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Post by Sandy »

Hey Star and everyone!

Well, we have our own local shark story to add to the ones you mentioned. Yesterday a young man was snorkling under the Windang bridge that goes over a sort of inlet to Lake Illawarra and he was bitten by a shark. He did the same thing as the young girl you mentioned and started hitting the shark on the head and it worked...It let go. The Windang bridge is a mere 1 Km from where we swim in the ocean. :shock: Hmmm may wait awhile before venturing in this year. But I can't resist the call of those waves forever. I believe the news report mentioned it was a bull shark and they are more dangerous this time of year.
When we have a shark attack.. there is always a debate over whether the shark should be hunted and killed, because it may be a danger to swimmers. I find this so unbelievably selfish and offensive, because we are in their habitat, not ours, and we should treat them with respect.
I agree. Although if I were the relative or friend killed by a shark it would be harder to be objective. We do choose to go into a very dangerous ecosystem...most people know what lives there and what could happen...but we never think it will happen to us... and it most likely won't. Driving through rush hour traffic in the city is probably more dangerous than swimming in the ocean..taking for granted that you know how to swim and follow simple safety precautions. (Of course I am not the best of drivers...especially when on the "wrong side" of the road! :wink: )

Hiya Heather! I love the violin! It does stirs the heart doesn't it? I am so thrilled that you are following through on a dream and learning how to do this. Those gifted in the arts give so much lasting beauty to the world. It is a learning process I bet though! Wow...I remember the difficulties in trying to learn piano. I hit so many Klinkers! My poor family! :roll: They loved it when my attention turned towards a nice quiet subject...painting. :lol:

Hey Lilly, Well... the cookies wound up being virtual after all because at the last minute I discovered I didn't have any butter. Just as well. George and I dodged a bullet there. :lol:
Come over when ever you want... we never run out of tea and coffee. :D
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Post by lilly »

I've been quite well behaved lately and stayed away from chocolate or biscuits. :roll: Sometimes it's hard though...supermarkets have stuff every step of the way to tempt us...even at the register. Lol
Love lilly xoxox :D :lol: :lol:
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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

Morning everyone :D :mrgreen: i am in a very good mood. It's surprising.. considering i didn't get to bed til 1am and i'm usually asleep by 9:30.

Now i know the answer to the question:
Do dreams come true?
Still staring at the world
Through my rear view.
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Post by gypsie »

Hello my dear family

thank you for your kind words, Jack is still anxious about those boys being at high school but we willl take it one day at a time.

At times I have just cried as his head was in my lap holding him and reminding him the issue is not him the issues is in the bullies. How blesssed we are to express love as parents and caregivers today with all we have been taught.

So sorry about your friend that is so sad and such a long friendship, you are a loving woman who is forever giving :love

I don't have the time or space at this moment to really catch up, I am in the sun room and Harry is trying to sleep, the joys of living ina smaller place :cheers: cosy

I will log on through the day and say hello to each of you dear people, I also think of you all often and miss the journey here on the board.

but life has been tough and Lily I also feel 2009 will be a great one it breaks down to 11!

Take care and I am amazed this thread is stronger than ever the number of views is astounding!!!!!

Hugs to all Gypsie
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Post by lilly »

Hi Gypsie,
Love seeing you posting.....We just got a very small pool with a filter....for the kids to play in...including me...Lol Your pool is pretty huge....a whole ocean. I might get mistaken for a duogong.. :shock: if I went in the ocean....spelling is wrong but who cares....Sending you lots of Love and hugs. Things are improving for me after a really odd patch where I felt terrible....
Saw this guy on Oprah.....he wrote a book called 'Is my Clutter making my Butt look big" It made sense...the kitchen and master bedroom are like the most important avoid clutter and keep your life moving in a good direction...Where to start....I'm getting a glass cabinet from my partner's put my crystals and ornaments in....old clothes all gone... bit of a Bohemian in some ways....I don't need everything to match and like people to feel comfortable....
Your a special lady and have a spot in my thoughts as the weeks roll on.
Love lilly xox :loves
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Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, all!
Snuck on the boards for a few minutes last week but decided I was whining too much and deleted the whole post. At that moment Aleah came up behind me giving a super snuggly hug and all I could think of after was how lucky I am to have such a loving family. And am doubly thankful no sharks live in our waters!!! :shock: Tell George Aleah and I say, "Hi!" :hithere

Like you Lilly we've been going through a rough patch and the main reason I haven't been on the boards lately is because I'm cleaning out the clutter! In the end we are all safe and less stressed.

