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Greatest books of all time (for me)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:25 pm
My list

Shrimad Bhagavatam
Vasisthas yoga
The essene gospel of peace
The aquarian gospel of Jesus the christ
The Urantia book
The magic of mind
Carlos castaneda's (many)
Tha ramayana
I am that (Nisargadatta)
The Bhagavad-gita
All the vedas
Muktananda's Biography
The upanishads

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:58 pm
by blue nova
that is a 'well rounded' list U-RANO :D
The Bhagavad-gita
i have "The Bhagavad-Gita:God talks to Arjuna"......Paramahansa Yoganandas translation of the Bhagavad Gita :D


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:32 pm
by nasra1996
I heard a lot of people say that a book called the biography of a yogi is the best book ever, don't know if i got the title right...

Is it the best or one of, and what is it about, suppose the net will tell me.

anyone suggest a life changing, inspiring book for me, i really need it... :? read the Ubook, wow...! but i want a break from it for a while... any ideas...? :)

Love Sarah

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:56 pm
by blue nova
Hi Sarah :D

"Autobiography of a Yogi"... :D :D tis a good one. i would recommend any of Paramahansas books....real surprising eh? :wink:

....maybe type him in the search at and take a peek at his selection to see if anything 'stands' out... :D many of his books have the 'search through the book' option.

right now i am reading "Journey to Self-Realization:Discovering the gifts of the Soul".....and am enjoying it very much.


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:48 pm
by blue nova
Vasisthas yoga
could you describe this book ? or this yoga ?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:23 pm
by Geoff
nasra1996 wrote:I heard a lot of people say that a book called the biography of a yogi is the best book ever, don't know if i got the title right...
Dear Sarah,

Its an amazing book, and for me what was most amazing, was to find that what Padgett channeled in 1914, they have been practising for generations, and you can see what effect Divine Love has on people , if they devote enough time to the practise. Its mind boggling.


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:26 pm
by Geoff
Dear U-rano,

I suspect you would like the books by Murdo Macdonald-Bayne of his travels through Tibet. One of them is on this thread

I suspect the other is here too, but there is a link to where you can download them, and there is a POD for both as well.

I was lucky enough to get the Self Realisation's Foundation manual for Kriya Yoga practioners, and have enjoyed that too.


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:59 am
by nasra1996
Thankyou Geoff, Blue.... :kiss:

I shall buy soon....

Love Sarah

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:39 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
My favourites at the moment are:

The Spirits Book by Allen Kardec
30 Years Among The Dead by Dr Karl Wickland
and Conversations With God.

I have extracted so much from these books.


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:06 am
by Geoff
~*Star_Struck*~ wrote:My favourites at the moment are:

The Spirits Book by Allen Kardec
30 Years Among The Dead by Dr Karl Wickland
and Conversations With God.

I have extracted so much from these books.

Dear Star,

Good books but not without errors, in my opinion. 30 Years maybe less so, cause its all factual.


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:10 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
Geoff wrote:. 30 Years maybe less so, cause its all factual.
I could read that book to rags :D


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:41 am
blue nova wrote:
Vasisthas yoga
could you describe this book ? or this yoga ?
It's one of those books that few come across, as is not for everyone.
Nothing I can say will give you an idea.

The maharamayana or Yoga Vasistha, is an extention of the Ramayana, but purely about self-knowledge. Within it you'll find stories upon stories of magic events and powers, but all of it so focused on what we are as concious beings, the power dormant within, but mostly the peace and bliss that is awakened after understanding what the stories are pointing to, which is mainly the self.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:55 pm
by blue nova
sounds intriguing :D i am a Kriya Yoga student......


Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:13 pm
blue nova wrote:sounds intriguing :D i am a Kriya Yoga student......

