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Post by peacockplume »


take a rest dear, you've been doing alot lately,,,,

too much energy,,,,,just get some rest, and the symptoms will disappear quickly....

also do some breathing....get centered again....

release the negative energy you picked up in the last couple of days....

love pp

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Post by nasra1996 »

Oh Hi Gypsie and all....

I posted it for you, i hope in the right place...

How to post photies:

Download this, one of many webhosts:

It's very simple, then you will recieve a toolbar at the top of your screen, if you find a photie on the computer that you like, simply UPLOAD the photie from the toolbar and copy the codes and paste....

Take care all...

Love Sarah xxxx
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Dear Ones,

Wow, this thread has been busy! :D Do you know we've had 77 more posts on this thread already, just since Gypsie made the 1000th post less than a week ago! :shock: :D I've enjoyed reading about everyone's kids and grandkids, and all the many other things being discussed, as well as dolphins and whales and sharks, oh my! (and OH MY! is right, regarding that scary shark picture, Gypsie! :shaking:). Due to the sheer volume of words here since I last posted, I'll only reply to a few things, even though I've enjoyed reading every word of everyone's comments!

Gypsie, yes, I remember that time when you and a few other people on this thread deleted their messages and replaced them with the text"Deleted," or "Deleted too," then George posted a message that just said "Deleted too!" (along with a bunch of laughing-face emoticons :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) as a joke. That was funny! :lol: I looked back to find it -- it's way, way back there on the bottom of page 9 of this thread. While looking back through this thread, I was reminded of just what a wonderful thing this thread has been, started over a year ago now. It's like a group diary with many slices from all of our day-to-day lives, a chronicle of our ever-growing friendships and our personal and spiritual development, truly a beautiful thing! :happy: How wonderful, Sandy, that George and Geoff have decided it's okay to keep it here. I'm so glad our big, beautiful, friendly "Not-So-Secret Secret International Coffee House" thread lives on, and is here to stay! :colors: :bana: :sunflower: LUV2 :cheers:

PP, you've shown up in a couple of my dreams lately -- in one dream last week, we went to see an art show together, and in another one, all of us from this thread were in a big circle at some kind of first-nations-style gathering (to use the language of your land, PP!), and PP, you were the leader (I think it was part of one of your Tranquility Base group retreats), and you were passing around a ceremonial talking stick, and as the talking stick was passed around to each person, it was their turn to talk, and everyone else's turn to listen. When I woke up, I thought how that is a good metaphor to describe this thread -- a big group circle in which each of us keeps taking the "talking stick" as we post, then laying the stick down in the middle of the sacred circle, until the next person who is moved to post picks up the stick, then lays it back down again, etc. (of course, since there's no actual time, and all of that, if two people happen to post at once, etc., that all works too!) 8)

Also, your Celtic wall hanging sounds really cool! :D

Laura, I have some Irish background too, and have been attracted to Celtic stuff -- for two or three year in a row, I had a Celtic Mandala calendar by artist Jen Delyth, with lots of celtic knots, trees, goddesses (with long strands of hair woven into the design, sort of like PP's room divider sounds), animals and such in the mandala patterns. A few years back, I even found out that my last name, Hart, is a celtic word for a mythical white stag and/or maybe even a unicorn, mentioned in Arthurian legend, who leads mortals into the faerie realms. I thought that was so cool! :colors:

And here's an amazing synchronicity, in light of all our talk about weight management, and gaining weight on our stomachs and having a buddha belly and such: A couple days ago, I watched that new movie online that's about Louise Hay and her book "You Can Heal Your Life" (as we talked about on another thread), and at the beginning, it was showing some people walking down the street and you could hear their negative thoughts, and one woman thought to herself something like, "Why do I have to always gain all my weight on my stomach! I look like a Buddha, only I'm not enlightened!" :lol:

At any rate, for those of you who don't know, you can watch this movie on line for $4.95 U.S. at this link. Besides Louise Hay herself, there are several uplifting spiritual teachers on it, like Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Mona Lisa Shultz, Esther and Jerry Hicks (with Esther channeling Abraham), and others. I thought it was very uplifting and inspiring similar to the Secret, and I thought of all of you and perhaps it was partly hormones (it's been that kind of week :roll:), but I cried a lot all through it -- if you pay the $4.95 to watch it online, they send you a link where you can then buy the movie for an extra $4.95 off (it was also already 20% off at the time I watched it). So I ended up buying it afterwards too.

As I mentioned on Gypsie's mother thread (I still want to get back to that thread sometime!), I seem to have been working through more layers of old stuff on deeper levels, because for the last month and a half or so, I've been thinking and speaking a lot more negatively than I usually do, which I thought I'd gotten over a little more than that. But that's just part of the growth process, so I'll just "keep on keepin' on" with it! Watching Louise Hay reminded me of all those wonderful affirmations in her book -- I think I'm going to print them out in fancy colorful fonts in Microsoft Word or something, then tape them up around the house -- I want to get back to being more positive again! :colors:

Sorry to hear about your friends' difficulties, and about your stomach flu and heartburn (stomach-related ailments are so uncomfortable! :x). I know you've already got Louise Hay's book and have probably already looked these up, but along with adding in my prayers that you feel better, here are a couple of affirmations for you to address those ailments:
  • "I breathe freely and fully. I am safe. I trust the process of life."

