Page 45 of 181

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:40 am
by memawlaura
:D Hello Lillie,

You wont believe this but both times I posted on this thread recently you posted at the same time, as I did and I did not say hi or anything. So, I wanted to let you know that your goat and horse stories are so whimsical. I can tell you've been strolling down memory lane and what a grand place it is.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:38 am
by lilly
Hi Laura,
I sometimes forget people without realizing, it's not intentional. It's nice to hear from you. Love lilly xxxxx :D

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:34 pm
by Petra Wilson
Dear Lilly, I loved what you wrote about your bare-backed riding days! I know what you mean when you said you'd like to have some of that old carefree spirit too!

Laura, you such a love! I'm not taking any painkillers anymore, as I was getting addicted again, so I'm suffering badly...nearly all the time!!

Aqua, that photo sure is a goodun. I want to say more but it's this sickening headache...

Oh, before forget Lilly, here's a website which is very easy to shrink photos from your machine for an avater:
Shrink picture for avatar Just remember to reduce the size in that box to the recommended size..I think 150 will do it.

Gypsie, you will be sooo good at that job! Sounds ideal and it'll make you more content! Give your boys a hug from me!

I love you all, Pet XXXX

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:47 pm
by lilly
Hi Pet,
I had that numb head and stabbing pains too, when I was at work. It's stress related and if you see an osteopath they'll fix it straight away. Like instantly......I didn't realize how tense I was in the neck, I was even getting this sensation as if something is moving inside your head, like a crawling sensation. It went after one adjustment. Massage did nothing as the vertebrae were out of alignment. One of my friends was freaking out with the same symptoms and it was stress. Hope that's all yours is. Make sure you see someone who takes xrays if they aren't sure about something. You have been through a lot lately. My healing thoughts are coming your way. :loves Thanks for the picture shrinking link.
Love lilly xxxxx :D

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:50 pm
by Seeker13
Hello to my wonderful International Coffee Club!
Think I'll have to invest in a speed reading course, just to keep up with this thread! I have to pause and smile for a minute while I go over in my mind all the funny and touching excerpts added here.

Your mouse story is much funnier than mine. I swear once you get going, there's no stopping you! :drunken:

Aqua Deb,
Magnificent orb! :sunny: Which reminds me I need to go back and check out that site you recommended! Hope that soon positive attitudes replace the unhealthy ones at work.

I must say. "It seems as if you have blossomed, in the spiritual sense. In fact I believe you've become an entire garden!" :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

There are definately times when I'm not so 'lovingly giving', but I must admit that more and more lately I am wallowing in inner happiness. It is truly remarkable to watch the world around you with a different perspective.

I'm adding my positive vibes to the flow about your job hunting.! :loves :finger:

I had a darling gray and white Welsh pony named Patches when I was seven. Thank you for your recollection allowing me to reminisce for a moment about the times I spent with him. He was one of the best friends of my childhood. :colors:

I'm not sure why so many are suffereing with headaches, but as the Queen Of Migraines :bomb , I'm always ready to pass on any snippet of info. that I have found helpful. Here is what Louise Hay's book, 'Heal Your Body' says about headaches:

Probable cause- Invalidating the self. Self-criticism. Fear

New thought pattern- I love and approve of myself. I see myself and what I do with eyes of love. I am safe.

Perusing this book, and seeing in print, all the annoying maladies I've afflicted myself with, they all seem to have been based on fear.
More and more lately I realize how fear and lack of self-love have affected every facet of my life. While I slowly heal those parts of me so badly injured, sadly I have to think about how I have passed on these negative thought patterns to my kids, and ingrained in them that which I now need to undo. In the end I've come to appreciate, "How love conquers all,... beginning with loving myself."

This in no way reflects how I believe you are living your life, so don't even go there! It's only expressing new and old revelations about myself, and hoped that you might find the info helpful. Oh! And I also find that drinking something hot usually helps too.

Love, to all :love Hope you all have a glorious day!

P.S. We had a wonderful time down state. :loves Had to fulfill my Mom role by taking them a trunk full of groceries. Hey, Dave shouldn't have left me alone in Meijer with a credit card! I truly adore my kids! Even their funny half-blind ferret :pirat: with his sock fettish :scratch: , and his fluffy best friend who happens to be a cat! :roll

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:26 am
by peacockplume
Ya know Laura,

I had those same thoughts when the name Tranquility Base came to me,

so from now on I won't shorten it up....but I had to with my other e-mail address....hmmmm but I don't think everyone will think that...

