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The Shack

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:50 pm
by hamster whisperer
Has anyone else read The Shack?
I'm just wondering what other people thought about it.
I'm kind of surprised so many Christian people have taken to it. It is the closest I have come to how I see God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. But it is miles away from white-haired white-robed God on his throne in Heaven.

I just read it

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:36 am
by Hatta
I was playing online games and then I heard the author on some morning show I never watch. I was drawn to the story and bought the book. It took staying home sick from work for a few days to get me to read it though. Man did I cry!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:53 am
by Karlossal
I'm about 20 pages in...

Im so excited. I know im going to love this. :D

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:33 pm
by lilaslight
I just finished it yesterday. Liked it a whole lot and would recommend it definitely.