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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

We should start addressing you as Sandy Dolittle! Ask and ye shall receive. Those are the fanciest chickens ever! So FLUFFY! What made you think, "I want a chicken?"

Oh, dear. It's begun. A Sadie story is brewing.

Sadie The Silky Bantam Chicken
by Kim
September 29, 2019

... Sadie was lonely. "What to do? Oh, what to do?" Suddenly out of the blue, she had her best idea yet? Prancing next door very daintily, the chicken knocked on the door. Well, actually she pecked on the door with extreme grace, all without disturbing the lovely feathers on the top of her head. The door opened, she announced, "I'm going to move in to be a mother to the bunnies." Sadie walked right in and curtsied. "No, no, no it's no trouble at all!" The chicken looked around, "Where do I put my things?" She handed over a letter, at the same time taking her suitcase out from under her wing. The neighbor looked at the letter confused, partly because a chicken had just walked in her door and handed her a letter. It was written of course in chicken scratch and partly because the chicken could talk!" The elegant little chicken continued clucking away while making herself right at home. Pointing at the letter with a fluffy feathered wing, she explained, "That's the address … for the rest of my things. Of course I'll have to have a place to roost!" Clearly the human holding the letter was going to need things spelled out for her. Sadie exclaimed, " Oh, dear! I got here just in time!" Very efficiently she led the woman to a chair, quickly made them a cup of tea, plated low carb muffins topped with peanut butter, and the two sat down to have a nice little chat. As politely as an elegant chicken could inquire, she asked, "And where are the bunny children?" All the while she was thinking, "Oh, yes. This is going to work out just fine....Although we might have to talk about those muffins!"

The end.
Sandy wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:11 amHmm you may be right... I got an idea just now... For littlies rhyming would be nice. Oh dear, we're back to the ole "poet" thing. LOL Okay thinking its time again to release my inner child and dispelling the limited thinking I've cultivated all these looooooog years.
Release the inner child! Crumple up that limited thinking and toss it in the trash bin!
Sandy wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:11 amJoy is something we all can cultivate I think. We just need to release some of our inhibitions and let the silly roll out.
You know people look at you completely different when you have a kid with you..... That's why I make sure I always have a kid with me!

I never thought those red mushrooms with white polka dots were real! That's amazing! Bet the top of the escarpment is amazing too!

Happy trails PP! :bike:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

:lol: I'm rolling in the floor :roll only you, kim, could come up with a chicken tale so quickly on the "wing." Sadie would appreciate it as she already staked her claim to her abode. I definitely must work on those low carb muffins...Can't disappoint a chicken who has excellent taste and manners it seems.

I'll write more but life is interrupting. God bless children, those living breathing human shields. LOL That didn't sound right but what I meant... children....those protectors of everything boring and tedious.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy, :sunflower:
I was just flying by the seat of my pants! Hope Sadie liked the story.

Hopefully life doesn't interrupt for long. Don't forget to breathe. :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Kim, I'm breathing now... slow and steady.... slow and steady." Thank you my friend. :kiss:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sending you love and healing sister. How about we meet later in The River and we'll have a long soak... I'll bring the music.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Sending you love and healing sister. How about we meet later in The River and we'll have a long soak... I'll bring the music.

Thanks Kim...sounds like a plan. :D :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Are life's challenges alleviating at all? Met you at the river a couple of times. The last time I kept floating away... Do you think that meant I went searching for shiny things?! :shock:

Speaking of shiny. I'd just woke up from a dream. It was short and ... weird. In it I was told to look beyond what may be lurking in shadows. Maybe some spirits are not afraid or scary, simply living their lives. Then saw a vision of a group gathering for a party, think it was on my ceiling, and I was being invited. In a drowsy state I was kind of constructing a poem about spirits lurking in shadows, when all the smoke detectors in the house went off! We have to hold the buttons in for a few seconds for them to stop(if there's no smoke), they stopped and started again several times. It was 3:27 A.M.. I finally took the battery out of mine said in a very stern voice, "Stop it!"

