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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi PP,
Just finished saying howdy doo to you on another thread. It is good to see you again and so glad that the board is functioning again. As you noticed, we still have a few glitches to work out...for instance, have you noticed that you don't see the moderator's forum? We noticed that a couple weeks ago. Geoff looked into it and said it was there but for some reason the board was treating us like we have no right to see it. LOL Geoff tried to fix it but I think it needs the person with the "keys" to this place to make those changes. Funny, if founders and admins and mods can't see it what's the point???? LOL

I'm glad to hear your neighbor is doing well after her heart surgery. Can you give me her first name and I will send her some love and prayers over the spirit "airwaves" . I was hoping that both you can kim would also pray for a young man named Austin. He is the son of one of our old members Theocles . Paul (Theocles) hasn't been here for a long time but he is very much a lightworker and is in contact with George throughout the year.
This is what Paul says about his son's condition.

" Austin suffers from Autism, Aperger’s syndrome, Tourette’s syndrome, ADHD, ADD, has a severely herniated disc causing much pain that’ll likely require surgery (already had that for disc below in 2013), has severe depression, and has been suicidal for for about five years now. In time, he will make an incredible testament to the kingdom."

Austin is really struggling right now.

He is a lovely young man... with his heart in Father's hand but as you can see he is dealing with much misery. Please lets see if we can assist this young one in the "Circle of Light".

Austin is 22 and lives in Texas.

Thanks for all you can do.

PP, I am sorry to know your neck and nerves are giving you trouble at this time. Sending you love as I type and hoping the pain eases a bit and your mobility improves. You know, the past couple years I have reached that surprising age when suddenly you realized that your body begins to resent certain jobs you have performed your entire some of the gardening I just mentioned. And I am always reminded of you and your leap off the cliff into the lake on a water raft. You were my gardening hero at that time...I still remember you clearing your rather large property of stinging nettle and I forget now the other crazy growing plant... I still have photos of your previous home...It was very beautiful but oh my!!!! It would have taken an army of gardeners to do what one woman did. :) But you warned me latter and I try to keep that in mind. ("try" being the important word here. )

We had a doozey of a lightening storm last week too... It hit Sydney worse I believe but the lightening and loud thunder was so extreme that the police got several calls with people thinking a plane had crashed in their vicinity. Strangely enough...George and I slept right through it. I don't think there is any chance of that happening now, though, as our beloved and nice and warm water bed mattress sprung a leak last week. We can't 17 years out of it George says. So now we are sleeping on a queen size blow up camping mattress. LOL It isn't that uncomfortable because I put our plush mattress cover over it and it holds about half of the air throughout the night. I then just pump more air into it when making the bed and warn anyone (George) who even thinks of lying down on it during the day. LOL

I do hope the weather warms up for you. I know that will help your recuperation. :finger:
Well, I am off to do some chores. Please take care of yourself, sis. :kiss:

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Re: The Secret

Post by ruthnfla »

Hi Sandy, this may seem like a silly request, but I need help finding my kitty, Tut. I have been in the process of moving, (by myself), since I came home from AU. I could not leave him behind. I put him in his carrier and in the car to head over to the new place. It broke my heart as he "cried" the whole way. My friend said to bring him to her house since she knew my cat, and he knew her. He cannot stand to be closed up inside the house or in a car. Poor baby, he was traumatized by the time we got there. I talked to him the whole way, but it didn't help to calm him. When I got there I took his carrier out of the car and as soon as I cracked the door open a little, he burst out and took off. We've walked the neighborhood, checked the pound, etc. no luck. He's a very loving cat. I'm so worried about him. I've been praying that the Angels will guide him to a safe place. I don't want the coyotes to get to him. Geoff said he would tell him to go home, but it's almost 30 miles away. Is there any hope?
With every prayer, I wish you Love!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Oh Ruth,
I am so sorry. My family and I have gone through something very similar. Several years ago our beloved kitty slipped out the garage door when my son and family were going away for an overnight trip. They did not know he was missing till they returned the next day and he couldn't be found.
But yes,there is hope! :D And I'll tell you why. Geoff has a wonderful feel for kitty energy Do you know that even though Timothy, our kitty had been gone for almost a week as soon as I asked Geoff to please see if he could connect with him, within an hour he was found in the back yard. :sunflower:
Uncle Geoffy told him to go home and he did. :D So don't give up hope.

You have a strong connection with Tut...Keep calling him in your mind and perhaps visualize your friends house, what the yard might look like for a kitty.
Send Love and light energy outwards. Picture it sweeping outwards into the area, touching him as he recognizes your very familiar energy then try drawing this energy back towards you leaving little trails markers all leading to you. Do this when ever you think of it and have the time. Make sure to use divine energy rather then just your own or you may quickly run out of "gas" and feel weak.

