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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

I'm in!

Blueberry muffins,,,,,,mmmmmmmm.....I see there's not a slice of the apple cake left...........just as it should be. Since you've put the coffee and water on, I'll have a chi tea please......there's some bags in a box,,,easy to find....1 in a cup with boiling water....let it steep....smell the aroma of cardoman, ginger, and black tea......add some milk so it looks beige and a couple of spoons of that chunky brown sugar,

that's the easy way to make it......I can only have 1 muffin (or I'm going to start to look like one - not really the muffins fault.....must be the apple cake).

Oh Clare, easy on the sun stuff,,,,,you should come north (you probably already have) and do some truckin with snowshoes.....can still get the sun, !!! but no bathing suits, although.......

I have to say Lucky, that we are just in the rain,,,,and I'm very thankful for that,,,,no freeze, no slush,,,,so we get to be in the green belt,,,,daffys have been up for a couple of weeks,,,snow drops have come and gone,,,,(so has the sun) a couple of hrs of sun in a couple weeks, is just NOT enough. At least Lucky gets alot more sun with the snow.....and it`s bright and all glistening.....awesome under a full sparkling every where......sigh.....

you can tell I really do like the snow!!!!!!

ooooo I just noticed that Lucky said he was still sick!!!! Better start socking the Vit C to you.....try 1000 mg every hour,,,,it`ll help you get better....and it doesn`t accumulate in the will send you to the john though if nyou`re not used to`ll know when to back off,,,,,or start with smaller amts, but get up to 1,000 mg......I have known it to completely wipe out a cold within 12 hrs......(and this is experience speaking)

Well the wood stove is crackling away,,,I`m trying to keep the electric shut off...and figure I should see what`s going on,,,,on the rest of the mb....will check back later....

loves to all,,,pp :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Thanks pp! You are dearest!

I am definitely going to rock the Vitamin C, as we speak in fact.

And y'know, about the chai tea.. I never really bothered to check what they used for that. Is the ginger aspect the reason it smells kinda like a cinnamon heart? Or maybe I'm the only one who smells that.. :roll

Sweetest to you all

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Lucky... :hithere

me thinks there is even cinnamon in it too,,,,

now here's the traditional way to make it....

Boil whole milk,,,,(as many cups as you intend to drink - I usually need two) after it comes to a boil drop in a tsp of black tea, loose, per cup, and your spices, you can put in a stick of cinnamon (if you're making a big pot), take the seeds out of 2 or 3 cardoman pods...a chunk of ginger (which makes it spicy hot) and let it steep ,,, 5 min = kind of weak,,,,10 min = mildly spicy,,,,,15 min ='ll have to adjust the spices and steeping time to suit your own taste buds.

Well I just finished making choc brownies, with extra choc.....and a dozen cheese scones,,,,,and it's all still warm.....I've already had 3 scones, but I'll share the rest.....and the brownies will be served after supper...well, I guess anyone east of me qualifies enjoy!!!

Hope you get better soon Lucky...

loves, pp :queen: :mrgreen:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning or afternoon everybody, as it is here now in OZ! :hithere

I just realized that I forgot to come here before I went to bed last night. I meant to. :oops: Gosh, so much has happened since I last posted ....Haven't a clue where I want to begin so I'll just start "jabberin" (As my kids call it)

I am so thankful that all this "sweets talk" will not put on weight! Oh my it all sounds good! PP I bet you are a fabulous cook and baker and some day I hope to see for myself. :mrgreen: Don't forget that vision or whatever it was I had a few years ago when I saw you making tea in my kitchen...Well somebody's kitchen. but I was there anyway... 8)

I bet the Mohave dessert is beautiful, Theunim. I can only imagine from the photos I've seen, but I am sure no photo could do it justice. Wow! what a change from NYC! Once again I can only imagine as I have never been there either. As you can see I didn't travel much. Not until arriving on these shores some years ago, and I'm not sure if plane travel to and from the same destinations counts as being an avid world traveler. Of course we can do this in other Working on those but so far I'm not getting off the ground. ;)

