A Choir of Angels Woke Me Up! Has It Happened to You?

We will list here stories almost too amazing to believe - when our spirit brothers and sisters turn up physically here to help us. This forum is only about angels physically helping us.
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A Choir of Angels Woke Me Up! Has It Happened to You?

Post by Thoth »

We can consider ourselves blessed, those of us who have been fortunate enough to have been contacted directly by the Angels and especially repeatedly over many months or years. Thank you Source, Son, Holy Spirit (Shekinah/Shakti/Nebadonia) and the multitude of Heavenly Hosts.

Since September, 11 ( 9-11), after a three-month period of spiritual challenge, I have been receiving even more audible-telepathic Angel messages as well as the usual and amazing Divine synchronicities and coincidences that are experienced by so many in the 11:11 community on a regular basis.

All of these ONEderful things are amazing, but at exactly 12:12 p.m. on 9-26, I experienced something that even blew my mind and immediately reminded me of some stories that I have not thought about in a long time.

As I was awakening from sleep, while my consciousness was in that special netherworld between the planes (dimensions) of spiritual existence, I suddenly was startled by a beautiful and wondrous Celestial choir of Angels. Not only that, while researching the subject of "Angel choirs" later, I found evidence which corroborated what I heard in a very "high" manner and also experienced a lot of Divine synchronicities and coincidences connected to it.

Note: I would like to preface what I am about to relate by saying that I come from a very musical family on both sides, and I am an amateur singer, guitar, and harmonica player who has sung (often solos) in church choirs, high school, and college choruses.

I only say these things so that you will know that I am familiar with music, especially choral music. I have not, however, sung in a chorus in years, and I haven't even played my guitar or thought much about music for some time because I have been preoccupied with other things. Smile. The following is an excerpt from my daily spiritual journal:


Very Important Note: Just as I was waking up from sleep (12:12 p.m.), at the time when I have received other important audible and telepathic messages from Spirit that I term “Angel Messages,” I heard what I only can describe as a Heavenly chorus of very high-pitched feminine-sounding voices sing out very loudly in unison, just like a Broadway musical, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, or some other extremely large vocal group,

“Another four thousand, four hundred.....four, four, four!”

Wow! I was astounded as I woke up! It was absolutely incredible! It was as though an entire chorus of Angels, like those described in the Bible and Angel Books (Heavenly Hosts or Seraphic Choirs, etc.), sang out "Another 4,400....4....4....4" which obviously is associated with the primary “Angel Number” 444 and other Angel-related numbers that involve four such as 4, 44, 114, 214, 4444, etc.

The Angel numbers were sung, at an ultra-high pitch, especially the crescendo (dramatic climax), and in absolutely perfect unison! There were no discernible vocal stragglers, nobody off key, even slightly! It was absolutely perfect in every conceivable way from a choral-music standpoint as far as I could tell as an astounded "bystander" who could not see this "choir" visually and was extremely surprised by what I was hearing. Once again, it was utterly amazing!

For those skeptics out there, this was not a dream. I have been keeping a nightly dream journal for a couple of years where I record dreams, out-of-body experiences (astral projections), Angel communications, and other spiritual occurrences. I would place this experience right alongside my other "Angel messages" which do not really fit into either the normal dream, lucid dream, or O.B.E. category. They are unique unto themselves, but this was unique even for my "Angel messages."

Upon awakening, I immediately thanked God, the Holy Spirit, and Angels for making it happen, and I obviously took it as a very positive sign and blessing. What set this "Angel message" apart from all of the others that I have received to date was the fact that it was delivered in song rather than in normal-sounding words or via seed thoughts planted quietly into my consciousness like those that I have received while writing or during my daily routine, similar to other members of the 11:11 Progress Group.

Later, when I wondered to myself about what it might mean, I got the “sense” that it could indicate that another 4, 444 human Beings on the planet had been “prompted” by our Celestial friends. It also occurred to me that this might account for why the Angels began their Divine chorus with the word “Another.”

Again, I never would have expected such a communication, and I certainly am fascinated by the fact that it began with the word "Another." I would be very curious to know if anyone else has experienced a musical communication of this sort from the Angels or other Celestials like the "Midwayer Beings" perhaps.

Briefly, for any singers or musicians out there, I later analyzed this Divine communication from a musical standpoint, and I came to the conclusion that it may have been performed in the key of G major with a momentary diversion into B major as follows:


If my ear and memory are correct, there also would have been approximately 11 notes which also is interesting because that too would pertain to the Divine 11:11 phenomenon.

While researching "Angel Choirs" and such on the internet, I also found a website that dealt with none other than miraculous and mysterious “Angel Choir” voices (electronic-voice phenomenon [E.V.P.]) that had been captured "accidentally" on four recordings made at different locations. One of these locations was China, and that in itself was Divinely synchronistic because it came just days after I’d put another post on the 11:11 Progress Group Message Board about “Possible 11:11/444 Angels" that I "Discovered in China.”

