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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hey Sandy,
The ginormous lavender sounds lovely. Hope your toes got nice and dirty!
Sandy wrote: Mon May 13, 2019 5:13 amBare feet on the earth...truly very calming and invigorating as Urantia soothes and softens the worst that comes at us.
I have so missed commiserating with her in all her glory!

I'm not one for cutting flowers until well beyond their prime, would rather see them growing, than in a vase somewhere. Except my herbs of course! I'm most eager to harvest them for winter usage. Mmm, rosemary, oregano and lime basil! I started several currant bushes last year and most of them made it through the winter! Don't really need seven of them though, going to have to see if someone else wants a few. Took clippings from bushes at The Center, Tiny LOOOOVES currants! Strawberry bushes are already filling with blossoms. Can't wait to plant the three sisters- corn, beans and squash, I read about in Braiding Sweetgrass. Forsythia, Daffodils, primrose and hyacinths all in bloom and there's been a fairy flower explosion in the back yard. Tiny and were thinking of materials we'd need to make a new fairy house.

I believe warm weather is finally here to stay! Still haven't brought my mittens and boots home from work... didn't want to jinx it! When arriving home today, was surprised by a beautiful blue gazing ball on it's stand in the flower garden. A mother's day gift from my kids. Aleah also gave me a glass blue and clear bird sitting on top of soulful sounding chimes. It's twice lovely because the gazing ball is the same color as one my Mom had, and when she was sick we'd take her little glass bluebirds of happiness in the hospital. She treasured those little birds.

The day here was also made in heaven! We had the kids outside most of the day, a balmy, sunny, 59 degrees, with a slight breeze. Seems their favorite game this week is when I'm a monster chasing them around trying to eat their brains. Can't remember if it was my idea or Tiny's. Some would say, "Yuck!" But when you put ice cream and caramel on them, it's a tasty snack! The kids definitely did not believe moral mushrooms on top would be good.

Hope your fall days continue to be heavenly as we burst into spring. Supposed to get showers tomorrow, guess I'll have to eat my brains in the rain!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey Kim,

The week end has come and gone and here I sit with even Monday nearly behind me. I've been in a rearranging kind o mood. Well, actually more like reorganising. Right now, G's office is in chaos. But hopefully it will be more comfortable when I am finished. Our flat is very small so it pays to think things through and to have a place and everything in its place. But that hasn't happened the past few weeks as I have been less then at peace. But today I'm taking on the clutter and tomorrow reorganising in the living room/kitchen.

I had to make room for Teddy's big ferret cage in our kitchen dining living room. He is living inside with us now, safe and sound hopefully. Teddy is a small Siamese coloured Netherlands dwarf rabbit.) He was my Stuart's little brother (Stewie was my large English lop who passed away three weeks ago) Teddy has been despondent after Stuart's passing so we relented last Wednesday and brought him home a little sister. We now have little Dory, another Netherlands dwarf.(We thought Teddy might enjoy having a buddy his own size this time) She is an adorable albino with red eyes and teeny tiny ears. Her siblings all died at birth and she the lone survivor but was babied and loved by the little girl whose family brought her in. She is so courageous and fast but just s happy having a cuddle and a scratch. I'm hoping she will be a good friend and companion for Teddy. So far so good. We are introducing them too each other slowly. So we now have Dory's hutch next to Teddy's . ai yi yi... Rabbits are taking over. Thankfully, George is a rabbit person and is very supportive of "rabbit central."
I'm not one for cutting flowers until well beyond their prime, would rather see them growing, than in a vase somewhere.
I have hard time cutting flowers, myself. I almost always ask the plant or tree now before taking a cutting and then give them a chance to withdraw energy from the part I wish to take. I then give them a little something in return...some water, compost... something like that.

LOL It sounds like you hav a grande time with the kids. I can just hear all the squeals and laughter with the "Monster eating your brain game." Kids love stuff like that. the sillier the better.

I'm glad you brought up herbs. I must get out there and cut and dry some. I have lots of parsley this year and marjoram and rosemary with Sage out the kazoo. I have experimented making smudge sticks but so far my attempts haven't been very successful. First time around they were definitely too tight but those I thought would burn easily fizzle out. Well not giving up and would appreciate anyone out there with smudge making skills or tips to please share what they know.