Lucky, my dear, I just want to remind you that there is a wisk broom in the corner over there for those cookie crumbs! :lol: I'll get them though because I can see that I have made a mess with PP's blueberry muffins! Hope you had a drink handy as those chocolate cookies are a choking hazard...dry..dry...dry!!! :shock:

Thanks for posting the recipes for the apple cake and the chai tea, PP. I look forward to trying the tea soon. sounds wonderful!
I enjoyed hearing your favorite way of drinking tea and coffee too Theunim. I would love to know how to make your Tapioca iced tea. Being from the southern US, we drank iced tea at every meal (except breakfast for some reason. :scratch:) I have a question though...What is turbinado sugar? Never heard of that before. :)

Hello Clare, I'm sending you love and hugs from your sunny perch in Florida. Love you, sis!
Well gotta go, George is asking me to do about five things at the same time...trying to figure out the order of things and which is most important. :hithere
Love all of you! :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by theunim »

I'd like to make a dry recipe of chocolate cookies, though not so dry that everyone chokes if there are no drinks around!

Sandy, I have not made those types of drinks myself, but whenever I buy them from the cafes and such other tea houses, they tend to make the teas sweet, either using honey or a syrup (not sure which one, I'm not very experienced with making or using syrups in recipes as of yet, and personally I try to avoid corn syrup-sweetened products out of personal health choices. :o) The tapioca has varied from time to time depending on the venue, but the best way to make the tapioca apparently is to boil them once, then boil them again so they become super soft~! There were times where I have had tapioca in my drinks where they are soft on the outside but they have a middle that is still a little hard, so I suspect those places did not do a double-boiling technique with theirs, or perhaps those batches just did not come out as good as they should have.

Was the iced tea you drank in the US what they call sweet tea? If it was, I don't blame anyone for drinking that with every meal possible - that drink is good! :shock:

Turbinado sugar used to be called demerara sugar, but I know it through the brand, Sugar in the Raw. It's not as refined as white sugar. In a recent white-chocolate and blueberry cookie recipe I made, I substituted white superfine sugar with turbinado sugar, which meant the crystals were larger and the taste was different, and my cookies definitely did not turn out the same way, especially since I was melting the butter and mixing the butter and the sugar together over the pot of hot water (I melt the butter by a "double boiler" setup.)

By the way, and this is almost a random thought, mind you, but HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY, EVERYONE! (oh my, lol)

Sandy, you intrigue me a little bit also with your comment about having had a vision of seeing PP making tea in your kitchen. Yesterday, I had a fleeting moment of deja vu where I was aware that I had seen the moment before of being on this forum in the very same house that we live in now! It was a little jarring like all other deja vu moments but really not a bad thing to recognize as such for me. :)

We are only starting to explore the desert area around here, but yes, there are definite beautiful moments that you can't get anywhere else in this country, that's for sure. It is a welcomed change for me and my husband to be away from NYC, as we both have spent most of our lives in NYC and would like to see the world if we could. I think traveling through meditation is just as good, I hope I can see my own library according to AC some day! I'd count that as worthy travel experience. (I will hope to be part of the AC group here in the long run, but for now, I'm still adjusting everywhere and figuring out where to go from here, especially since I just restarted meditation. :x) But, I do hope you have some days in the future to see other places on Earth that most people will only see through movies or books, whether you are there physically through plane travel or through aid from Heaven in your spiritual development. :D

Bye for now!
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Re: The Secret

Post by vivrider »

Hi Everybody, I just found the secret chat room! I might have to get outa here, I just started Weight Watchers and this is making me hungry!

