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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Oh you did find it! Glad to know it is still here as I haven't checked in awhile. whew! Well now that you've bumped it I expect lots of posts here from you, little traveller. But not tonight ;) ...good night PP. I am off to feed another batch of cockatoos before they eat the flat! (It is becoming a full time job...but they are soooooo cute! (In an evil house eating sort of way :shock: )
Talk to you later, Sis.
Sandy Image
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

aaaw,,cute ,,,ahhhh whatchamacallit !!! the bobbing cockatoo?? or parrot..
yes,,I AM going to that we are really re-connected with...the secret!!

:kiss: pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good night PP! love ya lady!
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Good Morning Sweet One(s),
Must open up that old coffee shop,,what was it's name? gosh Sandy the door is a bit stiff,,,,oomph, there I'm in,,,
cough,,choke,,musty,,,fling open the doors and windows and sit on the balcony,,what a gorgeous view eh! whatever one imagines!

ok,,we decided to hit the road and head closer to Twin Falls,,,and I found a place to go digging for fire opal in lava beds,,I'll let Allan do the digging and it's on the way.....(to Twin) where we'll stay 3-4 days.

Allan is packing up the outside, and I'm supposed to be doing the inside,,,and having brekkie!

so I'll be touching home base here this evening, as long as we find wifi!

love and blessings,,,,pp :bike:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi PP, It has been a super busy day here and at 5:40 pm I am just getting to the board. By now you may be on your way to sleep again but hopefully we can catch up all the same. Yeah this place (thread) hasn't been opened for awhile. It is rather dusty LOL or perhaps that is the dust from my own living room causing the problem. ;) :oops:
I've heard of Twin Falls before but not sure where. Did you go there last year? Fire Opals!!!! :bana: They are so beautiful! I hope you find some really nice ones! :finger:
We on the other hands... the most digging we've done today is in the produce section looking for this week's fruit and veggies. I decided to get some Goji berries and oranges so I could try Rod's frozen variation of a recipe called Lycii Orange Sorbet. found here... ... 25#p190338. It sounds good, especially on a hot day. W are trying to cut back on our dairy so no more lite ice cream for me! :( Hopefully this will fill the void nicely and in a more healthful way. It took us twice as long today as our favourite grocery store closed down for good a couple days ago and now we are forced to shop at a huge Woolies store and a place we haven't ever shopped before so we were lost nearly the whole time looking for this or that...back tracking etc... I'm not complaining though as I suspect we have done several K's, enough to remove any guilt as I pop an Arrowroot cookie in my mouth while I type. :mrgreen:

Well, hope you are settled and enjoying your "wild West adventures"...This is your third year now isn't it? How time flies! :shock:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:grrr :grrr :grrr :grrr :grrr :grrr

what happened to my personal agreement that I wouldn't type a long message here :bomb :bomb :bomb :bomb

yes,,,I lost it :duh :duh :duh

darned good one too! to the outdoor patio I go,,,(and hope another month doesn't go by) :grrr :grrr :grrr

however,,,yes,,,we made it,,,nice trip,,,,lots to see and marvel at in Twin Falls, Bryce Canyon, Zion Nat Park, and another goodie I'll post later......

love you,,,, :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey PP,
Sorry about that. The same thing has happened often enough for me that I generally type as if writing an email and save it a few times in drafts to make sure it doesn't go kapoot. :( I hope this doesn't keep you from chattering, though. I love hearing what you are up to.
It's nice to know you are settled in your warm desert climate for the winter months.

I have seen photos of Bryce and some of the other places you mentioned when my parents took a couple long trips out you in a camper. :) I must get them to dig out those photos next visit. If I am remembering correctly the views are stunning!

It's a gorgeous day. perfect temps, (well you wouldn't thinks so... 70's F LOL) with gorgeous blues sky and fresh air... Might be a good day to plant some beans. I've put it off twice now and since have had to re weed and prepare the garden each time. I'm not complaining (much) especially when I remember all the spring gardening chores you had to do every spring with your acreage. lets see... I seem to remember there was stinging nettles to pull and what was the other neck, shoulder and back destroying plants you had to pull every year to keep the area open and habitable? (human habitable) George took a walk to the park a little bit ago and came back with some sad news. Two lovely trees along the path have been removed. I need to learn how to handle such things without taking it in personally otherwise I'm setting myself up for a lifetime of heartache. but I am so attached to every tree etc...
Well, such is life on this planet eh?