Better get a move on. Have a good week Kim and everyone who reads. :sunny:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy and all,
Sounds like you're in bunny heaven! Poor Teddy, hope he's adjusted to his new a...Dory...ble new sister. Hope you're adjusting also to the loss of your Stewie.

Clutter stresses me out, but with both Dave and I not feeling up to par for the past month we've been doing the best we can. Also with nice weather, THERE'S SO MUCH TO DO! Have a four day weekend, Friday Dan was sick so I watched Nova while Rachel and Tiny were signing up for a new preschool for next year. Saturday Dave and I went shopping, bought plants and saw a movie. Today Dan decided to go to the doctor, has been really sick all last week. Dave and I went over to clean, watch motel and the girls. I planted and weeded in my flowers when we got home. Tomorrow Tiny and I are preparing a Memorial Day picnic while everyone else is cleaning... Needless to say, at our house the clutter remains.

My sage is hardy stock, never tried to make smudge sticks from it sorry. I have to start new rosemary plants every year, have not been able to overwinter, and lost my oregano too. Can't wait to get the basil going! I just toss a bunch of seeds in pots on our back porch and it goes crazy. Spearmint of course is taking over everywhere, and will have to transplant fennel from work, rhubarb is almost ready to pick. I just love the smell of chamomile, mmmm. Tiny bought a new pair of gardening gloves so we can do gardening together. Have to wait for her to help me plant pumpkin seeds. We LOVE watching them twining all over and hanging from the fence.

On a different note, reading Uteah's latest message on teachers brought me to tears tonight. It was announced last Monday our sweet little Center is closing. We have more and more senior citizens in our area. Pretty expensive for young families to live here, so fewer children. Already decided I would not be returning next fall, been a very stressful year and lots of adult drama, but it still makes me sad it will be closing June 6. Aleah was two and a half when I started working there. I'm very grateful after all these years to love children more than ever.

I'm not letting it get me down, some things simply run their course and their time is done. This summer I will be cleaning part-time at the motel and watching Nova three days a week, Tiny also on Fridays. This fall is up in the air, but I know something will present itself, it always does.

Time to turn in, give your sweet bunnies an extra hug and a snuggle for me. Really glad George doesn't mind living in Rabbit Central. Hope you've had a good weekend.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

HI Kim,
Oh I'm so sorry to hear your center is closing. I've been there myself when the preschool I worked at for 13 years went out of business two yers after I left. It was nearly the same troubles afflicting your center with a diminished young population. I felt almost like a family member was dying. The preschool was my second home and a place of safety security love where I knew I belonged. Like you I knew God would open a door. (turned out it was an upper "story window" :roll: :lol: ) But all things considered I am where I am because of actions at this time. I see the seeds of that future being planted. Interesting thought, eh...the seeds of our future. it is almost a little daunting to think that all our actions (thoughts of course too) are creating what will grow in the future. And sometimes something small changes everything in retrospect.
Sounds like you're in bunny heaven! Poor Teddy, hope he's adjusted to his new a...Dory...ble new sister. Hope you're adjusting also to the loss of your Stewie.
Dory and Teddy have become good friends. They are now sharing the same hutch and much happier. The funny thing, Teddy was always the baby as far as the relationship fundamentals with Stewie and he behaved like a juvenile. But with Dory he has taken on the role of the wise adult bunny and Dory's mentor. She is so sweet cuddling up to him. I am so happy they are getting along. I wasn't sure how teddy would react but it is impossible not to love dory. She is so tiny and innocent.

We also have another surprise family member. A domestic pigeon who self-rescued with us on Sunday and not knowing what else to do.. we have adopted her at least until we can locate where she came from. (It's 1111 :D just saw it on my clock. ) so now how little flt is bursting at the seams with animal activity. :bana:

How was your picnic? It has been years since we've enjoyed a picnic. we used to take food to the beach and eat by the ocean but G's illness has kept us from doing anything too strenuous.

It is windy and quite chilly here tonight. The wind is whistling through the cracks in the windows. I love it! :bana: I always sleep well on a windy cold night. Hope you all have been well out of the way of the tornadoes! It is shocking the number and widespread destruction they have caused over there this spring. Stay safe please everyone.

