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Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:48 am
by George
There have been questions about the "4-winged" transporters.

Specially in relation to the Indonesian quake. has some info on the transporters.

God bless......

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:58 am
by maxx
thank you so much! I have emailed Sir George about the 11:11 signals. I have been seeing them since november last year.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:08 am
by George
Sir George? :lol:

Angels are more difficult to see. Probably a Midwayer. Ours are about 6' tall, but many from other worlds are only 3' tall.

The worlds that are bigger have more gravity, and human life is more practical when folks (and Midwayers) are smaller.

Next time you see him or her, say hello. Nothing to fear at all. They are ALL good guys.


Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:19 am
by maxx
George wrote:Sir George? :lol:

Angels are more difficult to see. Probably a Midwayer. Ours are about 6' tall, but many from other worlds are only 3' tall.

Next time you see him or her, say hello. Nothing to fear at all. They are ALL good guys.

:) I like calling people "sir" or "maam"... it's just our Filipino upbringing culture :)

if you said 3' tall, then maybe it is why I thought it was a child. But it was just a shadow, like a faint dark shadow, didn't even move and gone in a second. It happened when the 11:11 signals got really really frequent... like everyday, not only 11:11, also 12:12, 3:33, 2:22... those are the prompts that I see everyday. I really got scared, so sorry. I was just wondering, why isn't it white? why a shadow?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:39 am
by George
Hi Maxx
I like calling people "sir" or "maam"... it's just our Filipino upbringing culture
I was only pulling your leg. You do have good manners. I met Placido Palatayan in Sydney, Australia. Also another of your countrymen, Dato Trinidad on a lecture tour, doing some great levitation stuff.

Here only my ex-wife calls me "Sir." :lol:

You need to develop your psychic vision. What looks grey to you is likely blue to me.


Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:48 pm
by lilaslight
hi, how about during the typhoon in the Philippines where most of our cities were flooded? Were they here too? And did they also help change the path of the second typhoon "phrarma" which was forecasted to hit our country last saturday. Thank God it changed course and it didn't hit us that hard anymore.
Praying can change the course of a hurricane even at the last minute. It's been done here in The Bahamas which often suffers during hurricane season.
Also I wanted to welcome you. I was born in Manila, Philippenes. The nickname given to me by my father which I use to this day is Kayumunggi.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:40 pm
by Light1
Praying can change the course of a hurricane even at the last minute. It's been done here in The Bahamas which often suffers during hurricane season.
Greetings everyone...

I love the picture of the dolphin :kiss:

I had an interesting phone call last night...Gypsy told me that Jack...her son...heard a news report of an unidentified sattellite circling the earth...Im off to check this out...mmm...

I will continue to pray and send healing...

In love and light


Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:53 am
by maxx
Praying can change the course of a hurricane even at the last minute. It's been done here in The Bahamas which often suffers during hurricane season.
Also I wanted to welcome you. I was born in Manila, Philippenes. The nickname given to me by my father which I use to this day is Kayumunggi.
Hi!! I agree that prayers can change anything in your life, or anything in this world. That's why we're praying that people would help stop global warming, or that God would freeze the arctic again so the ice won't melt.

on another note, I always see 44 and 55 this morning. And guess what, it's not only me, also my friend Julia. She and I talked about seeing the prompts and she always see 3:33. 3:33 is Chief Bzutu, right? What should we do when we see the prompt?

Sir George, thank you for enlightening me.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 4:23 am
by CutieKenge
Ooo, that was a great story! How heart warming.
Thanks Anne for sharing. I hadn't heard of that one before. And thanks Greg for the video.


Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:59 pm
by gypsie
just watched the video with my 13 year old Jack he said "must have been important for the world to see and for the girl"

Then I read your post George about them not usually coming down like that unless important or necessary, out of the moth of Babes :loves

Thanks Nova for the wonderous news xxxx

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:03 pm
by George
Hi All,

I tried twice to "get it," but haven't seen it yet.

I'll try again.

Say hello to Jack, Gypsy. 8)


Re: angel caught on hospital video....

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:45 am
by Turntablist
Absolutely mind blowing. :bana: :sunny: :happy

The world is waking up. Yehaaaa... :bike:

Love & Light


Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:11 am
by epsilon
George wrote:.

There have been countless prompts here from Cherubim. The Midwayers are in Indonesia. Almost all of them.

It's thought the dead may number 4000 or more. Midwayers help them live . . . or die, depending. Same with 9:11. :cry:

Hi dear friends, i'm new in this forum so today's the first time i read this post. This news really gives me chill. When George post this message on Saturday, Oct 3rd, Indonesia just suffered from a massive earthquake on Wednesday, September 30, 2009. The exact place was in West Sumatra. In early October many victims were still buried under the constructions (houses, buildings, hotels, etc). It was a very sad moment for our nation. Good to know that the Midwayers were with them at the end of their lives..

Today many NGO's still there to work on reconstruction and rehabilitation process, including giving psychosocial support for many survivors. Please pray for the survivors and also for the humanitarian worker that were still helping in the area. Thank you :)

Much love,


Re: angel caught on hospital video....

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:29 am
by George
Welcome Epsilon,

Enjoy your stay on this MB, and the extensive FAQ's.

Now it's "Haiti's turn." What a disaster! I got a short message from Dr. Mendoza yesterday,
then he had to be elsewhwere, and Another took over.

Haiti is where he was going back to.

God bless...

Re: angel caught on hospital video....

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:21 am
by CutieKenge
That's so good to hear, George. I know they are over there (Haiti), but it's so nice to hear you confirm it.