Of course I'm awake now, contemplating all the random electrical things going crazy lately. Had to turn the television and DVD player off six or seven times in a row the other night. My car is a hybrid and keeps doing the same thing. I turn it off, then it starts back up again. It's done this right after turning it off and also in the middle of the night. I have a magnetic problem where I kill watches and cheap electrical devices... I don't know, asking out loud if someone is trying to talk to me and I get nothing.

If it is indeed spirits lurking in shadows... I wish they'd do it in the daytime!

Going to try to get a few more hours of sleep. "Whah!!! :thumbdown: didn't have to get up early today!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
Hmmm this attention getting disruptive thing going on in your home by something or another seems to be other then officially celestially orchestrated prompting.

So how do you go about finding out who/what this is and why they are so blatantly connecting with you. I mean if they were human I would say they have issues or are rebellious teenagers with the stunts they are pulling. So far they are not dangerous but....
Does Aleah have any impressions?

Thanks Kim for being with me in "the river. The issues affecting my well being are easing a bit and I am discovering ways to better deal with them. So I'd say that things are going "swimmingly" ;) :D

I am thinking your swimming away from me indicated that you had done what you could and it was time for me to flap my "flippers" and hold myself up...which is easy to do in that beautiful water. Of course, I know you and your love for "shiny things ". :lol:

Love :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

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Found out in meditation the 'weird dream' was actually a message for someone. Smoke detectors going off was to wake me up to remember to write it down. Making up a poem in my head wasn't working because I was mostly asleep. It's a little different for me, but as we know, "Spirit moves in mysterious ways!" Maybe the electrical blips are a heads up that I'm supposed to pay attention to what happens next... although just as I was going to send this last night I knocked over a whole glass of water on the keyboard of the laptop! :shock: Doesn't seem to be any lasting damage! :D Maybe I'm supposed to pay closer attention to what I'm doing also!

Started reading a book titled Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. It's all about animal totems and tuning into nature. Not sure why I chose this book, been on my shelves awhile, then realized it might help me gain a little insight for a ceremony I'm participating in about a month. One of the first things I'm supposed to do is find out what animals are trying to help me. I haven't done the affirmation or set my intention for this, but am paying closer attention to what animals in nature are coming around. Of course there's the pair of deer. That haven't used our yard as a salad bar since I sternly told them not to! An owl swooped in to see what was happening with the rain stick. Monarch butterflies, chipmunks, and various species of birds galore. Moved a piece of cardboard on the ground, that was apparently a nursery for gigantic night crawlers(relocated them to the garden). There's been a beautiful red fox around here since last winter. It was hilarious when a couple of times we saw our dog and the fox playing together in the driveway. Yesterday he pranced right down the driveway, didn't phase Ginger in the least as he trotted up the walkway, around the back of the house, pooped about ten feet from the back door, then merrily went down and around the other side of the house, and off into the woods... Hmm, wonder what that means?!

Anyway it's nice to notice the nature around us as we tidy up for winter and batten down the hatches. Speaking of, "Lynn, I hope you're snuggly settled in a warm sunny spot for the winter!"

Hope all is well with you, I spent a few days of irritability and instantly reaping the karma of that. "I can't get mad. I can't get mad." or maybe better yet, "What's the lesson behind the emotion?"... Still it's irritating in itself I'm obviously not supposed to get angry at all anymore! "Gees!"

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:hithere oh my,,,,oh my,,,,oh my!!!!

I have a moment,,,,,just quickly tried to catch up on your conversations,,,,
between the chicken,,,and in the river,,,I was in stiches...
Sandy I do hope whatever was bothering you has dissipated....
don't forget to sit in the Violet Flame too,,,it really helps get rid of u wanted energies...
just a quick note about the grounding....
for women,,,,imagine a grounding cord being attached to your second chakra
for men, it's base chakra....
then do what you would normally do releasing,,,
then disconnect that cord......then attach a new one
u can do this several times a day...

more to write about it,,,but I only have an HR left before we head down to Sidney,
staying there overnight,,,then catching Ferry to Anacortes Washington tomorrow at noon...

I have been thinking of you both,,,,will meet you in the river tonight

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: pp
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Re: The Secret

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will be at our resort in AZ by th 15th then a few days to get back on the net...
will write asap....