It sounds like you have a busy summer ahead. Enjoy those happy times with Nova and Tiny. I can imagine Tiny with her gardening gloves helping you in the garden. It will grow all the better I think... fairies will see to that... :sunflower:

Good night..(.I am falling asleep as I type.) all is well down here...
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

We are down to our last few days at the Center, having a picnic gathering on Wednesday, closing the doors on Thursday. Last weekend all alone I went through all the STUFF that I had taken in to share with kids, kind of overwhelming after twenty-three years. Took back what I thought my grandkids would use...I might have a book addiction problem, … just might. But it felt like closure, there's a rumor going around the school might take over the building, feels good more kids will be able to experience it. It is a really great building and playground!

Today we had a wondrous thing happen. While exploring in the woods behind the building we found twelve morel mushrooms growing in a sand pile! It was crazy! Our focus was to find materials for building fairy stuff. Last week Aleah took a picture of Tiny playing on the lawn at the motel. She loved it so much, sent it to my son Ken asking if he could photoshop it to make Tiny into a fairy. The picture ended up looking spectacular! The minute the kids saw it they started fluttering around the playground and making fairy cake. So for our last week we're exploring fairies. Tiny said some red fairies came into her room last night, she even told everyone how they sounded. They put birch bark, moss, pretty rocks, pinecones, seeds... and about a million other things in their baskets. I just finished telling them about the baby deer Dave and I saw yesterday, when a day old fawn jumped up scared by our presence. The poor little thing was so frightened it ran into a branch teepee the kids made and got it's hind leg wedged between two branches. I felt so bad knowing it was our fault it was in this predicament. No matter how hard the little thing pulled or cried it couldn't get out. I told the kids to freeze and they did immediately. I walked slowly up behind the little fella telling him it was alright we were going to help. Careful not to touch it, I reached down and was able to pry apart the two branches holding it's leg. Realizing he was free, he darted away. It was such an amazing experience to share,... a magical morning.

It really feels like my guides and guardians are helping me through these last few days. My nephew's graduation was on Sunday, a few funny coincidences between he and I happened, and when I sat down in this huge church auditorium I was sitting in seat 1111! Arriving home after it, I was searching through several notebooks of my old writings looking for a fairy song I'd written. On the back of one of the stories there was a quote I wanted to save. It was from the same nephew who had just graduated, dated 10/5/07. I'd read the story to him and his sister. When the story was done he said, "Aunt Kim, I'm going to put my green paperclip on it, and attach my imagination to it." The whole time I was reading he was holding a giant green plastic paperclip Aleah had given him. He turned 18 on May 30. In the fall he will be attending CCS a college for creative studies in Detroit. His major is illustration, and he's an incredible writer.

So, many thanks to those watching over me, the memories made these last few days will be, and are, greatly cherished.

Love to all, :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,

Looking at the clock I can see it is still the wee hours of the morning...I suspect you are up and about, though, busily getting things ready to go for the picnic. I think a picnic is a great way to end the official life of your priceless little preschool. But in reality and unofficially the school lives on in all the many children with whom you shared your life and they theirs all those 23 years. I understand much of what you may be going through, the conflicting emotions, the sting of loss, the love and pride in what has been accomplished,sitting all alone in the school building, your home away from home going through all the little additions you've added to the school program...
Years ago I participated in the same lone vigil looking at all the bulletin board creations, backdrops, props, photos, books, decorations, project ideas, your favourite chair...even a lone salt shaker left by the first preschool teacher you worked along side.

Our lives, and energy was felt on everything we touched, everything we contributed and everything that contributed left a stamp"on us as well as the creations take an energy life of their own via the imaginations of kids. (If that makes any sense) But it is the children that are our greatest school legacy and with hopes and prayers for the safety welfare and happiness of each and everyone of our precious charges ((the same ones we prayed everyday on the way to work and on the way home but this time with one final tweak) we let them go out into the world, knowing that our prayers do not go unanswered. May the Creator of us all bless your children those of blood and those adopted by heart... May it be so and blessed be! :happy

A part of me aches thinking about those days with the kids. It all but consumed me when it was over...the missing and longing so many years ago...But something someone told me at the time kept filtering back into my brain, "The famous quote, "When God closes a door, he always opens a window." So as I sit here on my laptop tonight I am excitedly thinking about your "window possibilities."
Because for me, the window God opened actually began my spiritual journey that led to Australia and my dear George. :happy Your window may be to the moon and back... :) who knows. ;)

