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This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.

How long did it take you to get into deep alpha to experience the AC?

1-7 days
7-14 days
14-21 days
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21-28 days
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Post by Geoff »

blue nova wrote:Good morning,

The poll has been "closed" for a while now, I believe that there are time limits on them...... :?:

Dear Anne,

Well I have just managed to vote, does it really have a time limit? As an admin, I never know quite what ordinary users can see and do. But it looks like having voted, I now just see only the results, not the poll, which makes sense to me. Unfortunately I just clicked at random, and being 25% of the votes, I have skewed the result.

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Post by AustinRuth »

:roll: That is OK on the poll being closed. I can't really remember how long it took for me to really get going in AC anyway, it could have been 2 weeks or 2 days...the memory does not serve. I would have to look back in some notes, if I have it written down...

Nice to come here and chat much to talk about.

I need to go study for a test on Cardiology for Medical Transcription class. I am immersed in stents, Purkinje fibers, ventricles, atrioventricular nodes, normal sinus rhythms, intracellular fluid, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, S1, S2, S3, S4, diastole, asystole, resuscitation, arrhythmia, tachycardia, and, last, but not least sphygmomanometers. Gotta love it (really!) :wink: --Ruth
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Post by Sandy »

Oh My Ruth!

That sounds like Greek to me! and I know from whince I speak! :lol: Alexander and Elina wanted to teach me Greek for a short awhile until I got stuck pronouncing the letter "C". Good luck on that difficult sounding sphygmomanometers test! Whew... :shock:

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Post by Andrea »

I wanted to vote but at the bottom of the page it says I cannot :cry: vote. But I can do everything else! Just for the record-1 day.
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Post by Claude »

It's look like someting is not ok with the poll...not shure. I don't remember if i have voted, i think that i have tried but not shure i was able to. :?: :?:

But my answer to the question could be 1-7 days.
How can i know if i am in deep Alpha or not?
Maybe i was in deep Alpha before i have use the ACcd?
I live alone for many years and i am almost always in stillness. I like to be in stillness and to be connected with my inner part.? :loves
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Post by blue nova »

Good morning everyone,

Claude wrote:
I like to be in stillness and to be connected with my inner part.?
Me too Claude. :wink:

Hello Ruth,
WOW darlin' that's a lot of studying, but ya know what ? You'll do great :D

((( Hugs everyone )))
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Post by AustinRuth »

Dear Sandy,
My textbook says that most medical words are based either on Greek or Latin. Both languages are used frequently.
What I think is so much fun is to hear that Latin is the "dead" language, but Latin makes up so many medical words, And in my brief education in botany, I learned that plant names are correctly given in Latin for genus and species. Common names are too easy to confuse one plant with another, so Latin is the language of the realm.

What is very useful and educational is that my textbook has a pronounciation guide and also emphasizes understanding the varioius parts of words, the prefixes, suffixes and the root of the word, so throughout the text, when it shows a new word and explains it, in the margin it has the pronounciation guide, usually also the word breakdown and the meaning of each of the parts to that word. After awhile I find I can understand a word based on the word breakdown even if I have not ever seen the word before.
However, that pronounciation can be tricky! I have to really go s--l--o--w--l--y on those like sphygmomanometer.
Here is a new one,endarterectomy, which breaks down to pronounciation (END-ar-ter-EK-toh-mee) and the word breaks up into:
endo- innermost, within
arter/o- artery
-ectomy surgical excision

so you take the suffix and that is the beginning of the meaning of the word, add the prefix for the next meaning, and finally the root (also called the combining form) part of the word to get the rest of the meaning of the word. So endarterectomy is the surgical excision of the innermost part of the artery! Cool, huh? :D

OK, back to that terminology test to take...might get to see the new Dr. Who on TV tonight if it is on, it is soooo cool.

By the way, you all should open up the poll again. Hint hint. Geoff????
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Ruth,

Thank you for that explanation. That is so fascinating! I have never taken any classes where latin was required unfortunately. I can see why it is used now in science and medicine!

What's this about a new Dr. Who? Is it a new movie or a television show? I am so out of touch... :oops:

Hi Claude,

You are probably where you need to be in alpha with all the stillness you practice and practiced before doing the AC. Do you have a spiritual barometer in your AC?
I wouldn't worry too much about it...just go with the flow...

Sending a big hug to you Anne! (And everybody else too!)

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Post by Claude »

Hi Sandy,

I am a guy who think that time do not exist. (relatively) I take all my time in everything. I love to live in the present moment the more often possible. Here and now. ok i will do the ac just after this. Yes i have a frequency barometer. I don't do the ac everyday but almost every week.
I love a lot these words from a Solitare Messenger:

The psychic circles are not exclusively intellectual, neither are they wholly morontial; they have to do with personality status, mind attainment, soul growth, and Adjuster attunement. The successful traversal of these levels demands the harmonious functioning of the entire personality, not merely of some one phase thereof. The growth of the parts does not equal the true maturation of the whole; the parts really grow in proportion to the expansion of the entire self--the whole self--material, intellectual, and spiritual.

When the development of the intellectual nature proceeds faster than that of the spiritual, such a situation renders communication with the Thought Adjuster both difficult and dangerous. Likewise, overspiritual development tends to produce a fanatical and perverted interpretation of the spirit leadings of the divine indweller. Lack of spiritual capacity makes it very difficult to transmit to such a material intellect the spiritual truths resident in the higher superconsciousness. It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function--when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development--that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.

For many years i am taking care of this...
Last edited by Claude on Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Claude,

Living in the moment, the present is the best way to be. Makes life easier and much more enjoyable. I'm working on it, but I am not completely there yet!

