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Tried meditation, experienced nothing :(

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:26 am
by Tanvir
Hey guys, I've spent 30 minutes today meditating and I've heard or experienced nothing. zip nada zilch. I don't get it, maybe I haven't really been prompted/able to communicate? :(

This may be irrelevant but when I tried to meditate the one thing that I heard/noticed more (its usually present in day-to-day activities a bit) is a light buzz/ring etc. I thought it might be: ... c-overview

Tinnitus ear problem but maybe not? ugh

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:32 am
by nasra1996
Hi Tanvir, some people are better at it than others, some slip into it quick some take a long time, what kind of meditation did you try, was it stillness...? Just keep on going, someday you will be successful.... :D

You will also notice that inbetween sleeping and waking or vice versa, you can get contact...

Love Sarah

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:35 am
by Tanvir
Hmm, well, normal meditation. Breathe in and out and concentrate on letting thoughts burn away into my pictured candle (weird yes but useful) as I concentrate on it and the weird buzzing/ringing.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:43 am
by ||ed||
Dont rush it or look for it too much, clearing the mind takes time :)

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:30 am
by SheraX
It will come. Just keep at it and don't give up!


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:55 am
by Tanvir
Thanks for the support :). anyone know what the buzzing/ringing is?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:06 am
by Geoff
Tanvir wrote:Thanks for the support :). anyone know what the buzzing/ringing is?
Yup its them. They want to come in.


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:13 am
by Tanvir
it doesn't cease! its constant! I've meditated twice today and that is what I focus on. yet the buzz doesnt change into words or whatever.

Geoff, is there anyway you can talk to your angels about me? hah

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:18 am
by Geoff
Tanvir wrote:it doesn't cease! its constant! I've meditated twice today and that is what I focus on. yet the buzz doesnt change into words or whatever.

Geoff, is there anyway you can talk to your angels about me? hah
Dear Tanvir,

Its much quicker for you to do it. Everything you think is monitored, and those celestials who cannot monitor your thoughts, will be advised if necessary, by those who can. I have specifically stated my thoughts are available to any celestial who has my best interests at heart, to make things easier. George says that midwayers don't access thoughts, so he advises talking out loud. I do it sometimes. Not in company though!


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:21 am
by Tanvir
Hm, I've taken 11:11 prompts to mean that they agree with the thought I'm having at the time due to an article I read by a personal development blogger named steve's interpretations. So you're saying they haven't been prompting in regards to my thoughts? Or I wonder if they were being advised and adjusted accordingly...

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:50 am
by Geoff
Tanvir wrote:Hm, I've taken 11:11 prompts to mean that they agree with the thought I'm having at the time due to an article I read by a personal development blogger named steve's interpretations. So you're saying they haven't been prompting in regards to my thoughts? Or I wonder if they were being advised and adjusted accordingly...
As far as I am aware, they have to be very careful as to you living your life, and what input they can offer. So while I would not totally disregard that idea, I do tend to doubt it. Its similar to folks coming here saying they have a new boy/girl friend, and now they get these numbers, does it mean that this is the one, or not the one? And I am sure it means neither of those. Just that they are saying hi.


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:57 am
by Tanvir
Earlier this year I began to sense that the time to write about 11:11 was drawing near, so I asked for confirmation. While pondering how to write such an article, I looked up at the clock and saw 11:11. Later that day someone emailed me to ask about the 11:11 in the corner of my website (an event that usually happens less than once a month). Then I noticed someone in the forums had started a discussion thread about 11:11. Still on the same day, I got an out-of-the-blue email from someone with 11:11 magazine, a publication I didn’t even know existed. They were interested in having me write an article for them. Nice touch.


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:15 am
by Geoff
Yeah none of that sequence seems anything except pointing him towards doing what he did. Now in this case, that's still not writing the article, just allowing some mindal reminders possibly indicating that they might be keen for this to happen. What I heard you saying however, was a bit like confirmation that the article was correct, (or alternatively not correct)

Apparently there are literally thousands of things they cant do, or say, so its obviously even harder for us to interpret those same boundaries. All we do know, is our freewill is inviolate at their level, and we must be allowed to do as we please. But showing us something good, is a different matter, as we still have to decide whether we will do it.


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:11 pm
by nasra1996
Well my prompts definately follow what i am thinking.... perhaps your angels tell the midwayers your thoughts..

