Just ordered the CD

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Just ordered the CD

Post by jimmyb222 »

Can't wait to get it. I'm hoping that my guardians can help me in my journey in life. I need healing and a life purpose at the moment.

What is is like when using this CD, is it like a lucid dream? Whereby your in control?
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Post by blue nova »

What is is like when using this CD, is it like a lucid dream? Whereby your in control?
For me, yes, it is very similar to that. :wink:
I'm hoping that my guardians can help me in my journey in life
They are darlin', more than we realize and practicing the CD will help you tune in to hearing their guidance and the guidance of your own spirit.

You are a strong spirit Jimmy, more so than you give yourself credit for.

Hugs to you dear bro,
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Post by jimmyb222 »

Thankyou for your kind words Anne. Are you able to just know that I am a strong spirit as a realisation? Its so hard for me to realise this at the moment because I feel weak, people and events in the past have hurt me.

- Jimmy

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Post by Sandy »

Dear Jimmy,

You wrote:
Thankyou for your kind words Anne. Are you able to just know that I am a strong spirit as a realisation? Its so hard for me to realise this at the moment because I feel weak, people and events in the past have hurt me.
When I was a child I was taunted and humiliated by other children because of the way I looked and my lack of grace (A bit clumsey) I became afraid to interact with new people because I was afraid of being hurt. I learned to bury the pain so that I didn't have to feel anything or deal with the hurt. Long after I had kids of my own, I discovered that I still harbored these same fears and experiences from childhood and in fact still had many unresolved issues buried deep in my subconscious. In meditation, I examined each issue or situation as it arose in my heart. I looked objectively at what had occurred and asked myself a series of questions designed to help me see the situation in all its many sides. I looked at the other people involved saw what had occurred from their perspective, and tried to understand them and even forgive them. Some times it took several sessions before this was possible.

There is a quote in the book called 'Ask your Angels' that I have always loved about forgiveness.
"lack of forgiveness inhibits your personal progress by keeping you stuck. It binds you to the person or situation that you haven't forgiven, just as surely as if you were chained to it. It takes you out of the moment, out of the present time, and returns you to an unhappy or unpleasant state. And it is worse for you than for the person you haven't forgiven because it generates bad feelings, and you carry those feelings with you all the time whether you realize it or not.
While we talk about forgiving others, it is ourselves we need most to forgive, for not living up to our ideal of how we ought to be. There is such pain in this, so much self-flagellation. If only we could be compassionate with ourselves, we'd find that there is really no one else we need to forgive. We would accept our humanness good-naturedly and find ways to praise, not criticize or blame. And once we begin to do this, our self-acceptance, our forgiveness would start to spread to others."
I found great peace in releasing these things that I had carried with me all these years. It was difficult in some instance, but I discovered through the process that I was much stronger than I ever believed I could be. I believe you are too Jimmy. You are stronger than you think. We all can see what a beautiful person you are, but it is of most importance that you see it and realize your own self worth.

I am sorry this is so long and wordy..but you just reminded me so much of myself there for a minute. I felt weak for so long....Take care of yourself Jimmy and know you have a lot of friends here, both human and Celestial.

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Post by jimmyb222 »

Thanks Sandy. Your a great person, this has to be the best forum ever such nice people.

I know that in some ways I need to forgive myself, is it best to do this in meditation as I know that it can release old emotions and beliefs. Do I need to focus on the subject I want to resolve?

- Jimmy
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Post by blue nova »

Good morning Jimmy,
Are you able to just know that I am a strong spirit as a realisation?
Yes. You have many wonderful qualities to offer this world and I don't like to see you hold your true self inside, especially when it stems from some jerks in the past who pestered you.
Its so hard for me to realise this at the moment because I feel weak, people and events in the past have hurt me.
Once you learn to forgive yourself you will forgive others who have hurt you. You have to let the past go, learn from it and then release it....you can't put yourself in park and let it fester because it makes things soooo much more worse on yourself ( and others who are close to you).

Allow yourself to be Jimmy, be true to your spirit darlin' :wink: Don't let the others get to you :!: Your angels are looking out for you and they are always by your side cheering you on and giving you their guidance,all you have to do is believe in them.

Helloooo Sandy :sunny:
Reading the angel's quote felt like a big 'ol hug from heaven :wink:
Thank you for posting it, I just adore reading our loves' messages !
You are such an inspiration Sandy, love to you dear sis.

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Post by joycie_mw »


hi jimmy! hows it going with you lately? let me/us know how it goes with u with the ac cd! hows the dp?
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Post by jimmyb222 »

Hey, Its going ok thanks and you. My DP is getting better I think I just need to get involved in life, carefully process my thoughts into positive and continue to search for the answers to all this.

Do you have the CD?
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Jimmy,

You wrote:
I know that in some ways I need to forgive myself, is it best to do this in meditation as I know that it can release old emotions and beliefs. Do I need to focus on the subject I want to resolve?
Meditation is a great way to get in touch with your feelings and issues that affect you. It was easiest for me to always focuse and release each issue individually. In the beginning I had a long long list because I had never done anything of this sort before but I found it did get easier the more I meditated. (Thank goodness for that, because for a while there it seemed I was spending most of my meditative time every day just releasing!) It is important though and well worth the time and effort.
The Akashic Construct CD is also a great aid in this clearing as it often seems to go where it is most needed. I found it very effective in leading me into a meditative state where much inner healing and growth are possible. I'm a work in progress though, and I must say that some days are better than others, but on those off days I try not to berate myself. I know that at any given time, I can only do the best I can and even on those days when I feel I have fallen flat on my face, spiritual progress has still been made. :thumright: Take care.

