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First time poster...thirteen 11:11 prompts this past month

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:02 am
by MikeM
I want to say hello to everyone on this board, and a huge thank you for such a great resource dealing with what I haev been currently experiencing

Ill give a little background if anyone cares to read. It is super exciting for me and I want to share it with everyone...even though this is probably business as usual for many on this board

I dont know for how long I would see the 11:11 prompt on a clock, but it happened now and then. even the 2:22s and 1:23s occured every now and then...could have been happening to me for years...I dont really know as I never payed any attention to it up until the past couple months. Maybe it is because I am goign through a rough time right about now and that's making more perceptive to spiritual intervention?? I dont know .... but It started happening so much that I actually started to notice it was happening. At first I thought it was all coincidental, having to do with my internal clock or something, but I did a search online and found that there is far more to it than the internals of my own body.

A series of events took place that made me realize i should start writing down everytime this happened to me and what I was doing when it happened. It took place early this past december and went as follows: I was in the car listening to a pretty long song, when for some reason, I looked at the track time which was 11min 11 seconds. A few minutes later, I pulled into my dad's house and used the phone. When I dialed the number (which had a 1 in it), I had to hit the 1 button 4 times before it worked...and this NEVER happened with any buttons on the phone before. I went outside and for the first time ever, I noticed the window arrangement on the house across the street was 2 long windows, a space and 2 more long windows (11 11).

Since that day (December 5th 2008) I have seen a 2:22am prompt, a 7:11am - Immediately after thanking God for waking me up when I failed to set my alarm one morning :) and an 11:11 prompt on the 7th of Dec., 10th, TWICE on the 13th, the 22nd, 25th, 26th, 30th, 31st, and tonite...Jan 5th.

What do I do? I know something special is happening, and I know there are guides on this site of steps to take (the FAQ), but I'm just so happy to be sharing this with other people who experience the same thing. Is this for real???

I look forward to being in touch with you all. Thank you!!!


Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:11 am
by Geoff
Dear Mike,

Good to see you here. The guides are certainly working on you.


Hi from another recent member

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:15 am
by paradise
Hello Mike,

I only joined yesterday so I am having a look around the site at the moment and am also very happy to be able to communicate with others going through the same thing.

I havent been writing down when i am prompted like you have because ther have been so many 11:11s. I dont take any notice of other numbers because I think if I did I would be thinking all numbers were prompts.But I just cant ignore the 11:11s. My sceptical mind is always questioning things, but many of the prompts have really made me laugh.

I have so many stories and am learning all the time.
goodluck and hope to hear about your progress

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:31 am
by Sandy
Hello Mike,
I enjoyed your post and your enthusiasm. Yep, something's definitely going on and it just keeps getting better.
What do I do? I know something special is happening, and I know there are guides on this site of steps to take (the FAQ), but I'm just so happy to be sharing this with other people who experience the same thing. Is this for real???
This is definitely for real. The next step is to learn to quiet your mind and to develop two way contact with the Midwayers, the beings behind the number prompts. But there is no, experience, talk to others on the site and when you feel confident and have banished any worries or apprehension then the next step would be to begin some type of daily meditation, something that calms, and relaxes you on every level, helping you to quiet your mind. It is in this stillness that so much spiritual growth takes place.

It's nice to meet you, Welcome Mike!
Love, Sandy

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:38 am
by Sandy
Hi Paradise,
I don't think I have said hello to you. Welcome to the message board.
I have so many stories and am learning all the time.
Isn't it wonderful! The learning never stops!
I would love to hear your stories and experiences. Please share when you feel inclined.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:31 pm
by MikeM
Geoff, thank you for the warm welcome! Sandy, I will take your advice and act on it...I really want to grow and learn about this, so there is no use putting off learning how to really meditate. Hopefully in time i'll be able to get to the level of understanding that I really desire to have.

paradise wrote:I dont take any notice of other numbers because I think if I did I would be thinking all numbers were prompts.But I just cant ignore the 11:11s. My sceptical mind is always questioning things, but many of the prompts have really made me laugh.
I hear you. I am a major skeptic as well (moreso with politics and world gov't issues) but I sometimes find myself looking at any sequence of numbers as some kind of a sign. But i agree the point where I am at with all of this now, its those 11:11 ones that really make me take a step back and smile. Id like to hear some of your stories if you ever felt like sharing them... and thanks for the hello as well =)

I will definitely stay informed and keep updating my progress.


Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:29 pm
by kshitij
hey mike.. welcome.. almost same happend to me.. i dont know since when i have been seeing the prompts.. but yes their frequency rises dramatically when ur under stress.. probably they want to tell us that they are dere....

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:26 pm
by nobadges
Welcome to the board MikeM.
It's an awesome feeling isn't it when you know there's an intelligence behind the numbers you see. The Midwayers are as real as you and I. You've been chosen to communicate with just let it happen.

Love and Light

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:04 pm
by paradise
thankyou also to Geoff and Sandy for welcoming me to the site.

At the moment Im reading the celestial messages, much is ringing true for me.

mike and sandy I will most definately share the story of my chaotic adventures while trying to communicate with the angels, because I went a bit off track with it all.Its a long story however, but Ill post it soon.

Thanks to all,

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:30 pm
by lilly
Hi Mike and Paradise,
Welcome to the 11.11 message board. Look forward to hearing about your experiences.
Love lilly xox :D

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:10 am
by justylonging1111
Greeting Mike and Paradise!

I am sooo happy you joined us and take your time, baby steps is the key!

I send you my Love and may God Bless you both on Your journey, Our Journey together towards a more peaceful and loving existance, The Correcting Time is Here! :sunny: :cheers:

Love Tannis

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:04 am
by nobadges
Welcome to the board ... you are in the right place.
Read the FAQ's will answer a lot of your initial questions.

Love and Light