    "I digest life with ease. Life agrees with me. I assimilate the new every moment of every day. All is well."
Lilly, I know what you mean about running into really negative people, and how draining it can be. In the place we lived before we moved where we are now, there was a woman who lived right across the street who was so negative about everything that we avoided running into her as much as possible. We'd peek out the window before going outside, and if she was out there, we'd even wait until she'd gone back in the house before going outside! :roll: In the teachings of Abraham that we keep talking about on this thread (as well as PP's "Ask and it is Given" threads), if we focus only on that person's positive aspects, and think positively in general, then by Law of Attraction, we'll only run into that person when they're being "their best self." Of course, it's taken me quite some time to fully put the Abraham teachings into practice -- it's an ongoing long-term development process for sure. And in that particular case, we ended up moving before we had to seriously test it out! Now, however, as the artists' co-op group at the Gallery works together more and more, there are a couple of strong personalities there with negative streaks that have revealed themselves, and there have been a few uncomfortable conflicts within the group already -- so now we've got new opportunities to practice with! :roll: :D

Heather, glad to have you joining in on this thread! You may need at least 20 cups of tea and several free nights to read its entire contents (and a Dagoba Xocolatl chocolate bar wouldn't hurt either! :D) -- enjoy it! :D

And Jacob, welcome to you as well! :D

and all who've contributed, thanks for all the info on the U.S. states, territories, commonwealths, and such! I think I've learned more about American geography from this thread alone than I ever learned in school! :lol:

Sarah, what photie did you post, and where? (Is this the famous photie of yourself that everyone is wanting you to post? It seems you had one of you in your avvie a long time ago, back when I first joined these boards [and it was quite a good one, as I recall!], but then you took it off shortly thereafter.) Add me to the list of those who'd like to see it! :D

Well, this has gotten to be a pretty long post :roll: :D, plus it's supper-ish time here, so I'll end here for now. As usual, it's lovely to chat with each and every one of you! :D

Lots of love to all LUV2,
Aqua Deb
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Post by gypsie »

Oh thank you beautiful Sarah for Uploading the photo, again you save me. I had no idea it was called upload I thought it was download, thanks for the page. Imagine if we all get it, such fun we will have :lol: :lol:


Heeee Heee sure beats a couple of bears, got ya for winding up the Petra -Jacob thing, your so funny nothing happened :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So come on sweetie let go diving, usually they stay down lower, but once when I was working on the mother ship (Emu Bay) we were near the Gulf up far far north and the first mate said have a look at that!!!!

It was around 6am and we were pulling into a beautiful tropical bay to refuel and the biggest crocodile at least 12 to 16 foot swam along the side of the ship. I leaned over, holding tightly and could not believe crocs could get that big, massive thing. Now that is the kind of water I won't swin easily in, those buggars are thinkers and will watch and wait :mrgreen:

Aqua you are amazing how you reeply to all I am impressed, I've had a teary day with the job hunting, PP your wright telling fibs on my CV will not help! Beaver, said it once, being a mother is one of the most sacred jobs on our planet. I thought of you today Beaver as Jack received his badge as the new school caption, then Billy for prefect and house caption, not bad I thought and the best part was we as parents were present :sunny:

I cried as another organisation said thanks but no thanks, I am exhausted now but it will be ok, 'Law of Attraction' tomorrow is a new day and I am here for these gifts called children, ending it all is not the answer but when depression grabs hold on a bad day we need to reach out like MML, you are such a kind soul..

All of you are kind souls, I wondered how little Stephanie of the healing request thread was doing. That is one way to pull out of self pity, put so much love and healing around that little girl, we can move mountains...

Love you all Gypsie :kiss:
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Post by peacockplume »


Aqualeaf, I don't know how you do must take running notes as you read each post....your awesome....

I have to keep going back and re-reading,,,then I miss half of it...
and wonder what's she (whoever) talking about???

Well if you're dreaming about a group retreat happening here, it must be so.......keeep dreaming.......nice idea about the 'talking stick' I have some lovely maple branches that are just waiting to be carved,,,,so now one has a purpose.

(something else to put on my to do list)....and I'll bring it to our gathering where ever we end up having it....we're still in the 'looking and undecided mode'...

but perhaps I should think about having a local gathering,,,,like the folks in England are doing and on the East coast of USA....nothing big like you were dreaming about though.... that's a pipe dream.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks also for the link to the LH movie,,,,it's a good thing...for sure.

Wayne Dyer was on PBS last night,,,his new program is called.. Inspiration...Your Ultimate Calling....

If anybody sees it on the TV listings, be sure to try watch it, it was super, super....he gets woken up at 3:13 every a.m. every night.... so he started to get up,,,,,and said he was 'pulled towards his writing table',,,
and he said that's when he just starts writing, and it pours out....

He had a quote from Rumi....
"The morning breeze has secrets to tell not go back to bed"

Wayne said,,,'he's talking about this time of 'stillness'...don't go back to sleep....

also,,,, Move into this world of spirit when you are inspired by some great project..your mind expands it's limitations...

his other big catch phrase was.....
Your consciousness expands in every direction, when you enter the world of spirit.

so I'm sure you all get the drift....he's so empowering...and of course was bringing in the Law of Attraction too,

Gypsie, I dunno, that's a hard choice and I think I'd vote for the bears, having more experience living in their area....they don't come after you like the sharks do....although,,,,there have been cases of lost hikers too....guess if it's your's your time....

hey all, I'm going to miss saying so much tonight
(did I just hear Yay, yay in the background), well I'd say it if it was me right now...

