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Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:20 am
by theunim
Hi again, all!

Sammy, I've just been kind of everywhere, mentally and physically, in the past several days. Thank you for thinking of me! I thought of you over the weekend, too! I did so on Saturday, while we were down at Hermosa Beach. We had just parked on the street and got ready to go to a French place for dinner. In front of us was a car parked with its license plate showing "T888" as its last four figures...hahaha! :loves I pointed it out to the husband as the number that popped up for us on the queue when we got married and he smiled.

Clare, glad to see you on! :sunflower: :) :)

Geoff, I'm hoping the writer can realize enough to spread love, instead of fear, while she is still alive, then.


Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:23 am
by Sandy
Good morning everybody...or well in actuality it's afternoon, :oops:
and we still haven't eaten...better get at it.

I used to get...okay I sometimes still do.. :roll: .get upset with people throwing stones..especially at my George and Geoff. But they're big guys and most of the time they have thick skin and don't need this little poodle guarding their backsides. Still there are moments when it hurts. It hurts to know that we are simply doing the best that we can as we try do do the balancing act over everybody's beliefs, not wanting to fall and crush any of them. It happens...I guess we all do this from time to time. Loose our balance. We all think we are doing good...Gods work. These people do too, think they are swashing a sword for God and country. Although for the life of me it doesn't make much sense to this girl. Perhaps in some ways they are...not in their stone throwing, of course, but in some aspect of their lives, doing God's work. It is easy to think because some aspect of your life is God centered that God is supportive of all your ideals, views and beliefs. Sometimes they do get extremely this righteousness of belief. It can happen to all of us if we aren't careful and heart breaking criticisms can come from unexpected places. I am remembering one of the worst I've seen at George's expense was from a thread on a Urantia based website called Truth book. It hit its mark with me anyway, :) hard with the sheer ugliness and childishness of some of these people. But in retrospect, maybe it is a good lesson I have overlooked. You see, as I look back, I wonder at the times I have been less then loving and have squashed someone's budding journey perhaps in my clumsiness and "righteous thinking." Revelation is never stagnant. There are always new avenues to explore. so I wonder that the trick may be to stay loose and flexible...allowing some leeway to search, knowing sometimes it simply brings us back full circle with a better understanding in the first place. In many ways I feel very sad for those so set on their ways and beliefs that they cannot see the forest for the trees. They are stuck with the same view, these little trees that obstruct the larger view and make it difficult to see anything else...very sad.

Oh well...we do the best we can each of us every day. I am glad to be "sight seeing" together... with you guys for awhile. :happy

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:37 am
by inlikeflint
So... there is this guy and he builds a big boat and people laugh at him because they didn't get it.

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:45 am
by sammy
Hi Family!

T!!!!! What a GREAT prompt! I remember posting the other day about a license plate that made me think of was just the same only backwards...888T! :D

Sandy - Sigh. My heart ached for both you and George as I read through that link. Your response, and George's ability to not be vengeful is the best proof that the writer is WAY off base.
So... there is this guy and he builds a big boat and people laugh at him because they didn't get it.
Yes! Noah could see clearly because he cut all the trees down to build that "big boat"! :mrgreen: Actually, as I write that, meaning it as a joke, I see a spiritual growth parable! Neat!


Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:53 pm
by Shaku55
As to the hubub about propoganda and stone throwers, I say this:

I have many times met people who refuse to accept karma as a reasonable belief, because it means that something would be their fault. It is not ironic to me that these same people never do anything wrong. I wish them well in their endeavors, with the understanding that we are all fallible. And I smile quietly to myself. And snicker when I get to the car. :)

But as for the Sun continuing on its 11 year cycle towards a solar maximum,

Did anyone read in the news, after last weekends storm there was another event, the biggest solar flare in since 2005, but luckily it was not fully earth directed. There is a chance of geomagnetic activity today and tonight from the event but it is all pretty speculative as again the solar flare was not earth directed. Still it caused radio blackouts for a short period of time in different parts of the world, and another strange incident, a radio burst that was part of the solar flare event was picked up in Florida - which was on the dark side of the planet at the time of the burst. This is a strange phenomenon that has not been documented many times, the theory is that the radio burst bounced off the Moon, or somehow was ducted through the ionosphere. Strange! Another occurence like this was recorded in the 1950's, I downloaded a paper on it last night if anyone is interested.

