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Post by gypsie »

Sandy that cake is AMAZING might have a go making it for Geoff's on Wedbesday night WHIST we'll all feell nice and grounded yummy emmm 8)

Hi Star
Great to have you out there fighing for our dear little animals :sword: sweethearts can't talk for themselves :cat:

lots of love Gypsie :kiss:
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Post by Light1 »

Hi all,

Sandy that cake of yours sounds scumptios...I am starting a no carbs diet for a few days...Sammy prompted me... :wink:

Star you are such a gem...the animals on the farm would love to have you here...we had a new lamb born yesterday...It is so cute :!:

All of our family are animal puppies sleep on the end of my bed...spoilt rotten they are... :lol:

Take care...Im off to reading tonight...I cant wait for my AC Cd's to arrive...

In love and Light

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Nice to see you AquaDeb! You're looking mighty fine and healthy. I stopped colouring my hair too, and it's back to how I remember it in my youth, apart from the odd silver hair.

There's no way on Urantia that I will eat any of that cake Sandy! But my kid's will LOVE it.
Yesterday I made a gooooey chocolate cake, with soft chocolate smothered on top, and served with chantilly cream! All I had was an index finger of the cream. But for roughly 7 minutes the house was quiet, save for the eager clatter of cake forks against china, hehe!

Love to you all, Petra x
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Post by Sandy »

What!!! cake???? Is there medicine you can take for that? :lol: Oh ...okay... I guess I won't make cake for your visit to Australia... :( Looks like its liver and onions lady! ....eeeyeeuuuu...bleah! nope... as you know that is an empty threat!

About six or seven years ago I did the Adkins diet, Light. You know the almost zero carbs for at least two weeks and then ever so slowly you could add them back as you lost the weight you needed to loose. I lost weight in places I have always had trouble with...but oh my it can play havic with your system if you introduced the carbs all at once or two quickly. You put the weight on twice as fast and then some. I'm sure I would have been a prime canidate for failure if it wasn't for the two dieting ladies I worked with who ever so diligently threw away the bread and tomato from the bought sandwhich every day. I must say we looked pretty dern good for three aging ladies.. :P

I had a lovely visit from an elderly Golden retriever yesterday. He is a fixture in the neigborhood and occasionally finds his way along the lake to our place where we, my neighbor and I spoil him rotten. It was just what I needed as he is such a loving dog...I guess he had been a seeing eye dog and took great care of his mistress while she was alive. I always say a little prayer of gratitude and ask God to protect him and bless him when he stops by.

Hows the job going Star? Has your sister returned yet from her European vacation. Hopefully she has taken lots of photos to share with you. I love looking at photos taken from around the world. Robert, I-Am on the board, always took wonderful photos of his homeland and travels. I could almost feel I was there. Photos can really close the gaps between us sometimes... and sometimes we can feel what the photographer feels when we view their handiwork. I love it...

Okay I should go to bed now. Good night everybody.
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Post by lilly »

Hi Sandy
I saw a beautiful Golden retriever at the vets on Sunday, lovely dogs. With much regret I had to surrender all the little kittens and also the mother to the Cat Protection Society. :cry: Two of my daughter's children have become highly allergic to cats...breaking out in sores and rashes over a period of time since they got the cat....She has been crying and very upset, but the children must come first. The lady said they will get homes and they have never put any cats to sleep, which is a wonderful blessing. My daughter rescued the mother cat who was living on the streets, so she let her have the kittens and loved and cared for her.
We have a little dog to love and care for....also a budgie. The children rang the vet to see how the kittens were....the lady was very kind and told them they are all well.
Love lilly xox :kiss:
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Lilly,

Oh I'm sorry the kitties didn't work out but as you say, the kids have to come first. It is so easy to become attached to our animal friends. I fall in love with them in mere minutes...Wish human to human caring and compassion always came that quickly. There are people out there just as needy and lost as those two young pups but are easily overlooked in favor of some rather self indulgent kinds of things... Hmm I think there is a lesson here for me... :scratch: Better do some meditation. Amazes me sometimes when our Teachers have a deeper lesson hidden within those seemingly ordinary life experiences.