:kiss: :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Been thinking of you too! Ah, lovely to meet you in The River. Had a beautiful vision this morning while listening to Aleah's song. We all sank into the beautiful golden healing pool energized by Aris and Iris. I asked if it could be extended to include everyone. They nodded and the golden water span the river flowing all the way to the end. Weary, grateful visitors poured from the banks into the water, all lying down floating in place, eyes closed, breathing, as Aleah's song and the water washed away the sorrows and pain.

It was a nice way to start my day. Good luck on your travels!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I'm so glad you checked in. I've been thinking of you and wondering where you were on your trek southward. It must be exciting to be off again. and adventure, which I suppose if I were to be honest it is supposed to be. I wonder what it would be like for G and I...on the road and visiting interesting places around Australia. I just had an image of George with nails dug into the dashboard as I tried to negotiate and navigate traffic flows and infamous roundabouts. Naw... his heart wouldn't survive my driving to strange and unknown places. We'll travel in other ways. :lol:

The Magpie babies are out of the nest now...Been out about a week and they are becoming a little more confident in the flying department. I laughed as I watched the parents loading their beaks with food and then trying to coax a bay to open its mouth to accept it. When they are really hungry this is no problem but they are very much like human children at times turning their head to avoid the "spoon". It is good to hear the young ones again. It has been awhile.

Today is beautiful and sunny with only the slightest nip in the air. I hope to go down to the lake and from there to the "River"
I'll see you there dear ones. :kiss: ( LOL who needs a car,eh? ... certainly other ways to connect. ;) But, of course, that is not going to manifest my groceries or a day at one of the beautiful local beaches. :mrgreen: )
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:46 pmI wonder what it would be like for G and I...on the road and visiting interesting places around Australia. I just had an image of George with nails dug into the dashboard as I tried to negotiate and navigate traffic flows and infamous roundabouts. Naw... his heart wouldn't survive my driving to strange and unknown places. We'll travel in other ways.
Lol! Bet George didn't know what he was getting himself into, letting loose a crazy American driver in his beloved Australia! See, this is why we need cars that drive themselves!... I'm still voting for Star Trek transporters though, so much wasted space and pollution with all those cars and roads. The first round-a-bout Dave and I encountered was out in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night... Good thing too, can't tell you how many times we went around that one! After that every time we came up to one I closed my eyes and prayed... Wait! I wasn't driving.

Sandy Dolittle, magpie babies sound adorable! So happy you have something to enjoy and lighten your spirits!..... Probably helps keeps you off the road huh? :lol: I've never seen a baby bird that wasn't hungry every time they were offered a mushy morsel. I'm excited to get my feeder up for the winter. First time since moving back from the motel. Trying to decide on the best place to put it.

Experiencing another Indian Summer, been like you described yours. Exhilarating! Hope you do make it to the beach. I've been collecting pieces of driftwood for a couple of weeks. Want to do a project with it, but can't decide what it should be. I have absolutely no good reason to dream up another project right now, but that didn't stop me. Lol! Have to keep moving the box around, because it's always in the way. Right now it's in a chair at the kitchen table. Of course there are faces in the pieces, ...feels like I should start up a conversation or something.

Okay, getting late. Tiny's coming over for a Grandma Day tomorrow. Gonna have to break down and buy a pumpkin I guess, and we'll pick our one ear of corn. She's helping me decorate for Halloween. Hope I remembered to get rid of the gold Christmas garland. Last year she found it for Halloween and had to keep it up for months! :shock:

Hope the weather stays beautiful for all!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi all,
I have sad news about Antonio. He passed away today, Aleah is heartbroken. She came home last week and her cat had gotten into his tank. He dropped his tail as a decoy. The cat didn't hurt the rest of him. Geckos can regrow their tail, but it takes a lot of energy. I'm sure he was scared half to death... too much for the old guy. It's amazing how even the smallest creatures can make an impression on your heart.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I'm so sorry, Kim. Poor little Antonio. Yes, I agree, creature size doesn't seem to matter when it comes to "heart thievery." He had a good life but it is hard to know his end may have been rather terrifying for him. I see no reason why Antonio won't be waiting patiently on the Rainbow bridge railings for his human friend and mistress. Love is Love. ... pure and simple.

