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Can you really speak to your angels through meditation?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:50 am
by Tanvir
This is proving to be very interesting. I'm starting to believe in the whole 1111 prompting thing and spiritual growth. However, I still remain a skeptic. I mean, come on, really, talking with voices we assume are angels in our heads? I'd really like to believe it, but can I have some real people on these boards confirm these experiences? How is it? What kind of voice or thought do you experience? How do you know it isn't your imagination/your mind playing tricks?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:03 am
by George
We don't try to convince ANYBODY her.

We just teach people how to do it.



Re: Can you really speak to your angels through meditation?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:07 am
by Geoff
Tanvir wrote:This is proving to be very interesting. I'm starting to believe in the whole 1111 prompting thing and spiritual growth. However, I still remain a skeptic. I mean, come on, really, talking with voices we assume are angels in our heads? I'd really like to believe it, but can I have some real people on these boards confirm these experiences? How is it? What kind of voice or thought do you experience? How do you know it isn't your imagination/your mind playing tricks?
Dear Tanvir,

As George points out, the only one who can convince you is you. And if you don't want to be, you never will be. But yes many of us hear voices, and some of us publish those messages. There are over 1000 on the sites associated with this board.


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:09 am
by SheraX
You have to experience it to understand it,I can tell you what I have experienced,but that is all I have.

All you can do it try and work on it to experience it for yourself.


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:39 am
by Tanvir
Yes, please describe your personal experiences. Do you hear say a booming voice in your head? Something very distinct and different than your normal thought process?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:37 am
by Geoff
Tanvir wrote:Yes, please describe your personal experiences. Do you hear say a booming voice in your head? Something very distinct and different than your normal thought process?
My personal experience is almost limited to my Indwelling Spirit. This is incredibly hard to hear, as it is the faintest of "thoughts". But often it comes before I ask a question, if I am going to ask a yes no question. Just right as I start to compose my question.

I have however "heard" a sentence, twice, that was very distinctly not my string of thoughts. And that is what made it obvious.


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:00 am
by George
Do you hear say a booming voice in your head?
Gosh! That may explain my partial deafness. :) :shock:

No. They are gentle voices, positive messages, pictures, sometimes total concepts, or automatic writing.


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:50 am
by SheraX
No,no booming voice,thankfully,would have me jumping outta my skin! :wink:

There are experiences all over this site and links of many people. Enjoy reading.

Have a good day,I am off to work soon. :roll: heheh

Take care.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:08 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello Tanvir, well here's my first experience of hearing my Guide for you. It wasn't during meditation though, but it's the same Guide when I do meditate:

When I was 11 years old, a paedophile planned to abduct me, but before I got near him a voice BOOMED (as you put it) in my head to run, and run toward a small wood. I didn't hesitate and ran like the wind. I had help too, as if invisible hands were pushing me along. When i turned, the man was runing after me. I was going to hide, but the voice said, clear as the bird's chirping: "Run to the clearing; there you will be safe!" so i did and came out to a cul-de-sac with roughly 5 houses and a man washing his car. Safe!

My Angel/Guide has warned me on several occasions in my car too. But I have a feeling I'm wasting my time 'convincing' you.

Love, Petra xx

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:39 pm
by Tiggy
Hi Petra,

What a scary ordeal that must of been...........I understand that fear!! I feel for you. I received help too to get out of a similar situation. I was 13 and was very scared . I managed to talk the person out of it but was left very emotionally damaged by the experience....not anymore..... it's made me a much stronger person. I was definitely protected that day, and given the courage and guidance to escape like you Pet.....

Hello Tanvir.
I was a sceptic too up until a few weeks ago.......what I have experienced is very new to me and has already strengthened me as a person. I still don't understand it all but have decided to go with the flow and see what happens....I truly believe it can only get better.

Take care
Tiggy :D

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:45 pm
by George
The title of this thread:
"Can you really speak to your angels through meditation?"

is kind wrong.

They speak to us.


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:11 pm
by nasra1996
Hi Tanvir, no they are real voices, sometimes yes it could be your own thoughts but over time you will be able to tell the difference. I receive the inner thoughts probably from the indwelling spirit but i also recieve real voices that speak into my ear, my ear will vibrate, i can feel the words spoken, they are very real. Even my ear will go hot and red. They have helped me out on many occasions too, they even help me out when i am lost in traffic....who needs satelite LOL... :lol:

Love Sarah

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:42 pm
by Tanvir
Thanks for all the replies :).