I started moving the 'little stuff back into place tonight,,,,and I'm honestly to the point where I can't think....

so loves to you all,,,,,have a wonderful Valentines Day,,,,even if you'll be by yourself,,,,remember AJ's post....share a smile with someone today...

pp :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
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Post by gypsie »

Happy Valentines from Australia, it's almost over and time to sleep. It is not so hot today and this is very pleasing on the body, hot flushes are maybe a thing of the past.

Love to all on the thread and again I close praying for little Stephanie on the healing request thread.... :cry: dear little girl...

love to all Gypsie :lol:
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hi Aqua debs... oh no the photo i'm talking about is the shark photo... :D Gypsie sent me an email asking to post it for her on this thread.... Oh my photies... i had some up last year, but i don't really feel like having my photo this time.. dunno why, want to remain annonymous, i think i'm just bashfull... :roll: :D

Happy Valentines to all you beautiful people.....

((((Love and Hugs))))
Sarah xxxx
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello all you lovelies,

I would like to add my wish for all hearts to fill with love.

Love and Peace Always,

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
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Post by AJ »

you are most welcome Deb!
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Post by Seeker13 »

You're not kidding Aqua Deb this group can talk! Thinking of your co-op group problem my boss has a unique view of conflict. She say conflict is the beginning of change, if people are willing to work through it. It's much easier to air your problems while living in your frontal lobe than than to trying to hide them, and have a blowout while living in the brain stem.

When you're feeling down you just have to keep telling yourself that you have a special purpose here.

What would the day be like without getting a chuckle from you!

As for the rest of this crew, "I hope you had an especially lovely Valentines Day!"

This weekend we're going downstate to visit Dan at college, and Rachel will be there too! I'm so excited, he's been missing us and we're taking them both a huge care package. My major point is, it's a four hour drive and I'll have a captive audience with Dave and Aleah. So, I thought, "Hey, I'm going to take my Ask, and You Can Heal Your Life books!" I'll try and hit the Louise Hay site when we get back.

My sister is now giving me a minute by minute reminder of the time as she is waiting to watch a movie.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Kim wrote
My sister is now giving me a minute by minute reminder of the time as she is waiting to watch a movie.
:lol: Sister's!! Sister's?? That's just what I'd be doing Kim!!

Phil's watching a 'chick-flick' and he is still awake!! :lol:

Perhaps you're wondering for a very brief mili-second, what that film is that he's watching??? 'Friends For Dinner' it says in Spanish on the cover...which means he either got a pirate copy or bought it on his travels in S.America. I'm hearing it in the back round but havn't watched it yet.

It is very dry here. I feel like a prune! I wanna be a plum again! :(
Dry chapped lips all the time! Bloomin' mountains! But I love them really...

Pet xxx
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Post by peacockplume »

Ok guys,

PP is finally losing it....

in response to Kim's comment, I posted the following...
Hi ladies,

well, Kim,,, very happy I can make you chuckle

it's good for the heart, when you know something you said (what was it??)
that you chuckled about....

don't worry, I went back and read my post, and laughed myself....

dear Pet, I feel so sorry for your hampster was very graphic....I really got the picture....

but as you were telling it....I remembered a little mouse story....

I think I was about 10 or 11 and my sister almost 4 yrs younger...

One day, a Willimena tobacco can appeared on the doorstep...(we later found out it was one of my Dad's friends who thought it was funny - I think he must have been slightly sloshed)...anyway...

we opened the can, and there was a little mouse.....Ohhhh, how cute we we put him in a box, and whatever else you put in with a mouse, I can't remember now....and for some reason we thought it was a we called him Willy, because of the tobacco can it came in....

so I think we went and got another boy mouse to keep him company...

Well a little while later,,,,,Willy, became Willimena,,,as she started to produce babies.....Willimena ate her babies and Willy ran away from home, for some reason Willimena died, as all I can remember is burying her at the end of a wood walkway....

I think that must have been the reason that I decided not to be attached to any more rodents.....never wanted anything like that after.....

It sure is funny, how one persons stories can bring them up from a long distant memory..........sweet Willimena....

I return the talking stick to the centre of the circle...

love pp
the only thing is....I somehow posted it on our "Mother's Thread"

I have no idea.....

so with that faux pas, I shall sign off for the night...

loves to all.

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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Oh Lynn, there you are telling everyone to get rest and replenish their energies, looking out for us all, you ought to heed your own advice. (Me too I suppose!) I want to get in as much as I can and make the most of the computer working so I'm all over the place myself. Went to bed at blonker-clock in the morning and rose at 1 pm! :shock: That's bad!! Not like me at all. And then I rushed downstairs to jump back on and almost fell down the stairs and knocked myself into next week. (Might have been a good thing, LOL)

Gypsie wrote:
Heeee Heee sure beats a couple of bears, got ya for winding up the Petra -Jacob thing, your so funny nothing happened
Yeah, but I wasn't sure myself and I so didn't wanna put any lovely Family members off. I wish the men would write on here more? P'raps they view us a bunch of cackling mares?