Love to all!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hiya Viv! :hithere We do seem to talk a lot about food here. :lol: Even though, when Gypsy started this thread a few years ago it began in all ernest about the Secret book and movie. I still chuckle when I dip back into this thread's many online pages just for fun... All these loving souls who are so close to my heart...and their antics and lives shared... Well, for me, it is priceless and has shown me that what we say on this board and this thread are not just some empty black and white messages. A part of who we are travels with every post and is felt and embraced by many with ears to hear and hearts that are open. We are all much loved siblings... sounds odd I know...yet it is the feeling within that proves the truth of it. :D

Anyway.... I jabbered on again... I think yoiu are so wise going with weight watchers! From all I have heard is is a good sound nutrional program. I, unfortunately, waited too long to begin a weight loss program as summer arrived in full force and so I found myself staring at hot weather and shorts that I couldn't get my little toe into! :shock: In desperation I, and poor George too, delved into a low carb diet..(hince, the dry chocolate cookies.) In all honesty, George, and to a certain extent me too, are doing well on it. George has lost 7 kilos or fifteen pounds in three months and that is a good slow ratio to keep off. It has been really good for him as he has type 2 diabetes. So we find we are putting more thought into better, lower, and healthier carbs like fresh veggies and to a lesser extent fruit along with in his case lean meat. I have an added delimma though being a vegetarian so to make sure I am getting enough protein I have been adding some pea protein isolate to my food and drink. But these dry low carb baked goods are also full of protein too so.. Geez... listen to must feel like you are back at the office again. :lol: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Anyway, I'm glad you joined us, Viv! :sunflower:

Theunim I would love your recipe for blueberry and white chocolate cookies when you get the chance. George's son and family are coming to visit at the end of the month and it sounds like a lovely cookie to share with them. You know, I bet I can find a recipe for bubble tea online...I didn't think of that earlier... course I'm not sure I am allowed tapioca at this point in the afore mentioned diet... But I promise...won't get off on that road again! ;) ..probably ..maybe... :finger:
Oh yes, the tea I drank was sweetened. yummy too! ... and you know what is really good?...adding a few springs of spearmint in with the tea bags when you are heating them along with several cups of water. (You add this seeped mixture to a jug full of water then the sweetener or you can drink it sugarless, that's nice too but takes some getting used to... Pour it over ice...and voila....good stuff and very refreshing when it is hot and humid. )
Sandy, you intrigue me a little bit also with your comment about having had a vision of seeing PP making tea in your kitchen. Yesterday, I had a fleeting moment of deja vu where I was aware that I had seen the moment before of being on this forum in the very same house that we live in now! It was a little jarring like all other deja vu moments but really not a bad thing to recognize as such for me.
You know, its strange but I also remember PP saying she saw me reach across the table one evening in a flash vision while George and I were eating our dinner. I do not know why these things happen, but I believe it has something to do with a oneness we all are tapping into...In this oneness is a love that joins us all and at some point whether we happen to be thinking about someone ..or not...we find a live connection. Anne (Blue nova) does this all the time with me. She knows how I am feeling and Petra, she too she often feels or is alerted when I am in need of her kind ministrations. (friendly ear. ;) ) All of this is soul felt and I believe someday as we all and man/woman kind themselves become lightened, we will communicate in a much deeper way then at present time. :finger:

I don't know if Petra is hanging about but if you are...we saw a show night before last... They were exploring the coast of UK and Wales and they were in your area...well, your former area, anyway. I was glued to the screen and remembered all those wonderful photos you sent that are now gone with George's old computer when some fly by night computer repair person made off with it.( Long story... my fault..sigh...) Oh geez, though, it was beautiful! I am also remembering in this moment (can't help myself) thinking about your Mr. Bighorn stories somewhere on this thread. Oh you have given me so many moments where I've wiped the laughter tears from my eyes! :lol: ... something that helps me to "pivot" sometimes when dark thoughts start to niggle me. (((HUGS)))

Okay better get a move on... Have a good week end everybody! :sunny:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Petra Wilson »