This is a wonderful thread, everyone seems to be in a pretty good space, with the exception of the headache ladies....migraines????? they sound horrible, I know their horrible,,,,but what a good excuse to go lay down and go into your AC and call

I'm not even going to try answer individually like you guys are doing.....
I just know that when we each write, that we're all reading, sharing and enjoying each others company....

stop hoggin the choclate.....and the cookies.....and whatever else is on todays menu....

just having a plain ole coffee at the moment....and don't want to snack too much anyway, going out for that dinner/health talk in a couple of hrs.

I sent an e-mail to the Bio-Cleanse people,,,,yesterday,,,,then went on with my day....about 9:30 at night, I thought it was strange that Anne or Alice hadn't called, and when I took Echo out I took the phone with what do I discover,,,,,that my 'other' phone is off the hook....

now the Bio lady's out today, I'm out tonight,,so I emailed her and said I'd be in tomorrow, and would make sure the phone would be 'on hook'..

I unplugged it can't get accidently kicked over....

loved the horse ride Lilly,,,,that's a sense of freedom well shared,,,,,

Kim that was interesting about LH's description on migraines.......

it seems that there's really only two emotions.....Fear and Love,,,every other emotion stems from one or the we are still battling inner negativity, when we have an outer negative response.....

The Game, is never ending it's finding that middle road...
the nice balance....

gypsieDeb,,,,,wishing you lots of luck for the wedding registry job....
my niece wants to get into that hospitality field.......always have alternatives case what they want isn't there....if you can't get it in....

I've discovered a couple of orb photo's some of them I decided it was snow....then.....there was one.....and there was no snow falling...

I thought it was an eyeball (wild critter), but when I zoomed in on it there was no animal around it.....then I found two really strange ones...I will try to get them posted sometime,,,,,,

Wasn't there a photo thread started awhile ago, with peoples animals,,,,,
maybe we need an orb photo thread.......Samuel said they were little mindless recording machines....just zicking in and it just us that they're 'focusing on'???? testing.....testing.....the universe is a funny thing...

Anybody heard from Jill lately,,,,,our hampster mother????,,,,I've missed so many threads,,,,but just thought,,,,,she seems to be missing????

YOOOO HOOOO Jill,,,,,,,Helloooooo xoxoxoxo

she's probably got herself so busy with those beautiful critters, she's getting less and less time to post!!!!!

Well, I'm out of here in an I guess, I should 'get ready'

loves to you all,


Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:51 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
Petra Wilson wrote:Oh, before forget Lilly, here's a website which is very easy to shrink photos from your machine for an avater:
Shrink picture for avatar Just remember to reduce the size in that box to the recommended size..I think 150 will do it.
HOORAY!@ thanks for posting that Petra, i'd been wondering how to do that :D i'm going to try making a pic of my boyfriend and I as my avatar.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:57 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
Yay :D

post # 1108

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:43 am
by peacockplume
Ok, Gypsie, only 3 more to go,

I had a good night out learning more about The Heart, and the Cardio Vascular System....

Diet, exercise, less stress and good supplements, wraps that one up...

otherwise, we tend to build plaque up on our arteries,,,,

also women have different heart attack symptoms than men....

good conversation about the pharmaceutical companies, and Dr's walking hand in hand.....and how most prescription drugs cause more side effects, which makes the dr. say, well now you need this, and on and on...

the only treat the symptoms, not the cause....

I don't think I learned anything new.....but it was a good thing to be gently 'reminded'....

Ok,,,,,I put that chip bag away,,,,,dip is all gone,,,,and the chocolates are in the freezer,,,,,,,

back to drinking lots of water with some chlorophyll,,,,and it tastes great...
I've been drinking it for a couple of years now...

oh yes, I did learn something...a good saying...

"If you're green inside, you're clean inside".

So this was post 1108......two more to go,,,,,then lets wait for Gypsie to wind it up......I think she deserves the honour.....

love pp

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:31 am
by lilly
Hi pp,
I have a bottle of chlorophyl so I will start taking it. Also probiotic capsules. Also got some organic apple cider vinegar. It's great to sip in warm water with a tiny dash of honey. Just a few simple measures can keep us healthier.
Thanks for posting that info, it's reminded me to start taking my supplements. Love lilly xxxxx

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:35 am
by lilly
Hi Everyone,
Not the best picture of me , but it will do.
Love lilly xxxxxx

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:21 am
by gypsie
Hello to all

I did not plan for this to happen but it seems I may have the 1111 post on our beautiful thread. I ask God if something magical can come of this may Little Stephanie on our healing request forum recover from her illness and go on to live a long and happy life. I ask for all the healing our Angels, Midwayers and Healers have shine on this little girl who many of us have grown to love as our own.