Petra thanks for sharing your story. I found it interesting and I'm not sure why you felt you were wasting your time trying to convince me. I admit I still remain a skeptic, but nevertheless it was helpful.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:10 pm
by MichelleP
Hello Tanvir,

I, like some, have not had a whole lot of success with meditation. It mostly to me feels like my subconscious is making it up at this point so I can see why you might be skeptical but some stuff happens that has convinced me. For example once in a while when I am deep in thought or totally focused on doing something I will hear my name, clear as a bell, coming from outside of me. It seems so clear and clearly outside of me that I usually respond back only to realize I am still alone. This tells me there is more going on then what meets the eye so just keep your eyes and ears open because there is a lot more going on than most catch. And once you start catching them you will begin to understand. But no worries until then, your life will still keep on spinning just the same. It is a pleasure to meet you.


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:01 pm
by John1221
I am new here, but after reading these posts I realize that I have had similar experiences, yet I did not comprehend what they were until now. There have been many times where I was in deep though/meditation and actual voices that were not my own came through into my ears in short spurts. When it happens, I can only make out a word or two or three at a's like the voices are pushing through a spring-loaded doorway. The voices increase in strength then rapidly shut, as if they lost strength to keep the door open. I think it is probably me though. I need to develop this ability more now that I know what it is...very interesting. Thank you everyone.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:18 am
by George
Hi John1221
The voices increase in strength then rapidly shut, as if they lost strength to keep the door open.
You are actually "drifting out of meditation" to analyze what has been said, and as you rise out of Alpha, the message weakens. :idea:

It's a bit of a pain. I still do it on occasions, and after decades of receiving messages. :cry:

God bless.....

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:21 am
by John1221
George wrote:Hi John1221
The voices increase in strength then rapidly shut, as if they lost strength to keep the door open.
You are actually "drifting out of meditation" to analyze what has been said, and as you rise out of Alpha, the message weakens. :idea:

It's a bit of a pain. I still do it on occasions, and after decades of receiving messages. :cry:

God bless.....
Thank you George. This is very interesting stuff and definitely something I am going to practice more of now. Take care.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:42 am
by George
Hi John1221,

The difficulty lies in keeping a "forebrain awareness" (Beta) whilst your brain/mind ticks over at about 10 Hertz (Alpha).

I solve the problem by "yapping" into a tape recorder, unaware of what I'm saying. And when the message is transcribed, holey dooley, it makes great sense ! :)

That's how it goes for me.

It's rare for me to write or type, but yes, it does happen. Most (short) messages come during the day whilst I'm busy doing something else. It's like being plugged into a "celestial radio station."

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:48 am
by Petra Wilson
Sorry Tanvir, it's just a simple case of "once bitten, twice shy"! We get a lot of very negative skeptics from time to time!

Hello John, nice to hear from you.

Love, Petra XXX

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:00 pm
by nasra1996
It's like being plugged into a "celestial radio station."
That's how i always describe it when i get words, on the rare occasion, like tapping into radio waves, sometimes the words will even be in fast motion like a tape recording going wrong.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:06 am
by Veronique
George wrote:Question:
Do you hear say a booming voice in your head?
Gosh! That may explain my partial deafness. :) :shock:

No. They are gentle voices, positive messages, pictures, sometimes total concepts, or automatic writing.

'Partial deafness"... hahaha, that's funny George :lol: Speaking of booming voices though... this did happen to me (years ago) and I figure I'd take this opportunity to ask for your opinion.

Years ago I had this evening job as a word processor person and I was working sometimes well into the late, late night. This was a law firm and all the attorneys were gone by 10pm and it was arranged for me to have keys to the building, the elevator, everything, to be able to get in and get out to do my work. (The attorneys loved it because they could work late into the night and have their drafts typed out when they came in first thing in the morning.) Anyway!

There I was, by myself, locked in the building, on the 8th floor, elevator doors locked, with the all the keys in my pocket, alone, at 2 o'clock in the morning.