Aw Sandy, I'm no longer clinging on to any hope of returning to my beloved Wales. Thalia is though.
She's going to start off living in one of the many fields her Grandparents own, in a caravan initially,
she's got it all planned out.
I DO NOT miss the feeding times though. Bloody 'ell, remember that one? It was the part where I thought
I was being ever so clever by sneaking around the field way to give them there feed and discovering half
way to their trough that the mud was getting stickier and stickier. Thalia and I shushing each other and...
well, hardly tippy toeing, but squelching our way ever so painfully slowly making a right noise.
I'll never forget how horrified and then helpless I felt when one of the bulls popped his head around the
corner wall. I thought, Oh great! Then the other git pops his around the corner and then the heifer. Three
big heads one on top of the other just staring at me as if to say: "Is she all right?"
As they sniffed their feed they start coming into the field and I'm trying to make it to the fence and over
it before they KILL me. It was like the classic dream where you can't run fast enough. But I did. I got to
the fence threw myself over and landed in pig poopoo, mud the lot. But that didn't bother me, I had defeated
them pesky terrorists and as I got up and pumped my fist in the air in triumph and yelled: "Hah! Ya didn't get me!"
30 or so sows, boars and piglets came careerring out of their pens and knocked me flying in the mud again.
The bucket of food flew everywhere and I felt like I was in some Hannibal Lecteur film. God did I weep in
frustration. And the bulls and heifer were still not fed.
Finally I got the courage to run screaming like a banshee with the food and I think they didn't chase me that
time but one of them did butt me as I laid hay out. I remeber sitting on the haystack and having a little cry because
I missed Phil (he was the farmer NOT ME!!!) and the sun suddenly came out and beamed on the cow shed, batheing
5 of God's creatures in beautiful mellow yellow light. BigHorns even came over and brushed his nose against me,
snorted then went back to feasting. Yeahhhh! *sighhhh*

I still have those precious memories. hahaha!

Love to you all, Pet xxx :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by luvinlife »

Honestly, Petra, you should write a book about all of your experiences! I'm still laughing about the one with your sister!

Just for fun, I'm going to share an experience that happened to me last weekend. On Saturday morning, I was cooking and sliced my thumb on a can of tomato paste. Had to go to the Urgent Care place and get 4 stitches and a tetanus shot. When I came home, my son was in the driveway after a day of fishing. While he was cleaning out his kayak, I noticed that his T-shirt was dripping "fish juice" into the driveway. He had a bag of sardines and they were dripping too. He wanted to use the sardines again for bait. So, I quickly put the T-shirt in a brown plastic bag and the sardines in another brown plastic bag. I put the sardines in the freezer and the T-shirt I immediately put in the wash. My daughter was complaining about the stink. Well, imagine my surprise when I opened the washer and saw all of these sardines in there and the T-shirt was in the freezer. My kids got a good laugh out of it. And no, I wasn't on pain medication (although I should have been), the sauce was delicious, and I soaked the washer (after cleaning it out) in bleach.....and all is well.

Happy weekend, everyone!

Love, Clare
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »


Oh that was a GOOD one!

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »'s mine....

I was on a business trip with my husband a couple of years ago. We walked about 3 blocks from the hotel to go out to dinner. Toward the end of the meal I needed to go to the bathroom....When I came out the song "Whip It" was playing...I immediately went into dance mode, prancing and bouncing across the entire length of the restaurant to get back to the table. (Bear with me here.....) Jack paid the bill and walked out a head of me. We strolled 3 blocks (side by side) back to the hotel. I still had the song playing in my head, so I was sort of walking and bopping at the same time...feeling excetionally sexy I might add. We walked through the lobby which was filled with people at some sort of reception, and got onto an elevator...there was a couple standing at the back of the elevator so we stood side by side in front of the couple. STILL bopping all the way up to the 17th floor. I exited the elevator before Jack who immediately burst into laughter and.....pulled a 3 foot long tail of toilet paper from the waistline of my rear side. :roll :roll :roll

Yes indeed! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!
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Re: The Secret

Post by theunim »

Rocking good Friday to all!