I suppose it isn't good to let something I cannot stop or control ruin my day... so sitting here trying to figure out how to go with the flow...
Have a good week! :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:kiss: hello darling (I'll try not to dump this one), but it irks me to have to go out,,open word then do the copy, come back here,,

:sorry: I'm so sorry you lost a tree,,odd thing is, we had gone down to visit on the level just below us and Kim told me there was a tree we (the park) was going to lose,,,,so yes, it does happen.....trees too, have their own "live life long" thing,,,like us...then they go on to do other things...make a park bench, make some firewood,,,you know...things trees do.

:love :love I hope that made you feel better :loves

yes I was sooooo ticked when I dumped 'the trip from Idaho' :mrgreen: I'll give it a second try....

but I'll do it in word!

love ya :roll :sword: :afro: hahahahaha when I saw that one I remembered a picture I sent my mother once,,,oh back in the 70's and I actually had a hairdo like that, I wonder where that picture went????? :mrgreen: xoxo see ya soon!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi PP,
Oh my, you would chuckle if you could see my hair right now...I am trying to grow out my bangs or what is it called here... fringe. I have a fair bit of hair but it is light and if I must say...a bit of a "wild child." The wind blows and so does my hair, landing...yep, you guessed it, right in my face. :( I am bobby pinning it bit to help it stay put until it get through this phase but I am loth to use hairspray. So right now an afro sounds good. :afro: Actually I never had enough hair for that...I loved it though that era in the 70's. And would love to see photos of you back then, you wonderful little hippie.

Thank you for your thoughts on trees. When I wrote my previous post I had an inkling you would know what to say to help. The death of living things has always caused me grief... but maybe there is hope for me yet as this week G was watching a David Attenbro documentary on the great wildebeest migration on the Serengeti, in particular, the effects it and the seasons have on one particular small pride of lions. I saw how difficult life was for the pride when the herd animals left the territory and the rains cease and the heat magnifies. I saw the lion cubs struggle, bone thin, as they had so little to eat. (They were weaned from mother's milk.) Only 2 of the seven cubs made it through this ghastly time. And it helped me to understand a little better when a young or weak herd animal is taken. It doesn't mean their life wasn't precious... it was and so was their death...given to nurture more life. I still wish it didn't have to be this way but I hope I have a slightly better perspective now. Of course that doesn't mean I am not going to politely get up and leave the room the next time G decides to watch another such documentary. ;) :)

I cheat when I write a post and write it as if an email and stick it in drafts periodically to save it. LOL It works like a charm and when finished I copy and then delete it when not necessary. seems an odd way but it works for me and I am not dealing with word.

It is a gorgeous day again here but I see what looks likestorm clouds in the west... very changable the weather here.

Well I'd better send this off before I loose it. (not using precautions. ;) )
Talk to you later.
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:grrr :grrr :grrr :grrr :grrr :grrr yep did it again,,,,so here's this I wrote,,

Allan and I are in Needles and yesterday I looked at the Las Vegas weather,,,winds up to 45 mph…
Yesterday was lovely here,,,we sat outside at a campfire and watched the stars and meteors until midnight….
This morning I could see the storm front coming,,,even took some pictures,,,,so we had a few patches of sun during the day,,,not a bad day,,,a few sprinkles….so after supper and a few phone calls, I decide to check my mail and delightedly saw the replay for Patrick,,(I had forgotten about it)….so I settled down to listen to it.
I’m deep into it and as the vortex was doing it’s job,,,so was this ‘wind’ it shook the RV so much I jumped up,,right out of the meditation and hollered at Allan who had crashed watching tv in the coach area….I was afraid the awning was ripping off and he says…well put it in!! I did…not knowing to shut the door as the water comes down on top of me…and I was laughing. I had to change my nightclothes and dry my hair, but I was laughing still..Never got mad at all….

so I learned the trick of bringing the awning in when it's wet!! and I'm learning about Desert winds!!! not nice at all,,,

