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Entangled Minds by Dean Radin

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:04 am
by Geoff
How wonderful it is to find a scientifically written book that proves, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that psychic phenomena exist. Beyond a doubt? How about exceeding chance by 1.3x10 to the power of 104 to 1? And that's the sum of 1,019 completely separate independently run experiments completed over many years by different scientists.

This book is fascinating, because it's about quantum mechanics. It seems all too many of our scientific community are not keeping up, or have their heads in the sand. I have written a precis of this book, as a basis for handling those irritating folks who claim to be rational types, and claim there is no evidence for any psi phenomena. A caveat is however in order. The magnitude of the effects measured are all but useless if we were trying to communicate. The error rate is simply far too high. But these are typical folks, randomly selected, not psychically gifted folks who have spent years honing their skill. You could not find enough such gifted folks to constitute a decent sample, I suspect.