You know, talking of crocs... when Phil lived in Kenya, he bathed with a nile croc and a few hippo's to boot. It was the hippo that scared him the most and he ran off naked and bumped into a huge buffalo behind a bush! He ran back in the oppsite direction screaming his head off hurting his little feet on pricklies. And all the while some Masai mara were literally killing themselves with laughter as they observed this skinny white fellow's antics! :lol:
He's had lions strolling into his camp and finishing off his supper while he crapped himself in his tent and one later took a snooze right next to him, but with the tent material in between them. He could hear his breathing and feel it's body heat!! The next night some hyenas came a sniffing and he didn't give a hoot! Well, you wouldn't after the previous encounters eh?
He has many such stories which the kid's love hearing again and again.

Love to you All, Petra XXX
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Post by peacockplume »

Good morning Pet and ladies...

I will take your good advice....and pay heed myself...I got half done yesterday of what I wanted to do, but I did a bit extra too. so when my friend came over, I said, ixnay on moving the shelving....I couldn't do any more, so we watched a DVD she brought over...."Constantine",,,
'holy good grief'....

I think I'd rather read our stories.....much better....

another friend is coming over today, with a CD of the Dali Lama singing a healing prayer....and we're going to do a meditation, then some Reiki on each other...

I have enough room to put up the table now......that's progress...

poor Allan, I phoned work this a.m. to remind him to bring home some milk, and he just had to tell me that he not only has to work the next two nights (which were his nights off,,,,but all next week on nights too) so now they'll run him 9 days straight....

just waiting for him to get home,,,,,so thought I better check the incoming posts,,,,and reply,,,,,cuz then I'll be listening to his tale of woe....

poor guy, he was so looking forward to last night, being the last night...

Good going on the journaling.....I went to bed last night thinking I should be writing about this one thing in particular....thought, well, I'll do it tomorrow.....sure hope it comes to mind again... :lol: :lol: :lol:

it's just too early,,,,I'm not awake,,,,,really....but Echo came to me to take her up and at 'em......wood in the stove,,,,and Allan will have to load up the wood stand again.....

I'm even forgoing cards tonight.....a Reiki day/evening wins out....

loves to all

pp xoxoxo AN R & R DAY FOR SURE
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Ladies, Girls...PP, I have watched Constantine! I bet I know what attracted you to this film PP??? The picture of Keanu Reeves with HUGE white Angel wings eh?? Well, that is what attracted this old twit! Those huge wings!! AND we do know Angels don't have wings!!!
Ghastly film, but I watched it all the way through anyway! I hated the Gabriel bit! AS IF!!
There has never been a film about Angels which, for me, has depicted Them as I see Them. But then, it would be very difficult.
We've got, City of Angels. Not bad!
I preferred the original with whatsisname...Colombo, yes, he was in it! It was the bit where the Angel was staying with the woman who was really sad. He was saying to her how much he loved her, and she, in her throes of depression and misery finally felt him! He was right there next to her all the time whispering in her ear how much she was loved! And never leaving her. Until finally he found a way to be human by falling!
She didn't recognise him at all, but eventually she did!
It wasn't like the Hollywood version, but it was IMO just as good, if not better!

Says a film buff...Pet XXC
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Post by gypsie »

Hey Petra is that the film with Meg Ryan? Where he finally becomes human and then she dies riding a bike?

I just can't believe how scary it would be with lions next to me :shock: the boys went to the zoo today with their big brother. His fiance' (need to learn how to spell that) took photos of the boys. Well, we have some of them sitting on pretend gorillas with their fingers up noses and another with zebras and the twins yawning :roll:

PP I am so like you and confused between the mother's thread and this one :shock: it all says miscellaneous when I look up:shock: Your talking stick sounds great, I went to a meeting once at a friends 'Community Living' MO up north. The guy who had the talking stick to begin with was a mad German swiging on sherry. The whole thing ended up in a massive fight about lound music and the talking stick became a dangerous weapon :sword: I'm sure ours will be very loving and emotional, but I still get a chuckle out of that spritual gathering :lol: :lol:

Love the Dali Lama, such a kind and giving man. Now Seven Years in Tibet is one movie I just loved. Brad who?

Started researching whaling vilages in Canada, no wonder you laughed Canada is surrounded by whaling villages. :lol: I am such an idiot at times :oops: :oops: but all in good fun :afro:

Watched a Bio today (home alone YUM) on Karen Carpenter, I had no idea I liked her songs until they started playing them. I also had no idea she died from an eating disorder. I listened to one of my favorite CD's today, another great talent Eva Cassidy and she died I think around 32 from a tumor. I wonder why sometimes such young talented high profile people like Heath Ledger die so young? Princess Dianna comes to mind, we have her exhibition in Sydney at the moment (it's visually very beautiful) it was and is quite extradonary the impact she made on millions at a golbal level. Sandy didn't we discuss her on this thread? oh Petra I'm sure we did way back on page 6 :lol: .

My friend was here today who I first watched The Secret with way back when? We may not have those cars we drove together in my lounge room laughing our heads off but we have a friendship and have shared another wonderous year together. My friend and I were only saying how we need to watch The Secret together again. Moerangie thought it was a good idea to write down what we have achieved, be grateful then get back in the 'Law of Attraction'.


You are so giving and yes, I do have a special purpose here, thank you. I still have that beautiful letter you pm'd me and did nothing but give. You are also a beautiful gem :kiss:

I am so blessed to have known you for over a year now :cheers: , I often reflect on how our families seem so alike at times. You have amazed me at how far you have come and I wish for your heart to fill with love as well.