However the coast Vancouver Island is getting hit with a storm and winds at 85 mph.....hmmmm

ok,,,back to the desert!!

don't dare carry on,,,besides it's almost 1 am ...again...

must go sweetie,,,love you always :bike: :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi PP,
Your description of sitting in the desert under the stars sounded very enticing! How cool does the desert get at night time? I know you love the heat but I suspect that at least the summer temps there would fry my brain and other important doo dads. We are expecting a heat wave for the next three days. At this time , between 10:00am and 11:00am I have the flat all closed up and it feels great after a cool and comfortable night. But by this afternoon the red bricks will probably heat up the innards of the flats and we may need some "mechanical help"...

Good on you lady ...getting that canopy in all by yourself! :bana: Its empowering isn't it to do things we aren't sure we can do... I need to remember that as there are still some ole blocks hanging around. One of these days I am going to get brave and venture out onto the roads. :finger: (when pigs fly perhaps. ;)

I'm off to fix G's breakfast/lunch. Enjoy that gorgeous desert sky for the rest of us... :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Ladies!(gents too if you're out there),
Was feeling kind of sorry for myself this morning. :cry: Not knowing really where or how to jump back onto the boards. KNOK You can't imagine my joy at seeing this thread was active, and especially so reading posts from you two. Even though it makes me sad to recall how much time has gone by since we all sat around the virtual breakfast table. :thumbdown: :shaking: So good morning to you both, hope you are well and happy and can forgive me and my absence. I've had to learn to welcome the time of year when the cold winds blow and calm finally settles over this part of the world. Ate my breakfast of peanut butter and jelly toast with hot cocoa in front of a glowing fire.

We had an early Thanksgiving this year celebrating my brothers life on his birthday(Halloween). Thirty-one family members, some we hadn't seen for twenty years. So it's a quiet small family gathering tomorrow, odd for us, but welcomed. Well as quiet as our family can be, there might be a stray Whoopie cushion or two ..., and bubbles, yeah probably bubbles. I already hid the squirt guns. ;)

Our kids wanted a non-traditional meal, which is a real shock! Meatloaf roll, two appetizers, only four side dishes and two desserts! Well, guess I'd better get my work done for today so we can eat tomorrow! Hope everyone has a memorial day of giving thanks!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I chuckle at the antics your family gets up too, Kim. It reminds me so much of times at home with my boys. They were such characters and being the only lady in the house I seemed to always be at the center of those super soakers and the likes. Still I wouldn't have traded it for anything and as I sit here and type, yet again I am reminded of another wonderful thing I am thankful for... Life is good. I forget that sometimes. So easy to do in this topsy turvey world. But blessings abound even on those" not so good" days. Your words on the 11:11 thread and this one have helped me to remember that and so I am very thankful for you dear Kim and for PP our sister in arms and by arms I mean big ole hugs all around. LOL May God bless you richly today and everyday... :kiss:
Love you guys and now I am off to rescue those potatoes mentioned earlier that smell as if they are a little over done. (yep I forgot them again :roll: )
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hello Kim and Sandy,,,
we don't need to be forgiven Kim, we just need to be as loving now as then....
Right Sandy..?????

see Kim!!! no problem at all,,,hee, hee

Haven't we talked within the last year Kim,,,gadzooks sister,,,,

well I'll give you a bit of a catch up....

we actually, finally really did sell our home of 22 yrs, bought a beautiful RV, not a 5th wheel, but a home on wheels that Allan drives,,I just navigate...we've been coming south since Oct 2013....and that year we went to New Mexico and visited Laura. On the way back we found this sweet spot along the Colorado River. Just below the spot on the map where Nevada ends in a point with AZ on one side of the river and CA just across a bridge. It suits our needs and I'm still getting used to the desert!
At home we moved into a RV Park amongst the big cedars and firs. So we are beginning to feel like we have 'home' in 2 places. We've met some wonderful people, some stationery and some that come and go.

and now here we are,,,,,back at the ole "Secret" International Coffee House!! Perhaps some others will pop in too.

So how's the spiritual and psychic areas progressing

I think I've grown quite a bit,,,in fact that was part of my absence and I seemed to lose touch on what we all were doing here.