I'll be sharing the recipe in a few hours, want to get stuff done for a little bit, lol~!

Also, Clare, Petra, and Sammy~ your stories were hilarious! I had a great laugh out of all of them!

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I just can't stop laughing....

What a wonderful gift from you gals :hithere .....laughter is the best medicine.....and the good thing is that the memories get funnier as the years go by.

I've been busy making small bags for crystals and rocks,,,,the sun is shining and Allan is getting the deck re-sheeted YAY!!!!! :bana:
we've had 2 sunny days...OMG! - in a row !!! (rain tomorrow)

Thank you for making my day :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Just poking my head in to say hi

Sweetest wishes and blessings to all!

:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello! :hithere

I just laughed my way through the rest of this thread...You guys certainly know how to spin a great yarn! :lol: :lol: :lol: Clare, hows that thumb of yours?

Awhh Pet... I remember when Phil was away and how hard that time was for you.... I don't think farm life would exactly suite me either. George and I were just recently sort of sharing dreams. I told him I used to dream of living on a farm but it wasn't realistic because I would just get too attached to the farm animals. We decided some day though we might be able to swing a few chickens and a chicken coop though. Being so small they wouldn't eat us out of house and home when the time came from them to retire from the productive egg laying position to bask with benefits in the" beloved pet devision". Yes, I am pretty sure I would never make it as a "farm Lady." :roll:

I hope Thalia's dream come true for her some day...and yours too...You just never know where you may wind up...Wales, US, Canada, Australia..etc... The world is our oyster..and nothing is set in stone.

Its a gorgeous day here...gonna go out in a bit and soak up some rays with the lizard who lives under the stoop. Been feeling a bit pale and peaked lately... so that should do the trick!
Have a good week end everybody! :kiss:
Sandy :sunny:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Petra Wilson »

Clare, Sammy, thanks for the great laughs. I'll make a note of what page this is so every time I get
peeved or something I can come back hereand read these stories all over again. :lol:
Clare? What story were you on about with my sister?

Sandy, I remember Phil ONLY bought battery hens to give them a better life. The cockerel had to be
bought from a farm. I remember how weirded out the new ones were having never ever seen grass
before. We'd rest them in the barn for a few days before opening the barn door. It would take about
half a day before they ventured out, and boy! did they love their lives, I'm sure of it.
And that peacock Phil bought me for my birthday who called out every morning: "RAPE!" and my neighbour
came running over (the first time he cawed that out) with his shotgun!

I'm looking forward to those recipes T.

{{{{PP}}}}} great seeing your smiling face again. Love to you and your husband, and everyone else here, keep
those stories coming in. I'll try to remember some more of my old comedy stories.

How could I forget? {{{{{{Lucky}}}}}} Bless your golden heart! xx

BUG HUG, Pet xxxxx
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Well farm ladies,,I got this a couple of days ago from a friend in Idaho,,,,and I laughed so was one of those thatjust kept getting better and better...

So thanks for the tip Pet,,about coming back to this page for a cheer up. sooo here it is...


A Girl Potato and Boy Potato had eyes for each other,

And finally they got married, and had a little sweet
potato, which they called 'Yam.'

Of course, they wanted the best for Yam.

When it was time, they told her about the facts
of life. They warned her about going out and
Getting half-baked, so she wouldn't get accidentally

mashed, and get a bad Name for herself like 'Hot Potato,'

and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots.

Yam said not to worry, no Spud would get
her into the sack and Make a rotten potato out of her!

But on the other hand she wouldn't stay home
and become a Couch Potato either.

She would get Plenty of exercise so as not to

be skinny like her Shoestring Cousins.