PP and Heather,
We too are really getting dumped on this winter. Just drove home and am glad to be alive! The good thing about all the snow is the replentishment of the fresh water supply. The lakes and streams around here have been extremely low for the past five years and we are surrounded by water. There's give and take with everything I guess.

I truly sympathize with the problems Jack is having with bullies. :thumbdown: Aleah suffered a few years ago to the point of us filing charges, lots of tears, anger, and frustration for us. It was a nightmare for her, kind of a darned if you do and darned if you don't senario. She no longer attends the same school because the boy has been allowed to return time and time again even after several altercations with others, attacking a teacher, and spending time in juvenile detention. The teacher in me knows this kid needs help, and is a victim as well. There's something wrong with the whole system. We did what we had to to protect our child. I still believe that much of her asthma problems even now are a direct result of the escalation of fear she experienced from it. Hope it works out for all of you.

The violin is a wonderful instrument. Several of my kids at school have recently begun lessons on the violin and are loving it! Music for my daughter is her sanctuary. Whether she is singing or playing an instrument she feels safe, happy, and hopeful for the world.

Here's to the potential of this new year; love, health and happiness to everyone. :cheers:

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Post by lilly »


Hi Everyone,
I'm making a special brew today so we can all partake and send extra coffee shop Love and Healing to our dear Gypsie.... :kiss:
We are with you in spirit, Deb. I rang your phone and left a message.
Love lilly xox :flower: :flower: :flower:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Lilly! You're magic!! Yes, I've been thinking of Gypsie lately, had weird synchro's involving her and then I hear from her.

Please, anyone reading this now, send a heartbeat AT LEAST of your energy to a beautiful-soul called Debbie, in a Sydney hospital, Australia.
If you need an image of her, just check out her profile! (This is OBVIOUSLY a post to any newbies who don't know her!!)

She really needs our help right now!

Pet xxx
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by Sandy »

Hello dear friends...
Petra, I am so thankful that Gypsie still had both yours and Nicola's cell phone number. I had been getting little bouts of intuition this past week regarding her and darn I brushed them off... I have been wanting to call her...but I allowed my shyness to get in the way every silly!
Did try calling her today and got the answering machine too, Lilly. Thanks for making the special coffee in Deb's honor...Isn't it funny in many ways Gypsie got us all going here... Began this monster thread, was it two years ago now? Each of us has found something here...friendship, love, support, laughter... even healing since there seems to be something healing about releasing what's inside regardless of what it is...and talking with people who you trust to love you just the way you are. (Geez I'm hearing that Billy..oh dear I'm getting old...forgot his name :shock: in my head now :roll: )

Hi Kim it was so good to see your post. We love you Sis! You have a terrific young lady there with you. :thumright: Give Aleah a hug from all of us. ...You get one too.... :) Hugs for everybody...and especially a big one for our Gypsie Deb right now. {{{{Gypsie}}}}
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Post by nasra1996 »

Yeah i was thinking of Deb too, she popped into my head as Nicola posted her message...

Has there been any update on her situation... does anyone know...?

We love you Deb's.......Image

Love Sarah
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Post by mrscbvet »

Good morning everyone!!

I was really glad to read that Gypsie Deb is doing a little better. I do hope she'll be able to get some rest. God bless her heart... I know she's on a tough road right now and most definitely in all of our prayers.

It is sooooo cool that everybody is still here sharing, babbling, and loving on!! I just love it!! How beautiful is that?!?!?!

I shared something with Kim the other day that I recently discovered and I will share it with all of you now....

The "upside" to thermal underwear is... it smooths out the cellulite... even if only for a while... it's still good... hehehe!! Although, it only lasts until you finish dressing for the day. Then you look like you're wearing a stack of inner tubes... so the cellulite doesn't really matter anyway. At that point you just tell yourself that "inner tube" was the look you were going for! And its allll good!!! hehehe....

Love you all...
Brenda 8)
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Post by Sandy »

Brenda!!!!!!! It is so good to see you!!!! :D Yep we're still here gabbing away on page 99 soon to be an even 100. 8) Some days we chatter and it is hard to keep up with all that is said and on others it slows down a bit as everyone gets busy with life around them...
I must say...It has always does my heart good to read one of your cheerful posts... Love the way you look at the world! :lol:
The inner tube look huh? :wink: Look at it this least you people in the frozen northern hemishere can hide the cellulite this time of year with those "inner tubes"...sort of a reprieve anyway. Down south here, (bless our little flabby hearts) we follow Christmas goodies with shorts and swim suits! :shock: How cruel is that! :lol:

Ah well...I wear my "christmas goodies" stoicly now if not proudly. :roll: At my age whose looking anyway... :wink: :lol:
Love you B,
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Post by peacockplume »

Hello ladies,,,
well, I went back a couple of pages to try catch up this morning,,,and copied all the comments that I wanted to answer,,,then had to go out and now there's about another 5 more...

so perhaps I'll start backwards,,,with Sandy's last post...

oh dear,,,the inner tube look....ok Brenda and Sandy,,,,who's been peekin'.....but I'm sure glad thermal underwear is good for something,,,

of course I don't have the cotton kind,,,but this new stuff that's supposed to let your body breathe so you don't sweat....or 'dew' (pardon me)

and it's black,,,so I really got the 'inner tube look',,,,colour and all...