I love you all so much Gypsie Deb :kiss:

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:36 pm
by Seeker13
Dear Gypsie,
Very appropriate post for 1111.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:28 pm
by hamster whisperer
I'm still here! Just really busy with Science Olympiad stuff at school. We go to competition this Saturday.
All animals are fine. Even the cockroaches.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:19 pm
by memawlaura
:D Hello everyone,

Lilly, its so good to see you now I feel like your sitting having a bevarage with us :D .

Gypsie, what a beautiful dress that is its so pretty you could be in a doll collection. I believe that it really captures who you are.

Yes, Gypsie I pray that Stephanie recovers fully and lives a long loving life and you tell Jack, he's a sweeheart for bringing this to his classes attention :sunny:

Jill, we sure have missed you and I pray your successful at the Science Olympiad :finger:

Kim, how you been doing I could have posted last night but I left the honor to our loving Gypsie, however where did the # go on the post :?

PP, I know I'm right with you and I'm working a little at a time changing my foods out and I liked your saying "If you're green inside, you're clean inside". Greens my favorite color so I need to get busy :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:23 pm
by lilly
Hi Gypsie,
I certainly haven't forgotten lttle Stephanie and pray she recovers from this sickness. God Bless. Your picture looks lovely and Laura is right you would make a lovely porcelain doll wearing that pretty dress. :D
Hello Laura,
Would you like a cup of tea? Black, green, chamomile, peppermint, whatever you like...... lilly xxx :hithere

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:33 pm
by memawlaura
:D Hey Lillie,

I would like a hot cup of green tea, thank you very much.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:40 pm
by lilly
Now I can get to use my new tea pot, green tea coming up..........Lol

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:06 pm
by memawlaura
:D Lilly,

So I see you changed your avatar again, now I will have to go off my memory :roll: .

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:57 am
by peacockplume
Whoooo hooooo,,,

We zinged right by it, with a wonderful prayer from gypsy and from all of us to for little Stephanie...

very nice post Gypsy,,,,loving and thoughtful, as you always little 'doll',,,,,my gramma used to call me that...Hi doll, she'd say....
(actually as I got older I wondered about that)....

Lilly, how did I miss your must have snuck it in while I went to bed......and now I 'see' a very nice avi, but honey, it ain't you....
it is a rather nice symbology though.....actually I was thinking what a beautiful plate it would make.....hope you have some more green tea to go around....otherwise I'll just have a large glass of filtered ice water with chlorophyll please.....isn't it amazing how good it tastes???? I think it's because they put a touch of mint in it....nice summertime drink with a slice of lemon....sounds refreshing...

Laura, the # for the post is on the main msg board thread...where it says, how many posts have been made.....the number under each persons name is the number of posts that person has made....and we're already up to 1118 or 1119....
One of the best foods you can start putting inside is broccoli,,,,fresh broccoli, not cooked supplies oxygen to the blood, and it's the only one that does lot's of broccoli,,,,and if you have to have dip, then use a yogurt one with some dill seasoning.....hmmmm yummy....

Hi Jill, glad to hear your babies are doing great,,,,,even the 2 leggeds...
good luck at the Science Olympiad.....we're rootin for you....and your kids.

Well, you'll all be glad to hear me stop complaining about 'poor Allan',,,,they finished up this a.m., and they gave him the next 3 days off so he can switch his body timetable over to days....and he closes 2-11pm on Sat night,,,,,then whatever during the week, then he's off on holidays for a week.....eeeeehaaaaa!!!!! He was quite happy this a.m. when he came home.....but it's almost 5 pm, and I think he's ready to drop,,,, wonder what I can get him to do to stay up a bit later....and hopefully he'd get a whole sleep tonight,,,,,otherwise i can see him waking up around 2 a.m. and staying that's not a good thing.....he has to force himself through till about 8pm then maybe he'd sleep longer....