I would tell you to try not to worry but it is hard. We'll join in too and help any way we can, praying for his safety and a happy reunion. Hang in there and don't give up. (((((((((Ruth)))))))))

I'm glad to see you here. :) We've been thinking about you and wondering if you settled back nicely in Florida after you latest adventure.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hello Everyone!

Sandy I started crying reading about Austin. Of course I'll pray for him, so many obstacles in his path... everything happens for a reason right?

Ruth I hope you get happy news about your cat. We had almost the same situation happen. When moving our wonderful Benny jumped out of our van at my in-laws farm. The food they put out for him was gone every morning, but there were lots of predators. Then really late one night, about three weeks later, I saw a glow of eyes off in an orchard. I jumped out crying and calling his name, he ran mewing loudly and jumped into my arms. Man I loved that cat.

Lynn I hope you're feeling better. I've been spending as much time as possible in trying to find our yard and my gardens again, consequentially!...Practically every muscle and bone in my body is screaming in rebellion. But!!! Our yard is starting to come around

Which leads me back to talking about fairies! There have been so many people lately bringing up the subject of fairies and such. It was so sad for me coming back to our house and seeing everything brown and dead. I put the plea out to anyone who would listen to please help me bring life back to our space. One day Aleah asked, "So you know a Fae lives in your woods right?" She went on to explain he was so surprised she could see him. He was flustered, but then intrigued, explaining he came because we moved here. He'd been really working hard to save a stand of woods in front of the house. She was so nonchalant about the experience, I was a little speechless. "Oh didn't I tell you about it? There was another one too a while back."
Then a friend of mine I'd been trying to connect with came over last weekend, said she'd been receiving all kinds of information from her guides about fairies and other inter-dimensional beings. She was so excited, it was hard to keep up. She said, it's like everything is speeding up.

Tuesday morning I announced, 'Well, I want to see and talk to fairies!" Getting ready for work that morning I saw little black specks flying around in front of the mirror. Thinking they were bugs I swiped the air. Upon closer inspection I realized they were not really specks, but kind of see through. I said, "Hello?!" they continued zipping and flitting about. I held my hand out underneath one, it appeared to float right through it! "Huh!... That was pretty quick response." They continued to appear on and off throughout the day. As we were getting ready to go outside I asked my TA in my head, "Are these things I'm seeing for real?" Felt my TA's symbol immediately, then happened to look at my phone, it was 11:11. I laughed and said thank you. They've been appearing consistently since then.

When on the computer one or two of them appear to bounce up and down on the screen while I'm typing. I talked to Aleah about them today. She explained, "They don't look like fairies that have bodies and are sentient, the best way to explain it is they are like little specks of energy that are attracted to your energy."

I laughed, "Of course they are!" All I know is the grass is green, there are lush beautiful plants thriving in garden beds I though were dead,.. along with scores of weeds! And I'm happy as a clam.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello You guys!,
KIM!!!!! That is AWESOME!!!! I cannot believe how exciting it is to ask a question about fairies and then to get such exciting first-hand response! :bana: I am thrilled for you as together with the fairies your beautiful home will look green and natural again... I love how Aleah says, "Didn't I tell you about that? Oh my!!! I would have been standing on my roof with a megaphone telling everyone about it! :lol: Okay... so we know from at least your experience, and you being someone I would trust with my life...that fairies do interact with us and you just demonstrated that we don't have to chew gum rub our tummies and stand on our heads at the same time to get it to happen. :roll

I have been thinking this week that I would like to learn to communicate on a deeper level with animals. I've just started exploring how it is done and it is something supposedly that anybody can do. (just a matter of practice) It would have been something ancient humans probably knew but has been forgotten as we evolved. When I know a little more I will post what I have learned from multiple sources. This idea began with me actually from Welles when he posted a review of a wonderful old book called... dang I forgot what it was called..???? I'll have to find it...

Here it is.. J. Allen Boone - "Kinship With All Life"

The book really resonated with me, a Doctor Doo Little wanna be since I was old enough to crawl. :) It was sort of funny, after reading that book things seemed to change and this is gonna crack you up..but I had a bit of a rapport with insects... :oops: :D I found myself talking to them and they responded...a fly actually walked into the jar I had in my hand to gently remove him from the premises. I could go on but I do look at all life differently now...hmmm well.... still have a very bumpy relationship with Mosquitoes. :roll: :roll (but who doesn't? ;) ). I believe there is nothing we cannot do if we believe without a shadow of a doubt that it is possible and if needed work towards the outcome. In this case, I need to research and put into practice what I know. But wouldn't it be lovely to be able to help the wild life and even our own pet friends when they needed it...know precisely what will help orsee feel where they have been, what they have seen and learn really learn about life from their perspective. Okay, I suspect some people may roll their eyes but I have seen enough to know that all life responds to love even if it sometimes takes a little convincing. Now that does not mean I would feel confident to walk into a tigers cage etc... I think a little common sense is in order eh? :mrgreen:

Isn't the world more beautiful just knowing wee have fairies and wonders of all sorts about us. and I was thinking... Do you think Aleah could write down some of her experiences and share them with us...If she doesn't like to write and doesn't have time that's okay..maybe her... er hmmm ...."writer Mom" could relay the happenings and any wisdom or knowledge she has received from her friend on the subject too. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

And PP...hows that neck of yours? :kiss:
Ruth, any sign of Tut?

My fingers are doing pretty good..going to the doc tomorrow to discuss what preventative measures I can possibly make to lessen the likelihood of another episode like I just experienced. Say a little prayer as I once again brave Macquarie Pass! :shock:

Have agreat week everybody! :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hope you are feeling better!!!

Dave and I just finished breakfast and discussing our plans for the day. I said, "I want to spread more seeds and get more transplanting done." :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

He asked, "Are you ever going to be done planting?" Little does he know were making a nursery run later today! ;)

I responded smiling, "I don't think I want to." The lilacs are blooming, snowball bush blossoms forming and forget-me-nots are everywhere!!! I want to make the fairies as happy as they are making me.

Everyone in the family are writers. With our crazy family, there are a thousand stories, some only tucked away in the back of my memory, many in various notebooks and scraps of random paper. It's not easy to keep up, but I'll try to relay stories more as they manifest. Oh, a few years ago my mom saved the life of my cousin, her fiance and her two daughters. Cousin and fiance had fallen asleep watching TV. Girls were sleeping in their rooms. My cousin had a dream my mom was yelling at her to wake up. She was screaming over and over again! When that didn't work she shoved my cousin off the couch very forcefully, landing in a heap on the floor. When my cousin opened her eyes their trailer was engulfed in smoke. They got out just before it burst into flames, consuming the whole place. She found out later that electrical wires running under the floor had shorted out. They burned the entire length of the trailer.

Ha ha! Only you would be able to communicate with bugs! If the mosquitoes knew what I was thinking...they'd definitely leave me alone. Dave and middle son Dan(Tiny's dad) have a deep love for animals. Dan and his wife have had numerous number and types of pets. He was always trying to coax a wild animal to come close enough so he could hold, feed, or pet it. Tiny desperately wants to hold a baby chick or bunny.

Well, I'd better get at it. I've sprouted a bunch of zinnias that need a home... cosmos and bachelor button seeds to spread. Fairies here I come, don't start without me! :bana: :bana: :bana:

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:silent: oh you guys are making me pine away for 'the good ole days',,,well,,,sort of... :? :? :? I have a narrow garden that goes between our lot and the 5th wheel next door, it's about 4 ft wide down by the road then at about 20 ft it narrows to about 3 ft for 10 ft or so, then narrows again to about 2 ft wide as it reaches our dining tent.
It looked a little spotty when we came home, but I started to take pictures every week or two, as I cleaned out last years dead leaves and pruned away debris....then out popped the daffodils in April,,,as they faded out, the tulips came up,,,not many of those, and they didn't last long,, but a little patch of primroses were blooming, by mid May the Nigella/columbine were starting to open and one of the empty spots had sprouted up the hostas, and the azalea was blooming,, now 2 wks later, the columbine is running a riot of purples, pinks and deep bluish purple,,,,the bugle has grown up about a ft and is a purple blue,,,,the flags are starting to bloom and the big hostas are getting BIG,,,,in fact they are almost hiding a smaller type,,,which I'll have to move,,,I think,,if I want to see them!! Thyme and oregano are growing like crazy,,,I've already taken a harvest of oregano,,and need to do it again,,then I'll let it bloom for the bees...and lastly (I think),,the heliotrope, different colours and leaves actually made their presence known...Allan planted old plants last fall and it was just a hope that they would come back....

oh and don't laugh too hard,,,but there's 2 flower pots that I poked yellow wax bush beans actually came up,,,,so I'll stick another seed in the other one again....I also planted dill seed,,,,makes a lovely yogurt dip!

so those elementals must have been hard at work thru the winter as we've been blessed with a profusion of colour and healthy plants. and I haven't had to do much at all (except prune the herbs).....ah love perennials!!! I must remember tomorrow to thank all those little fairies. and take some more pics.