When she went off to Europe , Mr. And Mrs. Potato

told Yam To watch out for the hard-boiled guys from Ireland
And the greasy guys from France called the French Fries.

And when she went out West.

She watched out for the Indians so she wouldn't get scalloped..

Yam said she would stay on the straight and
narrow and wouldn't associate with those high class

Yukon Golds, or the ones from the other side of the tracks
who advertise their trade on all the trucks that say,
'Frito Lay.'

Mr. And Mrs. Potato sent Yam to Idaho P.U.

(that's Potato University )

so that when she graduated she'd really
Be in the Chips.

But in spite of all they did for
her, one-day Yam came home
And announced she was
going to marry Dan Rather.

Dan Rather!

Mr and Mrs. Potato were very upset.

They told Yam she couldn't possibly
Marry Dan Rather

Because he's just.......(Are you ready for this)?

Here it is!


loves to all :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Oh that was a good one PP! :lol: :lol: Very clever...when it got to the end I thought.."Wait a minute! Dan Rather??? ... what does that have to do with potatos?" :lol:
How are things in your neck of the woods? Anything new on the home front? :finger:

Pet, you and Phil did a very nice thing for those chickens of yours. George did something similar when he had his farm up north. He brought a couple dozen from an egg farm and the poor little things were practically featherless when he brought them home. He said it took them a couple days to figure out how to walk on the ground as they were so used to walking on their cage bars... :(
I was reminded of my chicken dreams on our walk from the post office today. We decided to walk part of the return trip home by way of the foot path that runs along the lake. One of the families has a chicken coop fairly close to the back fence. And the chickens always come running whenever anyone passes... friendly as can be. I suspect they are hoping we might have some grain or seeds in our pockets but it feels good to be welcomed none the less. ;)

:lol: I think I'll by pass peacocks after your account. Beautiful birds but... erhmmm ...may not be the best pet for someone living in the crowded subburbs. :shock:
Love you guys,
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Re: The Secret

Post by luvinlife »

PP, that was adorable! Here I am, everyone, with my cup of tea and a relaxed heart and mind today. Love to all!

Love, Clare
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

mornin Clare,

I was here earlier, got mocha coffee and chai going,,,and a nice chat, when my computer shut off for I went back and read some more emails....then came back here,,,,,and danged if I didn't get dumped again.

that rather ticked me off, as I was soon needing a rest, holding my head in the wrong position ,,,like now..

Talking to Laura yesterday,,,and it seems that we're doin the same thing.....too much overdoing....and sets the healing back.
so we give each other pep talks and finger waggings :lol: :lol: :lol:

and I think I'll post this before I do something to lose it...

We also had a showing yesterday, although we didn't think she was really suited to the property, but the subdividable option was very interesting to we'll least with 'spring' weather starting to be more frequent there seems to be an increase in buyers.

Allan's out on the deck measuring for the posts,,,they are made,,it's the spacing that takes some figuring out. I think that as soon as the deck is 'finished' we'll get an offer.....then we'll be off...yahooooooo

what's new with you in Florida Clare?

loves, pp :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Ok!!!!! We've got coffee, tea and who's got the food? :bana:

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

FOOD !!! OMG.....

Sammy this could be dangerous.....Lucky will bring some blueberry muffins, I bet......I still have some double chocolate brownies...

Sandy's good for a nice treat......and what did you say you were cooking up??? :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Clare 'disappeared',,,but Viv and Pet have checked in of late....

