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11:11 and all kinds of crazy stuff going on in my home!!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:19 pm
by Serena
Okay so 1111 things have been going on since a great friend of our family killed himself before I got to introduce him to our new born son.So I have a feeling its him,but I still want to get everyone's opinion.First the stove was coming on it was just popping by itself(its gas) but with no gas leaking so I called maintenance and there was nothing wrong with it,so he left and when he did it started clicking again until I asked it to stop because it was scaring was 11:11 so I said out loud "if anyone is doing that can you let me know your here?" and nothing. but everyday after that something weird happens for about 3 weeks now! I have a singing snowman that came on when no one was around and the batteries have been dead for over a year! Then my husband went in to check on our son and the TV went off,so I said go turn it on and on his way to the tv it came back on,at 11:11 the stove came on again yesterday,the alarm clock has been freaking out and turning on the stereo when its set to beep and was beeping at me this morning when it was off.The TV went to stand by when my friends were over and its new and has never done that.I keep seeing 1111 555 222 333 and stuff ALL the time.Please tell me im not going crazy!!!! lol,I thought I was but now it does it even when I have people over so they see it too! But when something happens, I ask out loud for it to do it again and it never does until the next day.Why is that?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:47 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello and welcome Serena! Here's a link to some of the FAQ

I'm sorry to hear about your good friend killing himself.
I have a feeling its him,but I still want to get everyone's opinion.
I can't assure you in all honesty that it is him, but my opinion would be it isn't. But hey, that doesn't mean it isn't! I have read from many folk here whose loved one's passed on and almost straight away they started seeing 11:11 everywhere, and feeling a presence.
Try Stillness exercises? You may discover who it is around you at this time?
Making It Work.

Finding a quiet spot where you will not be disturbed, away from the telephone, the doorbell, and other likely interruptions, is a must. The mind will not be still at first, and I concentrate on my breathing, thinking ‘breathe in, breathe out’, which at least takes the mind into a somewhat disciplined routine. As other thoughts enter my mind, I don’t fight them, but just let them pass, then I once again return to the regular breathing regime.

Even a fifteen-minute session each day will soon become much easier to do, and one can gradually add a few more minutes. Meditate no more than is comfortable for you. And after a week or so of this practice, begin listening for other thoughts that seem to come to mind, when you may not recognize these thoughts as your own. One of the first things I noticed was that words being used in these thoughts were different than the words I ordinarily spoke. Many people call this ‘that little inner voice’. You will not hear a big booming shout coming from out of nowhere, but rather an impression of thoughts that form words. Again this is a new exercise for the mind, and you will naturally wonder if they aren’t somehow your own words, or even your imagination. It is recommended you have a tape recorder running at this point so you don’t have to struggle trying to remember what was said in your relaxed state of mind.

While talking out loud, begin to ask questions, such as, "Is anyone here who would like to talk with me?" or, "Are you my Teacher?" At first the answers may not make any sense, but practice is necessary, and you will be surprised at how fast this will improve. Soon it will be as easy as having a conversation with a friend. Well, almost. If you get the impression of, "Yes, I am here," you might ask their name, or ask if they have something they would like to say. Repeat their answer out loud into the tape recorder. In many instances, the first contact may well be of an entity that would like to become your personal teacher.

Anytime you feel any uneasiness, just cut off the communication. You are always the one in control. Be yourself, and joke around and have some fun with this. After a few practice sessions you will find that your questions are being answered, and the process will make more sense. I used to write out what was recorded so I could read the words, and better understand the concepts. I believe most people can channel if they banish the thoughts that something fearful might happen.
It truly never will.
It is just a matter of listening for that small inner voice.
Bye for now, Love, Petra xxx

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 10:21 pm
by Geoff
Dear Serena,

Welcome. I am also sorry to hear you lost your good friend. These things have been triggered by folks who have passed, and you will find a confirmation of that in the FAQ forum, which is worth a read. But its had to be sure, and it may be two things happening, 11:11 and a visitor.


Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:35 pm
by Sandy
Dear Serena,
Bless you... I am sorry you lost your dear friend to suicide.

The Midwayers and Angels, the beings behind the number prompts, want to get our attention but they are not allowed to do things that will scare us...some of those things you are experiencing sound a little unnerving.
I wonder, like Geoff, if maybe too there are two things going on...
But its hard to be sure, and it may be two things happening, 11:11 and a visitor.
But it really is hard to give a definitive answer here...Hopefully time and research will bring you the needed answers.
Love and Welcome!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:22 am
by blaynelannan

I have "unexplained" stuff like that happen to me on a regular basis too.

At first I was a bit scared, because up until 17 months ago, nothing like this ever happened to me.

Now I know whenever anything like this happens, I need to be paying special attention, and I remind myself to be greatful for these new "gifts" I posess.

The more you stick around..the more research you do..and the more questions you ask...your "purpose" and what this is all about for you will gain some clarity.

