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Post by Sandy »

Hey Everybody!

Mo I have just had the most fun playing "Where's Waldo" with the fairies and nature spirits. Judy has some great photos on her site! Do you have a favorite? I think I like the first one, 'Tree Spirit'. I have always loved trees!
What did Aleah think of the site Kim?

What you wrote makes sense to me.
I agree with everything you said about trying to improve ourselves... But, maybe we're not suppose to be positive all the time... Maybe part of the process is allowing the negative to overcome us once in awhile so we can learn from it. I think the key is that we are honestly trying to be better, not that we haven't accomplished it yet. It really is all about the journey.
It is easy to put pressure on yourself to try to be "positively perfect"all the time and in the process forget the whole reason for it in the first place. To be happy, joyous, and peaceful! I can see it could easily become a burden if you are not careful. We have tear ducts and emotions for a reason. What do you all think about the act of crying? I have always felt better after a good cry...Seems like much pressure and negative emotions roll out with the tears and I always have a sense of a new beginning. Like there is room for good stuff again.
I think you are absolutely right when you say a person should allow time for something frivolous in their life to keep their heart just have to consider it important and find some time for it. That can sometimes be the crux... finding the time.

Hi Starr, thank you for the idea of the gratitude journal. I have recently gone back to doing something that I used to do without fail...writing a letter to God, Christ Michael, or Mother Nebadonia every day. (Usually all three because I feel guilty if I leave any of them out) It has helped start my morning off right and I think I could easily incorporate the gratitude list in with that! I would love to read the six steps to manifesting if you can find it too please. That would be great! I am a bit of a newbie with this line of thought.

I do feel the Love Kim, Thanks sweet lady! :sunflower:

Hugs to all of you too! :cheers:
xxx Sandy
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Post by Starrlyte »

I love the idea of a Letter to God, et al! What a great idea!!! I hope the gratitude journal works for you!!!:)

Well, I was a step off, there are 7 steps (been a while since I read through this!). Anyway, The Secret gets you to step 4, but leaves out the rest. I think the rest is just as important....

Here you go!

7 Steps to Manifesting

1. Intent
What do you intend to manifest? See it, name it and consider how it aligns to you as well as your beliefs. Be POSITIVELY, ANALLY SPECIFIC!! Keep it in positive wording as well, so you don't say, "when I get it" (projecting to some unknown date), or "I don't want to worry about financing..." The Universe doesn't relate to the negative, so what the Universe hears is "I want to worry about financing" (don't, no, without, etc are all negative). Think of it as your list to Santa. You don't say "Santa, I want this, but don't bring me this....."

2. Visualization
How does what you want affect the rest of humanity? We are all ONE , so while the benefit to you is obvious, what's the benefit to the rest of us? So, for example, the new cars: the benefit to you is safe, reliable transportation for you and your family. The benefit to the rest of us is: better gas mileage means less demand for fuel, more environmentally friendly therefore kinder to the planet and the air we breathe; (perhaps more room in the vehicle so you can carpool); etc. It doesn't have to be a huge connection, but there should be some type of connection to the 'greater good'. There is nothing wrong in wanting things for ourselves, but if you are more in line with the bigger picture then you are also less likely to create the types of situations you currently have created (breaking things). This is why this is 'visualization' because you need to SEE what the connection is to the greater good. By giving we receive. It is the Law of Polarity; it is also invoking the Law of Cause & Affect (karma). People seem to forget there are more Universal Laws than just the Law of Abundance and the Law of Attraction. Nothing happens in isolation, there are many Universal Laws in play at the same time.

3. Projection
Picture it as if it already is. Over and over and over again. Hold the image. Be tenacious. The more you are able to see it an hold the image, the quicker you become aligned to Divine will.

4. Invocation - "Bring It On!"
Feel it. Breathe it, live it. Merge your thoughts with your feelings. Be passionate about it. At this point you may end up adjusting your intent because if you can't feel passionate about what you are intending to manifest, then you are not truly in alignment with it, so you may have to modify it until you DO feel passionate about it.