What's it say at the end of the Revelation after all the talk about devastation? Even so, come lord Jesus.

There's a good quote!

-Shaku :)

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:36 am
by inlikeflint
sammy wrote:Hi Family!

Sandy - Sigh. My heart ached for both you and George as I read through that link. Your response, and George's ability to not be vengeful is the best proof that the writer is WAY off base.
So... there is this guy and he builds a big boat and people laugh at him because they didn't get it.
Yes! Noah could see clearly because he cut all the trees down to build that "big boat"! :mrgreen: Actually, as I write that, meaning it as a joke, I see a spiritual growth parable! Neat!

Sometimes I think it is good to air things. The person who created the anti-11:11 site has created in their mind some sort of justification for their actions. (Mind is the builder.) It's one reason why I dislike and distance myself from these types of uni-sects chickens.
I found the site by Googling "Midwayers" I think it is kind of ironic that the first webpage result is that site. I have seen other dialogs in forum format too about the 11:11 and then it starts to look like a typical Christian Fundamentalist conversation about their sect-ual ideal.
Personally, I believe that they should not be allowed to have sects.

Here's how it looks;
Bob; Hi Jim, I was seeing some triple numbers and I was wondering what you thought as a Christian(tm.) about my personal experience?
Jim; Hi Bob, glad you brought this up, you know Bob, as Christian (LTD.), I like to gloat in my glass house and make you feel really dumb because that's how I control you and fill my bank account. I am going to quote some biblical verses you don't remember and then you are going to repeat them to all of your friends because you think you are learning some great things for me.
Bob; Well yes of course. I love being brainwashed. May I have some more please?
Jim; Yes! And thanks for being so obsequient Bob. Blaw blaw WRONG blaw blaw, EVIL, blaw blaw,TRUTH blaw, JESUS, blaw blaw HELL, blaw blaw EVIL blaw LAKE OF FIRE, blaw John 3:16 blaw blaw blaw....
Bob; Thanks again Jim you sure are swell.

Anyway, that's it... that's what I see. Snake-oil salesmen.
I think if there are people who do get stuck on these sites and do get mis-directed, it may be a Karmic thing that nobody can change except for the person being snowed. I am sure if they are needed bad enough the Midwayers etc... have contingency plans.
To me it is just another example of why things are in the state they are in. Too much sects and not enough love.
Shaku55 wrote:As to the hubub about propoganda and stone throwers, I say this:

I have many times met people who refuse to accept karma as a reasonable belief, because it means that something would be their fault. It is not ironic to me that these same people never do anything wrong. I wish them well in their endeavors, with the understanding that we are all fallible. And I smile quietly to myself. And snicker when I get to the car. :)

But as for the Sun continuing on its 11 year cycle towards a solar maximum,

Did anyone read in the news, after last weekends storm there was another event, the biggest solar flare in since 2005, but luckily it was not fully earth directed. There is a chance of geomagnetic activity today and tonight from the event but it is all pretty speculative as again the solar flare was not earth directed. Still it caused radio blackouts for a short period of time in different parts of the world, and another strange incident, a radio burst that was part of the solar flare event was picked up in Florida - which was on the dark side of the planet at the time of the burst. This is a strange phenomenon that has not been documented many times, the theory is that the radio burst bounced off the Moon, or somehow was ducted through the ionosphere. Strange! Another occurence like this was recorded in the 1950's, I downloaded a paper on it last night if anyone is interested.

What's it say at the end of the Revelation after all the talk about devastation? Even so, come lord Jesus.

There's a good quote!

-Shaku :)
of people.

