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The Virgin Mary

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:55 am
by bethsha211
Is there anything written about Mary in the UB ? I went to the AC and she was there waiting for me to give me a message. I am not Catholic and I have never actually had any personal relationship with her, until now. Any information will be well received. I just wasn't expecting to see her there.

Thanks and Love,Gloria

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:29 am
by lilly
Hi Gloria,
Mary is a wonderful prescense to have in your AC. She is very helpful in opening up the heart chakra especially at the we can receive as well as we give...Very beautiful experience. I have no idea if she is mentioned in the Urantia book.
Love lilly xox :D

Re: The Virgin Mary

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:52 am
by Geoff
bethsha211 wrote:Is there anything written about Mary in the UB ? I went to the AC and she was there waiting for me to give me a message. I am not Catholic and I have never actually had any personal relationship with her, until now. Any information will be well received. I just wasn't expecting to see her there.

Thanks and Love,Gloria
Dear Gloria,

Not sure the Ubook has much on her, but Padgett got one:

then much later, through Samuels

then though Amada Reza

There are quite a lot received by Amada Reza, so you can search with "Mary Mother Amada Reza" on the front page of


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:42 pm
by bethsha211
Thank you so much Lily for letting me know abou Mary and the heart chakra . And Geoff,wow, I will be checking on the references that you listed.


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:05 pm
by SheraX
Your experiences always amaze me.

You inspire me as well. *hugs*

Heather xo

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:55 pm
by bethsha211
Thank You Heather ! It is nothing that I do,it just happens. I am always amazed at what I see and experience in the AC. Also one of the reasons I like going there so much . :D

Love and Peace to you,Gloria

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:51 pm
by SheraX
You're welcome!


Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:40 pm
by angellove
HI Gloria!

I think it's wonderful that you had a visit by Lady Mary! My understanding of Lady Mary is that she is not exclusive to the Catholic religion. She helps all those who come to her--religious or not.

She can and will help you to open your heart to receiving and giving love and help with forgiveness and compassion. She can help you to nurture your inner child and help the children of the world.

Also, she is here as a representative of the divine feminine for all us. If you ask her she will help you to reconnect with this energy as well as balance the male and female energies.

This is my thoughts and opinion of who she is and what she represents to me. I hope this information is helpful and you have received some guidance with this.


angellove :D

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:41 pm
by bethsha211
Angellove,That is great info that you sent. I am glad that I saw her.I must say that all but her face was covered,but I knew instantly that it was her. Without her speaking,she told me so. Her smile was the sweetest I have ever seen. I was in awe. The only thing that she said to me was that I needed to be very descriptive about what I wanted in life,precise.

Thanks so much !


Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:59 am
by MichelleP
It sounds like goal making time to me. :D


Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:35 pm
by bethsha211
Michelle, I have been working on the "Law of Attraction",ie creating my reality, so this was an answer to be more specific. And it is true that I have not been very one-pointed in my thoughts on this. I believe that I will take the time to do just that this weekend. If Mary sees the issue,then I need to listen !


Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:39 pm
by memawlaura
:D Gloria,

You're so blessed with your gifts in the AC, perhaps you could pull me in for a healing and repair my visuals. I feel but rarely see, it sounds so wonderful to experience the visuals. I actually broke out the ACCD when I got home to begin work again visualizing.

I see your in Austin, TX why dont you pm me your information because I was there and it would have been great to share a cup of jo or tea!!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:58 pm
by gjambor
Hi, Mary the mother of Jesus is there in the UB, all through the fourth section about the life of Jesus. There have also been some messages from her posted. I was raised Catholic and never bought the virgin description of her. Especially with all the brothers and sisters Jesus had.
Just like many other Jews in the time when Jesus was in the flesh ,she had a hard time grasping what he was all about.
God bless you,