How's the singing going, sis? I still am blown away when I hear your cd...get goose bumps every time... :D
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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

Sandy wrote:What!!! cake???? Is there medicine you can take for that? :lol: Oh ...okay... I guess I won't make cake for your visit to Australia... :( Looks like its liver and onions lady! ....eeeyeeuuuu...bleah! nope... as you know that is an empty threat!
Cake sounds greaaaaaaaaaat. :D My biggest problem is the fact that after getting home from work, i feel lethargic and the last thing i want to do is cook, so a lot of the time lately i have been eating pizza, pies, fish & chips etc. But i'm going to make more of an effort to eat healthily, and i think i'm going to join a gym near my work next week.
Sandy wrote:About six or seven years ago I did the Adkins diet, Light. You know the almost zero carbs for at least two weeks and then ever so slowly you could add them back as you lost the weight you needed to loose. I lost weight in places I have always had trouble with...but oh my it can play havic with your system if you introduced the carbs all at once or two quickly. You put the weight on twice as fast and then some. I'm sure I would have been a prime canidate for failure if it wasn't for the two dieting ladies I worked with who ever so diligently threw away the bread and tomato from the bought sandwhich every day. I must say we looked pretty dern good for three aging ladies.. :P
:lol: Sandy, whenever i would try the Atkins diet, at about day 3 i would get the strongest cravings for bread!! Crusty bread rolls LUV2 I crave bread anyway but when i'm on atkins forget it. i would demolish the house to get to the bread. :lol:

Sandy wrote: Hows the job going Star? Has your sister returned yet from her European vacation. Hopefully she has taken lots of photos to share with you. I love looking at photos taken from around the world. Robert, I-Am on the board, always took wonderful photos of his homeland and travels. I could almost feel I was there. Photos can really close the gaps between us sometimes... and sometimes we can feel what the photographer feels when we view their handiwork. I love it...
LUV2 Hi, the job is going well.. it is extremely overwhelming, there is a lot to learn and all the processes and computer software are new to me.
So there are moments when i'm very frustrated, and moments where i'm really feeling the pressure.. i find it hard to remember absolutely everything... sometimes if i try and cram too much information at once, it seems to push other things out of my brain. And i get a headache.
Anyway, the people are lovely and i'm enjoying the work, it's just that the girl i'm replacing leaves in just a few weeks and i'm worried that i won't be ready.. this job is much more involved than i had anticipated :meds:
All i can do is just hope and pray that i get there. :loves It's been a full on couple of weeks for me. I'm feeling pretty tired.
My sister finished up her tour of Europe in Amsterdam, and i'm fairly sure she is now on her way back to London. She flies back in here on Thursday, she's been e-mailing me photos here and there and it looks like she's had an absolute ball :bana: She loved the people she travelled with on her tour, and i'm so glad for her that she was able to have such a great experience with her best friend of many years. Can't wait to hear all her stories :mrgreen:

That's a shame it didn't work out with the kittens Lilly, i hope you're feeling ok about it KNOK

I'm off to bed too, good night everybody and sweet dreams :kiss:

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Post by Sandy »

Hello there bright and shiney Star! :hithere
Well it sounds to me like you are doing very well at work. Please try to remember with every new job there is a scramble to grasp all the new information thrown at you. These people saw something very special in you out of many applicants and your prayers were answered decisively I'd say. :wink: I believe that you are surrounded with all the Love in the Universe... That will go along way in helping you and all of us cope with what life and those lovely employers of yours throw at you/us. :wink:

I just want you to know that I picked up fifteen packets of those yummy noodles you reccomended... George has taken a liking to them and I am hoping to stock up on them since they are so easy for him to fix while I am gone.
I hear you as I am a bread lover too! Not sure how I "stuck to my resolve" years ago. :roll:
But I do believe it is time I seriously thought about the food I put in my mouth..where it comes from and the great blessing of having plenty of food to sustain life and health. I take it for granted far too many times...