After Bali I am thinking of going to the UK and visiting Scotland, I am looking at travellers fairs to visit the family :sword: (drunk gypsies).

The waggon my grandfather was born in is in a York museum. I will come and have a cuppa and learn to UPload photos and ------- POST :shock:


I have a photo with your raven in the background, guess I'll send it to Sarah and Sarah can Upload it. See from the USA to AUZ to the UK and then to our coffee shop, it's all good Hey? I took the Deleted posts so personally (whats new) it's amazing how quickly I learnt how to do that...I can actually laugh at it now :lol: :lol: George you can be naugthy :lol: :lol: Deleted right back at ya! :lol:

the International Not So Secret Coffe House lives on :bana:

Sandy and Lily we can actually have a physical coffee here, lets have an Australian get together?????? :bike:

Heather aka SheraX I have enjoyed getting to know you, the more in numbers the greater I say. I think it would be wonderful to finally meet :cheers: all of us.

Thank Goodness Jacob and AJ are here, do we scare the men off? Sandy who was that man who made everyone hungry with that shrimp bistro in the US? Corn bread I am still yet to taste WHIST hint hint Miss Sandy.

OK Gypsie Deb has done an Aqua Deb, feels good to stop and say hi :hithere

In love and light Namaste Gypsie

PS: As I am off to Bali soon for my Yoga retreat I am using Namaste in my daily meditations. Imagine posting from Bali? There is my next Secret 'LAW OF ATTRACTION' :happy
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Post by Sandy »

Hello you guys,

I have been away for what seems only a few short days..and this thread has moved looking back I think it has been a little longer than a few days though. I have just spent a delightful hour back- tracking in this thread the slow way. I could have taken the easy way out and put corn bread into the search engine and it probably would have brought up just the page we were looking for, but then I couldn't have relived some of those stories and happenings like the time Petra posted her recipe for liver in Tom sauce seven times in a row just in case one of us might have missed it. Gypsy, I think you are thinking of Dance Junky or Bryan. He was the nice man who got us thinking about cheddar bisquits, Red Lobster and hush puppies (Yum!) I'll make you some cornbread one of these days! Thats a promise!

City of Angels was such a sad movie. I remember I was so disgusted that Meg Ryan, being a doctor, didn't know better than to ride her bike down a highway with her eyes closed! When an angel becomes human just so he can be with you, just don't take chances like that!...terribly irresponsible! :(

PP, I feel so sorry for Allan having to work so hard! I hope he gets a nice break before too long! It sounds like you are getting things in order with your planned remodeling. Maybe you could take pictures when you're finished so we can see the results of all your hard labor. I would love to see it! You've got some great friends around you PP. Oh, I wanted to tell you that I am on chapter 7 in 'Ask and It Is Given.' I'd be further along if I wouldn't stop every paragraph to visualize and wind up falling asleep. It really is a good book and my sleep habits have nothing to do with the pace of the book. :lol: I have placed affirmations just like you suggested on the mirror in the bathroom and I started noticing that other "little notes" began showing up as well...for instance I put the affiramation..."I approve of me" on the mirror and then shortly thereafter a note saying..."So do I!" was found underneath. So now the tile on our bathroom wall is looking more like a community bulletin board than a shining example of cleanliness and sanitation. But I must admit we are having a good time with it anyway!

Petra, that Phil is a brave one..washing with hippos and crocs and sleeping with Lions. I bet he does have some great memories and stories from his years living in Africa. Hope I get to hear some of them first hand when you guys make it to Australia! :wink: :finger: I have a scary tale too! I slept next to a raccoon once! Okay, not quite as exciting or life threatening somehow as a lion...but this was a terrifying, marading gang of troublemakers we encountered on a long ago camping trip. Being complete novaces and not used to the "wiles of nature" we came with our simple plastic cooler well stocked with food... eggs, bacon, cheeses of every description...well you can imagine ..all sorts of delicious delicacies for the week ahead. But this group of, I must say, the largest and deadliest "saber-toothed raccoons" I had ever seen.(.four foot ones...maybe even six feet! ) opened our cooler like it was "nothin" tossing aside my cherished tupperware and proceeded to eat everything even the Clausen garlic dill pickles! We thought they were finished and would leave but then they started on the "not so dry" dry goods in the car carrier. They even unrolled a whole box of baggies we had brought along just for the fun of it! I felt like a "Who in Whoville" after the Grinch paid them a visit! After finishing off the car carrier they were still looking for more.. It was probably my secret stash of candy bars, hidden in my sleeping bag, that attracted them to the tent. For awhile I was terrified they were going to come right through the cheap nylon fabric of the tent! "In my day" :) tents were made of canvas and could repel a pack of wolves or a herd of rhinos! They are made so thin now...and yes I know portable..(a back packers delight) that You don't dare change your clothes inside with the light on anymore for fear of the fun loving neighboring tent mistaking you for a floor show and sticking money through the tent zipper.
Anyway, with that pathetic story, I must "leave you with it" and get a transmit typed that George is asking for.
Talk to all you guys a bit later....

love, LUV2
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Post by lilly »

Hi Sandy,
I loved that story, I'm still laughing. I remember when I was a child bringing apples and carrots and all sorts of goodies for mine and a friends ponies. I put them high up on a shelf in the stable. When we got back from riding the goats had climbed up on each others backs and pulled them down, they were caught red handed. It was so funny we gave them some for their efforts Lol
Have a great evening with our George. Love lilly xxxxxxx
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello Everyone,

:D Hi Kim, I hope your trip was fun and that the books you took did some good with your captive audience :wink:

:D Pet, it sounds like you and the weather are not quite agreeing. I hope that the next season finds your surroundings much more pleasant. It has been a big change for you to move and I hope it gets better for you.