I just want you to know that I am thinking about you today and on Thursday. I am with you sister in spirit and kinship. You are loved by all manner of "beings" and all is well. :kiss:

Enjoy the picnic. :sunny:
with love,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good morning Sandy!
Thank you for thinking of me. :kiss:

It is done, the last music circle beginning with Rattle, Rattle, Bang, Bang has been sung. The last time eating the yummiest snacks in the world, at a picnic table, on the playground joyfully leaving left over morsels for the 'Chippys' and birds, has been eaten. Redistribution of materials began almost immediately. It kind of reminded me of a death of a loved one, materialistically minded individuals trying to get what ever they could, squabbling between groups wrestling for control of the site, all with their own vision of what it should become. The building is owned by the village, strict stipulations in the deed state it houses only entities benefitting the community, no private company or enterprises allowed. Of course many have their own ideas what that means.

It's interesting really, both the Center and this board worked in tandem to teach and reshape my view of life and realize what is truly important. If I had not consistently made progress at realigning my perspective, all that 'kerfuffle' of the past few weeks would have had a much more negative impact. There is a season for everything and a time to move forward, new beginnings must come form old endings.

It's funny I didn't read this post until today, but several times over the past few weeks I thought of:
Sandy wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2019 1:07 pm"When God closes a door, he always opens a window."

Guess I must have heard you in my heart.

Goodbyes are part of the process when you're a teacher, just is. You do what you can, love those in your care, knowing this is simply a blip in their journey. "How do I want to be remembered?" A question always asked when meeting with difficult situations and behaviors, has always been in the back of my mind. The heaviness in my heart is not for myself, but for those children and families already slipping through the cracks, and will no longer have a safe haven when met with the onslaught. My prayers will continue for them, asking God to place each and everyone of them in, "A bubble of love and protection."

The picnic was joyous! We all walked down to the Marina Park on a blissfully sunny day. Faces were smiling, hearts teaming with love and happiness. On the way back we stopped at the town library, giving a final hug to our beloved librarian who hosted the year round, Wigglers Story Hour. We had a group picture taken and shed a few tears.

There has been no time for heavy hearts since then. My gardens are shaping up, Tiny and I had a Grandma Day and sleep over, lilacs are in full bloom, everything is lush and green! Possibilities, especially this time of year, seem endless! The fairy flowers look to be multiplying before our very eyes! Tiny and I got a good start on the new and improved Fairy Village. We decided they would love the location, situated under the canopy of beech, maple trees, and Granddad Oak. The houses are surrounded by forget-me-nots, lilies of the valley, sweet peas, sweet woodruff, and of course fairy flowers! We thought they would like living between Emmaline's Garden and the asparagus, fennel, currant and raspberry garden... Building a Fairy Village takes a lot of consideration! Materials come from a variety of sources, beautiful broken pots, accessories no longer used in the turtle tank, and of course birch bark from our fallen loved one. We thought he would appreciate being a part of the village...shouldn't every fairy village be made of birch bark?

Although it might be a difficult transition for me of not working at the Center to... playing, dancing and singing at the beach, exploring woods and parks, going 'A Wondering', imagining about fairies and constructing a fairy village, buying food from the farm market, reading, reading, reading, laughing and loving my granddaughters, writing new stories, working in the flowers... I'm going to work hard at bridging the passage as smooth as possible.

Well, the rain has stopped. Time to sow a few seeds, plant the rest of the marigolds... Hmm, a thought after rereading this line makes me realize this could be a metaphor for deeper meaning.

Love to all! :loves

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Time to revive this thread and with it a recipe...

Here's the recipe for Fairy Cakes I promised you. I may try making some myself over the week end... that and rebuilding the little fairy house I built last week. :roll: No self-respecting fairy would dare give it a look-see, I suspect. It's a derelict after the strong winds we've had. LOL

Fairy Cakes

1 cup Bisquick
1/8 cup quick oats
1/8 cup cornmeal
1/8 cup flour
1/8 teaspoon almond extract
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 cup milk

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F

Stir together; knead in a bowl. Form mixture into 1 inch balls. Bake 10 minutes on ungreased cookie sheet. Makes 1 dozen.