5. Evocation
What do you need to do to set it in motion? Think of it this way "You can't win the lottery until you buy a ticket" So what have you done to set things in motion towards your goal?

6. Stabilization
During this stage all impractical or unrealistic aspects will become clear to you. It's important you don't become discouraged at this point, because you are really close to achieving your goal. The vision doesn't have to fall apart at this point; it just may need to be reworked given the practical realities currently at hand. Remember to breathe, relax, and reassess. Remember if you really and truly want it, nothing can hold you back.

7. Formulation
This is the happy place; where it finally comes together. Be prepared
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Starr,

First I wanted to say I love your photo! It is so nice to see your smiling face! And second Thanks so much for finding the 7 Steps to Manifesting and posting them so quickly. In reading through them I can see there are areas I am definitely going to have to give more thought to. I hope you were able to cut and paste and save your poor tired little fingers. :lol:

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Post by Starrlyte »

Thanks Sandy! I figured that it was time to put myself out here! :)

No problem on the steps for manifesting. Luckily I was able to cut and paste, so it really wasn't a big deal. You can see that while the Secret covers a lot of the steps, it just doesn't go far enough, and I think that sets people up to fail..... :(
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Post by MichelleP »

Hello Starrlyte,

I absolutely agree with you that The Secret does leave some valuable information out that could indeed lead people to become discouraged. This appears to be a much more rounded list so thanks a bunch for sharing.

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Thalia,
What a wonderful dream, sure wish I could get inside some of my foxgloves, wonder if I'd end up in your garden. sounds absolutely delightful....
and I too think painting them would be a great idea.

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Ladies,
well, I've been away from the MB for about a week, and it's absolutely amazing what can transpire in a week,,,,,

I've learned a valuable lesson though in regards to posting a reply, then going elsewhere and thinking it's minimized and losing my whole letter..

the brain, must have clicked in..... I was typing a long letter and decided I had to come back to it, so I copied and pasted it to my 'word' program.

then I minimized everything and went and did, whatever it was....
sure enough when I came back, I lost my links, but I still had my letter..

TA DA :bana: doesn't it make you feel great when something works...

so here we are back to discussing "The Secret".....

Fr starrlyte Jul 30
Oh, and as to The Secret, just keep in mind that the book doesn't really go far enough. It explains the part about the Law of attraction, but does not go into actually doing the work to get what you want, and/or how things may get shaken up before things finally fall into place.

This was kind of funny Starrlyte,,,,,it's no small wonder that the Secret, didn't tell all,,,,just a hook to get you to buy it, but didn't deliver the goods.

When they made the movie, they skipped over alot.....with a bare mention of where they got the material......the movie itself, and their book, was based on the actual channelings of "Abraham", written by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham), and the book was/is called "Ask and It Is Given"....

but the Secret, actually taught very little, perhaps it was just the beginning to get people to start thinking positive about who they are and what they want in life, sort of get them on the right track....

so I would just like to let everyone know, that there's even more, than the 7 steps to manifestation......

go to the basics, and borrow or buy a copy of Ask and It is Given,,,,

it's really a step by step process, which if one masters, you don't have to rework anything, as in step 6,,,,,reworking takes you back to the beginning, well at least back to step 4

As soon as I get it typed up...I'll start another thread .....I'll title it "Ask and it is Given".....and post some quotes from it.....
to start with, on how our very emotions, determine the type of vibration we give out,,,,,,,and depending on the vibration we give out, is what comes back......

there's a way to determine your emotional set point, and 22 processes of "How To"....... and they work.....

so Starrlyte is right, there is alot more to manifesting, than just the law of attraction,,,,,,,however I was recently told, that even in spirit, that the law of attraction is very much in polarity,,,,,,no karma,,,,not in the world of spirit, but the law of attraction is very BIG.....

so now I've just given myself another 'job' to do,,,,and a refresher course to boot.....and I'm quite looking forward to it......