I"ve had a lot of things to "chew" on lately and I'm not talking food this time. :lol: I feel changes are a foot and that would be a good thing... (whew! never thought I'd ever welcome change! :D )
Okay, better say Good night Star...
Love you, little sis, :kiss:
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone
It's so good to read all your posts...Sandy, that cake was absolutely was all the food you prepared with loving hands when Gypsie and I visited.
I feel really good about the decision we made about the kittens, Star....they will get a good will the mother cat. I remember now that the children broke out when I had Phoenix here....the universe had other plans for him.....hope he went to a good home when he disappeared. A lot of cats go missing around here, so it's for the best really.
I'm so pleased for you getting your job, Star. Remember to drink plenty of water when learning new things...the brain uses up a lot when we are taking in a lot of new info...or thinking a lot. :idea:
Love to you All
lilly xoxoxoxox
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Post by Light1 »

You know the almost zero carbs for at least two weeks and then ever so slowly you could add them back as you lost the weight you needed to loose

Greetings to all...

I do love my cake...going out for coffee with a girlfriend is one of my favourite hobbies...I remember Gypsy and I shared a house about two centuries ago...we slept in late the went off to a meeting...then hit the coffee shops around 10 pm to eat cake and drink two or three caffe latte's...I developed insomnia :lol: :lol: :lol:

Puppy dogs are my animal totems...I adore them...Rosy was a our familys favourite for many years she was Gypsies dog :wink: ...she was a golden sweet and just oozed unconditional love...I miss Rosy :cry:

Star I take my hat off to you...computers are very deep...I managed to somehow freeze mine for two would not accept my password, so in I went to no-mans land and tried to fix it...then the whole thing shut down on me...I felt like my wings had been clipped, not being able to come in here to visit my new friends...I think the celestials had a part in it, I was shattered after the expo and needed complete instead of working on book two and playing with you guys I layed down and read Georges book...

This book 11:11 has triggered so much in me...I am feeling a bit overwhelmed...I also listened to the Ac Cd...what a spin my head is in...

Where do I go on 11:11 to process some of my Ac experiences :?:

Lilly I am relieved to hear you have sorted out the kittens...I was following the story and my heart went out to you...being a hopless softie re any animal...a baby calf was abondoned here on the farm two days ago...I want to bring it home :cry: the farmer is a very kind man...he has got Donnie who is an eccentric and lovable charcter feeding the baby with a bottle 5 times a on a farm really pulls on my heartstrings at times... :loves

Lots of love and light

Last edited by Light1 on Sat Oct 17, 2009 1:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lilly »

Hi Light
It would be amazing to live on a farm....I'm a softie too...sometimes we have to make decisions which hurt, but will hurt more if we don't make them. Sadly I had to take the sweet kitttens and their beautiful mother to be rehoused.
Love lilly xoxox
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Post by Twinstars »

Hello All,

Just stopped in for a quick cup and a smile. Seems I may soon be leaving my beautiful Lagoon. Been three hours south for two days in negotiations with my brother in-law who has asked me to take over his computer business. From here I'm headed further south to the family home in Tennessee for a few days visit. My Native American brothers and sisters are putting on a Pow Wow this weekend and there is much dancing to be done. Should be lots of beautiful scenery as all the leaves are changing colors now. Maybe I should have a bran muffin while I'm here. :scratch: Anyway thanks for the coffee, can I get one in a to-go cup please? It'll be daylight in an hour and I have a six hour drive ahead. :salut:

A Blessed day to all.

Love All...

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Oh, John! That sounds great. I'd love to experience a pow wow!
Do you mean,
Seems I may soon be leaving my beautiful Lagoon.
) you have to move house? That would be sad?

Lilly, Thals used to be alergic to dogs and cats. Pet got a great idea in her head to get a dog for the farm...thinking homeopathic remedy perhaps?...and after a fortnight of asthma and rashes, it suddenly stopped! Just like that. The doctor reckoned it was a one-off. We'd find her curled up in his basket with him, all red and wheezing, lol!