:D PP, I saw that movie and it was pretty rough, I just love to watch Keneau but that was a bit over the top for me :shock: . Like Pet I liked the City of Angels, I'm sure because it did not have near as much violence and a love story. 8)
Good going on the journaling.....I went to bed last night thinking I should be writing about this one thing in particular....thought, well, I'll do it tomorrow.....sure hope it comes to mind again...
I tried that and I always forget all the good stuff. I figure its just like meditation and it takes practice to place it daily.

:D Gypsie, I was watching a biography today on Janis Joplin. I wrote a paper on her in college and she really did not perform for very long, she died at 27 yrs old. Than they had Jimmi Hendrix and he passed on at a young age. So, I started wondering what made them so famous at such a young age. Janis, was pretty much against the establishment but her upbringing was in conflict. Karen, who had a beautiful voice of course was the poster person for anorexia :wink:. Jimmi, came into life with no guidance, he was an inspiration to what a person can achieve in his short life. Heath, a loving wonderful actor that could not get proper rest and multiple RX were a lethal dose, his passing will be an awakening for so many with the same problems.

:loves thankyou for wishing my heart would fill with love, I wish the same myself. I will get there because even I noticed my progress :shock:

:D Sandy,
I have placed affirmations just like you suggested on the mirror in the bathroom and I started noticing that other "little notes" began showing up as well...for instance I put the affiramation..."I approve of me" on the mirror and then shortly thereafter a note saying..."So do I!" was found underneath.
:lol: :lol:

Could that have been our sweet George :) .

That will be my work this week to replace that negative thinking with positive affirmations. Now, if someone posts something underneath mine it would be a big suprise :shock:.

To all I did not address, I only went back to Valentine's Day which I hope you all enjoyed.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Gypsie wrote:
Princess Dianna comes to mind
I met her twice! Well...actually once, the other time was a little wave. First time I was waiting for her (this was when I was in Bulford Camp) and she was Colonel-in-Chief with the Green Jackets. She sped by just as I was thinking: 'Can't wait anymore, Aimee needs a feed!' and as I was walking away and clocked her, the vehicle she was in stopped, (it was a landrover and fully camoflagued) and she stepped out of it, came over to me, and made a bit of a fuss of Aimee!!
After she left, I was a bit embarrassed and even ashamed at my reaction to her. I've always been a staunch member of the 'we-are-All-the-same-and-One club, but in her presence I felt like a lesser being! She really did radiate Something awesome! My brother-in-law Pat felt the same when he met the Dalai Lama...well, not quite 'met!' as came into contact with!

Sandy, thank you for the biggest laugh I've had in ages! :lol:

At the moment I'm a bit of a mess. This machine is more unpredictable than a woman on her periods! and I'm at her beck and call...
Not to mention my funny headaches! Is it normal when half your head goes numb? Or is it brain scan-time?? If I suddenly 'disappear' that means I'm in the Mansion Worlds. But Thalia has made a promise to inform Sandy, if this happens :lol:
She is having the most amazing OBE trips. Thing is, she gets a little anxious and when that happens, she's back in her body and it takes her about 10 minutes to wake up and then she thinks: 'Ohhh silly me! I want to be back where I was!"

Love love love, Petra xxx
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Post by peacockplume »

Just loving all the stories you guys are sharing....

I'm trying not to stay on the board 'all day long' and you know it makes it twice as hard to catch up....

Years and years ago I saw the Queen, here on the island,,,and got a smile and nod from Prince Phillip....but my sister actually got to 'meet' the Queen, when they had sailing Olympics in Ontario.....almost 40 yrs ago...
and she said the same's a 'presence',,,and she couldn't say a thing either....

Allan should only have a couple of more nights left, then the "Big Walk" with the out of towners big wigs, will be gone....but the goings on in order to 'get the store ready' is just ridiculous.....anyway by Wed, it'll be over. then they'll have to give him an extra day off, plus his two off, for change over to days....

meanwhile I'm not moving much physically, gotta take a break,,,so I made up a new business card to take with me Tues night...

I got one of those "pay attention this is an opportunity" flashes, and almost ignored it.... a lady phone me to go to a dinner/presentation and the talk is on the heart and cardiovascular.....a good meal, tip,,,everything included for a really good I was letting her talk on,,,,thinking,,,how can I interject here and say I'm not really interested. when I got this "thought" "this is an opportunity",,,,,

I realized that it is indeed an opportunity, to meet others in the 'health' field....since I haven't spent 'any' time in town for over a year....I need to get back out there....

then Alice phoned me about these pads you can put on your feet and they're supposed to take the toxins out....and I realized I had forgotten all about a machine called Bio-Cleanse that I wanted for T.B.

boy, I've been out of it....too long...

Lilly, that was funny about the goats,,,,there's a place - a long ways from here - it's on the road going out to the west coast, called Coombs, and all summer long a family of 'goats' live on the's quite the attraction.