I read about the solar flare on Yahoo, but it was like; "No big deal, nothing to see here, please keep moving along..."
That's when I learned about Planet X and the Nirubu, or some planet that is supposed to be here in another month or, maybe not. There's a lot of crazy stuff out there lately. (I think there will probably be a pole shift...) I never thought I would ever see a tsunami in my lifetime, and lately I have seen just about every kind of disaster imaginable.

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:14 pm
by sammy
Flint wrote:
I read about the solar flare on Yahoo, but it was like; "No big deal, nothing to see here, please keep moving along..."
That's when I learned about Planet X and the Nirubu, or some planet that is supposed to be here in another month or, maybe not. There's a lot of crazy stuff out there lately. (I think there will probably be a pole shift...) I never thought I would ever see a tsunami in my lifetime, and lately I have seen just about every kind of disaster imaginable.
It's funny, I go through brief phases where I run into theories about "Planet X" and things of that nature, I will have a few hours of concern, but then I somehow get back to thinking IF any of the many disaster scenarios were to actually occur, there's not a whole lot I can do about I jump back on the Love Train and try to focus purely on love. That said, if something does happen, I won't be (physically) prepared for such an I'll be hunting down you MacGyvers for some help!


Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:56 am
by memawlaura
Welcome Shaku55 :sunny:

This sun is for you.
You wrote
I'm watching my daughter now evolve at a frightening pace, and wonder if I was this gifted as a child
. You are the gift :bana: and you will carry on to show your daughter had to be a lightworker. I was reading how we are "matches" (the ones that we light) and all we have to do is just be who we are and the job we signed up for is being done. It doesn't mean we cant learn and pass on our knowledge so treat all as you do your daughter and you did what was needed. The article was so great discussing how our parents, grandparents etc came to there job in creating us the matches to do what is needed. Most had no spiritual understanding of what they were doing but now they look upon us and see what they themselves have created and its beautiful and moving to witness our creators grand plan in action. We are very lucky to be alive during the amazing time. Just be joyous everyday and live life to the fullest "just be" in the greatest gift given the present time.

Your place sounds wonderful and ready for a community to exist. I plan on looking into creating a solar farm in New Mexico and my husband knows many things so I'm sure he will contribute many ideas for not just power but we will need to have water and plenty of it in the desert. I plan on gardening big time it was a great experience. I had the best garden and yield for a first time and I would bless it everyday. I and hubby are ready for the beauty in life and what it holds for us.

All you dads the children are beautiful and I'm so proud of you for knowing the greatest gift of all your children. :loves

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:10 pm
by Shaku55

Even as the Sun ramps up in activity (over the last 3 days) to levels not seen for a decade, I wanted to share my sense of peace about solar activity. Scientists have confirmed that they have absolutely no hard data about what the Sun is going to do, only that it's up to something. That scared me for awhile, I'll admit. It's like two doctors arguing about whether or not you've got cancer, right in front of you.

But fear, that old friend of mine had to go. If you can call a monkey on your back your friend. I do, because I learned so much from my fear.

Or really, it was finally facing my fears that brought insight. It turns out that all of my fears were not nearly as bad as I imagined them to be, not once I faced them. And I know it sounds clichéd and lots of people reading this already understand how to manage fear in their lives, or even how to transcend fear, so I'm not preaching - simply sharing my personal experience. And I've got to say managing fear was ok, but I'm digging the transcending fear part. Talking yourself down is one thing, but to be in the moment of crisis with a sharp mind and steady hand, wow that's an experience that blows fear out of the water. I'm beginning to experience this transcendence on a consistent basis and it is spectacular. And in it place of fear, joy.

Frank Herbert is one of my favorite authors; he wrote sci fi stuff when I was a kid that had a cool spiritual tilt to it. In one of his books there was this mantra called The Litany Against Fear which I find myself murmuring under my breath from time to time, but lately it has taken on new meaning.