Well that's it. Sounds simple eh?

Hey have you spoken recently to PP? I haven't heard from her and I'm missing her. Hope all is okay.

Have a great week end. (I's already Friday afternoon here. :)
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Thank you for the recipe! I'll be waiting for a little while to turn the oven on.

The wind has done serious damage to our fairy village also. Looks like a pitiful excuse of a village indeed. :oops: Another example of not having enough time for everything... maybe next weekend!

I'm going to try and send PP an email. There must be a reason why both of us are missing her lately. I'll let you know if I hear anything.

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Re: The Secret

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Nope, not in my email contacts... Not surprising, since I only check my email if my arm is twisted behind my back. Will try sending a PM, but had no success with her replying some months back.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Don't fall off your chairs!!!! :hithere

Just got a nice reminder from Kim,,,thank you Kim....

Tea time??? yes,,I could use a sit down,,,and feel a nice breeze as I overlook the valley,,,while we share a cuppa...or two!!

I always get a certain picture in my mind when I think of our Secret tea house,,,coffee house,,,gathering place...

Just working on staying out of the chaos as much as possible,,,,being oblivious,,,except for what really gets thrown at you,,,then I just get out that paddle and aim downstream,,,,paddle/breathe,,,repeat,,,repeat...

sometimes,,,just float on the Angel wings...

I think sometimes I'm being very selfish,,,,withdrawn,,,,just not wanting to be "involved"....not being able to really talk with people (yes this is really pp writing :roll )

just a weird space dear ladies!!!

love and blessings, pp :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

LYNN!!! :hithere
Good thing I was sitting on a bench! Not as easy to fall off of.

Was just going to make up a new batch of my favorite sun tea and I'll join you... Mind you it might take a few hours, 'cause it's not too sunny here yet. That gives me a chance to whip up a batch of Fairy Cakes too!
peacockplume wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:33 amJust working on staying out of the chaos as much as possible,,,,being oblivious,,,except for what really gets thrown at you,,,then I just get out that paddle and aim downstream,,,,paddle/breathe,,,repeat,,,repeat...
Deep breathing seems to be my busiest past time lately. Like you, trying to ride the waves while the sea churns around me. Some days I get a little sea sick. Just trying to remember to keep breathing... Nothing wrong with, "Floating on angel wings!" That sounds quite lovely actually.
peacockplume wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:33 amI think sometimes I'm being very selfish,,,,withdrawn,,,,just not wanting to be "involved"....not being able to really talk with people (yes this is really pp writing )just a weird space dear ladies!!!
You are not alone Lynn, however, I am having difficulties envisioning it! Many of the very spiritual people I know are doing the same. It takes a lot of energy navigating this Correcting Time! Seems like everyone is being called to task to once and for all deal with their... stuff. Why is there so much stuff?!

"Not being able to really talk with people." Boy, oh boy I can relate to this,... but you know, I truly believe, "There is a reason for everything," A reason for the problems, and a reason to take the time to sort it all out.

Well, I for one, am really happy to see your avvie, and hope to be able to see it a lot more!

Have a great 'cuppa'! I'll let you know when the cakes are ready to come out of the oven. :sunflower:


P.S. Have been thinking about Laura lately too, do you have an update? That would be a lovely avvie to see also!
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Re: The Secret

Post by happyrain »

I don't mean to intrude but I do mean to say hello peacockplume! So nice to see your writing.
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hello Kim and happyrain!!!

never an intrusion at this coffee house!!!

Kim,,,you said....
"Seems like everyone is being called to task to once and for all deal with their... stuff. Why is there so much stuff?! "

sorry Kim,,,but there is no "once and for all",,,,it truly is an ongoing process,,,,and as we proceed through each minute/second, we are creating,,,so I guess it depends on what one creates,,,as to what you will need to clear,,,and keep clearing!!

we are like onions (nice sweet ones of course lol),,,and we peel off (clear) layer by layer,,,,only the onion keeps growing...
so the job never ends,,,,and I don't think it even ends when we leave this dimension!!

btw,,,the cakes and tea were lovely,,,,(I even had some chai today)

:kiss: pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

This is not an exclusive conversation. The tea room is open to ALL!