oh,,and I must remember to pick up some catnip,,,seed or plant as apparently mosquito's do not like catnip!!! I will plant it all along the edge of the dining tent,,,and not in the garden,,,,there are too many cats here, and keeping them out of the garden is a chore,,,,especially in the spring with all that nice fresh dirt...where there aren't any plants,,(in the spring) I put in big flat stones,,,so they can roll around in the catnip,,,out of the garden!!

and I love 'pinks',,,hmmmm Kim!!!! suggesting nursery trips,,,I still do want to get some special flowers for the bees and butterflies tho,,,,the hummers have already been tasting things.....they like boxwood blooms...of all things....I think they have retreated to the woods for baby time!!

so,,,happy planting Kim, looking forward to some stories/experiences,,,and careful driving Sunny! (my neck is a lot better.........thanks)

oh,,,and Marion pulled thru the heart surgery,,,just fine....7 days later and she's out of the hosp....she came up to see her cats and had a few visitors, then she went back to Victoria at some friends place for a week or so of recouperation....

I think it's time to retire now....later lovlies

pp xoxoxo :sunflower:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello PP,
I was trying to visualize your gardens as you spoke, not too hard as I know most those plants and you give very good descriptions. They must be beautiful to behold and what a spirit lifter are growing things. I was thinking of you today as our doctor is originally from Vancouver Canada, I believe, which is just next door to your gorgeous Island home. We are so blessed to have him for a doc. I only had a short appointment and he wound up asking about George too who was with me, giving him his flu shot and taking care of any prescription needs. I'm not sure he will get any lunch as patients were knee deep when we left. God bless the doctors who take such good care of us. Now I'm thinking of Doctor Viv. :D Do you know she is a grandma now? :bana: :sunflower:

Well, this is short for me today but I need to start supper. We haven't had much today and that is not good for George who needs regular small meals.
Love to all you light-filled wonders out there!

You would have been so pleased with me today...I purred right up that scary mountain as if I hadn't a care in the world. My driving has really come a long way... I am so excited to have let go of that debilitating fear. On the backside of it I wonder why did I wait so long to face it???? :sunflower:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Morning!!! :hithere
Lynn, it sounds like you still have your hand in the gardening game! Thanks for the reminder of the catnip. Couldn't remember what repelled mosquitoes for the life of me. I believe the fairies and other Elementals must be working over time in our yard! There must be a thousand five inch maple trees in Clementine's play area alone!

Please forgive me if there are way too many exclamation points in this entry. Yesterday was the end of our school year, except for two days of training, I have off until the 26th! Woo! Hoo! We're planning for an exciting summer, but I plan to make the best of the time off! Believe it or not it is mostly going to be playing in the flowers and with Tiny. I know, what a surprise!!! Tomorrow almost everyone in our family will be planting trees in town. A grant is paying for the trees, we just have to plant fifty of them in one day to qualify. I think it will be amazing for Clementine to help and watch the growing over the years, knowing her family planted them will make it even more special!
Sandy wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:19 am You would have been so pleased with me today...I purred right up that scary mountain as if I hadn't a care in the world. My driving has really come a long way... I am so excited to have let go of that debilitating fear. On the backside of it I wonder why did I wait so long to face it????
Yay!!! You did it!! :bana: :bana: :bana: I'm so happy for you! Can't tell you how many times I've felt the same way after facing a fear. On this side of it you think, "Why was I so afraid of that? Why did it stop me for so long?"" On the fearful side, it was such a terrifying obstacle. I have to remind myself all of them came from somewhere. They may have started out small, beginning early in childhood, then snowballed gaining momentum as life became scarier and scarier. Moving forward, no matter the pace, that's what's important now.

Well, I'm itching to get outside there's lilies, Lamb's ear, Siberian Iris and many more to move around! Have a wonderful day my dear friends!

Love, :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Oh you girls,,,,!!!!! enjoy, enjoy, enjoy :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

glad you made it up the mtn,,,,since we live on the summit of the Malahat (well, very nearby) I have to go down the mtn to get anywhere,,,,then have to come back up it again to get home!! I'm thinking of looking for another resort,,,on flatland and closer to a town.

funny but there is a tv commercial about a girl with a fear of climbing,,,but when she gets to the top she says,,,why did it take me so long to do it.....then I got a real chuckle this morning,,,,same commercial about overcoming fear,,,but this time it was quite an elderly gentleman climbing up mayan temple steps,,,,more like crawling,,,but I thot,,,hey if he can do it,,,then I still can...

aw heck,,,I'm crawling/climbing all over the desert rocks as it is...

have a great day girls....

oh,,btw,,,memawlaura's husband Robert, just had a pacemaker put in....All is well!!!