The litany is as follows:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

I mean, wow. I don't know if anything that deep is in the Harry Potter books, but I'm going to slip a copy of this one to my kid when they're old enough. It gets me choked up when I realize that despite the challenges of my life and the poor role models who surrounded me, that something/someone/god/cosmos/guides/angels saw fit to lead me to truth such as this, that one day it would seed, sprout, and grow strong like an oak.

And it is a profound moment when you finally see the truth of a mantra you've murmured frantically in the darkness since you were a kid. Now it’s not my mantra, it’s my truth.

Now as for the Sun, keep an eye out for northern lights anyone in Canada or the northern states and latitudes this weekend, we should get a good light show around the 10th. Disaster or not, I am very thankful about everything I've learned of our star, and what an amazing generator of energy it is. Truly, a being of light. Let's think nice happy thoughts about our neighboring solar source. :)

What the Sun does isn't as important as what WE do; not in preparation for disaster but preparation for transformation. And not as if the world is ending, because it's not and wont - not right now anyway. I mean readying ourselves every waking moment for the next lesson, the next challenge which will allow us to increase our vibration through insight and expansion of capacity for love.

And what comes, comes.

Be well friends, nice to have a few minutes to write and share! Loves to all!

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:01 am
by sammy
HEY!!! SHAK'S BACK! :bana: :bana: :bana:

Shak! What a beautiful and timely quotation! There has been a bit of discussion about fear lately! I will definitely include this in my meditations!

I am so happy for you that you are conquering the difficulties within that slow spiritual growth!


Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:49 am
by AJ
Hey Shak...have you been following any of the comet Elenin stuff? I saw recently that it looks as if the recent CME back in the end of August ripped it into two pieces and threw it off track. Do you have any thoughts or insights into this?

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:48 am
by Shaku55
I read an article about that last week, im pretty sure it's the landing craft separating from the mothership.

Bwahahahahahaha! Did I get you?

I did read about this last week, interesting story. I guess it's not uncommon for this to happen to a comet when it gets too close to the Sun, its a melting effect if you can imagine a giant snowball melting in deep space. we should rename this one icarus. I wasn't able to get enough trajectory data to figure out how it the would change it's transit past earth, but it strikes me interesting that a comet reported to miss us is now breaking up and far enough away that the resulting forces will likely alter it's trajectory. Not that I think it's going to hit us, but what fun stuff might be floating in the tail, and will we get a whiff of it now?the original estimates put the comet about 1/3 the distance between the earth and the Sun from us, due to arrive around 10/16 i believe. So no insight, but lots of curious questions.

More concerning to me this moment are the millions of people out of power on the west coast tonight, and so far they're not giving any decent reason - but what I suspect is that true to form, we're running the Grid at near capacity, even on the eve of a solar storm, and on a hot day like this too many people turn down the AC and the grid overloads. And with reports indicating that power might not be restored until tomorrow tells me that a big piece of the puzzle went down as a result, and they're going to have to patch the grid back together to work around whatever they blew up.

I called a friend in Portland oregon earlier this week and asked him to keep an eye out for northern lights this weekend, and we ended up having this long discussion about the grid, the sun, and so on. Ironically it was my buddy up there who called in the power outage to me, because he hadn't thought such a big outage was even possible, much less be caused by the Sun. He thought the synchronicity was profound, and he is not a 'signs and miracles' type guy.

I'm positive this power outage was not caused by the Sun but it is good food for thought. I mean, power just came back on for some folks back east! our infrastructure is not as bulletproof as we think it is.

It is a new experience to write something like this and not have my heart pumping, to actually be smiling and joking with Kenzie who keeps trying to get at my iPad. Grr! I'll let her say hi real quick then I'm going to spend some QT with her before bed.

Ach xx xxhb. IPpiiooU.gejvhwftft

I think that says, thanks for the iPad daddy!

Be well friends!

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:01 am
by Shaku55
And hi Sammy! I wasn't really gone but it's good to be missed!

Kenzie has turned into a parrot so she will repeat anything I ask (for fun, ask her if she loves juice in public, that will turn some heads because she really loves juice)

So I asked her to say hello 11:11, and she giggled and said "hello leven leven!"