I didn't mean to leave the impression that once we worked through 'stuff' we were done. I meant to convey, This Correcting Time is calling people to task to deal with their stuff. Burying it, shoving it down deep and moving on, is no longer the choice. If our world is going to get to light and life we have to face those things we've not wanted to.

No doubt, "I'm definitely and onion!" Think if I ever do get through my layers, next... I want to be a :bana: !(not as many layers.)

Glad the cakes were good, I'm only cooking with stevia now days, could you tell the difference? I was wondering, "What is chi tea made out of anyway?"

The internet says, "Chai tea is made from a combination of black tea, ginger and other spices. The most popular spices include cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, black pepper and cloves, although star anise, coriander seeds and peppercorns are other well-liked options." Those herbal combinations sound a little spicy!

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »


Absolutely Kim,,,,tea room welcomes everyone...

sorry I forgot to update on Laura...suffice it to say, she is still having heart problems,,,so any healing sent her way would be greatly appreciated...I will phone her soon and see how it is going...she did mention her daughter wants them to move to Florida, I think the Orlando area....(not my cuppa tea for sure) Bless all their hearts going through this hurricane...

We have an 11r in the Bahamas,,,I'm praying for her safety!!

Chai,,,traditionally you boil milk (in India) add tea leaves to it, and an assortment of those spices you mentioned,,but not all at the same time,,,my preference is cardamom, cinnamon and maybe a bit of anise....but I cheat and buy a carton,,,already spiced, just add milk and heat it up....sooooo delicious...

Sandy,,I copied your Fairy Cakes recipe,,,perhaps I'll get ambitious in Arizona this winter,,,,I still remember that apple cake you shared,,,,but I haven't made one in a long,,long time...

sending you all love and blessings,,,pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

My meditation last night after our conversation, was to send loving healing protection to anyone in the path of the latest hurricane and to Laura.

Have never tried cardamom, had to look it up. As far a I can tell black cardamom has a strong smokie, mint flavor. Hmm. never would have thought to mix mint with cinnamon, interesting! I love experimenting with growing herbs for teas. Will definitely buy it off the shelf first(apparently it is quite expensive), to check out the taste. My latest disaster with lemon balm cured me of being impulsive with ingredients. Had a lovely growth of lemon balm, adore the smell! Enthusiastically brewed tea from it!... realized very quickly, I'm deathly allergic to any of the balms! :evil: Yup, I'm still pulling it out of by flower beds and lawn... Gardening tip, most herbs are weeds you know!

Lol! Live and learn!

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

I'm sorry,,,but I'm laughing!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
you'll be digging that out forever!!!
also,,,very doubtful you will be able to grow cardamom,,,,it's a spice, not an herb,,,,and grows quite tall... ... m-elaichi/

"Growing Cardamom is difficult. It requires specific growing conditions: Tropical, hot and humid climates are suitable for its growth. It grows in humid or very humid subtropical forests. Where temperature ranges mostly between 18 to 35 C. Humidity level for growing cardamom is usually near 75%."

I would have difficulty growing it here, unless I had a heated greenhouse you need USDA zone 10 -12, not impossible,,,but...

what a beep-beep your allergic to all the balms,,,,,,anything that is invasive I plant in large containers, then bury the!

I spent one summer digging out my beautiful Greek Oregano,,,which was really going to overtake my small garden...2 yrs ago,,
I'm still finding it popping up here and now,,,all herbs,,,in buried containers...

I read somewhere that the definition of a weed is.....Any plant that is in a spot that you don't want it to be.
That includes trees!

Thanks for sending to Laura

loves pp :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

I did send you a pm,,,,but just in case...I found out how to do it,,,,and succeeded!!!

xoxoxo pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello you guys :hithere
Man I miss a day or two and this thread takes much I want to comment on from the conversations above and now I can't remember what they were... :scratch:

First of all, (looking back over the thread, congrats to you PP! To tell you the truth I forgotwhat you asked until you mentioned it here. We had to go grocery shopping today... well, we didn't have to lol but typically this is our errand day and in making up the shopping list etc... I forgot about the work you asked me to do.