loves,,,pp xoxoxo :love :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi all,
Well I was going to say good morning, but I can see that the morning has gotten away from me and it is nearly noon. But still plenty of time to think about the goals for the day. All this talk about gardening and fairies has me aching to get out there and tackle my own trouble spots. Sadly, though, it isn't looking like that is to be today as the thick clouds roll through. I suppose as long as it isn't raining I can still do jobs like freeing the tropical shrubs from the invasive vine that threatens to take over the world if left to its own devices.
I'd like to turn my meager gardening options into something magical... you know something children would adore...even though the only child around here is me :geek:

This morning I was given the task of taking care of our next door neighbor's cockatiels and parakeets. Lovely birds with the youngest quite the imitator. I was busily cleaning this and that when I heard the theme song from the Adam's Family, complete with thumb snaps and everything. Such a cutie and what a great way to start the day. :bana:
I have been doing some affirmation videos to help perk and uplift my spirits which have been a bit down due to the "One who shall be nameless" in the US. Shoot, I am even blaming him for my weight gain but in reality I suppose it is I who put the extra marshmallow raspberry cookie in my mouth. :mrgreen: What a way to go though...YUM!
Still I must look objectively at the way I internalize such things and the way it then comes out. So just trying to chill out and pray a bit when events get me out of sorts.. (of course this does not mean I am not writing my representatives and Senators! Nope... I still voice my opinion but quite the feeling that it was all on my shoulders...that the world would end if I wasn't persuaded to stand tall on any zillion issues that could easily make up every single moment of the day. So anyway...I'm feeling a little lighter these days in spirit if not yet in the physical... ;) :) I do believe the affirmation videos are helping. I watch them several times a day and again if I need a little help pivoting from a distressful situation.
I know PP is a bit of a master at affirmations so any suggestions would be most helpful oh" wise one." ;) :love

Kim, good for you planting all those trees. :sunflower: It will be wonderful to see them grow giving them a little of your positive input as they mature. Your little "tiny" will grow up with a couple of green thumbs, I suspect, as she helps her granny nurture green and growing things. She is taking it all in right now like a little sponge and by the age of 5 will probably know more than many adults on the subject.

It would be hard PP, to leave such a beautiful area. That place on the mountain is awe inspiring... Yet I do know about tough drives up a curvy mountain road. It used to make me a little swimmy headed when I was the passenger. Doesn't seem to bother George and for the most part he has nerves of steel.

Well I'm off to do a bit of house work. Enjoy the moment! :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good evening everyone!
Sandy we can only breathe, keep reminding ourselves, "Every thing happens for a reason," and...hope the next four years goes by quickly.

Dave loves driving up and down mountains...because he's laughing so hard at his woozy wife groaning and moaning with her eyes clamped shut!

Hmm... I'm either having a deja vu about those two statements, or I'm repeating myself again.

The new trees are planted! Dave, Dan and Clementine, Aleah and I represented our family. Tiny was the youngest and even brought her own spade. I love our family has community spirit. Aleah's fiance' is from Chicago and he just couldn't understand why we all turned out.

Of course there's a Tiny story that made the event even more special. I'll admit she didn't end up doing a lot of planting, mostly she liked jumping in and out of the holes and collecting a fist full of Canadian goose feathers. Their last one for the day was a willow tree being planted by the stream. The funniest thing she did was hop into the holes while her dad clipped the twine holding the branches. The tree was lying prone on the ground and Dan's back was turned away from her. I was watching, but didn't say anything. Quick as a wink she stripped down to wearing nothing, but her t-shirt. The look on his face when he saw his nearly naked daughter in the hole...was priceless!!! I think she just didn't want them to get dirty!

Immediately after getting everything back on, Dan was still working with the branches. She systematically stuck her feathers into the root ball of the tree. She'd been holding on to those feathers for an hour, so we were both surprised. We asked, "Do you want them to stay there? You know that part of the tree is going into the ground?"

She nodded smiling, "It's a present!"

"For the tree?"

"Uh, huh!" After the willow was planted she stuck two more by the trunk, "See? Flags!" From that day on, that willow will be called 'The Feather Tree'. Maybe it should be 'The Naked Flag Feather Tree'?

Now my other story! On Friday I spent the whole day working on the yard. One of the the beds was planted in honor of my sister's daughter Emmaline. Suddenly at six and a half weeks the baby died in utero. It was so sad because we all felt as if we already knew her. I decided this bed would be filled with rescued plants only. I guess she would be about fourteen now.