I sat out today and watched a flock of Sulphur Crested Cockatoos eat some delicacies growing on the roots of grass seedlings. Needless to say the yard looks a bit rough but one thing I've learned Australian grass is tough. It has to be. :) It was peaceful sitting quietly directly on the ground, feeling the energies and watching the cockatoos interactions with other parrot species. Surprisingly the small Lorikeets ruled the roost... no fear much like chihuahuas. :)

It is getting late and I must get the bunnies and Sadie ready for the night. Have a great start to the week up there. :sunny:
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Re: The Secret

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My heart feels tender today too. Antonio was in my classroom for about ten years, he brought a lot of happiness to many little ones. We often took him out of his tank to be held, or run around on the carpet with our legs forming a barrier to keep him from scooting away. He was such an old geezer! Aleah took him back when I left for a time to manage the motel. Yes, love is love no matter the size.

Sitting on the lawn watching a flock of beautiful birds sounds like a perfect scenario for energy breathing. Glad Australian grass is tough, so it can be experienced every year if you choose! Would have loved to see the Lorikeets holding their ground with the big guys. Had to look them up, are they the Rainbow Lorikeets? Soooo, gorgeous! If I ever visited, we'd probably spend the entire time watching your birds.

Last Friday was a Grandma Day with Tiny. Neither one of us felt very well, didn't decorate, but made cotton ball/tissue paper ghosts hanging from a piece of driftwood. It made a fun spooky tree, with the craziest looking ghosts ever! Think one of them had thirty eyes! One had eyes by his feet. I made the ghosts, she decorated them. And we spent about an hour in the rain picking out the most 'perfectist' pumpkins, one for each person in our family.

We're at the peak of our color season, absolutely breathtaking. I was pointing them out as we were driving down the road. Tiny responded, "Grandma!...It's like a fall rainbow!" Well, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to make a story out of that!

Today Nova and I went on a nice long stroller ride, it was pretty chilly, birds were undaunted by the chill in the air. Nova was bundled up and the sun was bright and inviting. We still go out everyday and say good morning to the flowers. Been working on her colors, thought it was a perfect opportunity to look for red and yellow leaves. So pretty out with all the contrasting shades. The sumac are a dazzling variation of purple to bright red. Yellow, maple, popular, and milkweed were easy to find fluttering all around … along with all the other colors of the rainbow!

Of course the weather has been erratic. Seventies for a couple days, then last night is was in the thirties with a rain and snow mix. Soooo, much rain! Having a hard time adjusting to the cold, probably because there hasn't been any time to adjust! Dave is pretty stingy with the heat. But seriously! Last night I wore a shirt, sweatshirt, fleece coat, two pair of pants, and had a blanket around my shoulders! Oh, well. Here we go.

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Morning Kim,
It's a pretty one down here. Sunny and bright. We've had enough rain the past couple weeks so that the grass and plants are thriving. My huge Lavender bushes are covered with gorgeous purple flowers as is my sage and even the purple basil that lives through our mild winters. But with all that they pretty much these days have to take care of themselves...the birds and chores keep me rather busy.

I think I mentioned earlier that my Magpie babies have left the nest. A few days ago I could have sworn I saw three babies...but that is unheard of, well, at least I have never seen or heard of such a thing. (They are big bird babies, the size of their parents when they leave the nest and cheeky. ) I am so proud of them keeping all three of them alive through a critical stage. It isn't over yet, though. It will be a month or so for their flying skills to be up to scratch and their parents must be very vigilante. (Hawks and other bird predators love baby magpies) Of course my heart is in my mouth as I watch them rolling around, playing out in the middle of the open yard. sigh...

