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angel caught on hospital video....

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:19 pm
by blue nova
Gooood morning :D

was watching the local news this seems that an angel has been caught on a hospitals security camera in was caught going into a room of a little girl who was suffering from pneumonia. the drs said that there was little hope for hour after the visit from the angel, the little girls health improved miraculously. :D :D

the form...was white could make out the head and the two tops of the angels' "wings"...a pretty incredible site !!!


Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:46 pm
by bethsha211
I saw that, Anne. You beat me to it, but I am glad you put this on. I was just in awe and God bless that little girl.


Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:43 pm
by Dragonfly
Thank u for the Share. Just Amazingly Touching. :)

Blessed Be, Dragonfly

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:31 pm
Dear All,
Digging a little deeper I found this news video of the Holiday Miracle Here:
:D This is Awesome ! ! ! !
Love You's,

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:10 pm
by Geoff
GREGORIOUS wrote:Dear All,
Digging a little deeper I found this news video of the Holiday Miracle Here:
:D This is Awesome ! ! ! !
Love You's,
It truly is awesome.


Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:20 pm
by blue nova
thank you greg :D

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:49 pm
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:D Smiles All Around :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:20 am
by Psi~Jen
thanks for sharing
I think i will pass this one on ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:27 pm
by Katie
Very cool :D

Is there a link with movement, instead of a still picture??

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:28 pm
by SheraX
Very awesome! :D


Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:06 am
by wings
Wow!! That gave me goosebumps!! The angel is so beautiful!
Thanks for sharing the link.


Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:55 pm
by Stephen23
The mother said it......."so bright, so beautiful".

I love it. x

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:25 pm
by sleepyhead11
I shed a tear. That was wonderful. Thank you :sunny:

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:23 am
by POD
I can't see how this visit done the girl any good. Sure she surviived but where is her quality of life? She deserves peace from her afflicitions so next time mom should just say stay away to so called angels.

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:35 am
by Stephen23
Who died and made you King????

We all have our own lives to live for whatever reasons for us to grow spiritually. This always involve pain. You need to look at "suffering" from a bigger perspective. Look at the bigger picture.
We choose our lives and what we need to experience before we are born. Some situations people find themselves in are so sad and upsetting, but we have to remember, they chose that experience and it will ultimately benefit them. It's a blessing and nobodys Mother, Father or even Angel can change that.


Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:41 am
by George
Hi Stephen23

He's gone already. :sword:


Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:39 pm
by gypsie
Very negative indeed not used to that may the light shine on POD

love Gypsie :loves

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:54 pm
by Twinstars
Uh huh, that bit of negativity definitely caused my brow to furrow. I prayed that person gets help soon.


Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:03 pm
by brianm
Pod's post in "loud banging noises" was a nasty one too :shock:
Definitely needs some help....... the sort of help that a venue like this can't supply, sadly. As George pointed out in the other post, he needs face-to-face type help.
I have to say that this type of post comes as a slap in the face compared to this board's overall feel :shock: :lol:

Thanks, George :thumleft: :thumright:

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:34 pm
by George

There have been countless prompts here from Cherubim. The Midwayers are in Indonesia. Almost all of them.

It's thought the dead may number 4000 or more. Midwayers help them live . . . or die, depending. Same with 9:11. :cry:

When the big south east Asia tsunami was on some years ago, there were Midwayers here from northern Europe, and we had a lot of them here with French names. Our guys were all in Thailand and around there.

Brusque or Brusquement was the one (chief) who spoke with us here, but every receiver in the 11:11 Progress Group sent in a message from a Midwayer with a French name. Took me by surprise. :shock:

God bless......

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:10 pm
by Light1
Greetings all...

I have been wondering about how the Midwayers were helping over in Indonesia...thanks George it is comforting to know they are there helping...

In love and light


Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:17 am
by George

Hi dear Light

Apparently it is not customary for the "4-winged" transporter seraph to come down to earth. It does happen though. They generally hover at about 30 feet and angels lift the soul on top of the seraph and bed it down. Then the wings -- friction shields -- snap shut.

I guess trauma cases' souls are hard to get out of their dead bodies and they need convincing (likely by the Midwayers) but I don't actually know this.

I know Midwayers can terminate those who cannot live -- gently, painlessly. They did so @ 9:11 and during the south-east Asia tsunami. They told us at those times because we sensed . . . something . . . "urgency?"

A Live Payload

It was not the first time Barnard had been lifted high into the sky. It would not be the last time either, but something was different about this experience. He was resting in mid-air, perhaps thirty feet above his body, and on a soft, full-length, transparent cushion, it seemed. That was not his way. He tended to zoom around at great speed, skimming over rivers and lakes, twisting and turning, and darting straight up to enormous heights, weightless, and never at rest.

This was different. He was not quite weightless, but he was motionless.
Only hours before, the industrialist had retired early, disgruntled, emotionally devastated. He had requested the Great Master of the universe to take charge of his life, or alternatively make him wake up quite dead by morning, and at no specific time. The hour of his demise was left to the Creator. Life no longer mattered to him. In his dark forest of despair, not a single light was glowing. The professional problem solver had been hit too fast, too hard, and far too often, by the seemingly insolvable.