Thank God for the loving patience of Sandy and George,,,that's all I can say,,,

Bless all our hearts....

and a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone :loves

pp xoxoxo
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy and Lynn :love,

Wait! Let me get my cup of tea and peanut butter no-bake cookie. I know it's silly, but I'm honestly relieved you guys still love me. I miss it here so much and wish I could figure out how to not let my life control how much time I spend working! Although it's a small Mom & Pop motel, from April to the end of November it's like raising quadruplets!... and all of their cousins. I'm grateful I realize there is a lesson in everything, eeeverythiiing. My heart will forever love being a teacher, but I guess sweet little preschool world taught me all I could learn there. Sunrise exposes me to a huge cross section of humanity. It's interesting how differently people live their lives. My training as a teacher really comes in handy when trying to figure out how others think, do and say. I've never been very good at subservience and all my years helping a child to be independent has gone out the window with this shift in my life...there in lies the lessons right?

Lynn I remember you sold your property and were traveling. How is Laura? The last I heard she had a terrible infection in her knee and couldn't have surgery until it was gone and you were recovering from more neck and back problems? And really bad internet connection! Dave and I went to Sedona last fall, was hoping to somehow be able to find you and meet the west is a very big place. Sedona was everything I'd hoped for and more! It was like ten days of spiritual experiences. My husband is so wonderful he planned the whole thing knowing we all wanted to meet up there so very long ago, and FYI Kim is greatly affected by vortexes! You know the weird thing is one of my friends says a vortex is developing right here in our area?
peacockplume wrote:o how's the spiritual and psychic areas progressing
It really saddens me that the busier I get with work, and the more stressed out I am, the harder it is for me to connect with spirit. I still meditate pretty much every night and morning, grateful for the balance it lends me. Can already feel my connection returning as life decelerates at long last. I view everything as spiritual, work every day to be more in control of my thoughts and actions. Some days I fail badly, then reap the consequences of drawing all that negativity back to me. One of my mom's old sayings was(singing of course), "Pick yourself up! Dust yourself off! And start all over again!" Had all the kids saying it too. I try to remember how far I've come and get right back on track. I've accepted I'll always be 'a work in progress', probably the biggest strides have been in loving myself more and forgiving my failures.

My brother passing away suddenly this summer brought my frenzy to a screeching halt. I was so angry with myself for not recognizing that he was preparing. It was horrendously painful and completely spiritual at the same time. I truly felt his passing was a gift to our family and has continued to be so even though it's still heartbreaking to not have him physically here. My lessons have been, "Life is indeed too short to not say what needs to be said, and to hang on to the emotional junk of the past." Most importantly of all, "Family is everything..." By the way we have an almost eleven-month-old grand daughter and are completely smitten now and forever!

Time for me to rise from the table sipping the last of my tea, think it was rose hip, freshly collected! I'll love you guys forever.

Hope you're having a wonderful day! :loves

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello you two dear hearts!

Been thinking about you guys as I busied myself over the week end... getting some outdoor chores done and getting used to a weed whacker that has a life of its own! :shock: I'm not a kidding... LOL at one point, in dismay, I wondered if the thing was possessed. :? came to my attention that I am not as young or as strong as I once was when operating a petrol driven weed whacker (gas driven for those in North America) So I am determined to strengthn these weakie little muscles (if there are any left that is) and like a gladiator attack this yard with the vim and vigour it deserves! :mrgreen: Sorry ran off on a tangent there... :roll:
Anyway I am inspired by both your latest offerings. I find comfort in our shared humanous and life experiences.

Just thinking how much these things can teach us if we really think about it...(life experiences, not weed whackers.) just like Kim's moving on past her beloved child teaching days. I've been there too and can identify with how valuable it can be. I guess in a way we are still children...just big children now and all learning how to share and interact with each other. Love makes it easier eh? When we know and love someone... seems we are more accepting of our differences. I keep thinking wouldn't it be awesome to love the rest of the world with all their crazy differences as much as I love the two of you! Well, like Kim said... "I (we) are works in Progress! and I am ever so grateful to be sharing this "working time" with my sisters. :love

I keep hearing the words (song) from your mom, Kim, "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again." :bana: Words to live by especially when you fall.