Yep, you would enjoy the bird life here. :D

Thank you for describing your Autumn observations. I can almost see it. :happy Autumn is so beautiful with the trees seemingly having a light of their own. I've never been sad knowing the colours signify soon to be bare branches. For me Fall reminds me that a well deserved rest is soon coming for the trees with a lovely "circle of life" kind of thing. (I'll be hearing Lion King in my head all day now :roll: )

We got our pumpkin this week too! George had to ask for it at the grocery store as they hadn't unpacked them yet. In our area Halloween isn't so much a celebrated holiday. I'll do my part though. :bana:

Enjoy those colours for me... :love

love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Are you settled? Tried to respond a few times to an email you sent, but it wouldn't go through. Please let us know you're safe and sound in your winter location. :kiss:

We've had major winds for the past few days, fortunately the leaves are still green enough that not too many of them have been blown away. With all the rain and wind combination, the water levels around here are high, high, high! Over the summer the motel went from losing half their beach, to loosing all their beach! It's a good thing they're situated at a higher level and have a huge expanse of lawn between the motel and the water. The other day when the wind blowing so hard, it's fortunate we went down to inspect. Dan had to rescue all the lawn furniture down there and hoped the heavy old picnic table would stay put, as the three to four foot waves lashed again and again at the shore. Of course Dan was standing on the rocks that weren't under water, with Tiny on his back, both of them laughing away as the waves splash all the way up to his thigh. :roll: Those two are cut from the same cloth, always right down in it. Nova and I were standing high up on the lawn, a big gust comes along, and blows her right over, didn't faze her though. Must have been churning the water way down deep, because Dan was pulling beautiful eight to ten foot pieces of drift wood out of the water as they rolled in.

Well, that's my exciting account for the week! Working on another story that's been brewing in my head for awhile now. Did the one about Tiny and the fall rainbow. This one is about Nova greeting the garden, wrote a little song to go with it, we all agree, if it's about Nova there has to be music

Sounds like the magpies are good parents. Putting a bubble of protection around your treaured little ones, hoping for their good fortune and long lives. Your lavender sounds breathtaking! … although I feel a sneeze coming on just thinking about it. Purple basil is a perennial?! That's amazing! Reminds me I need to harvest the rosemary and oregano.I've collected an abundance of flower seeds this fall. Have been missing the thrill of starting my own plants while the snow is still falling.. It's interesting the reversal of seasons between us. You entering the beginning of the cycle as we prepare for the ending, then starting it all over again. Having lasagna for family dinner tonight. Dan has been asking, "Is it cold enough for lasagna yet?" I can't even think about cooking meals like lasagna, chili, and meatloaf in the summer!
Sandy wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2019 11:45 pmI've never been sad knowing the colours signify soon to be bare branches. For me Fall reminds me that a well deserved rest is soon coming for the trees with a lovely "circle of life" kind of thing. (I'll be hearing Lion King in my head all day now )
My sentiments as well! I adore the changing seasons and all that comes with them. Don't have room in my head for The Circle Of Life song.... Nova's Good Morning song is firmly entrenched,... hopefully for not too many more days.

Enjoy your spring birds and plants, while I turn on the oven for lasagna, and garlic bread.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lynn,

I hope you are soon rested up there in your winter abode. It is warming up a bit this week, not that we have really been cold...just slightly coolish and pleasant. I know you like it hot though. I think of you often. :love

Our winds have calmed and it has been nearly perfect weather...but still rather dry and very dry in some areas of Australia. I thought as I read your words ho lovely it would be if the farmers here could have some of your rain. That is not the way it works I guess. But I see no harm in praying for rain for those in need, eh. I wonder how the wildlife in these areas are coping. George says this is a pattern common in this maybe there is a "plan B" when things are tough.

I would love to hear your stories about Tiny and Nova. :sunflower: I see them sort of as little human nature sprites. :lol: :bana: :sunflower:

The magpie babies are doing well. The thing is...I haven't seen their mom in days. She has always been the shy one, though, and may be well hidden keeping an eye on things from the big Eucalyptus tree at the back of the yard. Still this is not her pattern especially with hungry kids. I hope she is okay. She and Gimi have been together at least 6 years now. I really have no idea how old they are. But Gimi took to me right off the bat all those many years ago. He still trusts me explicitly. It is nice to be trusted. :)

I must get George up. We have a lot to do today and so he asked me to wake him early. I hope you have a great week. Won't be long till Halloween. What fun! :bana:

Hugs, :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Lost the first reply yesterday, thought I'd try again today.