Star, you'll be fiiiiiiiine! It will be scary a bit, but you'll sail along, no worries. I'll send you some supportive blue light energies. Also, as Liller's wrote, LOADS OF WATER! Try Omega 3 or Omega 3, 6, 9 for brain power, amongst other good things. And do make the effort to sign up at that won't regret it. Exercise is good for the brain as much as healthy eating, as you already know? *I need constant reminding of this!*

Now that it's cooler, my meals are more fattening, naturally! But I couldn't do that atkin's. Talk about her!-the-noisy-git-in-the-corner :oops: I lasted two days. Is it true you can lose weight the other way round? Only eating carbs? I want to be like one of those Saints that never eat anything...but I have a growing family to feed, hahahaha!

You know what???????? I think while we had all our brilliant books in storage at the farm before it was finally sold, some prospective buyers pinched a box load of my beloved books. We simply can't find them anywhere, from there, to Phil's parents house, to here.
In that box were all my favourites, including one of George's. It's such a shame as some I can't find anywhere on t'internet. *Glad I finally got that off my 38E's! (Unless the Fairies took them? Once we decided to move, loads of things started going missing...hmmm!)

Oh, LIGHT!! That mysterious computer gliching/cutting out/freezing etc happens to me A LOT! especially when I could be using my time going to the AC and healing, or something else more useful, instead of watching Vicar of Dibley sketches on YouTube! or laughing my ass off on some silly site! LOL

Bid you all a good day, evening, night! God bless you All, Pet XXXX
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Post by sammy »

John - I wanna go to a pow wow...I wanna go...I wanna go!!! :bounce:

The Atkins Diet - :twisted: I am a carboholic!!! Live off bagels, tortillas, pretzels...oh and POTATOES!!!! :shaking2: I tried Atkins a few years ago. The first step is "induction" where you can essentially eat 1 potato chip per day worth of carbs. I struggled through the first 5 days...come Friday (usually my watch a movie / get fat night) I thought I would KILL someone if I didn't get some chocolate. I was a psycho (bad word starting with the letter B) from (bad word starting with the letter H). I ended up eating 2 bowls of ice cream with hot fudge, half a bag of Oreos, and a HUGE bowl of buttered pop-corn...spent the rest of the night in the bathroom! But I was a much happier camper :lol:

So I changed the diet to the "Fatkins" plan...where you do Atkins all day and have a chocolate bar at night...I actually lost quite a bit of weight.

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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

Hello everyone :hithere

Its been a long day, i'm so tired :meds: I am cooking up some mi goreng for myself and sitting down to watch sitcoms where i don't have to think!!!

Thanks to you all for the encouragement. I must admit i do not drink nearly enough water, but more than enough coffee. :roll: But i will try!!

Sandy, glad you're liking the noodles, i still have half a crate in my cupboard.. hehe, cooking some up right now! It's cheap and soooo yummy. LUV2

Signing off for the night. Sweet dreams!!! :kiss:

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Post by luvinlife »

Star, look at the time you posted above!!!!

Love it!

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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone
Just popping in for a quick cuppa. John, I've made you a take away cuppa!! You are a very wise and caring man. Hope everything works out for you with the move!! Pet, those books were probably meant for someone else who must have needed them. ((Hugs))
Love to Pet, Star and Sandy, Light, Clare, Sammy, Gypsie Deb and Aqau Deb, John and all you other lovely people.
It's my first day at this new job and I really want to make a go of it!! Thank you all for your beautiful friendships!!
Love lilly xox :D :D
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Post by sammy »

It's all good Lilly!

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Lillers? Yeaaahhhh, I suppose you are right! Moving on then, thanks for that! I hope they enjoy In The Search Of...maybe they're a quiet member of this here board?? Hmmm??
Hope your first day at work was pleasant!