On Friday I stopped for a few minutes to ask how Emmaline was doing, then went on with my work. Next to the garden is the fairy house Tiny and I made about a month ago. It was kind of falling down, so I was going to add it to my list of things she could help with. It made me think of all the fairy talk I'd been involved in lately and wondered if there really was one who would want to live in it. Also wondered what a real fairy house would look like. Thought, "I bet Clementine would like to help make furniture? We can put some of the cute little garden decorations her mom gave me by it." Later on I walked by the garden again and noticed fourteen separate small flower plants growing in the lawn between the fairy house and the garden. It stopped me in my tracks be cause I had never seen them before, let alone planted there. Lots of times I'll incorporate wild flowers in my gardens if they're pretty, but these were in the grass. Pretty sure I'd have remembered them because they were so delicately unique and lovely!

I scoured my plant books trying to identify the flower(internet was absolutely no help). After searching so long, I decided to only look at the ones that had white flowers illustrated. Right after the words came out of my mouth, a yellow flower caught my eye and I HAD TO READ ABOUT IT! Laughing at myself saying, "So much for only looking at the white ones!" Upon further inspection was convinced this was the same flower! But! The book said it only came in yellow, had hairy leaves and didn't grow in this area. This was very deflating. I kept reading about that flower anyway. The name for that yellow, hairy leafed flower, that did not grow in my region was posted at the end of the description. 'Star Grass, a fairy flower...'

Uh huh, immediately got goose bumps.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

The name for that yellow, hairy leafed flower, that did not grow in my region was posted at the end of the description. 'Star Grass, a fairy flower...'

oh I got goose bumps on that one!!!

sorry,,no time to the moment...

loves pp xoxoxo
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Yep, goose bumps here too when I read these words...
The name for that yellow, hairy leafed flower, that did not grow in my region was posted at the end of the description. 'Star Grass, a fairy flower...'
Absolutely wonderful and I am reminded that anything is possible! :bana:

I so enjoyed your two tales of family love laughter and touching the earth with all of the above. Why do I suspect that Tiny is already in cahoots with the fairies. How they must love her! And who wouldn't. I love her too and I have never met the little darling!

Yesterday I went to the back of the yard near the lake where the only wild grove of trees still grows on this side of Koona bay. Everywhere else seems to be mowed to billyo. I still can't grasp the fascination the modern world has with grass which the planting thereof creates tons of extra work and deprives wildlife of a variety of seeds in season as well as cover and nesting potentials for the smallest of native birds.... But I celebrate the life that has refused to give up despite the adverse conditions by the lake where flooding produces a bit of salt in the soil. The sea winds sweep wildly over the open lake, long ago flattening a couple of Shea Oaks who have lived 11 years just off the roots that are still in the ground on the earth side of the exposed root ball. The Branches have thickened almost like tree trunks as they reach towards the blue and the light. Some would not call them beautiful but to me they are marvelous and courageous and resilience! and I love and adore this grove of trees and the inhabitants there.

So I am taking your advice, kim and breathing when I read something that chills me to the bone and I am reminded of Tiny planting her gift of feathers with the root ball. When we break life down into its barest components, perhaps, it is the simple pure acts of love and kindness that fuels our beautiful life, the looking closely for and at the happy surprises and finding "allies" all around us. :sunflower:

May a little bit of love and magic touch us with delight today. (or tomorrow for you guys as your day will soon be over. ) Hmmm I think night has its own awesome magic as well.... anybody feel like dancing in the light of a bold full moon? :bana: :bana: :bana:

Love you guys,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

all the time Sandy, all the time :bana: :bana: :bana:

I think you just wrote your own 'sage advice',,,,and remembering the 'breathing' part also.

I have to admit that since we were in AZ all last winter, we certainly got a birds eye view of the political situation....and we were quite surprised that most people didn't even want to talk about it. I'm not going to bore you with our own 'opinion' except to say that we watch, CNN mostly, MSNBC, occasionally, and FOX as little as possible.....we call those channels our entertainment politics.

The truth will out in the end and I believe the only way to get thru the emotional drama,,,,is to 'detach' from it,,,become the observer......(with the odd head shake,,,a chuckle,,,,and set your sights higher once again.

and if you apply those double D's,,,,,discernment and detachment to everything,,,,well,,,,life becomes beautiful again.

I love your description of those trees,,,I love trees,,,every now and then I come across one that just stops me in my tracks....

I even pulled over on Shelbourne St one day to take pictures of some majestic beauties that lines both sides of the street....
huge they are,,,,probably a good hundred yrs old,,,at least....I should research it and find out when that street was opened, cuz I imagine that's when they were planted....

Loves to ya all xoxoxoxoxo
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello PP and Kim and all,

It's a BEAUTIFUL Day! :bana: :bana: and I am sitting here thinking I may go sit outside with my wild bird friends and enjoy the warmth of the sun. The house feels a little chilly but I am loath to turn on the heat even for just a few moments to warm the place. I know in an hour or so the sun will do the work for me...So ...I type for now with cold hands and fingers.