Love Sarah

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:40 pm
by lilly
Hi Tanvir,
Welcome aboard. If you persevere with no pressure you will eventually get results. People have given you great advice and shared their experiences, you just need to carry on meditating.
lilly xx :D

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:41 pm
by Sandy
Hi Tanivir,
Many of us understand the difficulties experienced in early meditations regardless what method is used. I too had some frustrating moments...still do from time to time...
Today I was rereading an old journal and found something my angel told me when I was a bit frustrated with a series of poor meditation attempts. It went something like this...
"Much information is being communicated to those who open the spiritual doors the tiniest little crack. So be not dismayed by your own "perceived" communication failures. They are not failures. Everytime you reach outward and upward with your heartfelt desires, you are met with great joy and elation in the celestial realms."

Our Angels and older celestial kin see every attempt to move closer to cosmic conciousness as a wonderful opportunity for growth. I love the idea of bringing joy to my hard working companions whether I notice anything inspiring or not.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:46 pm
by Tanvir
2nd day, 3rd meditation attempt. No luck. Just heard that buzz/ring thing thats always going on. It didnt go away or get higher or anything.

Edit: ( site gone )

- Basically says to have a giving/loving attitude in meditation. Love God and serve him in all actions, emotions, thoughts. Spiritual phenomena will happen after that.

My response is ugh, kind of wanted to experience first.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:35 am
by Petra Wilson
Hey Tan, maybe you're trying too hard? I did that for a while, till someone suggested I stop trying so hard. Eventually I got a more of a balance. Yep! It was quite hard for me. I heard my Guide in dire emergencies, yet when I started to want contact, same as you...all I got was a high frequency buzzing.

Don't beat yourself up at any 'failure's' either! (Not really failures, as it's all part of learning.) Best of luck Bro'!

Petra xxx

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:05 pm
by blue nova
Basically says to have a giving/loving attitude in meditation. Love God and serve him in all actions, emotions, thoughts. Spiritual phenomena will happen after that.

My response is ugh, kind of wanted to experience first.
i totally understand wanting to have spiritual phenomena experiences....but, if that is the only thing sought during will hinder progress.

when i began meditating i had the intention of changing my life for the better....i had results.


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:01 pm
by Tiggy
Hi Tanvir,
My first meditation experience was rather different to others, I was trying to prove a point to someone else and myself that it wouldn't work and at most it would probably only help with the anxiety problems I suffered at the time. So I went into it expecting absolutely very first attempt I received an inner voice telling me to research the history of a specific religious person (won't say), I was amazed and did so. The next I was instructed to study about an ancient civilization. This took me a while.......heavy going. The next two times was amazing, I received poetry from an inner voice. I write down the words exactly as they come to me and quickly resume listening for more.....I don't change a word and I don't try to push the experience along.....I just let the voice come in it's own it from me?...l don't know but I don't think so. I have had more experiences since and very profound dreams, complicated music pieces and high pitched beeps in my ear.....oh don't forget the number prompts. All this from a person who only a short while ago was a complete skeptic.
Hang in there Tanvir......don't expect too much, relax and open you heart to the Creator, ask for His Guidance, put your trust in Him and see what happens. Your on the right track.

God bless, LOVE TO ALL
Tiggy :loves

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:52 pm
by Tanvir
I wonder what kind of changes is possible? Wonder if greater intelligence could be one form of growth.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:09 pm
by blue nova
Wonder if greater intelligence could be one form of growth.
i think of it as ...expanding ones Consciousness.... :D

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:59 am
by Tanvir
Hm, expanding consciousness until reaching through enlightenment?

And if so, is expanding consciousness the most valuable growth possible?

This is tied into a question I looked up earlier. What is the most valuable resource on this planet. To which I believe the answer to be people followed by intelligence. Now I wonder if consciousness supercedes this or is related to these two in any way. Philosophy 101 anyone? :)

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:16 am
by lilly
Hi Tavir,
I believe imagination is the most valuable tool we have, also the capacity to love unconditionally..christ consciousness.. Keeping things simple..
Love lilly xox :colors:

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:06 am
by earthangel.1111
I agree with the other posts here. I also attempted to force the meditation to happen the way I thought it should play out. Funny thing tho, when I just let go and went with the flow of the light, the meditation unfolded as it actually should have, filled with a love that is wordless, warmth that is soothing, and awareness that I forgot I had. Be patient with \yourself and let it happen.

And how could consciousness not be a part of it all...

Sandy, I love what your angel told you about perceived failures of communication. Do you mind if I share that with others?