Philip has an interview this morning. Looking after hotel/campsite. I advised him to restrain from the jokes and no cleaning the toilets! Only plumbing, lol! It's a nudist colony, the card!! LOL

Love to you All, {{{hugs}}} xxx
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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

lilly wrote:It's my first day at this new job and I really want to make a go of it!! Thank you all for your beautiful friendships!!
Love lilly xox :D :D
You will be fantastic! I'm sending you lots of good vibes! As you know i'm new in my job too, i was so scared on my first day! I'm sure you were fine though. Let us know how you went sis.


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Post by Sandy »

Hello everyone...

I have missed a few days and this thread has really traveled.....But I have enjoyed reading everybody's post and getting caught up again.

Just want to ask lilly how her first day of work went? Awhh... I bet they loved you and you them..Just like our bright and shiney Star found out a few weeks ago.. The first day..(week really) of a new job always wore me out until I started feeling a sense of belonging and the nervous energy wore off! :roll:

Hey Pet, Not sure whether I should wish Phil good luck on this one or not. :lol: A nudist colony campsite, huh? :shock:

Maybe my mailbag of lost books is stolen by the fairies know the ones I am always crying about... I should take "Lillers" advice too. Time to let em go and hope someone else is enjoying them as much as I did... :cry: Nope I'm still a little put out... :? :wink:

Hiya John...Oh I love bran muffins! Here, take two or three for your trip! And a thermos full of coffee too. :)
I always have a difficult time moving on... I fall in love with people and places so quickly. One of our neighbors just moved out of the front flat and even though we didn't spend much time together...I will still feel a tad sad. Of course they are leaving a part of their lives with George and I. Their lovely yellow Ringneck parrot, Ollie. Yep, our spoiled little Lacey just got a baby brother or sister. T(o tell you the truth, we don't know for sure which... :scratch:) It's a long story how it came about and the timing is a bit off but we are thinking this is a good thing... :finger:

Enjoy your visit to your home place in Tennessee. I'm a Tennessee girl too you know! (Well you know what I mean... :oops: ) Anyway I hope everything works out for the very best for you.
And please let us know how the Pow Wow went, okay?

Hi Light,
Oh I just love golden retrievers and Rosey sounds like a true friend. I love animals too and would have probably wound up with a pet cow or something had I been the one feedding it...I'm glad to hear the little one is finding an "adopitve parent!" Every "little and big body" benefits from love don't they? :D

You wrote:
This book 11:11 has triggered so much in me...I am feeling a bit overwhelmed...I also listened to the Ac Cd...what a spin my head is in...

Where do I go on 11:11 to process some of my Ac experiences
Oh George will be so pleased that you have found his book beneficial. :D Any AC experience/s that you feel suitable and you would like to share can be sent to George via a message board pm or at his email address. (I'll pm you with it if you like?) George sends out the Akashic construct list and it reaches over a thousand people now. It is always encouraging to all us students to read of the experiences of others..

Well this sleepy lady is off to bed now...Seems I am always posting you all here just before bedtime...
Take care everybody and enjoy the upcoming weekend... :sunny:

Love and sleepy hugs, :love
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone
My first day went really well.... :cheers: I'm the only female with 10 They are all really nice guys. Still a lot more to I'll be glad of some loving support from you all here....thank you!!!!!
I cried last night with thoughts of my old workplace whirling through my mind.....felt really heartbroken :cry: A flash of Yogananda came into my spiritual vision...and a beautiful serenity all through my nervous system.
Thank you, thank you!!!!
Sandy, I'll have a large slice of that lovely cake please....sent via the Coffee house!! It would put a smile on any face. :D :D :D
Star, I'm glad you are settling into your new job, too!! Phil working in a nudist colony...... :lol: :lol: :lol: Pet....that is funny!!!! :lol:
Love lilly xox
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Post by sammy »

YEAH LIL!!!!!!! :bana: :bana: :bana: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :bana: :bana: :bana: :love :happy

It's all good!!!

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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

I'm off to the movies to see a scary movie in 3D!!

Love weekends!!! :D

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Post by lilly »

Thankyou for your support and also Gypsie Deb and Pet, Star and Sandy!!
That's great!!! Hope you have :lol: Scary movies really scare me!!!! :shock: :twisted: :roll: haha
Love lilly xox
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