I wish you well



more stuff!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:13 pm
by Serena
Hey everyone, well I have been thinking about what everyone has told me and I think maybe there are 2 visitors in here because when my parents were here my mom and I were in the living room and there was a huge crack like a plate just broke,my mom is half deaf and it was loud to her! I ran in the kitchen to check it out and there was nothing! I looked all over and no sign of a broken plate,it didnt sound smashed it sounded like it cracked due to heat but everything was fine.I love it,I just laughed because I think its cute and it makes me feel important like someone is playing with me.also I have always felt important,like I am supposed to do something important and my life has a big plan already made out for me,but I feel like being alive is stopping it.If that makes any sense,dont get me wrong I love my life and would NEVER kill myself but I feel like my soul is supposed to do something but its stuck in my body.And when I look in the mirror I dont recognize myself,I dont say "Hey thats me!" in my head,I thought it was normal but apparently other people dont feel that way,lol.They feel like they look like themselves and are their body.Can anyone lend me more advice and ideas?


Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:15 pm
by Serena
okay so my mom calls me and is like "Oh your lucky number is 11" and so is Constantine's! (my son) and I asked "why did you say that?" and she said "I dont know,I was just looking at number stuff online and I looked at yours and Constantine's" so yea,this is really starting to make me a believer! my numbers 09/13/1987 0+9+1+3+1+9+8+7=38 and 3+8=11!!! thats how the internet tells you to do it,Im not going to go into detail but the same for my son and there were more examples of our numbers.I guess it could be coincidence but I just wanted to tell someone anyways,lol

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:50 pm
by blaynelannan
Serana...When you sent me a PM...the time on the post was 5:55

Pretty SWEET Huh



more things happening!! please help!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:32 pm
by Serena
My husband was in the shower when I was starting with 1111 things happening all the time and my TV has subtitles(they were off,I never use them) and the remote was on the counter but a phrase came on the TV subtitles out of nowhere,it was in Spanish(I dont remember what is was,i dont speak spainish) but it stayed on the screen until my husband came out of the shower,I looked it up a few days later and it meant "double power" was that my midwayer saying they are always here to give me strength? I have a great life and nothing to complain about,I live on base, with a husband and a son I am very close with my family I have a lot of friends and no struggles to need help with,I am happy and love the fact that a midwayer is taking the time to speak with me and guide me but what are they guiding me in? I dont even have a job to stress about.I do have internal struggles about religion and stuff,but thats it.Is that what they are helping with? Because I asked for help to find my way before this started happening.For my entire life before I knew good or bad I have always felt close to Satan,im not bad and im not Satanic,I have just always been pulled to him.I think about him all the time and he is in my dreams,as a demon and a nice looking human.But you know everyone pounds in your head that Satan is bad and God is good but I dont feel like he is bad,at least not to me.Please dont think im crazy,i promise im not sacrificing animals or anything,im not even mean.Im actually really nice,I dont know I just wish someone could understand me.

Re: more things happening!! please help!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:38 pm
by Geoff
Serena wrote:For my entire life before I knew good or bad I have always felt close to Satan,im not bad and im not Satanic,I have just always been pulled to him.I think about him all the time and he is in my dreams,as a demon and a nice looking human.But you know everyone pounds in your head that Satan is bad and God is good but I dont feel like he is bad,at least not to me.Please dont think im crazy,i promise im not sacrificing animals or anything,im not even mean.Im actually really nice,I dont know I just wish someone could understand me.
Dear Serena,

Well I am not sure who you are attracted to, because it would not be Satan. That individual was judged, and as far as we know, he is no more. They were misguided, but once an angel decides to ignore God's Will, that is a very serious thing, even if they meant well. If you want to read about Lucifer and Satan, you will find a lot of information here: The Lucifer Rebellion I suspect you have evolved some sort of fixation.


Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:36 pm
by nasra1996
It's just a fantasy Serena.... :) Not real.

Love Sarah

Physical Midwayers?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:30 pm
by Serena
Are Midwayers physical? I went to the commissary and my husband stayed home with our son last night around 6pm and he called me asking if I had forgotten something and I said no.Apparently he heard someone come in the front door walk around came down the hall when my son cried (if someone walks away when he wants to play or wants food he does this little cry/angry noise and he did that)then he heard them leave.I never came home and no one came in the house.Then last night my son woke me up because he needed a diaper change (he is 12 months old) and I saw a shadow of a man casting in the hall way from the Christmas tree lights,I glanced at the clock and it was 1:01.I was a little confused but just brushed it off,we live on base so there is not really a crime rate and no break-ins so I figured it was a Midwayer saying hello,so I said hello back out loud and went back to sleep.Can they do all this or is this something else? I thought they could only promt you not actually make noise and shadows.Also I think my son can see them,he is always waving at someone and playing with someone I cant see.