BTW Sandy,,,,how's George's foot/ankle doing now???? sure hope he didn't have any complications,,,,nor too much complaining...give him a special hug...

and about that 4 letter word there,,,called a 'diet',,,,,forget about it,,,just get some good fresh air and sunshine,,,and eat lots of salads and you'll be fine.....the word 'diet' is enough to make anyone put on weight,,,just thinking about it....and I mean after all,,,,you are in 'summer',,,not like us here who have to eat 'lots' :lol: :lol: just to keep enough fat on to keep warm....

yes Lilly,,,now you have started something...
Thanks for making the special coffee in Deb's honor
so I'll have one of those 'Gypsie specials now, pulheeze'....

I just had an apple turnover,,,and needs something special to wash it down...

yes, Lilly, it is wonderful all the relationships that have developed over the years...I got the biggest charge out of the 'clutter - butt',,,and oddly enough I did the same thing....I'm too embarrassed to say how many bags I sent off to the Goodwill/Thrift stores,,,,I think I got the clothes situation really good and cleaned I have to tackle the stuff I just haven't 'used' yet....that may be a little harder....I've been investing in some nice rubbermaid totes though,,,and have to admit,,,they look much nicer than 'boxes'.....I'm truly tired of seeing boxes...perhaps I'll have them all gone before spring comes...

lucky the dogs weren't in the runs,,,,lucky I wasn't still living in the trailer that's under the collapsed roof :shock:

guess it was time for a 'clean sweep' down there too... :lol: :lol:

Hi Kim,,,,yes I agree with you about the snow and water....although we have had it abit harder than the norm on the island...we were rather afraid that if we got the coastal rain storms that we would have really some of the places I saw on the news....oddly enough,,,it's been a real slow melt,,,not a wash out,,,,but I can tell the water level has gone up by the height of my little lake....

Pet,,,,I've kept Gypsie on the front burner all day,,,since I first read she was in the soon as my mind is off whatever mini crisis I'm currently experiencing,,,,Gypsie pops up,,,front and centre....she has had one rough I'll keep sending love and light to her...I rang her up also and left a msg too Lilly...

now there's everyone talking about shark attacks again and it reminds me of the picture Debs sent in once on this thread with this huge shark right behind two people in the water....(it took me forever to believe it was real - I still have me doubts....)

and thank you Debs and everyone for the condolences you all gave me when my friend passed away.....I was just so 'stunned',,,but let me tell you we sure had some fun when we were young....

the night of her 'viewing' I did a meditation and had a rather wonderful experience with her.....we flew across the country together and sat on my deck (the weather was nice too!!) and after that experience I felt all right was like I was given the chance to say good bye - till we meet again sort of thing.........thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Heather, I think that's so great that you're fiddlin',,,,got any good foot stompers goin yet....eeeehaaaw!!!! nothing like a good friday night with the fiddles goin....I kind of miss it.....sheeesh,,,,seems like that was a couple of lifetimes ago for sure....all the old Cape Breton songs,,,,yep,,,for once I can really mean it when I say,,,,those were the good old days...

with my friends passing, I got to talk to friends I haven't seen in 25 yrs., another good thing that came out of sorrow...

I decided if this is where we're supposed to be, God will provide the down payment. That's how we'll know. OOHHH but OMG, I hope it is, it would be soooo exciting. Patience is not a virtue of mine.
I sure hope you got what you asked for,,,,please let us know...

and last but not least,,,,(but I went backwards remember??)

so you were first really,,,,Aqua Debs,,,

so good to read your posts,,,and see how you're doing....I finally got to check out your ATC....pretty cool there lady...I'm glad you're getting the push to get some more painted scarves soon as you get on it again,,,they'll just start appearing,,,almost magically....the ideas will flow fast and free....too bad you couldn't just take a picture of those ideas for future reference hey!!!
Glad you liked the scribd's pretty incredible,,,I wish they had a 'list' that you could peruse the book titles,,,,as it is once you get on there,,,you can be there for hours...