Another "coincidence" is that when I arrived at the website, I noticed that I was none other than the 77787th visitor. This after responding only days before to another post on the PGMB about the sequence 777 in which I included none other than a link to singer Joan Osborne’s spiritual song “One of Us” which talks of God and the Angels. Again, more Divine synchronicity!

Next, I listened to all four (4-smile) of the “Angel Choir” recordings on the website, and on the one that actually impressed me the most, "Angels Singing in a Kansas Church," a very-sincere-sounding man who was describing what happened noted that a vocal "expert" who'd listened to the recording said that the voices in the mysterious “Angel Choir” were "too high and sustained well beyond the range of human capability." Wow! This was the same odd characteristic that stood out to me!

Again, what I heard were exceedingly high-pitched feminine-sounding voices in perfect unison and with perfect pitch. Like super sopranos or something. Since this unique vocal characteristic was noted by someone else, it tends to support what I heard!

Interestingly enough, I remember reading somewhere in The Urantia Book that the Angels, although not male and female exactly, more like positive and negative energy polarities, still possess a decidedly feminine nature which might account for why I did not discern any male voices. Also, BEings of Light who are existing on a much higher level of spiritual vibration might tend to project higher-sounding voices?

For more information on those "Angel Choirs," visit:

http://www.choicesforliving.com/spirit/ ... gels-4.htm

http://www.choicesforliving.com/spirit/ ... angels.htm

This experience immediately brought to mind a similar description of singing Celestial BEings that I'd read several years ago in "Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East." Another fascinating Divine "coincidence" is that the latter work comes in five volumes which probably include more than 750 pages total.

I could not remember where the needed quote was, so I asked the Holy Spirit and Angels to help me. I then was "prompted" to open Volume 1, and when I looked down, I had "coincidentally" opened the book to none other than page 111 which is another important Angel sequence. This turned out to be the correct section in the series of books, and I found the needed quote within seconds on pages 115-16:

"Words fail to describe the radiant beauty of that scene.....In a moment, there came music from unseen voices. I had heard of Heavenly voices, but I had never experienced them until that night. We were fairly lifted from our seats." - Life & Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, 1924, by Baird T. Spalding.

During my research, I also found references to "Angel Choirs" at Crystal Links and on a website affiliated with the Catholic Church:

"The Choir is the name used for the order of angels, a method of organization that proposes a kind of celestial hierarchy for the entire angelic realm. The term choirs is probably derived from one of the most central roles of all angels, the singing of praises to God so that all of heaven and Creation reverberate with the joyous sound." - Crystal Links http://www.crystalinks.com/angels.html

"Seraphim: These are the highest order or choir of angels. They are the angels who are attendants or guardians before God's throne. They praise God, calling, 'Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts.'" - Catholic Online at www.catholic.org

And, of course, of Source, there is this:

"And in that region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, 'Be not afraid; for behold I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.' And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

'Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!'"
- Luke: 2. 8-14

"A Gospel Choir of Angels"

If anyone else has experienced what I will call an "Angel-choir communication" or know of someone who has, I'd be very interested in hearing about it. Thanks. Love & Light.

From here to eternity,

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Post by blue nova »

Good morning,

I must admit I am envious of y'all ! :wink: I've had the privledge of seeing them & feeling their wonderful presence but never hearing their beautiful music.

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Post by nasra1996 »

Ha.. i just realise i posted a reply to you Thoth at 12:12 too.... :wink:
And i have noticed too that people on this board who are musical or like to sing hear the beautiful cellestial voices too, i'm no musician but i like to sing and used to sing in a choir and in school musicals and such... my whole family like to sing...

Anne... get singing... you may hear something soon... :D

I'm gonna go and search for somemore on the net.. and post here if i find any...

Love Sarah
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Post by ChildofGod »

:D wow that's a truly awesome experience...I've always imagined myself singing with the angels.

BTW I come from a musical family too Thoth. My grandfather had a small school of music and he was the only music teacher too!! He taugh guitar, mandolin, accordian, violin, and organ. He even play in his own band and he played the organ in church. Unfortunately he died of a heart attack at the age of 61.

My parents also had a band for 20 years. My father played the drums, sax and clarient..my mother was a singer. I on the other hand tried to learn to play several instruments...but I am a singer myself (ametuer) first. Also I danced and performed with a Polish folklore group for many many years.

Liz :D
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Post by blue nova »

Sarah wrote:
Anne... get singing... you may hear something soon...
:shock: :shock: Well no wonder I don't hear them, I can not sing a note, I played flute in middle school but was not very interested in it. Anytime I start to sing my daughter cups her hand over my mouth & says "mommy, shhhh"... :lol: :lol: No kiddin' :shock:

Wait a minute, you've got me pondering....it seems like the musical folks here are hearing the angels...I'm a visual/feely type and I see them & feel them....hmmmm

Ya know what I'm getting at ? :idea: Interesting.....