Precious! Kenzie says hello, all :)

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:03 am
by sammy

I miss those little years!


Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:19 am
by AJ
and I thought it was some kind of space war and really another ship knocking out the other ship behind the comet ha ha :tongue:

I have been very interested in this comet especially since it seems to be a comet that no one really knows about because the media just doesn't talk to much about it. Very puzzling situation if you ask me. Normally they are all over the talk about comets and when to view them. With one coming so close to us you would think there would be more discussion about this thing.

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:43 am
by memawlaura
:bana: Hi Shak,
Its great to hear your mantra and to know it holds great meaning for you. The hard part is being in this 3D world but not part of it. Your little one seems like she loves her daddy :loves it makes all joyful to hear your love for her and tell her the 11:11 family loves her toooo!!!!

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:58 am
by Sandy
Awhhhhhh she is such a little cutie, Shaku!.... :flower: HI Kensie! :hithere

I have to tell you... your wise fear post really hit home with I was just thinking of a big ole fear that I have ignored and allowed to fester...When I read what you was spot on as was the mantra... even brought tears to my eyes...Thank you. :kiss:

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:53 pm
by Shaku55
I am moved deeply to know you all as friends. It feels like bragging to talk about knowing such a diverse and awakened group of people. What an age this Internet has become.  Boy that's a line right there.  That's the kind of stuff that comes out of me, and I'm not sure if it was me that it came from. 

What an age this internet has become.

I know I feel connected to the universe right now in a way that I've never experienced, through healing, letting go and facing and resolving fear. It has led to a higher vibration that has become a consistent experience in my life.  A very excellent part of that experience is this forum, the hearts and minds that are always just an email alert away, or even online simultaneously.  I feel so  connected to you all, and somewhat like the churches written about in the new testament we experience each other largely though writing.  the words and ideas shared here are so full of light.  connections that have been made here have been instrumental in the transformation that my daily life has undergone.  I know it sounds mushy but take my thanks seriously, the power of gratitude is profound.  It is repayment for a gift, and I offer it up like a wellspring. It gives new appreciation for the simple but awesome word; forum.

But I also can't deny that my communication system relies heavily on technology.  I think the full appreciation of that dependency comes with the understanding of connectedness.  And connected though we are, without this artificial system in place we're just a bunch of hippies sitting around different campfires, thinking about the good times somewhere between AOL and Skype.

I really do not intend to sound negative when i make that kind of blunt assessment.  The whole world looks different to me now, not just these amazing spiritual connections that are made possible by the Internet.  I lament that these connections hinge on man-made systems, I'm not criticizing them or marginalizing them in any way. Maybe through this realization i will find a transcendent experience. Or begin one. What will happen as the last embers of fear and oppression burn out in my life? Time will tell it's tale.

I now see less of me, and more of what 'me' is supposed to be learning here. The crazy thing about letting go like this is that I feel more now, being in each moment. I feel more, see more, hear more, I wear headphones at work almost all of the time now, to block out the chatter of energy. Over the past few months I have evaluated each room in my house, and tried to identify what was useful and what had bee sitting for a year or more. So much had to go.  I feel very strongly that this is a natural parallel to the inner work that's been going on inside of me.

And as each room has been cleaned, smudged, and beamed at by a happy me, I have found parts of myself that were almost walled off, like a forgotten haunted hotel room in some B-movie you might find in a $5 bin at wal mart.  Ideas planted long ago by role models who weren't paying attention to who they were influencing.  That is such a loving description of my childhood that some who know details of my past would perhaps think I am being too nice.  For the sake of love I would rather err on that side of the fence. So many people in this life seem to be not much more than actors on a stage. They play a role perfect for the lessons they require, and that role may deliver trauma our soul requires in order to have a certain experience.  The dance of karma, or any of the other names for the cycles we create and participate in. But when we alter the cycle in a positive way we change not just our harmonics, our vibration, but with it the players on the stage change, the entire scene can fade out and poof, we find ourselves in a new paradigm.

