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Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:00 am
by lilly
I pray they are all kept safe from harm :kiss:

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 4:35 am
by sidevision
Howdy everybody,
Stopped by to visit I haven't been here in a while but it's always on my mind. I have been getting the 11:11 and 6:11 prompts quite a bit lately. So I thought maybe i should check out the site and see if there is new info (LOL).
Well to catch up i have had two grandbabies born since my last visit, such a wonderful thing. My daughter is in Washington state and I was able to be with her for the birth.She had a beautiful baby boy, Then the next month my son and his wife had a beautiful baby girl. Can't ask for any more than that.
Wow Washington was soooooooooooo large for this country girl I was truly overwelmed. That is one busy busy busy state, I have never seen so many tall buildings, City folks don't know what they are missing at night when the stars come out. Hope everyone is doing great and are being blessed. Sheree :hithere

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:15 am
by Sandy
Hi Sheree! :hithere
It's good to see you again and a big congratulations on those two new grandbabies. I have some news too. I will sson be a granny too. :bana: My first grandchild is expected in early February. My daughter-in-law wants me with her and so I have a question for you since you have experienced this before. What did you do during the birthing process. My son will be with her too so I expect he will do all the coaching but it is important that I do not get in their way so any tips you have about this would be soooo much appreciated.

I'm a country girl too and what few times we go to the city I can feel pretty overwhelmed. It is like entering a new world in a way... Sydney, the area near the Harbor and Opera house, can truly be awe inspiring...But I suppose my "roots" feel happiest near a wooded hillside. ( If for no other reason then perhaps it is harder for me to get lost...I possess no sense of direction. :roll: :lol: )

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:24 am
by sidevision
Hey Sandy,
I had puzzle books and magazines and did a lot of walking LOL. We where all in the same room it was very hard to see my baby in pain I tried to confort her as much as possible but you know when your in labor you really don't want people saying it will be over soon (lol)
She ended up having to have a c-section and they let her husband go in the room with her so i did a lot of hall pacing, Congrats on your newcomer and good luck, Sheree

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:12 am
by Sandy
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sheree. I love my daughter in law with all my heart and so I expect it will be difficult to see her in pain and not be able to alleviate it. I'll definitely try to watch what I say as you made a very good point! :) I just Kara is going to be such a good Mommy and my son, Matt a good daddy. I can't wait to see the three of them together at last! :sunflower:

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:34 am
by memawlaura
:bana: Well congratulations Sheree on your two beautiful grandchildren and they will be blessed to have you in your life. I love being a grandma (memaw) I am very blessed.
:bana: Congratlations Sammy on your up and coming grandchild let us know about this glorious event.
:) Like you Thenium I'm so glad that many were spared from a hurricane and is turned into a tropical storm. I've sent prayers for those that have received damage on the East coast and prayed it would downgrade before it hit the coast.
:loves Lilly I just love the song "Fireworks" by Katie Perry have you heard it yet? I just love when it comes on and I can sing along. I'm so very happy that music has brought you healing I love you very much and I'm so glad your well.

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:07 am
by lilly
It's lovely to hear of new babies coming into the world. Congratulations to Sheree, Sammy and Sandy!! The three S' :kiss: Lovely to see you Memaw....will listen out for the song, Fireworks!!

Love lilly xx :kiss:

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:47 pm
by sammy
NO!!!!! Take it back! My boys are too young for me to be a granny! :mrgreen:

Sheree and Sandy can have my share of the congrats...not babies on their way to me (unless you all know something I don't :? :lol: )


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:45 am
by Sandy
:lol: :love

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:20 am
by sammy
I don't know what it is about the laughing smiley lately ( :lol: this guy)...but it looks like "nervous laughter" to me lately! :lol:


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:58 am
by Sandy
Oh No!!! Now you've got me seeing it too, Sammy and worrying if he/she's okay. ;) :D

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:01 pm
by theunim
LOL I always thought that smiley didn't look as happy as other smileys...


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:40 pm
by AJ
well nothing is happier than this guy: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana:

just look at him go!

this of course is a close second for me as to the happiest looking smiley: :bike: :bike: :bike:

how can you not be with the open road and the wind in you face!

Welcome back Sheree. Nice to see you again!

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:05 am
by Sandy
this of course is a close second for me as to the happiest looking smiley: :bike: :bike: :bike:

how can you not be with the open road and the wind in you face!
But AJ those smilesys are driving too close together :shock: T can tell you as she just recently took her driving exam. Should a rabbit, a deer, or in our neck of the woods, a kangaroo, run across the path they would be involved in a multi car rear end collision! ;) :lol:
:bike: ...... :bike: ...... :bike: .... There...isn't that better? ;) No worries now! :loves
Sandy :geek:

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:57 am
by Geoff
Sandy wrote: :bike: ...... :bike: ...... :bike: .... There...isn't that better? ;) No worries now! :loves
Sandy :geek:
Hmm, last I heard she's still NOT DRIVING?