Okay, off to see if I still have any 10 year old green tea left in the cabinet. I was told it would help in the shedding of a few unwanted pounds. :roll: Summer arrives tomorrow...(need I say more? sigh... :roll:) now don't get me wrong... I love myself just as I am. It's just my "perfectly good -not a thing wrong with them" shorts that made the journey with me 10 years ago, for some strange reason do not fit me anymore? :shock: :scratch: So either it is going to be a long hot summer or I will gather some will power and somehow get these things zipped! If not, I suppose there are worse things...

Today is gorgeous though...sunny and calm and comfortable with fresh air wafting in through the open windows. (Just for the record it wafts in when the windows are closed too...) :)

Well, enjoy the peanut butter cookies... They sound lovely... I don't think I've ever had rose hip tea. Must give it a try some time.
Love you guys,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hello U2 too,
thanks Sandy,,,I was at loss for words for Kimmy Dear,,,,Having only taught (not officially) Adults Spiritual Stuff,,,totally unrelateable! even so,,I do miss those times.
I just erased 2 lines accidently....maybe I'm not supposed to say what I was going to... :roll: :roll:

hmmm, now what!!

Kim,,,do you really think love stops because conversation lags??? I can't take love back once I have given it and that has actually caused me some heartache. I'm very gullable...well...anyway....

Now Miss Sandy there,,,I know has the love for the world and everyone in it.....thank you Lord, it's very heart warming to know she will always have that love in her heart. Thank you Sandy for always expressing it. :love

Ive been wondering why we 'dropped out' and 'why it's been hard to come back'?????

It's been a hard learning curve that's for sure!!!

AH,,,I actually yearn for the old days of our secret place,,,so I think I'll have to try harder to keep the floor swept... :geek:

I never seem to be able to come here till quite late,,it's now 1:25 am,,,,and sleep is overtaking me and I'm also ignoring my email....not a good combination for sure....

well my loveS,,,until the next time...I have a BIG supply of Chai.....luv you, luv you....and don't cha ferget it Kimmy!!!

always love you and George too SANDY,,,,but I know you know that too!!!

perhaps we should let everyone know that the door (to love) is always open....

thot I was going to sleep!!!! :kiss: :bike: :salut:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Morning!
Maybe it's more like brunch? Sandy I agree with you weed whackers have a mind of their own, and I'm not positive it's all on the side of good! If you know what I mean? Having a good laugh imagining you in gladiator garb, growling and grunting at those persistent weeds and overgrowth. Think I'll give you one of those helmets with a short dense broom attached to the top of it! :viking: This was a s

Thank you both for reminding me love is unending. Working all the time fills the head with so many useless lists, real, important things kind of get pushed to the side I guess. Lynn I think most of us who think we're gullible or naive, are just simply trusting and hopeful that others want to put love out there into the world like we do. There's always a risk involved with that.

When I 'drop out' it's only because there's so much in front of me to take care of. And always something new to learned, about spirit, humanity,or myself. Hard to come back? Fear...., of who will not be here any more, that others have moved on/forward and left us behind, or worse yet ... forgotten?

Sandy does tea improve with age? Ten years old? Since mentioning rose hip tea, thought I'd better do some research before extolling the benefits of it, so I'd know more about what I was talking about. All summer and fall I've been taking pictures of my flowers to send to you Sandy, many of them are roses. Thought it would be a good pick-me-up through your winter...Yes, I know I've yet to send them. Aleah hasn't showed me how yet, not at the top of her list.

Been waiting patiently for the first frost to harvest the hips, remember having the tea when I was little. I always want to learn more about plants and flowers, love collecting herbs to make my own blend of tea. Unfortunately have also found out many I'm allergic to, can't do lavender or any of the balms. :cry: At the Center I planted many edible flowers so the kids could have the experience. Sandy, I'm defiantly with you there on never really growing up, being with the kids was a good cover for me! Good thing I have a grand daughter now, it's exhausting being adult all the time! :lol:

Oh, yeah back to rose hip tea. The hips are full of vitamin C, vitamin A, and loaded with antioxidants. They've been used since the Stone Age. Good for the immune system, mild constipation, beneficial for rheumatoid and osteo arthritis, prevents cancers! And! And! The oil is use to prevent wrinkles, acne, and regenerating skin cells to help scarring! Maybe the tea helped to off set the disadvantages of the cookies! Oh... right, it was a virtual snack. But, I am putting harvesting those hip at the top of my list,...along with planting the daffodil and tulip bulbs we bought two months ago. What? The ground isn't frozen...yet! Hopefully next year I can send those pictures?