I do hope the magpie momma is alright! :shock: Has she returned? So sweet your energy draws in those amazing birds to you, you have a gift.

Hope nature's plan B is firmly in place in your area and the wildlife is being sustained. Since reading about animal totems I've been trying to pay closer attention to the wildlife that surrounds us. It's easy to take for granted the abundance of animal and plant life in our area. Supposed to keep track of the type of animal, color, numbers, and how often we see them. :shock: It would be a full time job! There's flocks of turkeys, herds of deer, packs of coyotes, not to mention birds, chipmunks, squirrels, possums and racoons... and the others not visible so often. I've never seen the bear though that visits our subdivision, Aleah has. Almost every time she goes to town she sees a pair of bald eagles soaring together over the bay. Did I tell y0u there was a bobcat outside our house a few months ago. Again, Aleah saw him, I didn't. :(

Our weather pattern has been blown out of the water, so to speak. Fingers crossed, haven't had rain in 24 hours, dare I say seeing sunshine? With all the wind and rain, surprised the fall colors are still intact. The trees in our yard are ablaze with yellows, pinks, oranges and reds. While writing this my eye keeps getting drawn to the most beautiful pink/orange leaves of a couple of trees along the driveway. Such an amazing contrast to the bright yellows and darkness of the evergreens.
Sandy wrote: Mon Oct 21, 2019 11:04 pmI would love to hear your stories about Tiny and Nova.
Someday, I'll send you some of the stories and you'll say, "Enough already about your grandkids!" How are your grandsons doing by the way?
Sandy wrote: Mon Oct 21, 2019 11:04 pmI see them sort of as little human nature sprites.
You don't know how funny it is you described them like that! Last Sunday Clementine was dropped off to pick apples with her very, very best friend, and then later making apple cider. Rudy is one day older, and is All BOY, parents do not enforce many boundaries. When Rachel went back to help make the cider she heard Tiny off in a thicket somewhere calling out for Rudy, who had gotten distracted and ran in the other direction. Finally making her way to the voice. There was Tiny, foot stuck, hair and tutu meshed with burdock burs, mud, scrapes, scratches, and blood running down the side of her face. All mom could think was, "Wild Child!!! Whose been minding the children!" It wasn't until then Tiny realized she was a little uncomfortable. While this might be shocking for most people, I was not all that surprised, having had both of them in my center for the past few years. Knowing Tiny was alright, I laughed "Rachel, ...what did you expect?" Reminding her of my son's exploits. Showing me the pictures I thought, "All I see is a great story?" Added, maybe next time you should send her in body armor... and a helmet."

That excursion inspired this poem:

Wild Child

The embodiment of nature
in a small package.

I'm excitement,
always seeking that next thing!

I call the voice of thunder my own.
Crashing waves!...whisper to my spirit.

I am the kite climbing on the wind!
...You are the tether,
keeping me grounded and safe.

You call me, “A wild child!!!”


“Ah, yes... you see me.”

Grandma Kim October 23, 2019
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,

So far there is still no mamma magpie. :cry: Daddy is doing a pretty good job though, if he is on his own. All three littlies (who are actually the size of their parents, just much more clumsy) have been in the yard off and on all day. I was thinking about your poem, "Wild Child", and in a way one of the three seems to fit the bill. He is more adventurous, chasing birds and exploring to his hearts content. Sometimes another sibling follows him but this usually culminates in both of them rolling around on the ground and resting staring up at the blue sky. (Maybe they re envisioning animals and objects in the clouds as I did when a child. :) )

It wasn't until you mentioned all the animals around your home I realised where I sit in the suburbs it doesn't sport the variety of mammals common in Michigan an in Ohio too. In the bush you would see more though... Thankfully we have plenty of bids to keep me busy. I am not so sure they are drawn so much to my spirit as to the food I share with them. LOL I also believe birds are among the world's best gossips. :lol:

We've had a couple of beautiful days...Well, yesterday was very windy. But the temps have been much more to my liking. I've gotten some yard chores completed today... mowed lawn and weeded the long bed where that allergy inducing lavender is planted. ;) My poor ole Jerusalem artichokes have all been but choked out by some pretty tenuous wild grass. My back is complaining a bit as I type from the effort. But the beds do look better. I may plant some African daisies in between the lavender as they are so tolerant of any weather condition.