I am so grateful for warm ugg boots, an Auzzie winter tradition...

Thank you PP for your thoughts on the subject. I do struggle sometimes with being the observer and letting the blah feelings go. I think practice is in order and being gentle with myself and non judgmental when I behave less then ideal even if it is in the privacy of my own living room. I am trying to look for ways to love our "leader." I know God does so, since he is our brother, we can find something to like about him to sort of make an inroad for better things to grow. I was thinking yesterday that he deeply loves his family, his children and grandchildren so I will try to keep those images in my head and remember Kim's words...
Sandy we can only breathe, keep reminding ourselves, "Every thing happens for a reason," and...hope the next four years goes by quickly.
:) breathing deeply I am...

PP, You would love the old Eucalyptus and Straggler Fig trees in our area. Every time I see one I long to go over and give it a huge hug! They are so awesome, majestic and strangely "wise." At least that is what I feel when I stand before them. Let us know what you find out about the trees you mentioned in your post. If you can, too...I would love to see some photos. :mrgreen: :love

Well, I am off to make George a very late breakfast or an early lunch.

It's going to be a GREAT DAY!!! :bana: :bana: :bana:
Love you all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, everyone!

Sandy, hope you did have a great day. It's wonderful here today cool light breeze, bright and sunny.

I have a tree story. On vacation a couple of years ago, when stopping at a park, the segment of a song from the movie Pocahontas kept playing in my head, "How high does the sycamore grow, if you cut down you will never know..." It was a little strange, had been years since watching that movie, but there's always some song stuck in my head, so not unusual. Walking through this park I was in awe of the huge beautiful trees, didn't recognize the species. Finally after receiving an amazing spiritual message and making our way back to our car, the realization that these were sycamore trees stopped ME in my tracks! Placing a hand on the trunk of the one before me caused a surge of energy go through my body. Crazy as it sounds the tree was communicating with me! This one was female and was as wise as she was beautiful. The images and words streaming through my head was like we were old friends. I could hardly believe what was happening, but didn't want it to stop! Guess it didn't surprise my husband though, as he stood a few feet away waiting patiently. At the end of our 'conversation', she said the old tree next to her was male and about at the end of his life. It was sad for her, but it was the way of things. Some of the rest of you out there must be having the same type of experiences.

I transplanted those fairy flowers. They had about thirty little bulbs under each plant, also dug some to plant at Tiny's house.

Today is the last day of our break. I'm exhausted, grateful to have had time to get things done around the house, but happy to be going back to work. We have a Music Circle gathering of kids, teachers, family and friends at the beginning of our day. My turn to lead is this week. Clementine and I are going to teach our fairy song I wrote over break. Honestly, my job is really hard! LOL!

Hey Lynn! If you pass any sycamore trees in your travels tell them I said, "Hi!" Sorry can't even talk about the political scene.

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello all you lovlies,
Yep I have finally found my peace with the "politcal scene" :sunflower: I'm thankfully over all the yucky stuff that went along with it too and am learning how to "swing" and reverse the flow of negative emotions when such depressing things roll around.... what is it Abraham-Hicks calls it... "contrast".
PP would know much about that and interesting as this is something the origins of this topic was about to begin with. LOL

I guess I went searching for help to allow me to find my inner strength to let go of my need to feel justified in my anger and contempt and a whole other group of disagreeable emotions...all of them "spirit killers" . I respond well to visual and vocal stimulation so I began watching feel good affirmation videos...There are tons of great ones on You tube for free and you can mix and match whatever ails you. I have been doing these for almost 4 weeks now, trying to watch my favorites or a new one thrown into the mix in the mornings and in the evening... one in particular before bedtime... and I must say, that I feel so much better, almost freed in a sense as I had not realized how blocked this anger had allowed me to become. I plan on continuing this for awhile until my inner guidance suggests a new routine...

But Wow... the sun is glittering off the lake right now like jewels... it is so beautiful! :shock: I wish you all could see it!

Kim!!!!! I am so excited... :bana: :bana: :bana: 8) 8) 8) I believe whole heartedly that what you experienced is possible for all of us with a little work, and faith, positive intent. I have had "glimpses" of energy when touching a tree with Love and that has been wonderful but to actually communicate in words and images... what a beautiful experience. :sunflower:

Well, I am off to make George's breakfast. It is almost lunchtime. :oops: We've had a bit of a late start today. but such is life and it feels good to be alive today. May blessings and joy abound for all of us. :happy

