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Is doing Akashic Construct considered meditation?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:09 pm
by Barbie*stars
I am wondering if doing the A.C. (part 3) is considered meditation? I know that this may seem to be the same, however, the imagery, method and purpose are different from 'stilling' the mind.

I find that part 2 fits better with the idea of stilling the mind. The counting is similar to focusing on breathing.

Is it suggested to do a separate meditation also?

Thank you~
(still on that learning curve)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:58 pm
by George
Barbie writes:
I am wondering if doing the A.C. (part 3) is considered meditation? I know that this may seem to be the same, however, the imagery, method and purpose are different from 'stilling' the mind.

I find that part 2 fits better with the idea of stilling the mind. The counting is similar to focusing on breathing.
Part 3 is the best for healing someone and personal messages face to face. I haven't used the CD for ages now. I just do part two by heart and switch on the recorder.

It's rare for us to be waiting more than 3 minutes, but Beatrice (ABC-3) of Dante Alighieri's days usually has a class she's teaching. She can turn up at the spur of the monent. Same as Isaac, he's hard to catch.

It's difficult for most of them, because we are meditating when it suits us -- not at a particular hour.


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:04 pm
by Barbie*stars
I find that I still 'click out' when doing ac, part 3. I haven't had anyone / celestial or wishing healing come into ac until a couple days ago. It was very curious though.

When the elevator was just on my floor, and I was on the verge of clicking out, I had the vaguest impression of someone there and said who is there, and the response or thought was 'a gray'. (like aliens are sometimes referred to)

Then I was out, and woke up at the end. I realized I had clicked out, remembered the impression and the term gray and wondered what happened. I asked, who was that? And the word/name al, or Al came to me.

Very curious, and not sure what to think about one who is an alien? Is this 'ok'?


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:08 pm
by Barbie*stars
oh ~


Just realized that al or Al, the 'name' I got, are the first two letters of alien when I read after I posted.

Now, I surely don't know what to think of that ~


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:10 pm
by nobadges
In my experience many Extraterrestrials are in the 5th dimension. So it is entirely possibly that is what you encountered...although it wouldn't be a Grey, unless he was deceased, as Greys reside in our dimension.
Try to make contact again!

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:02 am
by Barbie*stars
That is what is hard to remember. This happened in a flash before I clicked out. I saw someone that had gray skin, no clothing. It may or may not have been me that used the term gray. I am not remembering.

I didn't see a face, just a super fast impression than I was out. I have no idea what took place while I was out.

When I came to, I was totally aware of that flash though.

And then, that is when I said 'who was that' and the response was al / Al

I was told by someone who meditates a lot, does insync stuff, that if you click out, it means you aren't ready to consciously deal with something.

am just puzzled, will see what happens. this was one of the few ACs that I did in the middle of the day.