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What to believe?

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:21 am
by Hyb22
First off I don't wish to upset any of you. I am naturally critically minded and have never trusted much I read and dispise group mentalities which usually lead to people not thinking and just believing what someone else says because of similar views/belief.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Tom, I'm 21 years old and live in the UK. I started seeing 11:11 signs during my teens and they use to be very frequent, often night after night without fail I would wake to see 11:11 looking at me. First I thought it was a subconscious habit then after about a year I started realising there was more to it. I discovered sites like this a few years ago and read about them so I have a good knowledge of what everyone thinks this is all about.

I have never meditated. I have tried, but I seem to be one of these people incapable of doing it. I have too much "nervous energy" as such to sit still for too long and my thoughts tend to overpower me and I can never get into a mediative state. So there I am disadvantaged and trying to see if any of this stuff is true.

I have been reading these forums for the last few days and decided to post. I'm not really sure what my point is so this is sort of an introductive post / a skeptical post.

I haven't seen 11:11 for a long time now. I have asked them to come back but they haven't. Could it mean I am where I should be or that maybe I've sent them away. I'm not entirely sure what 11:11 means I should be doing. I've read the theories about it and I did for years, but it never made me feel happy, it just made me feel more anxious and unsure.

Anyway I hope to get a response, sorry for the post structure I know it is a little incoherent, I'm pretty tired.


[EDIT] I will go into some more detail when I am in a better frame of mind, I do have a lot more to stay about my experience. To put it bluntly I am feeling very hopeless and lost at the moment.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:54 am
by GLo
First off, welcome to the board, Tom. I understand your skepticism; it is completely natural to be skeptical. In fact, if you read through the posts on the board, especially some of George's writings (who has communicated with the celestials for more than 40 years), even he was skeptical initially, and that was so despite the fact that he could SEE them, too.

For me personally, I have been getting prompts on a regular basis since last October, just before I found out I was pregnant for the 2nd time, which pregnancy was not meant to be as I suffered a miscarriage soon after. Since that difficult time, I have noticed that I receive the prompts more intensely at times when I am feeling particularly depressed, frustrated, sad, down etc. [e.g. today I had 1:11 as soon as I walked in the door with my husband and daughter after a grocery shopping trip; 3:33 when I went into the kitchen to start dinner; and then 4:44 immediately after the timer for that same dinner went off! all by chance, obviously - and I was definitely feeling very down today ;)]. I feel it occurs so that the angels/midwayers/celestial beings remind me that I am not alone; that they are near, that they care, that there is more to life than what we experience in this time-focused, and thus necessarily limited, earthly existence.

You are not alone. Whether you are successful at meditation or not, remember this - and be at peace.

~~wishing you blessings & sunshine & love ~~

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:11 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello and welcome Tom, I haven't anything more insightful to add after GLo's post.
I'm sorry to hear you are feeling hopeless and lost, never a good thing with or without number prompts.

I truly hope you'll find your answers, Tom. You know, I find music helpful when I can't meditate. It took me years to be able to, I mean YEARS! I'm 41 and still have blocks from time to time.

Love, Petra (and I'm looking forward to hearing more from you!)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:59 pm
by Karlossal
Hey Tom,

Im 22 and from the UK also.

I started seeing 11:11 when I was 20 and still a student. After my initial wake-up call, I stumbled across this site, shrugged it off and then I saw it EVERYWHERE. It really unnerved me for a while, and like most people on here, thought I was going mad!

You'll come to terms with it in time, just keep reading this board. GLo is right and meditation doesn't need to be a struggle. It can be as simple as listening to really relaxing music, (I tend to listen through headphones and I find it relaxes me even more), shutting yourself away from direct sunlight and just breathing really deeply, even just for 15 minutes.
Just like a workout at your gym, you need to go regularly in order to build your muscles and keep them strong - its the same with meditation, the more you practice, the more you get out of it.
I found it really hard to still my mind at first but then you just get into it.

I enjoy such a warm communicative relationship with my 11:11 guides, I ask them for help & guidance and they always show. But sometimes when im in a place of deep anger, fear and frustration, it takes me a little meditation in order to get me back in that frame of mind.

Keep posting your progress on here - there's so many people here who can help you along your way :)

- Karl.


Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:46 pm
by michael welz
get the Giddon Bible,( I recived mine while incarserated) turn to page 1111 ,from the page # go down to11 (Romans 13:11) READ!!! I dident realize for several days later that the date was November 11,o8 !!! being jailed at the time(ten months) this is all documented. Ive been aware of 1111 for over fifteen years however Ive just now found a web site, UNBELIVEABLE!!!!!!! MIKE