I was sitting down, typing away when suddenly, this booming male voice in my right ear says, 'Put your hands behind your back'. Talk about jumping out of my skin! :lol:

After the initial shock I said, 'No!' out loud, (more to calm myself down and regain my composure than anything else). I knew I was by myself, but I didn't really want to turn around either, just in case something else 'weird' were to happen. I was just stiff! Needless to say, I packed up and went home. It was well past my bedtime anyway.

So I went down the elevator, out of the building, locked up everything, and got into my car. As I was driving downtown, I noticed the place was absolutely deserted, except for one car, and 2 men. One police car that is, and a policeman putting handcuffs on some guy.

So I told myself that's what I heard; however, remember, I was on the 8th floor of a well insulated building, blocks away where this was happening, and the voice was right there in my right ear.

Any idea?

By the way, this is the same job where I used to transcribe (very boring) legal documents and literally 'tune out' while typing and usually my typing speed would get faster and faster (and surprisingly with very little typos) and while my eyes followed the cursor on the screen going back and forth, I'd feel this odd thing where my body is separating, one of me is still sitting on the chair and typing, the other of me is floating up in the air and the only connection between the two was through my fingers on the keyboard, and I'd start feeling nauseated being 'separated' like that, so I'd have to get up, go to the bathroom, still in a stall, and I'd fall instantly asleep. I'd 'wake up' 5-6 minutes later, and go back to work.

I think I just went totally off topic. Sorry.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:26 pm
by George
Dear VĂ©ronique
So I told myself that's what I heard; however, remember, I was on the 8th floor of a well insulated building, blocks away where this was happening, and the voice was right there in my right ear.
Likely you were "out of body," possibly through fatigue.

I used to run a printing machine on a large routine run, and on one occasion, late at night, watched (and listened to) a goings on 2 miles away -- a shoot-out between two biker gangs.

I learned about my dad's political views by being asleep upstairs in bed AND sitting on the livingroom floor listening to him and his party's co-workers.

I remember rolling down the stairs and not hurting AND sliding in under the door into his office. The TA takes along the mind, the soul stays in the body in bed, so I see it.

"Soul travel" may be a big-time misnomer.


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:30 pm
by Veronique
Dear George,

Thank you for your reply.

I understand. It's interesting...and for me it's bits like this that 'prove' there is more to us than what we think there is, or beyond what we were taught, because these happenings are certainly not something that I consciously made happen (in my case anyway); like the other time when I found myself floating up by the ceiling looking down at myself early one morning.

I was just sleeping but I know this was not a dream; the comment you made not too long ago here on the MB about dying (even for a short while) and looking down at your body and not really feeling any emotional attachment to that body reminded me of the same way I saw my body laying there and referring to it as 'she', as if that was a thing completely separate from me and had nothing to do with me. I was not at a particular good place in my life, very extremely stressed, and was not liking the idea of having to go back 'in there', because I didn't like 'her' very much, or her circumstances in life I should say.

Then I was looking towards the open bedroom door and just wanted to test my new 'invisible wings' and see if I could actually go anywhere in this new floating status, but then fear came in and I started wondering if "I" was dead and I started panicking, because all in all, I decided I wasn't ready to die as I was only 18 yrs old and had not really experienced life yet. (all this was going on in my mind in a matter of only a few seconds I guess)

The thing I kept going over in my mind later though is how strange that the 'me' up there floating by the ceiling felt more like the real 'me' than any concern for the body laying there; yet I knew that body was something I shouldn't let go of, just yet ('cause it could be useful). I'm sure you can relate.

That was wayyy before I even heard or new of any 'paranormal' experiences, or even imagined it possible to be up there by the ceiling looking down at my body while 'she' was asleep on the bed. I guess for me fear blocked a lot of things; unlike you, fearless George :lol:


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:13 am
by blue nova
Can you really speak to your angels through meditation?

you can speak to whomever you want to speak to...if you put your mind to it. it also depends on your beliefs...takes some faith too.


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:29 pm
by George
Dear Veronique,

As a youngster, I traveled almost every night. One night I shot upwards from the town's church to about one kilometer in the air, and suddenly it was daylight, with a train going by, cars on the road, ant-like people walking around.

Only recently was I told that it was meant this way: I would have a "wider" view of life and leave religion (the church) far behind.