I was just scanning the book, and saying, I forgot about that,,,hmmmmm.

an incredible, and funny read, I hope everyone gets to read it.....

even health issues, Gypsie.....

gotta go,,,,dinner time,,,,

love to all, pp
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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Thalia,
My Mom and I keep a record of our more interesting dreams. In a dream last year I was a purple fairy princess in a garden. It was very beautiful!

Keep dreaming!
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy,
I hope my post didn't sound preachy. It just took me so long to stop being over critical of myself. By the way Aleah and I are big supporters of crying. What better way of washing away past pain and inviting future possibilities!

Aleah's response to the fairy pictures. First it was the non-verbal questioning raised brow and shrugged shoulders, then "Mom?... I've been seeing fairies since I was two... Don't you see fairies?" Of course I had to roll my eyes and give her the, "Don't you know how many people in the world would love to...blah, blah, blah," talk.

You know it's really kind of weird watching your child that has so many spiritual gifts. She amazes me everyday, but then I never know who I will encounter! Will it be her old-soul self that can confirm matter-a-factly of a guided message my brother received forty years ago, or her thirteen year old self that has lost all her confidence and facing her first year of high school. Or the person who is throwing socks at me because she wants to use the computer!

Dear Starr,
Thank you for posting the steps to manifestation. They come 'of course' at a very opportune time for me.

Dear Lynn,
Today I was in our local grocery store, been shopping here for thirteen years. Today I look up and there was 'your tea' as clear as day, sitting right on the shelf. Had to pass it by, will savor it in cooler weather, but it made me smile and think of you. I'll be looking forward to seeing your new thread.

Love to all,
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone! :hithere

November, I looked up hair loss in one of my herbal-medicine books, and indeed, it says one possible cause is "sudden or excessive weight loss," so maybe your body's just still adjusting to your new weight. According to this book, omega-3 fatty acids, beta kerotene, the B-complex vitamins, and zinc, as well as soybeans, foods that tonify the kidneys (such as raw black sesame seeds, cooked black beans, kidney beans), and silicon-rich foods (such as kelp, onions, the skin of organic cucumbers and red peppers, oats,nuts, buckwheat, barley, nutritional yeast, almonds, seeds like pumpin and sunflower, and fresh vegetable juices made with beet, carrot, nettle, and spinach with a bit of onion) can all be helpful for hair loss. Using jojoba-oil-based hair-care products and spending about 20 minutes a day lying on a slant board to increase blood flow to your scalp also help, according to this book.

Gypsie Deb, I agree wholeheartedly with everyone else here: I know you can stay focused on health and bring your body into glowing, perfect balance, and that we are all supporting you with prayers and healing energy! According to my herbal-medicine books, some good foods to eat when quitting smoking are oats (eaten regularly, they can curb the desire for nicotine), yogurt (to calm the nerves), sunflower seeds that need to be shelled (nourishing and keeps the hands busy), crystallized ginger (opens the lungs), alkalinizing foods such as apples, almonds, beet greens, berries, carrots, celery, dandelion greens, figs, lima beans, onions, peas, raisins and spinach (help curb desire for nicotine), high-chlorophyll vegetables like collards and kale (help the body better utilize oxygen), foods rich in beta-carotene (e.g., carrots, winter squash) and high-sulfur foods (like broccoli and cabbage), which help prevent lung-related diseases, as well as high-fiber foods (oat bran, flaxseeds, carrots, celery, sweet potatoes) and fresh vegetable juices (such as celery, beet, wheat grass, and carrot, diluted by half with spring water), which help cleanse and detoxify the body. Also, it is recommended to drink lots of water! -- speaking of which, I've gotten totally out of the habit of drinking water again (as we all discussed a ways back on this thread!), so I am carrying a 32-ounce water bottle around with me today! It's early evening, and so far I've drunk about 1/3 of the amount of water I need for the day! :roll:

As for Harry Potter, I love those books too, and have read the first three of them. I got part way through the fourth one a few years back, but somehow got sidetracked (it was back in Boulder when I had a 60-hour-a-week job! :roll: ) and haven't got back to them again. I'd love to go back and finish reading the whole series now that they're all available and most of them are out in paperback and therefore easier to carry around! :D

Mo, I enjoyed looking at the fairy website you mentioned! And, Thalia, what a wonderful dream about the fairies! Where we live, there are so many trees with moss and ivy growing all over them, that there must be fairies everywhere; I'd love to be able to actually see them -- I hope I can eventually develop that ability!

Starr, thanks for that great list of steps to manifesting; that's really useful -- I agree, it's great to see your smiling face on your avatar!

Sandy, I think feeling consistently positive all the time is a challenge for all of us. Sometimes I think when we make a lot of really positive progress, it kicks up a bit more of our resistance, which can cause us to feel not-so-good for a period of time, but then we just learn better and better ways to keep overcoming our resistance, and, as you say, reaffirming our intentions, and allowing the well-being in the Universe to flow to us. I've been encountering a bit of that myself in the past week or two. On the henna again, there's also "neutral henna," which is actually the herb cassia obovata. According to the Henna For Hair website, "Neutral henna, a green powder that smells like freshly cut grass, is neither henna nor neutral. It is Cassia obovata. Cassia obovata contains anthraquinones, particuarly Chrysophanic acid, a remarkable anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial. Cassia obovata doesn't color hair. It will help damaged hair, make hair full, glossy, healthy." This might be yet another alternative, if you were to decide you just wanted the herbal conditioning benefits without actually changing your hair color.

Lynn, I have and love Louise Hay's book, "You can Heal Your Life," and it contains at least part of that same list of physical symptoms and the probable emotional causes behind them that you mentioned from her book, Heal Your Body. -- I love that list! I'm also really glad to see that you've now started that thread on Abraham's Ask and It Is Given that you mentioned. I happen to be just beginning to work with some Abraham processes in earnest the past few weeks, and really benefitting from them. I have been doing the "Wouldn't It Be Nice If..." Process a lot lately (and finding it very helpful), and was just reading about the "Book of Positive Aspects" process (very similar to the gratitude journal you mentioned, Starr), and I want to start one this week! So I definitely plan to go over and contribute to that thread at my next available opportunity!

I agree, Kim, I can really feel the love and friendship on this thread! I feel very blessed to know all of you! Oops, it's about time to go make dinner now, so take care, Everyone!

Love and Blessings All LUV2,

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Post by Geoff »

I have wondered what it was about the secret that bothered me, and today I found it. In "The Yoga of the Christ", a book by Murdo MacDonald-Bayne, a Tibetan Teacher has this to say:
Most people, in fact nearly all, are searching for outward security. But when there is outward insecurity, there is always inward insecurity, and when there is inward insecurity, there must be outward insecurity, because the inward is always expressing itself outwardly. With this lack of understanding mankind has developed a philosophy of hope.

Now the man who clings to hope is a dying man, he is not living, because to him what is important is the future, not what is now. Therefor a man who lives in hope is not living at all. He is living somewhere in the future, and living in the future is not living now, but now is the only time, for now is the only Real; you cannot live yesterday or tomorrow. If you live in the future or in the past you are merely living in your mind, then Life is merely an idea, living in Time which is but an illusion.
If the secret addressed the issue of inward security, we would automatically manifest outward security. But it doesn't, it tries to trick the mind into thinking we can manifest outward security without inward security.

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Post by MichelleP »

I agree Geoff to a degree. Most people do live their lives in hope but the whole premise of the Secret is a description of how life works. Ask and you shall recieve. Whether we are aware or not it is always working to our advantage or disadvantage depending on if we pin our life on hopes (expectations) or accept whatever happens as it should be which is generally easier to achieve when we live in the moment. The bottom line being you can't stop your life from happening because you are always thinking but it is where you put your thoughts that determines how happy or unhappy your life will be.