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:22 am
by Sandy
Geoff wrote:
Hmm, last I heard she's still NOT DRIVING?
:lol: Sadly that's true...But if "she" did, isn't it comforting to know that she would leave the proper space between cars. :mrgreen:
Hmm... I was just thinking of fear a little while ago and now I remember I have a biggie I haven't faced... :oops: Perhaps it's time...or maybe tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow is good enough. :pale:

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:15 pm
by sammy

:bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: YOU CAN DO IT! :bana: YOU CAN DO IT! :bana: YOU CAN DO IT! :bana: YOU CAN DO IT! :bana: YOU CAN DO IT! :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana:

(My banana needs some pom poms!)

Have George take you to an empty parking lot to start and practice driving on the wrong side of the parking lot...easy as pie! (Chocolate pie!) And you KNOW you have LOTS of Celestials watching out for you!


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:24 am
by AJ
much better and safer Sandy...Thanks! ha ha

is it just me or whenever I see this thread topic, "How many Old Friends have returned?"

I instantly hear in my head, "Not enough!!"

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole family just returned?!!!!!

Come back all you wonderful, wonderful family and dear friends! You are sadly missed but never far from our hearts!

:loves :loves :loves :loves :loves :loves

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:43 am
by Sandy
Have George take you to an empty parking lot to start and practice driving on the wrong side of the parking lot...easy as pie! (Chocolate pie!) And you KNOW you have LOTS of Celestials watching out for you!
Yumm chocolate you're speaking my language! :mrgreen: I just gotta quit saying I'll get onto it and just do it I suppose. I may be scared at first, but that is the only way to normalize the situation...Take the first step...get out there and drive. If they just didn't have such high density traffic and these silly roundabouts...I'm just too polite... I'd be sitting there all day waiting for the proper space to come along. :roll: :lol: Sounds like I'm making excuses again even to my ears...Heck! :roll: :oops: If I can drive through Cinncinatti I can drive here eh, AJ? :finger:
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole family just returned?!!!!!

Come back all you wonderful, wonderful family and dear friends! You are sadly missed but never far from our hearts!
I second that! :sunflower:
Not a day goes by that I don't think of someone missing... but they aren't ever off the roles... Hopefully all our" Lovies!"(What Anne always called us) are safe and happy doing their own part in uplifting our world.

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:20 am
by memawlaura
:hithere :kiss: to all our family and Blessing your hearts and that your journey's have been filled with amazement and joy.

AJ, I'm looking into a spiritual property for sale in New Mexico as we speak and its a very spiritual site with a Labrynth, Lotus temple, Pyramid with a Merkaba crystal inside and 5 acres of meadows with trees right outside Alberquque. They hope to sale to someone that will keep the energy going and I know I can do that. What a great place to see all our family gathered and celebrating together :bana: :bana: :bana: :bike: :bike: :bike: :bike: I like this idea and than we can come visit you on that big farm :) .

Sandy, I thought you were driving? Is it George giving you a hard time being a back seat driver or from the post above Geoff!!! Just get in and go, first, requesting all your celestials to work everything on that car :lol: :bike: :bike: :bike: :bike:

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:21 am
by Petra Wilson
Hey guys, my Volvo has finally kicked the bucket....gone to car heaven and very sad I am about it!
Funny how one can get attached to a car like a friend....or is it just me??? Anyway, I haven't been
driving now for two months and Phil insists I drive the HUGE 4x4 around but I get panicky driving on
the precarious and down right dangerous roads around where I live. I'm sad because I love driving
Better get some practicing in. :bike: ............... :bike: ..................... :bike:
Sandy, I'm always on at Phil for being too close behind other cars, and he never keeps to the speed
limit, well, used to never, now there are numerous speed cameras on the N roads, thank GOD!

:loves Pet xx

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:23 pm
by sammy
AJ - YES! Each time I see one return it makes me think of others that are missing. It would be great to have a huge family reunion!

Laura! That sounds SOOOOoo wonderful! It's not in the Angelfire area is it?

Pet...sorry to hear about your Volvo. BUT, the nice thing about a BIG 4x4 is you can just drive OVER those other puny cars. ;)'s the day :mrgreen:

Funny...looks like we now have two cafes (this one and the Secret thread)!



Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:01 pm
by AJ
Agree Sandy. If you can drive in Ohio you can drive anywhere!

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:37 pm
by memawlaura
Good morning Sammy,
I'm not sure about Angelfire its built on a crystaline grid though. Its called TOSA Ranch they have newsletters and many teachings on ascension. I've been receiving their stuff for a few years. I have a sister and a couple of nieces that live in Alberqueque. I'm just itching to get to New Mexico. I've healed enough to make that move now I love my family here but I'm feeling the need to be where I had originally planned. I have many travel magazines of the whole state I will have to look up Angelfire. Its quite an unusual place.

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:40 pm
by memawlaura
:love Petra,
Sorry to hear your volvo died. You need to get another small vehicle so you can get out :bike: :bike: :bike: :bike: :bike: there are other volvo's you know :lol: :lol: hope all is well with you and yours.