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descending numbers

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:58 pm
by blue nova
Gooooood morning family :D

what does a descending no. sequence like 321 mean ?


Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:54 pm
by Petra Wilson
Top o' the mornin' to ye, Blue!

I dunno! I just wanted to say hello!

I used to think it meant I personally had to retrace my steps! But I never get them anymore.

Love ya Sis, hopefully someone can enlighten you in a mo?

Pet xxx

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:28 pm
Hello Anne,
I get 'em too ! ! 3:21, 4:32, etc.
Never any bad feelings associated with these prompts.
I see them just as equal to an ascending one, 1:23
Just smile, look around, say 'Hello' :D
That's what I do.
As for their true meaning ? ? ? I dunno. :?

Infinite Love,

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:37 pm
by hamster whisperer
I thought maybe they were a counting down to something happening or finishing? I get those and the ascending numbers as well. Or just that things are progressing well?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:00 pm
by nameless
i usually get descending numbers when im regressing or when my thinking is backwards.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:11 pm
by AJ
I don't think they view us as regressing, just progressing so I don't give them much consideration. Why would a midwayer, who is all love, tell us that we are regressing? Does not make sense to me to show us declining, negative prompts in the postivie correcting cycle. Again this is just my opinon on the situation. I do not know the real answer.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:30 pm
by nameless
true. i mean regressing as far as letting negative thoughts work their way back in to me and accepting them instead of showing them the door. maybe not regressing in actual terms, but kinda like putting on the brakes when you should be stepping on the gas.

i dont see them as negative prompts, i see it more like 'we see you are having trouble. turn this around and let it grow'

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:10 pm
by Petra Wilson
AJ wrote:I don't think they view us as regressing, just progressing so I don't give them much consideration. Why would a midwayer, who is all love, tell us that we are regressing? Does not make sense to me to show us declining, negative prompts in the postivie correcting cycle. Again this is just my opinon
Oh yeah AJ, I think they WOULD prompt us if we were regressing, going backwards!
Why would a midwayer, who is all love, tell us that we are regressing? Because Midwayer's act for our progression, and if we happen to be regressing, They might prompt us to remind us that we are?

Love, Petra xxx

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:45 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
IMO descending numbers mean regression or "going backwards". I definitely believe that the midwayers will tell us if we are regressing.But i'm interested to see what others' takes on this are.

I guess its different for everyone. My prompts are quite specific because i have vocalised both out loud and mentally what certain prompts mean to me. For example, i printed out Doreen Virtue's number interpretation list and asked my midway friends to please prompt me accordingly. I also acknowledge how i feel when i get a prompt.. some come with a feeling of love, some come with an air of mischief and those ones make me laugh a little out loud. So if i were to receive a prompt of 3:21, i personally would interpret it as a backwards slide, perhaps even just a slight one, or a regression in my thoughts. Usually it's not a big deal for me, and can be corrected.


Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:19 pm
by lilly
Hi nameless,
I understand what you are weren't meaning it in a negative way.
Love lilly xoxox

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:01 am
by rwinterhoffII
i agree, decending numbers I believe must mean to be an urgent need to be mindful & aware of the current moment & of your situation. Recently, I have been having rather trying times with learning new software and new complicated things at work to better my job and bring the whole process in house as they call it. The 2 other people i work with can become very draining. I have had many many confusing moments, and the prompts have been very apparent lately. My work involves numbers, and it is becoming hard to differenciate between prompts and numbers that just happen to be patterns.

One thing I remembered today is that I have a tremendously hard time asking for help. I must ask the Angels for help. too many times i try going at it alone.

I must ask for help, but i forget! :D

Love & Light, Everyone!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:31 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
rwinterhoffII wrote:it is becoming hard to differenciate between prompts and numbers that just happen to be patterns.
For me personally, i know it is a prompt when my eyes are dragged to the clock, without any thought of doing so.. and my eyes "lock" onto the numbers firmly.


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:59 pm
by AJ
I agree Star.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:01 pm
by AJ
Petra Wilson wrote:
AJ wrote:I don't think they view us as regressing, just progressing so I don't give them much consideration. Why would a midwayer, who is all love, tell us that we are regressing? Does not make sense to me to show us declining, negative prompts in the postivie correcting cycle. Again this is just my opinon
Oh yeah AJ, I think they WOULD prompt us if we were regressing, going backwards!
Why would a midwayer, who is all love, tell us that we are regressing? Because Midwayer's act for our progression, and if we happen to be regressing, They might prompt us to remind us that we are?

Love, Petra xxx
That makes sense Pet for some. I am sure though that there are more sensitive persons out there that have a hard enough time dealing with prompts period that I can see where these individuals might take prompts of regression much more seriously and it could have a far greater negative effect on their own personal growth.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:04 pm
by reluctantmesiah
Hello Everybody,

Can this also mean that we are nearing our goal or moving towards the source/origin/home or the countdown has begun?



Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:53 am
by nameless
~*Star_Struck*~ wrote:
rwinterhoffII wrote:it is becoming hard to differenciate between prompts and numbers that just happen to be patterns.
For me personally, i know it is a prompt when my eyes are dragged to the clock, without any thought of doing so.. and my eyes "lock" onto the numbers firmly.

i agree. this also happens to me at work and for some reason i go to look at my watch which i cant wear. and it makes me look crazy. haha

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:59 pm
by Sandy
Hi everyone,
What an interesting discussion. I haven't much to add because I don't think I have ever been prompted in decending numbers..with that said I rarely get ascending either...(Must be as stagnant as a bucket of pond water... :lol: ) Anyway I think I'd go with your individual feelings on this...As Star suggested make it clear that this is the particular way you will interpret this number and have something to add to your Midwayer/Human communication skills.

RwinterholffII wrote:
One thing I remembered today is that I have a tremendously hard time asking for help. I must ask the Angels for help. too many times i try going at it alone.

I must ask for help, but i forget!
Oh this sounds so familar! I am the same way. I get busy and often forget. Life's many situations flow so much smoother and easier when I ask for help and trust that I will get it in some way..
Best wishes to you in what sounds like a very demanding job.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:10 pm
by blue nova
reluctantmesiah wrote:
Can this also mean that we are nearing our goal or moving towards the source/origin/home or the countdown has begun?
excellent point....i had not thought of that....

thank you family for your responses :D :D