pp wrote:
sorry Kim,,,but there is no "once and for all",,,,it truly is an ongoing process,,,,and as we proceed through each minute/second, we are creating,,,so I guess it depends on what one creates,,,as to what you will need to clear,,,and keep clearing!!
Okay I suspect that in reality you said this for my benefit even if you didn't know it at the time. ;) I practice avoidance with this "issue" and it's not good. I mean I can try to blame my chocka block full library of inner traumas on Mars or Jupiter etc... but if truth be told yep... this stuff does pile up if one doesn't regularly do a cleaning. Maybe we need inner self inspectors to show up a couple times a year. ( Sorry that probably doesn't make sense to you guys but if you have rented in Australia you understand that most likely you will have to clean top to bottom at least twice a year to pass inspection. Bit of a beep-beep but I must admit it keeps me on the cleaner "straight and narrow.")

For those of you new to this thread... many pages ago now you may find posts by someone we all loved called Memawlaura. She's having some very serious heart issues right now as PP mentioned and even though this isn't the prayer section of the board I would still like to ask for prayers and healing for this dear woman who has been through so much.

Hi Eric! :hithere Please do jump in here as much as you can. This is a thread where anything goes just about. And that goes for all readers. Please jump in and let's all get to know each other. To be honest it was this thread years ago that helped fasten the friendships. It really helped us get to know each other as we chatted about our lives and food and drink and more food. Really we do throw in some spiritual thought every now and then. :) I just don't want anybody to think that just because we seem very close with each other that new/old friends and conversation wouldn't be enjoyed welcomed and appreciated here. The more the merrier.

I have the saddest little lemon balm plant you have ever seen. It has made it through the winter so yeah...but I will remember NOT to make tea out of it. :shock: I must get busy planning what I'd like to plant this year. I saved a couple ears of dried blue Indian corn and may plant some of it along with the pumpkins and beans...but in reality I just don't have enough room in my raised bed garden. So I may just stick to a herb/flower garden.

I just noticed the sun has set so it is time to put Pidge back in her hutch. She looks quite comfortable though up there on the curtain Rod. But it is impossible for me to cook while she is free...too dangerous.

Enjoy the day :sunny:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good evening everyone!
:) ha! At least I got you to laugh! And you're right, not even close to a tropical growing season here. Good tip to know about the pots...why don't I know that already? Oh, I know, "I must like digging out invasive plants!" Folks, don't EVER put in Lilies of the Valley, aluminum plant, mint, vinca vine, LEMON BALM, crown vetch, if you want to have room for anything else, or allow soap wort get too close to your garden. :shock: I have to tell you though I love the Balloon Flower and beautiful pink blossomed Lambs Ear all over the lawn. Actually the Lambs Ear seems to grow better in the yard than the flower beds, probably likes poor soil. I need to plant borage again, lost a bunch of stuff when we went to Sunrise,... except the lemon balm.

Funny thing, I was talking to a friend today about oregano, at my ( :cry: ) old center oregano pretty much made up the whole lawn. Neither her oregano at home, or mine seem to spread that much. She wants it to, because it's very healthy for chickens. I don't want it to, because it's at the end of the strawberry bed, "EWW!"

Will continue to add Laura to my prayers, and anyone lying in the path of the hurricane.

I'm thinking about the seeds I want to collect and start this spring. The cost of flats is getting outrageous. My pumpkin plants have been gorgeous, had a hundred blossoms, covering the whole fence, but, no pumpkins! At Dave's work there are several volunteers growing behind their shop. Think they will find their way to our house around harvest time!

Ever since I began the process of clearing out my emotional garbage, my heart feels so much lighter. It's easier for me to see another's point of view, and I don't get mad as easily. I remember the day I realized I forgave my dad, physically felt as if a heavy weight lifted from my shoulders.
Sandy wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:30 amif you have rented in Australia you understand that most likely you will have to clean top to bottom at least twice a year to pass inspection. Bit of a beep-beep but I must admit it keeps me on the cleaner "straight and narrow.")
That is really weird and invasive. We have holidays to keep me on the cleaning straight and narrow. Have a couple of storage areas, that would probably help put us out on the streets if inspected, oh and my son's room....I'm not even brave enough. :pale: But! It's my intention to tackle them this winter! The storage rooms, not my son's room... nope not enough incentive in the world.

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Wow, we are having such a lovely spring morning. Had a walk down to the lake a little bit ago and sat among the trees for awhile. Wasn't what I envisaged in the beginning (quiet solitude) but wound up be a nice special time with my neighbour, Donna..