Since life has quieted down and I'm more able to connect in meditation it's been one amazing meditation after another! Such a relief, and the synchronicities! Oh my gosh, there's that word again that I have to slow down and spell out so very slowly!
peacockplume wrote:perhaps we should let everyone know that the door (to love) is always open....
Sounds like a mass mailing to me, or more likely yet, a great meditation intention. Take care you two in all that you do. :kiss: I must try to accomplish something today!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello gals! :bana:

I am getting ready to have a cup of the ancient green tea mentioned in my above post. I finally found it at the back of the cabinet behind such "unsavoury" items as chicken gravy powder. (long story :roll: ) It hasn't been touched in... forever!!!....all closed up nice and dark so who knows...maybe it won't kill me. :finger:

You know, PP, I think your teaching adults counts in the conversation between two former preschool teachers... adults are just big kids which reminds me of something I was pondering this past week when I heard about the shootings at a planned parenthood. It seems that people who perpetrate such hateful crimes in the name of saving a human life, a teeny tiny baby," somehow are working against their intention when they do such dreadful things. What I am trying to say, as I mentioned before, we big people with all our conglomeration of ideologies, likes dislikes, ways of being etc. are still just enormous grown up teeny tiny babies. Isn't that the way the Creator sees us? If only we could turn the world into a preschool classroom and use the same logic that loving preschool teachers employ...I guarantee the world would be whipped into shape in no time flat. ;) :) Maybe preschool teachers should run for office in every country!!! Just think about the fringe benefits...Every afternoon a naptime and story time art and music!!! The possibilities are endless... :mrgreen: okay...kidding, of course, but doesn't it seem sometimes that common sense flies right out the political windows? :?

I was just pondering the stressed out problem we sometimes seem to encounter, making what feels a beneficial meditation elusive. I too hit the brick spiritual wall at times and have been reminded umpteen times that even in the "trying" and putting ours inner selves out there... there is great benefits. Its the total stopping that has the potential to set us back a stride or two. This of course is easily remedied by meditating with the idea that we will simply take it the way it comes. Right? no harsh self criticisms afterwards? I do have a thought, though, that might help us at these "wild thought times" and it is as easy as releasing some of the physical tension in a way that is happily our own before meditating. For instance, singing is not work for Kim as it is for some of us other "bull frogs"... so sing out those songs Kim before meditation!... do a little dance have a little fun and let it all hang out ... (oh dear hearing the KC and the Sunshine band song but prudish me will just let that one slide. :roll: ) Gardening or some physical activity might help me beforehand...and PP, to tell you the truth, I can't see you being stressed LOL You are so laid back. 8) Sort of "sixties coolImage

Bleah!! Is green tea supposed to taste bitter? :shock: Maybe a little "sugar" will help. (stevia)
I think I want some of Kimmie's rose hip tea or PP's Chai. anything but this! Okay, been wondering this but didn't want to sound uninformed...what is a rose hip?

PP, do you remember the lotions you were making up at "tanquility base" from the lavender? I have lavender out the kazoo... enough to really set Kim's allergies on fire! Was it difficult to make? And is there an optimum time for harvesting lavender flowers or is it the leaves you use in the stuff? Oh wait a minute, am I remembering it wrong? It may have been Rosemary you used in your lotions. Well, either way, maybe someone out there can advise. I bet Petra would know. She was into herbal stuff not too long ago. making her own healthy shampoos and the like.

Bleah again!!! This tea is just too bitter for words. I did forget it for a half hour or so while I was feeding the birds, changing their water, hanging out the towels, and scrubbing G's hat. so maybe that is the trouble...don't know.