I love your hair colour and the henna colour,,,,one way (if it's possible) while you're growing it out,,,is to sort of streak it either dark brown on the henna part (and that might be the easiest to do) or henna streaks into the root area....

once upon a time....when streaking dark hair with light highlights was the thing to do,,,,I went the other way,,,,(since I was going gray),,,I just streaked my hair with the darker colour....but I haven't done that for a year either,,,,however I have been using my rosemary oil on my hair...
just a bit....after I put some on my arms and neck I just run my hands through my hair,,,and I think it's somehow looking a tad more to it's natural colour.....anyway,,,,it smells all time favourite herb.

OK there,,,,I think I did it.....if I forgot anyone,,,please let me off the hook....I only have 427 msgs to clear off my mail,,,,and only 94 unread left....

I really took some time off....but I have no excuse now....

take care all you beautiful people,,,friends,,,all sisters (and bro's too)

love and blessings to everyone...

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Post by peacockplume »

oh I know what I forgot....

A Laura update....

I just talked to her a couple of days ago,,,she's finally headed homeward for abit....but she did have one really good story....

she said....

They were heading up through Minnesota,,,and the weather was real was snowing and getting really icy,,,and they were discussing whether to stop or not....they came to a rest stop and while they were debating whether they should keep going or not....the Lights went out...

Laura said....that's a midwayer sign if I ever saw we're not going anywhere.... so they stopped for the night...

when they left in the am...she said there were semi's in ditches everywhere.....vehicles all over the place...what a mess....

so Bless Her Heart for paying attention....and Robert didn't argue about it either....he's coming to trust the messages they've been getting too...

so now,,,

that's it folks !!!!!

love, light and blessings to everyone....

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Post by peacockplume »

sorry,,,,just me's only 2 am,,,and I just found this avi I hadn't posted yet....

and yes,,,,that's the moon down in the bottom right,,,and I never saw the orb until I put the pictures on my computer...

there's another one just above the moon,,,but not as noticeable...

kind of took be back abit...


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Post by blue nova »

he's coming to trust the messages they've been getting too...
YAY !! :D :D

very happy Laura saw the signs.... :cheers:

cool avie pic PP....i was wondering the story behind it.... :D

i just found a christmas photo in a file...i noticed orbs coming out from the top of the tree.... :shock: :shock: the tree had no the pic, you can faintly see a star or some sort light on the top...the orbs seem to be coming out of it and then going on their merry way around the room....

i am no photie i am not able to post... :oops:

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Anne,,

well I'd like to be able to see and do the avi's you do up....what vision,,,and the ability to portray it....I particularly like this celestial one you have up at the moment....

so the story behind the orb avi isn't much....I was outside looking at the full moon and of course it looked as big as the orb when looking at it with the naked eye,,,so I thought well maybe,,,,so I zoomed up as much as possible,,,,but when looking at the picture,,,it still looks way smaller than with the naked eye....I took several pics of it,,,but never saw the orbs until I had put it on the computer....

today I'll go to the main computer since I can do better cropping with it,,,all my pics are on the xp computer,,,,,I'm using Vista on this one and just can't (or haven't tried yet) to really play around with the seems to file pics in the stranges places :shock: then I can't get them on the xp...... I'm really not too computer friendly....

just like to type....

I took another pic probably 5 yrs ago,,,,before I knew orbs even existed, and it was looking down at the lake,,,,just last summer while reviewing some of the old lake pics I noticed orbs down there....that was pretty interesting....and after the experience last summer and getting a picture of our group with probably a couple of hundred orbs in it,,,,well,,,it has opened my eyes to look a little closer....

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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
I'm so happy to see you back, missed your strong, loving prescence. It's good to hear that Laura is travelling well. I hope Gypsie Deb continues to improve, she's been through such a lot.
I have been a bit reclusive lately and felt patches of high anxiety....breathing helps....have started a series of black ink drawings to release myself from the work situation....very interesting.....all the thoughts and feeling I am unable to verbalize are coming on to the paper.
Completed five and will do as many as it takes....they look quite deep and are telling some pyschological story....
Last week I went to a day retreat and experienced some psychic surgery from Ascended Master's with a lovely lady fascilitating it...there was a meditation on the Mother Mary. I had the worst abdominal pain....Lol
I've become's awful and even though I know what to do it still feels uncomfortable...Last night coming home from my daughters I said to my partner...All we can do is trust and have faith...straight in front of us was 777. How wonderful!!!!
I've got to organize a kerbside cleanup where you can place unwanted possessions outside and a huge truck picks them up....does it ever end...well it will...just have to stop adding to it all...Lol
Love lilly xox :kiss:
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Lilly
I've got to organize a kerbside cleanup where you can place unwanted possessions outside and a huge truck picks them up....
Oh can you send that truck over here ????