I did a couple of beautiful meditations this afternoon, while hubs was out attaching posts with bolts, till his arm hurt, and my neck is straining already. drat it all go on the healing table for awhile...

loves to you too

xoxo :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by theunim »

The long awaited recipe! I'm so sorry....I've been so distracted these past several days but I finally got to typing it and here it is, in all its glory from the book and including my own notes. :)

White Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Dried Blueberries
½ cup (1 stick) sweet butter (Or, unsweetened. Also: I melt the butter down, have not yet tried making this cookie without melting first.)
1 cup superfine sugar
1 egg
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
¼ cup oatmeal
1 ½ (8 oz.) chopped white chocolate chunks
½ cup (3 oz.)dried blueberries

1. Preheat the oven to 375ºF (190ºC)
2. Beat the butter and sugar and then add the egg and vanilla, then set aside.
3. Sift together dry ingredients and stir in the oatmeal.
4. Incorporate the mixed dry ingredients, white chocolate, and dried blueberries into the butter mixture.
5. Roll into balls and use your fingers to flatten onto a non-stick baking sheet, about 2 in. (5 cm) apart. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Cool 5 minutes.
6. When cool, store in an airtight container for 4 to 5 days.
Yield: supposedly 2 dozen. It all depends on how big you make the cookie balls when you roll them. Just eye it, or use a ½ tbsp measuring spoon (or equivalent, something to make the ball an inch across) to scoop out and level cookie dough, then roll into balls after taking out from the spoon.
-A variation: I use Nestle white chocolate morsels, which probably make the cookies sweeter than the recipe really is. As a result, you may want to reduce the amount of sugar you use, as I have personally found that if I used1 cup of superfine, it’s very sweet, and some people might not like it. If you don’t have superfine sugar, you can put regular sugar through a food processor, but don’t process the sugar to the point of fine powder (you’ll know if you’re doing this if you see some of the sugar puff into the air like small sugar clouds when you open the container). However, regular granulated sugar will be fine, too, if you do not have a processor.
-Another variation: I found out how to make a different variation of this cookie by accident when I mixed the sugar into the butter over the heat, as the butter was melting – the cookie had a larger spread on the cookie sheet and also a harder, toffee-like outcome. I must also note that when this happened, I was using Sugar in the Raw (what they call turbinado sugar) in that batch)
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Re: The Secret

Post by theunim »

Feel better soon, PP! I guess I finally brought the cookies into the chatroom! Yahoo! They're good with milk. :D

Sammy, yay! Seeing your message made me laugh a bit! There's gonna be other things brought in besides dessert stuff, though nothing wrong with any dessert brought in to be shared at all!

All the talk about owning chickens on the chat reminded me of my thoughts about owning chickens, too. A few months before moving out here to California, I was running across stories of people who kept chickens in their backyards, even if they were in urban areas. By the looks of this yard we have here, I might be able to have a small coop of 5 or 4, but it would take a lot of convincing for my husband to even think that's OK, if it's even legally allowed by the town or the county. Anyway, I think in the summer it would be horrible for the chickens here, since desert summers are 100+ Farenheit :( I wouldn't want to leave the animals outside, but I wouldn't want a bunch of them running around in the house willy-nilly, either, if I had to bring them in. I'll just settle on getting a beagle, which my husband already wants, too.

Ah well, maybe in the long run, I'll get the chance to have chickens and a cow. Pet, the couple of stories you told us definitely made me think of farms all over again. :sunflower: I LOVE cows, and I was so excited to be able to pet one when we visited a dairy farm called Young's out in Ohio last October. I've never owned a cow, but even if I do, I think I'd still love them, but not the poops. :lol: By the way, that place had EXCELLENT ice cream, too, so if you're ever in that area of Ohio, try to get some if you've got the time!
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Seeeee Sammy :bana:

I told ya this could be dangerous.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Theunim, dearheart,,,,,ooo ooooooo oooooooo,,,especially for those who can't eat dark chocolate.....this recipe is for my sister and I'm going to send it to her......

me now, I'm the other way, and never did like white chocolate,,,,I think there's something missing in the chocolate?????

so I'm going to try your recipe with the dark stuff....

thank you, thank you,,,

loves, pp :kiss: :kiss: oh, I almost forgot,,,,I'd go for the beagle too,,,,it can grow up with your child, and be the best protector you ever saw. :roll
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