Your Tiny would get on well with my grandsons. They are wild children as well. My Eli is getting into drawing. (love it!) It has been awhile now but sometimes we sit on skype with both of us drawing something...together but each in our own little world. I have found that when the kids leave skype on and the boys wonder off to play, coming into view. frequently... hearing and seeing the flow of life in the household, it is almost like I am there. :)

Do the girls like Halloween? I put up some decorations yesterday. It makes me feel closer to family and country somehow. LOL In our area it isn't very popular but I will do my part to spread the fun and cheer. ;)

Well, better sign off. Time (past time) to plan George's supper. Enjoy those beautiful Autumn colours for me. Thanks Kim for describing it so beautifully. Wish I could see them in person.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

So happy you can enjoy what nature had=s to offer in your back yard. Made me sad when you mentioned still not seeing mamma magpie. I thought, "Oh, no! Do magpie's mate for life?" :cry: It said they do mate for life, but if one of them doesn't survive the other one will seek another mate. Life must go on I guess.
Sandy wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:08 amI was thinking about your poem, "Wild Child", and in a way one of the three seems to fit the bill. He is more adventurous, chasing birds and exploring to his hearts content. Sometimes another sibling follows him but this usually culminates in both of them rolling around on the ground and resting staring up at the blue sky. (Maybe they re envisioning animals and objects in the clouds as I did when a child.)
That's hilarious don't think of birds tumbling around on the ground, maybe too many predators around here. Wouldn't it be fun to look at the clouds with them?
Sandy wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:08 amI am not so sure they are drawn so much to my spirit as to the food I share with them. LOL I also believe birds are among the world's best gossips.
It's a win win for them either way... Huh, what do you suppose they talk about? Maybe the best feeding stations, or global politics... Wonder who their fact checker is?

I feel your pain from the strain of weeding, but worth it huh? Wild grasses are bullies. I love African Daisies, were among the hoard of seeds I saved. very light purple petals, with dark purple centers. Never heard of the Jerusalem Artichoke, looked it up, low and behold they're blooming here right now! I call them perennial sunflowers. Got a few from a coworker several years ago, haven't seen any for awhile and suddenly a slew of the merry plants are growing along the tree line! Didn't know they were edible, supposedly tubers are good for fighting diabetes and high cholesterol, and besides that they're so cheery! Do you raise them for food?

I'm enjoying the fall colors from behind closed windows this weekend. Congestion persists, you'd think it would be a great opportunity to get some spiritual work done. I'm pretty sure snot seeps into my brain 'gummin up the works'. Read the same chapter of my book three nights in a row and still can't tell you what it was about.

The girls are going to be superheroes again, not sure which ones. How about your boys? I'm not gaga about Halloween like I was when the kids were little, but my daughter is another story! She has enough decorations outside her apartment for all of us! Tombstones in a graveyard, ghouls in bushes, blow up ghosts, scary carved pumpkins eating smaller scared pumpkins, rotating light show on the wall, and of course spiderwebs for accent. She's in Chicago this weekend for a party. Always comes up with an elaborate costume. This year going as the Corpse Bride from a Tim Burton story. Bought a bouquet of white poinsettias at the Dollar Store, hot-glued eyeballs and spiders in the centers. I just laughed and shook my head. She said, "What! I'm a corpse Bride. What else would I carry?" Sent a text of the completed look :shock: .... creeeepy.

Hey, maybe you'll start a trend down there? Does anyone ask you about it? On Friday Dan took Tiny to a very scary haunted house in the Lighthouse down the road from me, of course she loved it. As a bonus they were able to play on the newly finished ginormous playground structure. I'm glad they went, cause I'm out of the loop, didn't even know they put it in. Trick-or-treating starts early in our town. There's free hotdogs, brats, chips and cider. Not only do the kids go to houses, they visit all the stores too. High schoolers, decorate the gym, have a bunch of games and prizes along with a haunted house. The little ones can have all their fun in by the time it gets dark.