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

well hello sibs, :love :love
what awesome experiences you 2 are having,,,just wonderful and thank you both so much for sharing..cheered me up immensely!!! Mostly I talk to Cedar, Fir and Acer Maple, and we do have Arbutus here,,,a cousin of the eucalyptus I think,, at dusk and early evening I can see their auras, we've got a lot of old fellers here. They are widening the highway along here and a lot of trees are being makes me sad as all it really does is give more people leeway to go faster.
We're starting to look for another site,,,up island more,,,away from all the crazyness down here, and off this mtn!! It's time!! So I've been kinda busy looking stuff/places up on the computer, making phone calls and planning an itinerary, so far we've got about 15 places to check out in 2 1/2 days...we're just driving the tracker and leaving the RV here..for 2 nights we can splurge in a hotel/hot tub/swimming pool and also visit some friends we haven't seen in years. Then on Fri on our way back we will stop in and see Al's parents,,it's their 63 anniversary....we won't be breaking that record,,unless I'm still around in 30 yrs....and although I do have doubts about that,,,one never knows!!! lol
so I be silent now for another week or so,,,but I do think of all you,,,,daily too!!
love and hugs
pp xoxoxo
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey PP,
By now you are probably having your adventure spoken of in your post. What fun! I hope that the right place presents itself to you both while away. :finger: :sunflower: When you get back let me know as I have some questions for you about your experiences in manifesting.
Well, I am off to walk with G to the post office. Have a fabulous day everybody!

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

hi Sandy
Leaving in 12 hrs, got a list, checkin it twice lol,,

thanks for the :finger: have angels on it also!!

looking forward to the drive :bike: ,,,and planning on staying in Courtenay one night (wed) and Campbell River the second night (thur), then about a 3 hr drive back down to Nanaimo where we will surprise Allan's parents for their 63rd wedding anniversary (fri) then get back home on Fri night before dark.

hope you had a good walk xoxoxo

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good morning everyone! :cheers:

I have had the most wonderful start to my day. This morning I walked down to the Bay just beyond our back yard and sat and watched the birds and life that exists along Koona Bay. The sun had recently risen and was shining silver on the water while Herons, Spoon bills, mullets , Plovers, Pipers and ...well, more birds then I could identify wandered around happily looking for their breakfast. The escarpment, in the distance, gradually became highlighted in the light and the air was fresh wih expectation and good vibrations. It was soooo peaceful and I wish that feeling for everyone today and tonight as they go about their business. :happy

PP, it is good to know your angels are with you and I suspect you will easily find the perfect place to call home. :D I will look up Courtenay, Campbell River, and Nanaimo since I have always so enjoyed following on the tail of your adventures. Have a wonderful time, Sis! George says hello too and sends a ((((Hug))))

Love to you and your hubby, :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Thank you so much,,,and hugs back to George from both of us..

looked at 14 places today,,,and just may have found our spot,,,it's in Qualicum Beach actually,,,it's right beside one that was on our itinerary,,,but I didn't have it listed,,,,we just saw some RV's and pulled in...they are opening up a few more spots and she asked me to call her in February,,,I may be calling a bit sooner, just so she knows we are really interested.....less than a dozen RV's in it, but each site has some room,,,not jamm packed in...wait till you see the beach....
so we made it to Courtenay,,,just got settled,,now need to go eat,,,,,then,,,,a hot tub for me and maybe a little swim
and "lights out"
That was such a lovely visual of your morning,,,,I think I was transported for a few moments.....awesome sweetie..

talk later xoxoxoxoxo

pp :bike:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey PP,
I've been exploring Qualicum Beach area and RV parks there. LOL It is beautiful!!!! Wow how cool is that... You've enjoyed Mountain living, Desert living and now Ocean front living. :bana: A small rv park with plenty of room around you is just the ticket. ;)

I'm a bit distracted right now... just got a call from my sister, the family forgot to tell me that my dad was in the hospital. He had a catheter scheduled for today and they wound up putting a shunt in. So he will be in overnight and must take it easy when he gets home. My Dad is 81 so I would appreciate prayers for him. It is so hard seeing my parents age. I know it is part of life but ...there's always a "but" isn't there. ... :roll:

Enjoy yourself, PP. :bike:
Love and hugs,

Just looked up Courtenay... and Vancouver Island. Honestly, PP, You must live in one of the most beautiful places on this Planet! :sunflower:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

:hithere wonderful 11:11 friends! :loves

Sandy your bay side visit sounds heavenly! The description made it easy to imagine your serenity. It must be really hard to leave. " Ahhh," had to enjoy it one more time. Hope all is well with your dad. I'll add him to my prayers.

Lynn did you get your new place? I love to hear of your excursions too. You must have an exceptional amount of energy to go to all those sites! Makes me tired just thinking of it!

This has to be short.... Dave is patiently staring at me waiting to go to town and wants to have yet another conversation!!! Okay it's weirding me out. I'd better give him some attention. Love you guys.

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We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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