I wanted to tell you that I love your avatar photo. You have such a warm smile. :D I wish I could reach through the computer and give you a big hug!

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Post by Claude »

Thank you Sandy,

I understand you. Me too i want to hug often person that i see. And i do it when i can and even if they don't want. Love, Love, Love.

Peace and Love. :geek:

PS. Yesterday i went to a chinese restaurant (i like cat and snake) :lol:
There was a old woman with only a won-ton soup and i have saw that she wished to talk with me. Finaly she have had sat at my table and we have talked.
After i was to leave she wanted to shake hands to say goodby. But i was keeping her hand in mine like i was cruising her. I was teasing her. :wink:
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Post by Sandy »

The strangest thig Claude...

Your quote from the UBook wasn't on my computer the first time I answered. :scratch: There is no way I could have missed that... But I wanted to tell you I was looking for that same quote from the UBook not long ago and didn't remember where it was or have a clue where to find it. Thank you for posting it!

I know the woman you sat with enjoyed your company as well as a nice laugh as you were leaving. I love Chinese food! My favorite dish lately has been a vegetable omelete. Sounds an odd thing to get at a Chinese restaurant, but I love it and it gives me a little extra protein that I need once in awhile. Do you have a favorite Chinese dish?

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Post by Claude »

Sandy Write:
Do you have a favorite Chinese dish?
I like a lot the traditional dish: two egg rolls, Chiken fried rice, Chop suey and sweet garlic spareribs. :wink:

But always i eat to live, i don't live to eat.. :wink:

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Post by AustinRuth »

Dear Claude and Sandy,
You all are making me hungry!!! Sweet garlic spareribs!!!

And I have a cold right now. Poor me.

Sandy, Dr. Who is a half-hour English science fiction series. Dr. Who travels through time in a space ship that looks like a large phone booth on the outside, but inside the proportions are as if it were a giant room (the inside of the spaceship). Dr. Who comes to the rescue when the planet is going to explode, or someone might die. He actually is sort of a funny guy. He gets to interact with all kinds of people from different centuries and from different planets. Dr. Who is sort of tall and has short hair (the shaved head look). He is really from another planet, which blew up a long time ago and he is the only survivor. Great story, right?

The original series was from the 1980's and Dr. Who was frizzy-haired and wore a very long knitted scarf that wound around his neck and down the front. It was striped. He had various long scarves, it was his signature look. That first series was a little funky on the special effects, the space aliens were really homemade looking, but the series had a big following. They showed it on PBS (Public Broadcasting Stations). The new series is likewise being shown on our local PBS station.

Sandy, I made an "A" on my terminology exam just now before I came on here. I was studying cardiology until I did not know a stent from a whistle. I was tired. Now, which one of those pesky questions did I get wrong? They send an e-mail that shows the grade and which one was incorrect. It is not too difficult (the test) since it is multiple choice, still it is hard to remember all those similar cardiac testing procedures, and the various arteries in the body and where they are located....I am getting hungry thinking about food.

Well, time to run for some Boston Market. Mom wants chicken and dressing (I don't know if they have dressing) but I can go see. I would rather have Chinese food! ha ha! :o
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Post by gypsie »

hi Sherri what an amazing story please give wings a hug from me she is so kind...

Great story much love Gypsie
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Post by Petra Wilson »

I used to LOVE the Dr Who series when I was growing up! There have been 10 of them so far, the very first one was the white-haired William Hartnell but that was back in 1963 so I wasn't even the glint in the milkman's eye then!! My favourite was Peter Davidson, (1982) probably the 5th doctor,,,hmm, yeah, happy days!! Now we have no tele I haven't seen any of the new series.

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Petra,

I just saw an adverisement for the newish Dr. Who series on the tele this week. first time I noticed know George and I only watch the television for.... ah..erm... educational purposes. :lol: It looks like fun show just as Ruth expressed. Our TV really can drive you bonkers though so you really have to want to see something to put up with the aggravation. The sound on the darn thing cuts out quite frequently and you have to play with the antenna chord or pound the side of the set as a last resort. (I must say at times it feels good to unleash those pent up emotions on that evil contraption! :twisted:

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Post by AustinRuth »

Dear Sandy and Petra,
Petra you are an historian! I have missed the last couple of Dr. Who episodes (newest edition) since it comes on so late on Saturday nights and recently our PBS station had fund raisers the last Saturday I tried to watch it. They had musicians/singers on from the 50s/60s/70s. I did enjoy listening to them and watching them. Ed Ames is alive and well and can still sing [my Mom is particularly fond of him, he did "Try to Remember" ("Try to remember a time of December when grass was green and we were callow, try to remember, and if you remember, then follow, follow, follow, follo-o-o-ow, etc.)] --Ruth :lol:
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Ruth,

I was searching in my mind, trying to remember who Ed Aimes was...and then when you said he did the song 'Try to Remember' His voice and that song came flooding back! Who could forget that hauntingly beautiful song! I break down and blubber whenever I hear it for some reason! Gee I'm a softie!

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello Ruth, hello Sandy! I didn't think you watched the box at all, except on the odd occasion. I remember when we had a tele which took about 10 minutes to warm up! At the time I had an American friend called Lisa Bloom and hers was like something out of Star Trek, huge, swanky thing and best of all was her dad's easychair! She introduced me to garlic toast and Flintstone's vitamin tablets :lol: Oh, and Cocacola! I came home and cried: "Mum, Dad!!! You lied to me!! Coke tastes great!!!"

Love, Petra XXX
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