Well, speaking of George he is due to eat some lunch better close this long winded thing.
Sending love to all our dear friends and those we've yet to meet wherever they are on this big blue ball of ours. :kiss:

Ohhhhhh you should see little Stuart :albino: right now...He is flipped over on his back sweet and cute...babies, be they human or furred are so precious when they are sleeping. :happy

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

tomorrow Darlin...I gotta lay back for awhile.. :mrgreen:
pp xoxo
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hope you're okay, PP. Sending some love to needles. :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Just fine sweet one.....just gotta lay back meant it was late, about 1:23 am (interesting time !!! - didn't really notice it last night) and I was tired, so I paid attention to my intuition, and shut things down. My days (or nights) of staying up till sunrise are O.V.E.R....well,,,ahhh,,,unless I was doing it all the time!!!

We had a campfire last night,,,,darn cold it is at night in the desert,,,,and a bit of wind decided to be a pain,,,but 4 of us stayed out like idiots,,,3 drinking beer,,,not me...honest.....those days are gone too,,,,but occasionally I don't mind the company as long as they keep it to social!! I kept coming in and making a cappicino coffee to keep me warm....oh mind you,,I was also wearing a long,,below knee length down filled coat,,,well,,you get the idea....and it was a great fire...thanks to Allan....

I watched Orion rise in the sky and the Pleiadies move in a great arc....awesome star night,,,1 meteor,,,,but no visible flying friends,,hahaha...

and today was so hot, I wore shorts and a tank top everyone else in jeans, long sleeves,,,I watched the removal of a tree they called Elaine,,,she was dying and could have harmed someone if a branch broke and fell on someone,,then I walked along the edge of the Colorado river looking for pretty stones....not many either...the river actually makes me nervous,,,the current is really fast,,there is a ledge that goes out towards the center then just drops off and goes straight down ,,,,not really deep,,,just fast and scary......

and by the by,,,that hot sun doesn't last all day either,,so I get my Vit D live sunshine, then go in to enjoy the heat in my body, you know how the sun makes you feel after a nice long day at the beach, you go home and just feel sun soaked...mmmmm love it!!

well,,that was it for my day,,,now I'll catch up on some meditation,,,see if there is anything good to read,,or listen too

sending you love and hugs xoxoxo pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

gotta laugh...

How do you recover a saved post???

I wrote avout the flowers and oils...

next thing I see is.......Do you want to save your draft, with a yes or no option,,,

so I chose yes, cu I didn't want to lose it.....and now I can't find it!!! :shock:


I found it...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh sorry Sandy,,

I forgot about the was Rosemary oil I used to make...,,,you can use just the leaves, they should be taken before it blossoms...I think Lavender uses flowers as well as leaves,,,not sure,,,best to look it up..

St. John's Wort uses flowers only,,,,just stuff a bottle, pack it tightly, then fill with extra virgin olive oil, and leave it till the oil goes red, then strain it and re-bottle it,,,same with the rosemary,,,leave it till the green is out of the leaves,,,

put them on a sunny window sill and give them a quarter turn a day...

ok, before I mess up again....I quit and am heading for some chai!!

pp :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I did the same with peppermint tea yesterday. I've had stomach upset and decided to try some old store bought stuff instead of my usual homemade fennel/mint. It was awful, even with a little honey.

The hips are the fruit of the plant. The bulbs left behind when all the petals have fallen. I love lavender jam, teas, and ice cream, but it doesn't love me. Rosemary is my favorite herb. I might have to make that rosemary oil! Last year I was finally able to overwinter one. Have a small windowsill herb garden this winter basil, thyme. rosemary and chives. They taste so much better fresh and so much more cost effective! Tried transplanting oregano and sage from my old house last spring, but was too busy to plant it here. :evil:

So, I'm going to be the only one layered up to my eyeballs to stay warm the next few months! That's okay I enjoy the winter, there's something special about the quiet of winter,...well especially now! We've been having rain for the past week, late winter for us, so have had plenty of time to accomplish fall projects, but have I? Not quite.

I think you have something there Sandy with having preschoolers run the country, but who of us would want that job!?! I just keep sending love out to the world. Part of my meditation includes everyone from the world holding hands and touching the shoulder of the person in front of them, until we spread out completely encompassing the planet. Healing light from the universe funnels through us to Urantia... my small part.