He had truly given up.

The many who attended him knew him better. They knew that, generally, he tended to have fun. They knew he played all kinds of tricks on unsuspecting people. They could not let him depart without liberally giving him back in kind. Although he didn’t know it yet, he already was a student of the Eleven-Eleven, and they would never let up confounding him from that day onwards.

The Spirit Guardians took control of his mind, entirely. They made him get out of bed to switch off a light that wasn’t burning. They made him flick the switch up and down, but stopped him from realizing they had cut the power to that electrical circuit.

The Spirit Guardians’ rookie student normally never bothered about light. He could sleep anywhere, at any time, and within seconds. Even on a beach in full sunshine, he could be dead to the world in no time at all.
Having realized he could not repair the supposedly broken switch, since he brought no tools to the venue where he was staying, there seemed no other option but to take the light bulb from its socket. They made him climb up on a little table to get rid of the annoying light bulb, which inexplicably bothered him. He raised both arms to reach for the globe.
That was precisely what they wanted him to do. They lifted him high, and deposited him on his soft, downy pillow, like parents lift a child and bed it down, yet they could always claim he had assisted them by raising his arms.

It was important for him to realize he was going somewhere. His body was left standing on the table, seemingly on life support. As he looked down through his transparent pillow, and through many concrete floors, he considered the body, which was only vaguely his. It was a useful, carbon-based life form, he thought. It was probably the equivalent of around two large buckets of water standing up on end, he felt. It resembled a made-to-order clothes rack.

All kinds of people were making all kinds of clothes. He knew that! And many layers of these clothes could be put on that useful rack, and they would never get wrinkled on that functional shape.

Momentarily, he felt concern about that clothes-rack body becoming cold. Whoever was now in charge might allow him to go back down to the body, and cover it with clothes. He might well be carrying the clothes in his outstretched arms. Did he have some clothes in his hands, or did he not?

His head had sunk deeply into the pillow. His eyes, also, could not move. He needed to bring his outstretched arms into his field of vision to see if there were clothes in his hands. He moved his arms. There were no clothes in his hands, but he knew his body down below would be fine in the great Golden Flame that surrounded it. It would be warm when he came back. His hands touched something. They touched Someone. And the big wings of his ‘Pillow’ surrounded him, encasing him completely, and the vision of his body was gone.

The lightning-fast Transport Seraph whisked away with her new payload.

The Eleven-Eleven could have simply blotted out all memory of the trip. They were masters in the art of waylaying anyone’s mere human mind. But they did not want to do that. They wanted him to know he was on his way. Above all, they wanted him to look back on the journey, knowing they had fooled him every step of the way.

They knew he liked fun. They, too, played their tricks.

From "By the Grace of 11:11."

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:08 am
by maxx
hi, how about during the typhoon in the Philippines where most of our cities were flooded? Were they here too? And did they also help change the path of the second typhoon "phrarma" which was forecasted to hit our country last saturday. Thank God it changed course and it didn't hit us that hard anymore.

were they here?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:18 am
by Light1
Thank you George...

I have been doing much work myself re - the victims of the latest cataclysim...

I am sure many are now comforted in the knowledge that our celestial helpers are here assisting in this time of great sorrow... :cry:

Gypsy and I were affected greatly by the south-east Asian friend Joy lost her three months pregnant duaghter and son-in-law, who were on their honeymoon at the time...our whole community in Mullumbimby, where I was living at the time were devestated...

I have found immense comfort in visualizing these helpers coming down in their craft...maybe the healers amongs us here at 11:11 can assist by shoring up the healing energy, as the Midwayers assist with the traumatised souls...a group of us in my Bhuddist meditation group during the tsunami crisis went to work doing soul retreival...I have never shared this experience...I still ache in my heart just writing these words...
I guess trauma cases' souls are hard to get out of their dead bodies and they need convincing (likely by the Midwayers) but I don't actually know this.
I know Midwayers can terminate those who cannot live -- gently, painlessly. They did so @ 9:11 and during the south-east Asia tsunami. They told us at those times because we sensed . . . something . . . "urgency?"
I am also comforted by your message that the midwayers can end the suffering of those who are beyond help...I simply could not bear that people are still trapped with no way out...

I have been monitering the situation closely and when I feel a need for energy to be sent I visualise Jeshua...I have a close relationship with him...I dont know of all the others of whom you speak...yet...

I pray for these souls who have been lossed, and for their families and I also pray for the emergency workers to be uplifted in this time of great planetry sorrow...

Thank you for sharing your experience with being uplifted and guided by your celestial friends...

In love and Light


Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:29 am
by Light1
[quote]Thank God it changed course and it didn't hit us that hard anymore.were they here?[/quote

Oh Maxx...I hear your pain for your country and your people...I am only new here as well dear person...I am beyond certain that the celestial helpers are amongst you working just as hard as anywhere else on the globe...

You said yourself that the second typhoon changed its course... :!:

Stay strong...and I am sure many on here will send you the love that you so obviously need at this time of great sorrow :loves

Take care..and I will send you healing right now...

In love and Light