Geez...I haven't even said hello.
I hope everyone is happy. I am wondering what this day will bring... it can be anything and perhaps I am not at the mercy of fate in every aspect. ... well I guess what I mean is I can assist fate towards the final outcome.

I smile now as I think about a yard overcome with oregano. All these wonderful herbs and flowers. There are many spring flowers here too. everything blooms here. right now trees shrubs flowers are all blooming their hearts out...not in huge showy ways yet...But so subtle. The air is filled with sweet fragrance if you stop a moment and notice.

PP, I forgot to tell you how much I adored the wire weaving jewellery you are making. They are exquisite so delicate and precious. I kept thinking about that word precious and thought, "Is that the word I want?" And yes, I think it is...there is something precious about them as these lovely thin metal wires have been warmed and shaped in the artist's (your) loving hands... A part of you and perhaps your loving intentions are embedded in each and every one. I am now wondering if this is true of other things we fashion with our hands and heart, for instance, Kim's garden... Her love for green and growing things...heck, her love for all things seemingly would imbibe what she touches.

Okay just an escaped thought this morning. :hithere


NO PUMPKIN????? How can that be? :shock: :roll:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

my hands are numb,,,it's been a couple of zoooeeee days,,,but if i don't try to answer another week will go by...
hmmm oregano lawn,,,i can smell it now!! kim, throw some wooly thyme in with walking on a carpet of cotton,,,,and did you pollinate your pumpkin flowers??

thank you Sandy,,,,i just wish i could do more of them....faster :lol:
the love you share with everyone is at the top of the Creator's list!!

12:22 .... ;)

can't finger poke any more,,,have to come back tomorrow

love you guys :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

:hithere :bana: :bana: :sunflower:
Ahh, just what I needed, conversation with friends and a cup of my favorite blend of tea.

Sandy your morning sounds just about perfect! Thanks for the visual, "Aaaauuuummmm!" Hope you don't mind if I added a few lotus blossoms to the water. I suspect you have a poem in there somewhere. I forgot to tell you, the day after talking about the book with the little monster and human fears, I went to see my grand kids. First thing Tiny hands me a book to read. The title was Earthlets, by the same author as the one we were talking about, Jeannie Willis!I said, "I bet Sandy's grand kids would love this one too!" I'm enjoying a day of blissful solitude. Here I go again!" Aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuummmmm! We are relishing another rainy day, second one this week!

It's been a whopper of a week for me, happy to have this day to relax and breathe. Picture a kernel of corn in a popcorn popper. I made it through the week and I'm grateful for making the decisions and choices I did... Thank you God , guardians, guides and angels for being with me!

Your post was short, but you said so much!That is the sentiment we have to get our brains wrapped around isn't it! We are the architects of our lives, not the victims.

Here comes another song! "You've got to stop, and smell the roses. You've got to count your many blessing every day! You're going to find that way to heaven is a rough and rocky road, if you don't stop and smell the roses along the way..." Something like that anyway! You probably don't know this about me..., But I just love to watch things grow and bloom! :bana: :bana: :bana: plants and people.
Ha, I know! Saw one little baby yesterday, getting pretty late in the season, but I will cheer him on just the same!

I'm glad you had such a fulfilling reflective day Sandy.

Unfortunately the lawn at our sweet little center will go untended for a year, until it's decide what is to be done with the building. Weird thing is the oregano had no flavor or scent what so ever! One year the kids and I dried a bunch of it for the cook, ended up tossing it out.

I let nature take it's course with pollination, we've definitely had enough sunshine and bees about. Had some really dry, hot days for over a month, watered, but who knows? Probably should have pinched some of the blossoms off, to encourage pumpkin growth, instead of spending so much time producing flowers. But I love to see the flowers!... A friend of mine stuffs and eats them, ever heard of that?

I want to see your jewelry wrapping! Sorry about your hands, darn it. :( If you don't mind I'll invite you into the river when meditating.

Well, have to go plant four lilies I rescued yesterday from ending up in the compost heap, gorge myself on cherry tomatoes, …and sing to the little pumpkin!

Love to you all, :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I had a few quotes in my post from Sandy, but something got messed up. Hope it makes sense without them.
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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