Sandy, that's too cute, George, answering your least we hope it's George :wink: :wink:

love to all
pp xoxoxoxoxo
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi All :cheers:,

PP, I'll take up that talking stick again now ....

Even though it's a few days late now, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

Gypsie Deb, what a funny story about the ways some have mis-used the talking-stick concept! :lol:

You're so right, Gypsie, even though I've never been one myself, I've certainly seen by observing others that being a mother is one of the most sacred and the most challenging jobs on the planet, requiring so many different skills -- communication, time management, conflict management, scheduling, negotiation, multi-tasking, you name it -- and those valuable capabilities are all transferable skills to any other job you're seeking -- so you can feel confident in your many qualifications! Job hunts can be emotional and exhausting, but persistence pays off eventually -- best of luck with your job hunt!

Crocodiles, yikes! :shock: I can hardly swim to begin with :roll:, so I must admit, I'd be afraid to go diving myself, even without all the crocs and sharks!

I look forward to seeing that photie of the raven power shield in your house -- I agree, it is really fun to think of that bird flying all over the world! That raven was my favorite one, and I gotten such a positive response to it (perhaps we're all "stark raven mad!" :lol:), that I'm now making more of them as part of my next batch of stuff! (By the way, November, speaking of ravens, I've been meaning to tell you, I love your current raven avvie! 8) )

Speaking of art, it was so cool, we had another opening night at the Gallery on Saturday (even though we've been open since mid-November! :lol:), and one of my scarves and one silk hoop sold, and Ron sold two silk hoops! Hurray! :colors:

It's funny how everyone keeps getting this thread and the Mothers thread mixed up! :lol: (I STILL want to go back and post more on there sometime! Everyone's stories are so moving!) Looks like that thread's got a good chance of becoming pretty huge too! Gypsie, you have a knack for sharing with others and facilitating "team-building" and open communication (ah, more transferable skills for your job hunt! :D)

Speaking of that thread, I've been noticing in myself how much my own personal and spiritual growth process can be such a one-step-forward, two-steps-back kind of thing! Like I was saying on the Mothers thread at one point (and here too, earlier, I think), I've been less positive than I usually am for a while lately, and seem to be cycling back through old issues. I just spent a bunch of time over on the AC forum going back through some deep-seated hesitation I've been working out over time about asking the Celestials for help. In that thread, I cited your Mothers thread (and all the brave souls who've been posting there -- you all know who you are! :thumleft:) as influencing me to follow your lead by trying to keep opening up and becoming ever more authentic on these boards, and to keep on overcoming whatever obstacles still limit me in my development process. It's great that through all the sharing and trust-building that's been going on among all of us, we all seem to be cycling through parallel growth processes together and spurring on each other's growth.

And, speaking of really gigantic threads, Everyone, I noticed we're only about 15 or so posts away from the famous post number 1111 on this thread -- we ought to start watching for it and be sure to commemorate it when it arrives -- that's a pretty cool milestone, especially for an 11:11 forum!

As for my replying to everyone in my posts, or at least attempting to (I often still have to skip commenting on tons of stuff since this thread is so busy!), that's just me, I'm detail-oriented, sometimes to a fault :roll: (that is, I have what's know as "mouse medicine" ["...mouse must examine everything with it's whiskers in order to know it..."mouse medicine is both a great strength and a great weakness...," the book that comes with my power-animal cards says] to the Native Americans). Nice "Aqua-Deb" you did on that last post long post addressing everyone by name, by the way! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't recall us talking about Princess Diana on this thread before now (though this thread's been going on so long that we very well might have and I just don't remember!), but yes I remember how deeply it touched everyone -- at her funeral, when Elton John (who was himself so overcome that he could barely get through it) played and sang his beautiful song, Candle in the Wind, with new words just for her, that was so deeply moving, I just sobbed and sobbed! How cool that you actually met her in person, Pet!

PP, sounds like you're getting some great networking opportunities for TB! You're right, I used to sometimes take running notes as I read each post, but that got to be too much of a pain, so now I just type up my post in Notepad first, keeping it in a really small window on the lower right side of my screen, so I can scroll through the posts in my browser window simultaneously -- that makes it a lot easier.

I'll have to keep an eye out for that latest special of Wayne Dyer's on PBS -- I've read lots of his books, listened to his tapes, and watched his PBS specials at various times over the years, and I've always found him uplifting and inspiring.

I've just recently seen some commercials on TV for those pads that take the toxins out of their feet -- those would be interesting to try!

Sarah, I can understand being bashful and wanting to remain anonymous and such (I've done a lot of that myself during my lifetime!). So, on second thought, don't post a photo of you in your avvie, unless and until you feel like it!

Kim, I think your boss is right -- a few of us in the Gallery who share the same type of viewpoint were just saying the other day that there seems to be an opportunity for personal growth for all of us as we work together to resolve the conflicts that come up. I hope you had a good weekend trip and visit!

Pet, that angel movie you mentioned with Colombo (Peter Falk) in it, that one's Wings of Desire by Wim Wenders, right? That's my all-time favorite angel movie as well, and I, too, love the parts with the angels always being right by the woman's side and whispering in her ear that he loves her. That was so beautiful, and I prefer it to the Hollywood-ized remake; you mentioned the name of it, but now that I'm pasting this post into the submission box, I can't go back to see what it's called now! . Based on yours and PP's comments, perhaps I'll just skip Constantine!

