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Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:26 pm
by Seeker13
Dear Laura, :kiss:
By sharing such experiences, it's not so people say, "Oh, poor girl." it's the hope that others might not have to suffer as intensely. I can't brag about my memory(that's for sure!!!), but remember feelings associated with events of my life. I think it helps me be more empathic when someone else is suffering. You may have noticed that I'm a bit passionate about kids, especially those who may be falling through the cracks.

I repeat, "Why were they sent back to school so soon? :?: They haven't even had the memorial yet!!! :o Everyone needs time to grieve! To be able put the death in some sort of perspective. To be able to don the mask that shows, "I'm dealing with this."

By sharing I was hopeful that you might be the one to keep tabs on them. This single event may very well affect their choices and feelings about themselves for a very long time. Grief is like a boomerang, just when you believe it's all behind you, it comes back with a vengence, leaving you to start all over again. With kids it's even more unpredictable because there are so many other factors involved; hormones, peer pressure, fears that somehow this is their fault, hidden depression, society's ignorance.

Brought them into the circle this morning. My heart is breaking for them all over again.

Dear Maria,
The marathon is near completion. The finish line is on the horizon. Dave and I were able to spend a wonderful day alone yesterday with our middle son Dan, really can't remember when it was only the three of us. We laughed a lot :geek: while shopping for him to return to college. Later we were joined by his girfriend Rachel, and went out to dinner for her birthday. Afterward my sweet husband and I were able to watch a movie ... alone! So, in all it was a nice reprieve from all the 'shoulds' and 'have tos'. I should be doing something else right now, but am going to play hooky for a few more hours before getting back to the grindstone.

Love to all in our beautiful and growing circle :loves

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:01 pm
by peacockplume
Hi Kim,

yes it boggles my mind too,,,,the lack of consideration to the mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of children....

the mind set of " just get them back into a 'normal' routine and they'll be ok....

just stick yourselves inside that kids head and heart,,,, and see what they feel like is what I want to tell them...

thanks for the reminder....I will be including them in my circle today too...

glad to hear you had a 'time out',,,,,nice when you can sneak those in isn't it....

sending prayers and healing to all who need it....

love and blessings

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:49 am
by memawlaura
:D Kim and PP,

You both should know I've advocated for those kids for weeks now, but there's a step mom and mom to muster through. Believe you me every chance I get I'm saying something to one or the other. I just hope they realized before its too late that they dont have to get back into any routine right away. My personal feeling on all of it has been stated and now I will have to see where it goes. Believe me with some people what I have to say they just dont want to hear.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:12 am
by peacockplume
Hi Memaw,
yes, I do know how hard you've been working for those kids...

you're doing awesome there lady....don't forget to take care of yourself now too hey!!!.....

sending you lots of love,,

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:47 pm
by Seeker13
Dear Laura,
That is what I would have expected. My question is, "Where are the other adults in their lives; teachers, school counselors, neighbors?" I'll send healing loving thoughts to both the moms, and to be able to see the kids suffering.


Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:50 am
by memawlaura
:D That sounds wonderful too me, I asked the same questions about school and counselors? Its hard letting not being able to help in this area as I would like to but perhaps this is two ladies life lessons and all we can do is prayer for healing for the children.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:43 am
by spearsma
Hey all:

I know lately I been a real pain and I have created some negativity within the circle and for that, I truly apologize. I posted something that was so negative and thoughtless, and nonetheless, I was very selfish. I am still coming to terms with my life and what is ahead. I do see more and more of the 11:11 signs especially from my clock.

But please keep me and my buddy Sean in the circle of light. I hadnt seen or heard from him in forever because he decided to move three hours from me for reasons known by me, him, and God. But pray for him to break free of negative people and friends and break free once and for all from abusive relationships and I hope he will come to terms with his true self soon without fear and without him worrying anymore for pleasing others for THEIR happiness. Give him courage and strength to come to terms before its too late.

But pray for me for a positive career and be stable and financially free forever and me being happy!!! For me and sean sakes, I pray soon, that we will reunite soon, and never separate anymore due to our many separations in the past due to circumstances that couldn't be avoided by me or him. I pray that we will be close again and happy once again with me and him having a deeper understanding of each other and that when we were both apart (still am) that we both reflected on how much we DID mean to one another and there will be no more setbacks and WE BOTH will be happy without pleasing others anymore and we both will have courage and live life fully without being apart anymore. But pray for Sean more. He needs it more than I.


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:44 am
by peacockplume
Dear Michael

You can bring both of you into the circle with intention....and make your requests,,,,we cannot do that part for you....

I pray for this to be for the Highest Good of all in whichever way it is to be.....

Bless your hearts...

you're welcome...

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:03 am
by spearsma
I make the request that both of us go to the circle

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:40 am
by peacockplume
ok,,,now that you're in the circle,,,

ask for what you want,,,,,not to us,,,but to your higher selves...

all your guides and guardian angels are with you,,,,and all of us standing around you....

now send your plea to God.....just say what you said earlier in your posts and you will be fine....


