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Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:33 pm
by Fatalrandomness
11:11 IMO is just some numbers God said that he doesnt want us to be numbers which we are...According to our IDs thats ARE numbers..He symbolized this with the "Satans 666" that means numbers and the mark of the beast of NWO of some stuff.I dont wanna say George is crazy he may is really interacting with Angels but what if numbers are just numbers?Well we can also say that God and Angels try to use OUR ways and the 4th dimension which is time and time is a precious matter to the human race(beacuse time is the reason we die)but thats another story...Any oppinions are welcome..After all its just a thread!


Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:40 pm
by nasra1996
You posted that thread at 3:33 pm.... :) Have you taken any time to read the faq's here, perhaps that will help you to understand what this board is all about... The numbers don't hold any meaning to us either fatalrandomness, they are just prompts from the midwayers, they will use anything to catch your attention, clocks, reciepts, etc are the easiest way for them to get our attention, the midwayers will influence you to look at a clock at a certain time....

Love Sarah

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:04 pm
by Fatalrandomness
Yea but im +2 GMT that means that it was 5:33 local time so it doesnt rly matter :p

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:23 pm
by JJJ
lol ;)

Well, "crazy" is pretty subjective, isn't it? I mean... Einstein was one nutty dude!

Have you ever read, "Clan of the Cave Bear"? Numbers really didn't hold any meaning until we ascribed meaning to them. The same is true of letters, words, and all other symbols and spoken language. Of course... where the symbols came from... chicken or egg thing... is all subjective. "Ideas" and creation is a fascinating thing to ponder. ;)

To me, different numbers hold different significance. I feel like I could shrug it off as coincidence (it would be a pretty huge one) but I choose not to. For instance, I have been going through bills today (a rare day off at home... YAY!) and thought I would take a break and look on-line for a bit. Nothing was interesting me so I thought I'd take a peek at the 11:11 board... just at that moment, I glanced 11:11 on my computer clock :D Could be coincidence. My philosophy is that there is no such thing as random. I mean, look at creation, our complex biological structures (including our own anatomy). From micro to macro... I just do not see random. No matter 'how' creation came to be... it just does not seem like it could have been an accident. (sorry... I go off in different directions at times) :D

Does George see and talk to angels? Why not? And more to the point (for myself)... why would it matter if he did or didn't. I have read works by entities known as "Seth" (Jane Roberts) and "Bashar" (Daryl Anka...sp?) I used to wonder if the information was really coming from who it was reported to be coming from but the TRUTH is that it doesn't matter if it is or not. That's where (this is my hugely subjective opinion) Christians have gone wrong. They're so concerned about the source of the messages and trying to judge what is or isn't of that source that they lose touch with the message itself. The message was the WHOLE reason for his existence. :D

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:28 pm
by Fatalrandomness
Well pretty much ignore what i said up there about God not wanting us to be fact almost the half things they say about God is false and the make them to get control over the world (politicians and such).

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:10 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello Fatal,
.in fact almost the half things they say about God is false
Yes...."they" do, don't they!

Infact, the one's who say they do "speak with God", probably don't!
Personally, I think if we even came within a hair's breadth of God, we'd die, or at best, go a good way, mind! That's why we have Angels, Midwayer's, and our very own T.A's for communicating.

Love, Petra xxx

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:12 pm
by nasra1996
Fatalrandomness wrote:Yea but im +2 GMT that means that it was 5:33 local time so it doesnt rly matter :p

:roll: You are very negative.... yeah but i got a prompt out of it.... ha ha..

Love Sarah

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:02 am
Hello Sarah,
Funny :lol:
About a half hour ago I also got 3:33 pm prompt :D
I'll be at home in around an hour.
Time to meditate to the AC/CD for me.
Infinite Love,

Dear Fatal,
Hello and Welcome to you here. :hithere
Do you frequently see 11:11 ? ? ?
I also suggest that you read up on the FAQ'S section here as nasra1996 suggested, here's a quick link to it:
Good luck to you and have fun on your new found spiritual journey.
Love To You,

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:16 am
Oh shoot.
I almost forgot that at lunchtime I was in Long's Drug store.
Looked for some newer HotWheels 'cause I like to.
Picked up a Rockstar Energy drink, 24ounce for $2.99.
Rung up at the register with tax and CRV, it totaled $3.33
That's right, I've got two 333's today and a 12:12 for good measure.
Too Cool 8)

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:47 am
by lilly
Hi Greg and Sarah,
I've been getting the 333 and 1212 lately too. Happy New Year!!!!
Love lilly xox :kiss:

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:05 am
by Fatalrandomness
See every1 gets prompt out of me!*FLEX*

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:12 pm
by AJ

I am trying to get back into putting the full effort on stillness again. Do you have a lot of succes? I have always been one that has one of those active minds and have only had limited sucess. Do you find the CD works best? I have tried both methods and wanted to get a feel from you which method you prefer? CD or just plain stillness exercises.

Any one else please feel free to add your experiences too.


Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:15 pm
by Fatalrandomness
Do u mean meditating?Im not meditating at all :p.My meditetion is Hip Hop

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:51 pm
by blue nova
My meditetion is Hip Hop
i prefer classical.... :mrgreen:

Hi AJ,

for me...i do all of them. when i am not meditating i try and keep focused within as much as possible. i fill in the time between meditations with stillness....and of course visualization to classical ! :D


i mix cd meditations with 'alone time' meditations...whichever my intuition steers me.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:54 pm
by ChildofGod
1111 saved my life and I wouldn't be here posting if it wasn't for seeing 1111.

Thank you and God bless you for your thread.

I was an ordinary person NOW I'm extraordinary. *takes a bow*

Love and light


Child Of God

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:56 pm
Dear AJ (Andy),
I'll be perfectly honest here.
I was lazy in 2008 and did not have a regular meditation regime at all.
I was only good for sporadic meditation and I could make excuses, but they would only be that. I was able to grasp and hold on to 'Present Centered Awareness' and 'Living in the Now'. This was most beneficial to me. So:
I have had my best experiences with the guided meditation of the Akashic Construct CD. I also really like George's voice because it is very soothing and relaxing as well. I can and have fallen to sleep just listening.
#1 Exercise of the AC/CD - The Rosebush - I've had good visualizations with this exercise. The best visualizations I've ever had.
#2 Exercise - 5000 Countdown - I really like this and get a good smile when I lose the count. Very effective.
#3 Exercise - Float thru Colors - Still having problems with this and I need a lot of practise.
#4 Exercise - The Construct - Haven't reached this level yet.

Stillness is the next best thing to the AC/CD for me and I also have had some good experiences just in 'Stillness'.

Lastly, a lady for 'Christ Center for Conscienceness' named Donna D'Ingillo has a CD for meditating called 'Come Into The Stillness'.
This is a good CD that I recommend.

So to sum up, the AC/CD is my #1.

Hi Lilly, :hithere
I'm happy to hear that you're getting the 3:33's and 12:12's.
You put a big smile on my face posting that fact.

Dear Fatal,
Not to burst your bubble but I am not getting the 'prompts' from you.
Fatalrandomness wrote:See every1 gets prompt out of me!*FLEX*
Nice attempt but you aren't a Midwayer, are you ? LOL
Oh, again, do you see 11:11 a lot ? ? I'm curious.

Love To All You's,

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:36 am
by Fatalrandomness
Nah i see some 34 but thats all i dont see 11:11..I might had seen some but i wont remember since i dont give much attention.