I do believe too that meditation comes in many forms, music and gardening are a couple for me. I've begun connecting again very easily lately in meditation. Have begun giving messages again. I'm much more trusting when they come from meditations than from intuition. Also been wondering how could I be most helpful on the boards, especially since I have to leave during our busy time of year. Would sharing my meditative experiences on the Akashic Construct forum be useful do you think?

PP you asked about how our spiritual and psychic area are progressing? How have they for you? Do we discuss that here or in a different forum, or private messages? There's a sense in me that it's time to move forward...what ever that means? :roll

Guess I'll do a couple of banana dances and have a good cup of tea and think about it. :bana: :bana: :sunflower: :bana: :bana: :sunflower: :bana: :bana: . This reminds me the flowers in the office need watering.

Love you!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi, :hithere
It's morning here, late morning, anyway, and I am waiting on the boiled eggs we are having as part of our breakfast. Tthe rest of it, let's see... a half bit of a low GI roll, sliced cucumber and tomatoes and a cut up mango. (It's Mango season here!!!! :bana: :bana: ) I can't think of Mangos without remembering Paramahansa Yogananda and a story in his wonderful book, "The Autobiography of a Yogi". Remember? :lol: He had been away from his beloved India for years and on a return trip was investigating various living Saints who were found in that vast country. He brought with him one of the luxuries of western culture at that time...a model T (Old car of some sort anyway.) And was loath to leave it in the city on this one trip into the Indian Jungle to find a particular woman who did not eat and hadn't eaten for decades. You can imagine the bumpy ride... and they had to push the car out of trouble almost as much as riding in it but they came upon a magnificent mango tree much to the delight of Yogananda who ate this delicious fruit as much as he could hold and then some. His advisers encouraged him it was time to leave as they did not want to be stuck in the jungle in the dark and they needed to make it to the Saint's village where they were expected before nightfall. But it was hard for the dear man to leave as it had been so many years without this fruit in America. :mrgreen: I just love Yogananda and his writings as he was such a wonderful loving wise Guru, and yet he was not above a chuckle or two when considering his own "humanous"... this making him all the more precious in my eyes. :happy
Okay, after some interruptions, breakfast is long gone and George is off running errands. I would be in my element in the cool desert nights, PP and how I would love to view the stars some day from a remote region with nothing impededing that glorious sky! It must be so awesome! But those daytime temps that light up your insides would quickly turn me into a swizzling complaining mess. I guess like, kim, I am a child of the winter and the deep peace it brings to me to me.
So wonderful how different we all are one from another and yet as we stand shoulder to shoulder peoples of the world are one as shown in Kimmie's meditation. I love that Kim! :sunflower:

I am thinking today might be a good time to wash some windows. Long story, but I am the friend of birds of all sorts here . And so when they visit me they can make a wee bit of a mess of the windows and sills etc. I would like to get the house spiffy and decorate just a bit for the holidays. We only have a bit so it won't take long... but I would like a slightly clean house before doing that.

Thanks PP, for the advice on creating oils from my lavender and Rosemary. I may have to wait a bit on my rosemary as it has not grown a great deal since I planted it last summer. It's getting there but is slow compared to the bush I accidentally killed. I will try the lavender first...perhaps. Now what do you do with it when it is all finished in the making? Is it something you cook with or use on the body?

Kim, I have a question about lavender plants or bushes as mine are enormous. I noticed yesterday much of the purple flowers are brown now. It just turned summer here and my question is...Is this a bad time to cut them back a little in the hopes they will regenerate some new flowers? Or should I just trim off the dead flowers? Thanks for explaining to this gardening greenhorn what rosehips are. Now if only I had some roses! :mrgreen:

Well if I am going to get the work accomplished I've planned for today I had best get a move on. Have a lovely evening and morning you two!... every one!
xxSandy :sunny:

Oh Kim, I almost forgot... I would love to hear about your spiritual experiences and yes, the Akashic Construct forum would be a great place to share them. Bobboo has been sharing some wonderful experiences there as well. xx :hithere :hithere
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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