oft referred to as "The Word"
Alaha Hashmal (Aramaic): God of the Light
Alaha Melekh (Aramaic): God the King
Alaha Ruha d'Kudsha (Aramaic): God the Holy Spirit
Alaha Shamayyim (Aramaic): God of the Heavens
Alaha Shekhinah (Aramaic): God the Holy Spirit
Alaha: God, singular of Elohim (also spelled Allaha or Eloha)
Allah: The Supreme Being of most Bedouins at the time of Christ
Allahu Patishah: The One True God of the Bedouins in Palestine at the time of Christ; Allah

Kind Regards,

P.S. Pre-dating Adonai, is "Aton-ai": The One Spirit God, God of Everlasting Life, Love and Mercy, of the Essenes in Eqypt.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:06 am
by Geoff
Dear J,

Welcome to our site.


Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:40 am
by Sandy
Hello J,
Thank you for taking the time to share that interesting bit of information and a warm welcome to our friendly board.