What is the process of kriya Yoga?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:20 pm
by blue nova
Kriya Yoga...A sacred spiritual science, originating millenniums ago in India. it includes certain techniques of meditation, which with devoted practice...will lead to God Realization :D

'handed down' from Parmahansa Yogananda and his lineage of Gurus :D

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:16 am
blue nova wrote:Kriya Yoga...A sacred spiritual science, originating millenniums ago in India. it includes certain techniques of meditation, which with devoted practice...will lead to God Realization :D

'handed down' from Parmahansa Yogananda and his lineage of Gurus :D
Are there any demands, exercises or rules to follow?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:15 pm
by blue nova
Are there any demands, exercises or rules to follow?
there are no demands...there are breathing exercises....only one thing they ask and that is we do not disclose the actual meditation techniques, that is for SRF and Guru. _/\_ :happy

i am not sure of other yoga techniques....i know that some require much physical work....posture posing and such....kriya is not physically demanding such as others can be.

( site gone )


Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:28 am
Autobiography of a yogi was actually one of the first books I ever read about anything related to hinduism. I think it was Sidharta that preceded it.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:46 am
by Geoff
blue nova wrote:
Are there any demands, exercises or rules to follow?
there are no demands...there are breathing exercises....only one thing they ask and that is we do not disclose the actual meditation techniques, that is for SRF and Guru. _/\_ :happy

i am not sure of other yoga techniques....i know that some require much physical work....posture posing and such....kriya is not physically demanding such as others can be.

( site gone )

Dear Anne,

I actually doubt there are any techniques that are important. But what is VITAL, is seeking God from your soul, absolutely in a union of love. This is repeated through out the SRF handbook, yet I wonder if everyone gets it. Some must I guess, but I do hear folks have been following it for years, and are yet to experience bliss.


Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:46 pm
by blue nova
Goooood morning Geoff and family,

if we dive in the ocean looking for pearls and we come up empty handed....then one should observe the technique in which we dive. :wink:

if i may....the techniques are important....that is what makes Kriya different than the other Yogas...and the Yogas different than Kriya.

my Guru's Gurus and their Gurus.....have painstakenly through manymanymany years handed down this technique....Guru came all the way from India to America to teach Kriya to the westerners.... :D :D

there must be something to Kriya..... :wink:

i have had much success with Kriya...for the ones who have seemingly not had advice is to keep keepin' on day, with sincere devotion and persistance...they will find their Pearl.... :happy :happy
But what is VITAL, is seeking God from your soul, absolutely in a union of love.
yes it is dear bro :D :D as vital as the ocean is to waves.... :cheers:


Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:08 pm
by blue nova
Gooooood morning Sarah :D

one thing that has helped to look at God as our All Loving Parent.

Mother and Father want our love.....Parent is constantly seeking His/Her children....

God is obtainable.....very much so.... :D :D not to just saints, gurus......but to all His children.

as soon as we seperated from our All Loving Parent...He started calling us back to Him...."Hey Love, do not forget about me".......still Mother/Father calls His children...the 'call' is still out there...for all of us.


Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:38 pm
by nasra1996
Hiya Blue, i deleted my post after i posted it, sorry.... :oops: I was saying that i have always had trouble trying to connect with God, had trouble feeling His presence, etc... and wanted some advice,

Thankyou Anne.... :D :loves :love

Love Sarah

My favs

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:11 pm
by Motherhealer
'The Convoluted Universe' BOOK III by Dolores Cannon and 'The DNA Sands of time' by J. Justice, and another great one '2012 The Awakening' By Kira Raa and Sri Ram Kaa.

These books have enlightened me beyond the 11:11 messages and catapulted me beyond my wildest imagination.

There are NO LIMITS. There is Infiniti, and my mind is wide open now to all possibilities.

Dolores's book is Hypnotherapy she's done on thousands over 30yrs, and some lives go into the future, some go to the beginning (but that limits too) so basically b4 the time of Christ.

The DNA book explains our awakening, our ascention, our preperations for this soul to expand our DNA to raise our vibrations higher, and so does the book 2012. So much explains why the phenomina is happening, why we feel an acceleration of time and space, why we are being guided so easily, why we are becomming vegitarians, or close to it, why we are detoxing our bodies, why the veil is thinning, why we are feeling pains, aches, illness, and other ppl's trauma too that's happening now, this minute, this day, at this time, and so much more.

Our answers are in these books. I'll lay odds that these books follow along closely or similar enough to the Urantia books, the others here that are being referenced also. Tams