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Post by George »

Totally messed up by me.

Thoth for goodness sake post your lengthy writing where it belongs.

I cannot day and night babysit this mb.

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Post by ChildofGod »

Let us reclaim our crowns 👑 as Children of the most high and sit on our throwns in the Kingdom of Heaven 🪽 😇
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Post by Thoth »


Thank you very much for that ONEderful observation that only a long-time member of the 11:11 PGMB who also is bright and observant would be able to make, that the Angels and other Celestial friends probably communicate with us in ways that may coincide with the manner that we perceive or interact with the world. I have heard others touch on this too in other places over the years, and it was a perfect time for you to remind us about it.

As you intimated, visual people may see Angels, audiophiles may hear them, and touchy-feely folks may feel or "sense" their presence. Of course, those with multiple propensities (talents) may experience all of these methods of Divine communication. Let's not forget about smell too, many people have reported Heavenly aromas, especially roses and other flowers.

You, Anne, said that you are a visual person and have seen the Angels. Well, I AM primarily an audio-feely type, and all of my communications so far, while physically awake, have involved hearing or feeling the presence of the Angels.

The only time that I ever have perhaps witnessed anything visual, while physically awake, was when I saw a brilliant flash of golden-white Light directly over my Archangel Garbriel statue out of the corner of my eye. This only lasted a second or two, however.

I am only including my recent experiences, though, as I strongly believe that I came into contact with a young woman's guardian Angel while in college. This Angel appeared out of nowhere, spoke to me briefly (only asked if I was a Christian and what church I went to), and then disappeared into thin air only moments before a woman who was being assaulted and chased by thugs came runnng up to me on a busy city street at night and asked for my assistance.

The mysterious stranger, who I believe was the woman's guardian Angel, was a man who looked like he could be someone's grandfather. This was on a Friday night in a semi-seedy area of bars and restaurants frequented by college students, not senior citizens. I aided the young woman, which only took about five minutes, and everything turned out okay.

About a year earlier, back in 1983, I also believe that I may have come into contact with another Angel or maybe even Jesus Christ himself in the form of a beggar. When I offered to buy him dinner, he insisted on simple fish at a fancy restaurant, and then said "I think you know who I am." (I actually had a hunch (feeling), but I did not dare say anything). Note: My mom and I both are intuitive empaths, my grandmom saw Angels, and my great grandmom was a "practicing psychic."

After the meal, and after unsuccessfully trying to find the beggar lodging at my old church, he disappeared into thin air on a street with no place to hide. A female friend, who I'd known since junior high school, was a witness to this.

I always have wondered about that experience, especially now with all of the other Divine things that are occurring. The latter event happened only a week or two after my first wife left me, and I was going through a very tough time emotionally.

I have seen spirits many times, in full form and often while communicating with them via telepathy, during O.B.E.s. and exceptional lucid dreams (not during waking hours). Some of these have been family members and friends who have "passed on," some have been Higher Spiritual BEings, but most have been discarnate strangers who I did not recognize.

I have not seen any orbs yet like some people on the PGMB, including perhaps you and "Child of God." Interestingly enough, however, I did witness myself as an orb one time when I (my Spirit) was returning to my physical body during a very unique O.B.E. (out-of-body experience/astral projection). It was a good thing that I'd read "The Projection of the Astral Body," by Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carrington or I would have had a much harder time understanding the mechanics of that particular "landing" since it was very unusual, even by O.B.E. standards.

Getting back to the point. My father has never displayed any "psychic" abilities like me, my mom, and others on the maternal side of my family, but he is an excellent artist and very visual. One time, he saw an orb floating through the woods next to his house, and we think that we know who it was. The orb, that is.

Coincidentally enough, within an hour or two of this unusual sighting, my dad's next-door neighbor came over unexpectedly, and my dad told her about the orb. That's when she (a black woman) said that she'd seen the ghost of a young, white man of about 20 in her house on several occasions.

That's when dad remembered that the white family who had lived in the house before the black woman moved in had a son of about 20 who had committed suicide a number of years earlier.

Because of the unusual sequence of events, and the high frequency of suicides who often decide to hang around on the etheric plane in familiar places instead of "moving on" to the "other side" proper, all of us are convinced that dad probably saw the spirit of the young man who lived next door and committed suicide.

Again, dad is extremely visual, and he saw an orb, and this is a 73-year-old man who often has a difficult time understanding and believing many of the spiritual things that mom and I talk about in his presence. God help the poor man, especially now that his adult son is "communicating with the Angels" all of the time, as though discussions about O.B.E.s and N.D.E.s weren't enough!