I urge us one and all, myself included, to focus not just on facing fears but also the intention of transcendence. To transcend not just our fear, but also our reliance on old forms that no longer serve us.  For now, the Internet is extremely useful and though man made I would dare say a gift from the gods. (Not a gift from Al Gore) but imagine a global intention for our friendships, our connections to take on a deeper more profound vibration which transcends the need for CAT5 cable and high speed modems.

I want REAL wireless Internet.  Radar Love.

Loves to all, have a super weekend!  


Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:08 am
by memawlaura
:shock: WOW you have a wonderful way of sharing. It wont be long and you will be sharing LOVE in other ways. Like you I kept away from the outside chatter, but now I'm emersed deeply in all of it and the wonderment of sharing my light and experiencing another lesson learned over again and again is amazing. The time will come when the internet will be telepathy and shared with many.

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:49 am
by Shaku55
It is like something out of the movie "Signs" to be laying in bed reading on a Friday night and hear the sun interfering with the baby monitor. I'll sync up the data tomorrow there will be a radio burst to match the 12:45am (-7:00 GMT) event on file im sure.

I have been watching the solar storm online here and there throughout the day, but to hear it realtime... That ironically is the breakthrough connection I'm on about, that knowing that the signal I'm picking up is in the room with me.

Not exactly what I had in mind, but it's a start. Now if anyone else would like to channel my baby monitor tonight, please send me an email.



Night all!

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:57 am
by Shaku55
Interesting chilly moment this morning, I was catching up on some reading and the subject was the Carrington Event, "the big one" back in 1859. I hadn't read this before, but it seems obvious now that scientist Richard Carrington would have noted the time of the massive solar flare. It lasted nearly five minutes and was observed at 11:18am.

However, one must calculate the distance from the earth to the sun, figuring for the speed of light and all... This is one of those times when math could save your life right?

Well, the event originated on the sun at 11:10 and lasted 5 minutes, so you tell me if it's confirmation bias to see an 11:11 in there.

You can't write stuff this good!

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:07 am
by inlikeflint
Shaku55 wrote: Well, the event originated on the sun at 11:10 and lasted 5 minutes, so you tell me if it's confirmation bias to see an 11:11 in there.

You can't write stuff this good!
I REALLY wanted to chime in and respond to Mr. Confirmation Bias, but I restrained myself...
One of the things I was going to point out was that his bias prevented him from seeing things any other way. His open argument was closed within his opening in his first post. (His plan was to defeat the 11:11ers by common sense that is common to whomever he receives programming and direction from.)

The people who are selected for prompts will eventually find where they need to be regardless of any attempt to misinform. (If they can get you to look or be someplace at a specific time...) There's no point of really explaining it to people who are outside of the 11:11 because it is none of their business, it makes them feel left out, and most of us have a vague to good idea of what is going on. To me it is sort of like explaining a technical portion of your job that you don't really think about too much anymore, because you are past the 90 day break in period.

I have been receiving a lot of 1:01#'s and 1:11#'s lately (212-818-515/202-808-505) This coincides with double digit numbers all day long...


Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:50 am
by Shaku55
I guess i feel like if someone is going to distill my person experience down to a blanket psychology term then a personality profile is a nice balanced response. I gained some insight from the experience however and will likely avoid any such future discussions, I feel bad that I may have been too rough. Words are like knives. Hopefully my words were like butter knives :).

Even still, call a spade a spade, especially if it's being swung at you.

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:08 am
by Sandy
Hello to you both,
Be glad that you guys missed the earlier days of the message board. :shock: Shaku you were a real sweetheart compared to those days when we had trolls scrounging about the board on a weekly basis. It could throw the whole community in an uproar. No you weren't too rough...just being honest. Geoff decided that the discussion was at an impasse and so locked the topic.

Re: 11:11 and the Sun

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:12 am
by Shaku55
Here's the headline in The Washington Post the other day: ... _blog.html

Are there any elders here that can comment on previous northern light sightings this far south? My personal experience in this lifetime is not a long enough timeline...