(sounds like a personal problem :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Had a wonderful talk with the lady from the Ion Wave company, not the Biocleanse,,,,does the same thing,,,,only even better, and less $$$$...
She's sending me one tomorrow..... (now I'm really getting excited!!!!)

so the move is on to get that shelving down, and the desk down... I already told Allan I want him to move it for me, by Friday at the latest...he agreed, so now I have to get 'at it'....

but being here with you guys is soooo much more fun.....I came across a pic of me at 17,,,,,will change my avi,,,,,for a laugh...

lovin ya and leavin ya to answer my other mails....and post my avi.
pp xoxoxoxo

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 3:19 am
by memawlaura
:D Hi PP,

You Avatar looks like a saint :happy .

I guess I still get the posts, but there's more important things to consider in life :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 3:50 am
by peacockplume
Hi Memawlaura,

Guess that can't be me in the avi then,,, :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just had to post this,,,,a lady who was only about 4 yrs old (actually when that avi was taken) sent it to me today...


On the sixth day God turned to the Archangel Gabriel and said: "Today I am going to create a land called Canada. It will be a land of outstanding natural beauty. It shall have tall majestic mountains full of mountain goats, and eagles, beautiful sparkling lakes bountiful with bass and trout, forests full of elk and moose, high cliffs over-looking sandy beaches with an abundance of sea life, and rivers stocked with salmon."

God continued, "I shall make the land rich in resources so as to make the inhabitants prosper, I shall call these inhabitants Canadians, and they shall be known as the most friendly people on the earth."

"But Lord," asked Gabriel, "don't you think you are being too generous to these Canadians?"

"Not really," replied God "just wait and see the winters I am going to give them...!


Full Eclipse in 12 minutes, and full moon in 43 min....

lovely sight it is....

love pp

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:03 am
by memawlaura
:D Yes, the eclipse was a beautiful sight, it actually still has a thumbnail sliver here in Oregon at 8:00 pm. I went out and looked at it about an hour ago and it was beautiful how it had an orange shadow and now its almost black with just a white sliver. As well the stars are bright and beautiful tonight, they look so close, big and bright.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:03 am
by gypsie
You look beautiful, something out of a movie, I love it.

I still need to share my AC experience last night in regard to this thread, I typed it out this morning then went to submit and Internet explorer GONE :x

Kids are fighting in the background and Harry leads math homework, and he says I'm controlling :roll:

Interview went sort of ok, I don't feel I got it though, it's many years I've been away from that world, it was all a bit weird.

Lots of love Gypsie

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 11:18 am
by peacockplume
Hi Gals,

Well Memaw,,,,you and I were out doors at the same time,,,,looking at the same thing... I got some pictures at it's darkest,,,not a total blackout, but pretty close....that little sliver was funny wasn't it as it turned into a smiley face....after such a cloudy day, I didn't think I was going to see it, but man, all of a sudden, it cleared off, stars were was cold and clear....did you notice Saturn and Jupiter just off to the left of the moon,,,sort of at an angle of 8 and 11 (like on a clock) I'd never seen that before and likely won't again....

Wonder if Aqua Deb saw it in California????

Gypsie dear,,,

your so funny,,,,and at about that age, I wanted to be an actress, but only got the part of the Scarecrow in The wizard of know, If I only had a brain.....(I'd have been a rocket scientist)(or astronaut)

don't worry your socks off if you didn't get the job,,,,it only means there's something better for you....must keep a positive outlook....and don't forget it....ok????

I did a meditation tonight,,,,,the theme was the ongoing process of defining your existence, and creating greater understanding about your choices and directions in life....

thought that was kind of appropriate considering all the Law of Attraction stuff we've been doing lately..

strange thing was though, I kept drifting off, elsewhere, and one time ended up watching a bunch of people dancing (sort of like jumping up and down, and they were tightly packed), clapping away, and laughing merrily and someone turned and looked at me and smiled, and it was Pet.....

then another time,,,,I was watching alot of people single filing through a doorway of sorts, and one gentleman, looked sideways at me and smiled, and I knew he was my teacher...he gave me a nod, and I knew that's who it was.....well, now I've seen him once, he better turn up in my AC....
tall thin fellow,,,,dark hair, :lol: :lol: no name though...

and the last place I was at, I was talking to the Dalai Lama,,,,,the tape I've been listening to, must have had a great impact on me, but I have no idea of the conversation.....figures hey!!!! I should have taken notes, but if I had of,,,,,it would have ended all the quicker....

well, I can't believe it, I've been trying so hard to do the AC,,,,,not getting anywhere,,,,then I do this meditation, focusing on something else other than the AC. and poof, poof, poof....

so maybe that's what I need to do in the AC....focus on something else...
I think that's a lesson in 'no expectations'....

be talking with ya all later....

love, PP xoxoxo