From here to eternity,

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Post by blue nova »

Good morning Thoth,

You express yourself so onederfuly with words :wink:
I enjoy reading about angel and spirit encounters, and to think that I thought of myself as some weirdo who saw ghosts...ha ! It's becoming the norm now and I am soooo elated :D The encounters you've had are incredible !

I sure would love to know who those gold-white lights are, angels or "higher spirits". I had a gold one appear above my mother's head at dinner one night, thank goodness it was just her because I came right out and announced that "it" was there. Her eyes widened in surprise and she said " Oh, it's probably my grandmother she and I were very close". Thank goodness she took it so well. :wink:

What do you think is the difference between ones who have white auras & lights and the ones with gold ? Do you think that the gold's are "higher up" than the whites ? :scratch:
I did witness myself as an orb one time when I (my Spirit) was returning to my physical body during a very unique O.B.E.
Me too although I saw mine leaving...wow..talk about an experience that I'll never forget !

I know one thing for sure, I treasure each and every encounter I am lucky enough to have with Them. I sure wish they'd happen more often :wink:

Hugs to you,
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angel choir

Post by csutton1980 »

I was so excited to read the post about the angel choir and hear the recording in Kansas. In 2002, soon after the death of my 21 year old son, I was lying in bed and suddenly heard the most beautiful choir imaginable. I looked at the clock and it was 12:12 am. I lay there thinking, where is this coming from and have I totally lost my mind. At that point, my husband rolled over and said "do you hear that?'. I asked what he heard and he described exactly what I was hearing. As long as I can remember, I have seen 11 everywhere. 11:11... Several years ago, I had a dream where a man in a robe came to me with a scroll. when he unrolled the scroll, symbols that seemed to glow, flowed out of the scroll and into my mind. I was told telepathically that the information was for my growth and though I may now know what it meant at the time, I would find the answers. I dont even know how I found this site, but I know that I was meant to find it.

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Post by Geoff »

Dear Cindy,

Welcome to our site. Its pretty special hearing angel choirs. Sorry to hear about your loss of your son however.

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Post by George »

Welcome to the 11:11 MB, Cindy,

You are joining millions of 11:11'ers on this earth that are urged towards a more spiritual life.

My condolences about your son's temporary absence.

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Post by nasra1996 »

Hello Cindy,

I loved your introduction... sorry to hear about your son....

I know what the angels sound like too, i used to hear them every single night last year before sleeping, the most amazing sounds and choirs... beautiful...

Love Sarah xxx
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Post by blue nova »

Hello Cindy welcome to the board :hithere

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Post by SheraX »

Welcome Cindy. :)
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Post by George »

SheraX writes:
Conquer the angry man by love.
Conquer the ill-natured man by goodness.
Conquer the miser with generosity.
Conquer the liar with truth.
If none of this works, vote for him at the next election. :lol:

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Post by George »

What was in that sub I ate?
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Post by joshua291185 »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

good one george. there are not enough jokes at politicians' expense. especially in america

love josh
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Post by bethsha211 »

I woke up two days ago and had a vision of the angels singing,playing harps around the hospital bed of someone I know who really is in the hospital waiting to be operated on in a few days.I also heard the music. I was a little taken aback thinking it might be that he is going to physically leave us soon.He is going to have a very serious surgery on an aorta aneurism.Has this happened to someone else where angels appeared before losing someone on this plane?
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Post by George »

A more factual happening.

A couple from Europe were to visit us in Australia. This had been in the planning for years. Some three months before their departure date I got a vision of the Lady being in our home, but the man was nowhere to be found. I told everyone I could "find" her but not him in the future.

He died on the eve of their departure and on that same day arrived to tell of his demise.

The doorbell rang, the brass knocker on the door sounded all over the homestead. There was a loud rap on the kitchen window, and the phone rang. All at almost the same time. Next up he came right through the laundry wall, stood on the landing and observed my whole family.

He scared the daylights out of my ex-wife. :shock: :lol: She sensed him, could not see him.

I said, "G'day! Good to see you! You got here after all!"

God bless......
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Post by bethsha211 »

Wow George,Amazing story!
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Post by George »

Hi Gloria,

Well, that "guy" was my father-in-law. :lol: I liked him a lot, but he wasn't too pleased about his daughter's errant behavior.

She screamed at me, "Make him go away!!!!!!"
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :shock: :twisted:


He must have gotten his message accross to her.

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Post by SheraX »

George wrote:SheraX writes:
Conquer the angry man by love.
Conquer the ill-natured man by goodness.
Conquer the miser with generosity.
Conquer the liar with truth.
If none of this works, vote for him at the next election. :lol:


8) lol George. :tongue:

8) :D
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Post by SheraX »

George wrote:What was in that sub I ate?
a peppy pill... 8) :lol:
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