Here's to our amazing, wonderful wild grandchildren! I remember you said, you could draw together on Skype, so sweet. Sandy I can hear the longing in your thoughts writing about them, … I can't imagine, or maybe that's my projected assumption? Is there a plan when you can visit again?

Bent your ear long enough, hope dinner was delicious!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi KIm,
Here's to our amazing, wonderful wild grandchildren!
:cheers: :bana: :sunflower:
I remember you said, you could draw together on Skype, so sweet. Sandy I can hear the longing in your thoughts writing about them, … I can't imagine, or maybe that's my projected assumption? Is there a plan when you can visit again?
You're right. Can't hide anything from you, Kim. I miss them like crazy. It has been a couple years now since I have been able to come in for a visit. I would love to see them but am not comfortable leaving George right now. I spoke with my son this morning. Eli was outside having a great time with his friend next door and Derek was asleep. So maybe next week. :)

Your Tiny is so brave. I went to a haunted house once as a teenager and I didn't sleep for a week. :shock: LOL It was one of the scariest things I have done. (which says a lot about me and exciting adventures, eh? :roll: ) Halloween sounds like a blast up there in your neck of the woods... a lovely time for kids and adults alike. And Wow! You have a very creative daughter-in-law. That flower bouquet is a hoot. :lol: I hope you feel better by the time Halloween rolls around so you can enjoy, Tiny and Nova.
That's hilarious don't think of birds tumbling around on the ground, maybe too many predators around here. Wouldn't it be fun to look at the clouds with them?
Actually I have done just that. LOL About 6 years ago during winter here. I first began meeting the Magpies. It was strange because nobody(magpie) at the time had claimed the territory our flat sat in. So I had about four pairs of Magpies. Gimi and Duncan (my magpie babies parents) being one of them as was Precious and Laddy ...(long stories) But by far there were more, over a dozen, recently chased off youngsters (Magpie babies stay with their parents until the next breeding season (almost a year) I would sit on the ground with them and then lay back and look at the clouds for a bit. More often then not I had several stretched out beside me with feathers spread to soak up the sun which helped with their birdie parasites. It was a good time. Something I was blessed to experience.
That all changed when I left for 6 weeks to visit family in the US. I came back and they were gone. It was then that Precious and Laddy claimed me as their territory and I got to share their trials of life with them. Life moves on for all of us Earth creatures. It is a wonderful experience, though, learning first hand that humans have more in common with our animal friends then we think. :)

I could talk your ear off about birds. ;) My mom has learned to avoid the subject at all costs. :lol:

Please do feel better, Kim. I know you have a big week end coming up and I want you to enjoy it.

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy wrote: Mon Oct 28, 2019 12:36 amI miss them like crazy. It has been a couple years now since I have been able to come in for a visit. I would love to see them but am not comfortable leaving George right now. I spoke with my son this morning. Eli was outside having a great time with his friend next door and Derek was asleep. So maybe next week.
In so many ways you are a truly strong woman, hope you know that about yourself. I haven't asked about George in awhile, but I know you always worry about him. Taking a minute sending you both love, peace, and courage.

I used to think I was the ultimate scaredy cat, no let me rephrase that, I was the ultimate scaredy cat. Then I started thinking, "If I can converse with ghosts and not be the least bit afraid,... then I must be getting braver right? Within reason that is, still not going to find me doing that on the glass walkway over looking the Grand Canyon. :shock: Nope, no way man!

Your on-going experiences with your birds sounds...magical. :loves That's the way it feels for me with kids. Stepping into their space for a little while is spiritual sustenance for me, the same for flowers. :sunflower: You can talk about birds anytime. We can pull out all the books we for identifying, and learning everything about them. Our family loves birds, always seizing the opportunity to stop what were doing to appreciate their wonderment. Dave is great at identifying the songs of the ones around here. My sister and I send pictures back and forth all the time of birds and flowers.

Went to the doctor today, realized breathing was pretty integral for my continued existence, and very difficult embracing nature from behind a pane of glass. There's a really tenacious, nasty bug going around all ready this fall. That and being compromised by allergies is not a good combination for me. Hanging out for a little while for Halloween is my goal. Thanks for the hug, think I feel better already! :love

Give George a hug for me,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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