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Post by wings »

Hi Jimmy,

I was reading through this thread, and kept nodding my head. Like Sandy, I can relate so much to what you said about feeling weak, and being hurt in the past.

I grew up with a severe stuttering problem, and was laughed at, and made fun of for most of my childhood, and through my teen years. My parents were divorced, and I was left alone, while my mother worked, from the time I was 7 years old. I was always a "strange" kid. I had "imaginary friends", and psychic ability that made me feel like and oddity among my family. I was different, and couldn't understand why. It wasn't a good feeling. I just wanted to "fit in", and be accepted by others, but I always seemed to be standing on the outside looking in.

Like you, I was hurt by people and events, and had issues with self-worth, self-doubt, and felt weak, and powerless to do anything about it. Looking back on what I went through, as a child, I know each challenge strengthened me, and prepared me for even greater challenges as an adult. I'm happy to say, like so many on this board, I'm a survivor, and like the old Timex watch commercial says. I "take a lickin', but keep on tickin"!

I received a great inner healing years ago, when I was finally able to Forgive.. I closed my eyes, and pictured each person, who was connected with a past hurt, standing in front of me. I looked at them, and said "I forgive you. I send you love. Go in peace." And I truly felt the release of all the anger and hurt I had been holding on to. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Please give this a try. I think you'll be amazed at the results! The past is gone. We need to release it.

I don't think you're weak at all, Jimmy. Fear itself is not weakness. We just can't give in to it. The past few years have been the most challenging of my life, bringing changes in every aspect of my life, even being diagnosed with a terminal illness (which they are questioning now). I felt weak, angry,and afraid, but I found an inner strength, deep within, I didn't know I had, and I keep fighting. We all have this. You have this. It's kind of secret weapon, that appears when we are pressed to the limit.

Keep a strong Faith, Jimmy. It will get you through Anything. Know you are loved and cherished by our Father, and all our Celestial friends, and our beautiful 11:11 family here on the board. Help is always just a prayer away.

I hope this helps in some way.

With Love,
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Post by jimmyb222 »

Thanks for your advice Sandy and Wings.

I'm still really confused at the moment with regards to my depression. On one hand I could take the anti-depressant the doctor has given me to help me through this with the risk of side effects, on the other hand I've got the positive thinking route and focus all my energy on positive thought and how nice my life will be in the future.

Doctors say that depression is a psychiatric disease but is it not also a suppression of emotions. How can it be a disease if you can get well from it just by getting therapy? I feel so lost at the mo. I know I'm heading in the right direction but I worry that if I don't get it treated then it will get worse.

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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Jimmy,
I told you before about the depression in my family. I have conquered depression without medication. My sister is bi-polar and able to maintain because of medication. My son is twenty-five and bi-polar. He's been on several kinds of medication since the age of eight. For him the right meds, or mix of meds is what he seems to need right now. Is it because he believes that he needs them to function? I don't know, but I can tell you that up until a year ago when I made him sit down and listen to me about my beliefs; that our lives are our choosing, we have the power to heal ourselves, God and angels are real, and the Law of Attraction. He was completely miserable and consequently, made everyone miserable around him.

Today, months later, he envisions a future for himself, and is consciously striving to work ever harder, instead figuring life will never change. For the first time in his life he has real hope. Is it because he is finally on the right medication after all this time? Is it because I make sure to tell him I love him everyday and make him listen to my ramblings? Is it that he is loosing his fear because of a belief in a higher power? I really think it is a combination of all of them.

So many of us on these boards have overcome huge obstacles in our lives. I know that you can too if you don't give up on yourself. I really hope you find your combination, because every individual is a crucial piece of the puzzle. It is our combined contribution to humanity that makes it all work.

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Post by MichelleP »

Hi Jimmy,

Yes, I have heard that depression is in a sense a suppression of emotions. Rather than feel bad one tries not to feel at all but still winds up feeling bad. But what is it you really want? Yes, you don't want to feel bad that is a given as no one wants to feel bad. But what we all really want is to be happy. To be happy takes switching from completely focusing on feeling bad to focusing on what makes you feel good. It is a choice and you will wak through that door one day but until then just keep asking yourself what is it that will make me happy. Just simply put it out there that you want to be happy and one day you will be.

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Post by spiritualgal »

Hi Jimmy, I suffered with depression for some time but no longer do. You need to forgive yourself and know that we all make our mistakes in life. My depression broke when I learned and started to realize I had a lot of negative thinking because of hurt in the past and what I realized was this thinking was hurting myself and blocking me from my true self. I believe that things good or bad can happen for a reason, sometimes we only see a piece of the puzzle at the time when things are going bad not realizing that the whole puzzle has not been completed/revealed yet. When I learned to live day by day and not worry about the future and trust and have faith I no longer had depression. I also had to realize that dwelling on the past and past mistakes was a waste of energy, I shouldnt worry about things from the past I cannot change? I now put the energy into the positive. I was able to do this sometime last year, it didnt happen overnight and it took time but I changed it, interestingly since I have changed my way of thinking and so on, I started seeing the 10:10, 11:11, 12:12 prompts. Perhaps I was not ready before and actually blocking myself. I am very happy to say each day is a gift. There will be hard times I am sure ahead but what I changed was how I deal with the hard times.

I just got the CD myself but have not used it yet. My mother passed away recently and I felt I had to get my emotions in check first before starting the CD. I also just got "the search for 11:11" book and thought I should read the book first as well. Lets keep each other updated on our progress, feel free to email me and/or add me to your IM. :)
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Post by jimmyb222 »

Hey thanks for the info.

I'm so sorry to hear about your mother, I hope that everyone effected is ok.

I've really gotta start doing this CD everyday, I'm so lazy and need to get it sorted really.

Love and Light,
- Jimmy
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