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It's not Logical...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:42 pm
by Brother Love
I have been seeing 11:11 continuously for about 10 years. I am a very logical and analytical person, and it is hard for me to even consider that it has any kind of spiritual or mystical connection.
But the frequency is undeniable and yes, totally illogical to our natural world thinking. I am mystified enough about this to at least come here, and listen to everyone else's experiences and thought's.
Thanks for any information you could share with me.

Brother Love

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:02 pm
by nasra1996
Welcome bro love.... we are glad you graced us with your company..... the logic of it all, is that we are not alone in this universe.... :)

Start by reading this link :

Ask all the questions you like..... :D

Take care,

Love Sarah

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:07 pm
by Brother Love
Thanks Sarah,
Like i said i am a very practical person. I am all about appying knowledge and skill sets that make a real difference in ''this'' life.
I read many of the posts you send me in the link, and some of it is pretty out there. I guess what i am asking everyone here is, have any of you ever been able to access anything that has made a difference in your everyday life? If 11:11 is simply a lifelong pursuit that never uncover's anything beneficial and useful for ''this'' life (or perhaps the next), i probably am not that interested in going any farther with this.
All i know is that i see this number in a way that is not rational or logical. BTW, I admire anyone who puts their heart and soul into their pursuits. It is very obvious everyone here lives this.
Again, any responses would be greatly appreciated.

Brother Love

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:49 pm
by hamster whisperer
I don't really worry about making a difference in my own life. I think we are supposed to make a difference in the lives around us more. I watch over the students in my school and the teachers and others who work here. And the animals that come into my care. And everyone else I come in contact with.
Love and welcome!

Re: It's not Logical...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:25 pm
by Geoff
Brother Love wrote:I have been seeing 11:11 continuously for about 10 years. I am a very logical and analytical person, and it is hard for me to even consider that it has any kind of spiritual or mystical connection.
But the frequency is undeniable and yes, totally illogical to our natural world thinking. I am mystified enough about this to at least come here, and listen to everyone else's experiences and thought's.
Thanks for any information you could share with me.

Brother Love
Hi Brother Love,


I have been reading a scientific book recently, which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, that one human can transmit a picture to another. It can't be much of a leap of faith to consider then, that an invisible being can do the same. If you read any of George's books, that might help, as he has heaps of good stories in them.

This is the book written by a scientist:
If 11:11 is simply a lifelong pursuit that never uncover's anything beneficial and useful for ''this'' life (or perhaps the next), i probably am not that interested in going any farther with this.
Any one of George's books will answer that.


Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:25 am
by Brother Love
Thanks for the info. I am just getting started here. Geoff, i will read some of George's stuff, and i'm sure that i will have more questions then.


Brother Love

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:10 am
by ChildofGod
I was living with a a certain way but when everything failed I gave up my religion. I found something else and that something else was through 1111.

If you want to know more...just read through some of my posts and you'll understand. My journey has been wonderful.

Love and light.


Child Of God

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:27 am
by AJ
Welcome Brother and I hear you. I am a very analytical person and once you try to run the statistical likelihood that you will awake to see 5:55 am 4 nights in row (like I did 2 years ago) then you truly know that it is highly highly highly highly not probable! Good luck my friend on this new journey if you choose to embrace it and open your mind.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:38 pm
by Brother Love
Thanks Liz and AJ. Liz i will read your posts with great interest. I have never been much for organized religion, but i do have a very strong connection and committment to the holy spirit within.
Yeah AJ, i was a Senior Computer Cost Analyst until i retired 3 years ago. I retired very young, because the Rat Race was just dragging me down with all of it's phoniness and stress. I will be reading your posts to.

Thanks to everyone for their friendly replies...

Hasta Luego,

Brother love

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:00 am
by JJJ
Heya Brother Love (nice name :) ). Here's a thought that I have had (although, I'm not suggesting that it isn't angels or guides... because I sincerely believe that I am guided... especially through dreams by my guide, Wahuhi): Anyway, I have considered that our consciousness... or mind is capable of observing much more than what we know. We 'zoom in' on those things in our environment that is most important to us (focus). When a new thing becomes important, we pick it out of our environment. So, part of our consciousness sees things that are in the other room or even on the other side of the world but we only see what is important to us because our brains cannot process such massive amounts of information all at once. It could be that angels are directing us to become aware of signs in our environment as a way of telling us that we are connected to the part of us... this massive consciousness that has access to all of these things. Perhaps it is even necessary at this time for us to become aware of 'them'.

These are just some of the thoughts that I've had. And then maybe, in a way, 'we' are 'they'.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:46 am
by lilly
Hi Brother Love,
These beings behind the 11.11 prompts are very patient...they do get their message across....either consciously or subliminally....what we do with it is our will.....of course comes in and human nature, our upbringing...all sorts of dynamics....One thing for sure is that these prompts are a beautiful calling card for us to help others by becoming more spiritually tuned to the Love vibration. I give lots of Love but have hidden pockets of old baggage to release from a long history of not validating my accomplishments and constantly feeling wretched.....even to the point of handing my power over to another by feeling resentful and angry....feeling quite surprised at the intensity of these stuffed down emotions and feelings....Thank goodness for these wonderful midwayers who will assist us to connect with our true loving self....inside our own hearts....I've written quite a passage here.....trusting this finds you well.
Love lilly xox :hithere

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:05 am
by Brother Love
Wow JJJ and Lilly. You foks get really deep here. I think my experience with God's Holy Spirit is very similar to what you are talking about. You use some different terminology and some slightly different concepts. But i understand the basics of what you are saying.
We are all letting the positive energy force shape and mold us in wisdom and in the increased ability to love.
And i agree with you Lilly. There is always that struggle between the negative experiences, negative habits we have learned, and negative socialization we have had in our lives, and the ability to get in tune with, and to allow the positive spiritual energy within us to change and heal our wounded hearts, into one's that are are healed and filled with more love and compassion for ourselves and for others.
I enjoy talking to everyone here very much.

Doing my best to walk in Love,

Brother Love

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:36 pm
by lilly
Hi Brother,
Only by being honest and fearless of real change can one find true Peace. That's just my opinion based on experience....our feelings are the barometer to go by aren't they. I'm finding that I can be more patient and understanding of myself and others once I can accept where my own erroneous thinking is involved. Then be willing to let go of all need to be right or to force a situation to go my way. Looking forward to growing and going with the flow of life, leaving others to grow and learn in their own time.
Love lilly xox

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 11:36 pm
by Brother Love
Yes Lilly i agree. Fear keeps people locked up in shackles, and in places that they really do not like.
I've always been pretty patient and content just letting people be who they are (I'm OK, You're Ok). In those instances where the person is simply abusive and unrepentant, you get away from them.
As for being right, i believe that it is not a constant. There is right for me, and right for you, and right for everyone else. Each person can best determine what is best for them in any given situation.
I very much appreciate your wisdom and comments,

Feliz Navidad,

Brother love