You've been through so many changes lately with the moving and re-adjusting to a whole new culture and language and everything that it's quite possible your weird headaches are just related to the energetic shifts involved with making that transition. Thalia having amazing OBE's, how cool -- I still have yet to experience any of those!

It sounds like Phil's had some pretty amazing nature adventures! I think he was right to stay away from the hippo -- we saw this show about hippos on TV a while back, and it turns out they are really fierce and do sometimes kill people. Plus, this is both bizarre and gross (sorry, all!), but when the males fight with each other, the one who wins whirls his tail around like a propeller and literally sprays his feces everywhere to mark his territory :x -- a weird sight indeed! When Ron and I watched it, we turned and stared at each other in amazement, and Ron said "I bet that's where the expression 'The s@#*'s gonna hit the fan' came from!" :lol: Yep, you really do learn something new everyday! :shock:

Laura, on a more serious note, we just watched Sicko, Michael Moore's excellent documentary on the problems with the U.S. health-care system (we all gotta pay for health care here in the U.S.; the rest of you are quite lucky in that regard), and I thought of the elderly couple you'd mentioned earlier. I tend to ignore the news and stuff like that most of the time since it's usually so depressing, but I must say, the health-care situation as depicted in this documentary really is appalling, and you're right, we really do need change! I think Michael Moore's got a lot of influence these days, though, so hopefully this film can make a significant impact. :finger:

Sandy, your camping story is great and very entertaining! :lol: You're quite the storyteller, just like Pet -- both of you ought to consider writing books! That's very sweet, about George leaving little notes answering your affirmations!

Lilly, that's hilarious about the goats too -- standing on top of each other -- I love stories about animals' ingenious problem-solving methods! :lol:

Oh yeah, one more thing, after the other posts about orbs, and the Celestial transmit that came out about orbs saying we'll find more and more of them appearing in our photos, I got this really noticeable one in a picture I was taking of some ducks down by the river a week or two ago 8) :


Hopefully I haven't missed anyone, and hopefully noone's posted that I missed during the time I've been writing this! Wow, this post is getting long! :shock:

Okay, okay, I'm just going to have to pry that talking-stick out of my grip now.....argh! Okay (whew! :lol:), talk to all you beautiful beings later! :kiss:

(P.S. - oops - had to edit this to make sure everyone's name was highlighted -- I hope I didn't miss any of those! I've almost run out of possible colors anyway! :lol:)

Love you all LUV2,
Aqua Deb
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Post by gypsie »

Hi All

Big thread,Sandy I so want to eat cornbread :oops:

The job junting is moving along well, I have another interview with a major departmrnt store on Thursday, running the bridal registry. I was offered that job 15 years ago, so it's kida weird,
feeling a bit scared but in I go with our army of Angels :lol: :lol:

Ok the computer is putting in a few things on it's own here, I feel scared about the job but really excited, I think I will make a young brides journey special. The job involves me being apart of her wedding plan, lots of slow breathing lessons would be at the top of my list :lol:

ok time to go lots love Gypsie, great ORB photo Aqua but think the shark won :bike: sure got PP going hee hee...

big hugs Gypsie
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone,
I really enjoyed all the posts on here today. Hope you get that job, Gypsie. I'll be thinking of you.
Aqua Deb, pp and Sandy, my pony kept getting out of his enclosure, onto the market garden next door to where we lived. Dad made the fence higher but he still managed to get in there. One morning Dad went out and peered through a gap in the fence, my pony was lying down and wriggling under the fence. Off he trotted into next doors garden, much to their dismay. Earlier my Mother had argued with them saying the pony hadn't been on there. Lol She looked in and saw him manuring the garden.....those were the days, Mum would be shouting at me because I had friends horses in the backyard rushing through her clean washing. Once my pony chased the milkman and nearly bit him....he was only small but a little goer. I was a slip of a thing then and rode around like an indian brave with no saddle. Wild and free to roam, we'd travel for miles into the bush. I need some of that spirit I had back then.
I was going to post my photo but can't reduce them enough.......Have a great day or evening all. Love lilly xxxxx
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello everyone,

Aqua deb's Nice photo and that was a humongous orb :shock:. Also, I'm so very happy that your art has found homes LUV2 . You just keep it up and dream big and it will happen.

My friends just keep hitting one brick wall after another :( , but I'm trying to help without getting my panties all bunched up :lol: :lol: I can really get on a real negative roll :x and we know what happened with that last week, I fell out of a truck :oops: and was sick to the stomach. I believe I got that lesson :wink: .

PP, your rounding the corner with TB, but can I point out the initials sound like a disease :lol: :lol:. Let us know how Your medical meeting goes with the townfolks. You seem to be preparing and catching yourself before you let it slip by 8) .

Gypsie, just remember that anyone that hires you is getting the best end of that deal :wink:. I wish you the best of luck and if its meant to be the job will be yours :finger: I think you'd make a great asset to the bridal registry.

Pet, I sure have noticed so many have been getting headaches over the last month, myself included :( . I sure wish I was over there to give you big hugs :loves and let you know how wonderful you are. So, you got a glimpse at the Mansion Worlds how wonderful, but dont go getting any crazy ideas about leaving :P . It sounds like Thalia is really off and running with the OBE's I dont much blame her for wanting to return after seeing such bliss :happy .

I hope everyone viewing the thread feels comfortable enough to put your feet up and chime right in.
Love and Peace Always,

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