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:16 pm
by spearsma
i did it this morning. hope it will help and hope he felt it

see ya

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:29 pm
by peacockplume
that's great,,,

now do it every day,,,,,,

Bless your heart

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:38 pm
by peacockplume
Hello everyone,

I have just read Laura's thread about Hurricane Gustave and thought it would be good time for us all to extend our Light Circle this time to include that whole area down there...

As George has told us before,,,when there's a big disaster somewhere, that all (or alot anyway) of the midwayers are there helping...

So I just asked for us to be able to be of assistance with them...this time I saw a circular pattern over the whole area and it was us holding hands...

love pp

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:45 pm
by chingoladolphin
Dear all,
we each and every one of us try and go with the flow of life. I ask for the Source and the universe to listen to our calling, now and for evermore.

May all who access this forum feel and understand the positive direction given to us by the "wise ones". Grant us the understanding of our tentative steps toward a oneness with the Source of life. Give us the strength to see the truth that exists within us all.


Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:46 am
by spearsma
ound out he got into car accident. i was told by my friend he should of been dead. his head went through the windshield. i cant find what hospital he at but i think heres the reason according to a psychic which makes sense: Heres what psychic said to me:

That's the main reason she (girlfriend and family) is somehow threatened by you??
She is manipulative and very controlling, and also deceptive, from what I get here. He's (under too much pressure, feels torn).

I think he's in hospital somewhere. It may be due to depression of some sorts. Linked to depression. Psychiatric maybe. Or consequences of such. Too much on him, the pressure.

It makes more sense, if he's in a psychiatric ward, they won't tell you he's admitted all the time- Especially if the family makes it a point to keep the admittance a secret.. disclosed. The family or patient can have this disclosed despite the circumstances.. Psychiatric or not.

please keep sean in the circle of light please pray....HES confused and AGAIN, his manipulative family are controlling sean and why cant they let sean be sean....

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:06 am
by peacockplume
will keep Sean in the circle .


Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:35 pm
by spearsma
I AM going to be strong for Sean. I think the reason for accident was he had ME on his mind and his family is pressuring him. I guess we all had things on our mind when we drove, and sometimes we stare off in another reality.

This is NOT fair. I would love to see him. im sittin here in deep tears bcuz it hurts so much and why dont anyone of his family want to understand sean. why cant sean be happy for once? i want god to give sean courage and to face his fears for his OWN happiness. I wish sean can break free from all the negative family thats around him including that abusive girlfriend of his. Break free of judgmental family too. There all holding back sean and putting the guilt trip on sean. Sean dont know what the heck he wants

Let me ask. If someone truly loves and cares for you a lot, well thy always come back to you and things be hopefully good again

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:46 pm
by spearsma
in addition, can psychics be wrong, even though they feel strongly about something. I know we ALL can change fate. just wandeirng

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:07 am
by peacockplume
Dear Michael,

I'm glad you are going to be strong for Sean,,,,that's the best that you can do for him...

I hope you don't take offence to what I'm about to say next,,,,

but this particular thread is for 'requests' to put someone in the Circle of Light....

we have done this for you and Sean,,,,and you will be there permanently until you say there's no more need.......


now I would ask you to please go to your other threads,,,,or start a new one in miscellaneous with your other they are completely off topic for this thread....

Bless your Heart

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:25 am
by peacockplume

Hello dear Light Circle friends,,,,,it seems we are called again,,,only this time for a much bigger 'task'.

There are many many many as I'm sure we're all aware of,,,,of assisting Lightworkers in aid of those in the South....

So please join the Circle,,,,

Bless Your Hearts
pp xoxoxo


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:45 pm
by memawlaura
:D PP,

I will be including all in the south suffering from the effects of the hurricane.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:11 pm
by peacockplume
Hello all,,,

Please also call into your circles when you meditate,,,our dear Laura...

she's having a particularly hard time,,,,and her daughter and grandson are down in that area also....

but it's Laura that would like to be held within the Circle...

I'm praying for you Laura,,,

love, pp

May I join and be included in the circle of light

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:22 am
by Theresa1111

I have been reading some of the posts for the circle of light and I would like to be a part of it. Could you include me in the circle of light and also I really would like to be a part of it if I could. I'll try to read all the posts in the near future. I am under a lot of stress right now. To many things to say here but I am mostly concerned for my family. I know many people have things a lot worse, so I would like to take my mind off of me and help someone else if I could. Thank you for helping me and caring Theresa1111

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:07 am
by lilly
Hi Theresa,
You will be included in the Circle, just feel yourself there and as for your family I think you just ask their Higher selves first to make sure it's ok before putting them in the circle. Alternatively if they are into this sort of healing then just ask them in person. ....Godbless, sweet lady you are.
Sending you a *hug*
Love lilly xxxx

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:08 pm
by chingoladolphin
Hi all you cool lightworkers. 8)
There are many people in high positions of power in and around our planet we call mother earth. Each and everyone of them have the ability to help make positive changes that would impact on millions of people.

My suggestion is for us all to ask permission from these leaders higher powers to join the circle of light and start implimenting these changes needed to stabalise our planet.

There are a lot of positive role models out there............the ones that need targetting so to speak are the people who possess the power to bring about change but do not for whatever reason. If these folk are shown the light there is more chance they will see the errors of their ways and start listening to their higher selves.

love to all,
Geraint :D