I don't have that luxury,,,,and now have to find a truck to take anything big out of here....and we just sold our big ford was just wasting space....and my poor old nissan truck needs to get hauled out of here too....
Last week I went to a day retreat and experienced some psychic surgery from Ascended Master's with a lovely lady fascilitating it...
I think I'd be quite nervous about that,,,,I've seen it done on TV ,,,there's some famous person who does it....but don't think I could do it...

if she pressed too hard,,,,or did she actually enter through skin...???

obviously something got jiggled around....

hold your hands on the area,,,and meditate,,,send healing light to the area and breathe with it,,,,for as long as you can....

glad to hear you have a Dr.s visit......I will send you some D/H....
All we can do is trust and have faith...straight in front of us was 777. How wonderful!!!!
so how about everytime you start to feel anxiety,,,you start off a meditation with the 777,,,,and repeat your affirmation....Trust and have Faith....and breathe...

Lilly, I hope you don't mind me saying this here.....but a point to remember in these here current times of practically instantly to realize that when you put your attention on brings it to the forefront..... big time....

so when you feel anxiety,,,,ask yourself,,,,is this what I really choose to feel ???? a simple question....and if the answers no,,,,then all you have to do,,,is shift your attention to something that's pleasing and makes you feel good,,,,,not anxious....

I too am very glad to be back....that last month was very strange indeed.
but apparently I also needed the introspection time....winter up here in the cold north is an excellent time for introspection....especially when you get snowed in.....and I kind of didn't even have another choice,,,,it was my choice.....especially up to the beginning of the year,,,,all of that was such a 'whammer'

I tried many times to come to the board,,,and I felt 'empty',,,,nothing would come,,,,I felt no compassion for anyone (sorry),,,until I realized that I needed to give myself some compassion....

that took a couple of weeks to process,,,,then just this last week,,,it was like the door opened again and I feel like a 'better' person.....still striving to know that the direction I'm moving in (like with the shop) is the correct one.....

so all is working out as it should....

loves pp
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
The pyschic surgery was not where anyone touches you at all physically...but it can stir things up and takes a few days to integrate. Like a group AC I suppose.
Love lilly xox
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Post by peacockplume »


personally,,,I don't think I'd do this physically in a group of people...

but that's just my thoughts....

will check out her name....

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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
Funny partner and I were getting ready to go to my daughters place the other night.....on arrival I noticed that my skirt was inside has an elasticated waist which made it easier to make such a partner then said that he'd put his shorts on inside out.... he noticed once he realized the pockets were What a silly pair we are.... :roll:
lilly xox
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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

lilly wrote:Hi pp,
Funny partner and I were getting ready to go to my daughters place the other night.....on arrival I noticed that my skirt was inside has an elasticated waist which made it easier to make such a partner then said that he'd put his shorts on inside out.... he noticed once he realized the pockets were What a silly pair we are.... :roll:
lilly xox
:lol: sometimes i have to catch the bus & train to work.. one morning i got to the bus stop at the end of my street and realised my skirt was inside out. I wasn't going to go all the way to work that way, so i stood behind the bus shelter, frantically took my skirt off and turned it the right way round.

Now i know the answer to the question:
Do dreams come true?
Still staring at the world
Through my rear view.
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi ladies,

That was a good one,,,,I have heard though,,that anything you accidently wear inside out and backwards is supposed to be good luck..

wonder if there's anything about two different socks...

we've had more snow,,,,and it was heavy we were lucky to have 90% of what had been there melted off....

but the sticky stuff stuck to my satelite and I couldn't even get email internet....da nada...

suns out today though and all seems well....we had our group last night with only 4 of us .... one lady ventured out and brought her son, so that was real interesting with a 15 yr olds perspective....all went well...

loves to everyone...
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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Post by lilly »

Hi Star,
That's hilarious...going behind the bus shelter to fix your Anyone seeing you would have wondered what on earth you were doing...
I'm glad your internet is working.....hope the snow leaves you for now.
I remember how cold it use to get in a child...Mum starting an open fire with paper and coal...sounds archaic now with all the modern The washing coming off the line frozen like a board...hanging around the fire to would have been difficult to keep everything for two adults and five children washed and dried. She eventually got an electric heater as well.
Hope you both have a dreat day!!!
Love lilly xox :loves
~ If I hurt others in any way I am also hurting myself ~
~ In the welfare of others I will find my own prosperity ~ Yogananda
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