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Post by Starrlyte »

I agree Michelle!!! I also think there is more to it than that! The Secret talks about acting as though you already have what you want, therefore bringing it into the now, not the future. I think the other part is learning to focus on the positives in your life, not the negatives. You get what you put out there, if you focus on negatives, you get negatives, if you focus on positives, no matter how small.... well, more comes your way! It can be hard, looking for that silver lining, but it is always there!!! I have an e-book somewhere, and I can't remember the name of it, but there is a great quote that really helped me..... "I am always in exactly the right place for my success" In other words, no matter how bad a sitiuation is, I am always exactly where I need to be for my own forward and positive movement. I have found that by blessing sitiuations that I normally would stress over, they go absolutely wonderfully. So, for instance, I had my mid-year review yesterday. Before I got to work, I thanked the Universe for sending my bosses to give me feedback so I could continue to grow. It was a wonderful conversation. Just a year ago, this would have been full of negativity and I would have walked out upset and confused. Balance, perception is key.......

PP-I have read "Ask and it is Given", I LOVED it!!!! :) I think though that it takes different explanations for different folks to get the concept. It sounds so easy, and the thing is, things don't necessarily play out the way we expect them to. As for my 7 steps, I don't think that step 6 brings you back to step four. I see it more as bringing yourself into alignment, refining what you asked for. So, if I asked for something 6 months ago, and I'm now having problems keeping the excitement going, I can look and say "What changed, what do I have to change to bring my higher vibration back?" As soon as you find that place, bang, things start to fall into place. I think people also get frustrated when the things they are trying to manifest don't occur immediately. All in perfect divine timing..... Learning to feel the thing you want, and then release how it comes to you takes PRACTICE!!! LOL!

I have found that staying positive ALL the time is impossible. Balance is key. Being kind, gentle and forgiving of yourself is key! Believe in yourself, believe in miracles that occur each and everyday, and FEEL the excitement and love and light that is your life!!! :)

Sorry, I get really passionate about this stuff!!! LOL!

Hope you all have wonderful, incredible days!!!

Love and light and hugs,

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The Secret

Post by MichelleP »

Hi Starrlyte,

No need to feel sorry about being passionate. It is a wonderful place to be. Your list was actually much more rounded then what was offered in the Secret which if I remember correctly was only three steps. And the biggest step they left out was your step 6 on how to hold onto the vision without getting disscouraged because more than likely things don't manifest overnight. So it was a very good list because I think like Geoff a lot of people felt though the Secret was wise in it's message there was definitely something missing from it. Which I think is why it came and went so quickly. You really don't hear about it anymore except for boards like these. But for the most part I appreciate that the book was able to touch the general public if but for a brief moment. We can use all the help we can get in transforming the world from focusing on what is wrong to focusing on what is right. It really is the only way to heal this beautiful planet we live on. In any event thanks for sharing your list if I didn't say so before. :D

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Post by November »

Thank you Aqualeaf. I was wondering if my hair had something to do with weight loss or eating habits, because years ago when I had pneumonia, the same thing happened. 3 months after being sick my hair started falling out and now it's been 3 months since I cut back on calories. Thanks for the info!
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Post by peacockplume »

Geoff, excellent research, well done,,,,,awesome.....

if 'the secret'had really 'researched' the principles, since their movie/book was based on 'Abrahams Teachings', they'd have covered the whole 'now' aspect.....

what peeved me off, was the fact that they used, only a fraction of the information as a money grab.....

I tell as many people as I can, that there's no substance to 'the secret'

obviously, they never really found out what the real secret they only stayed focused on the material aspects....

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Post by peacockplume »

gosh ladies, your energy is so incredible......I love the way you think, and feel....

there's so many questions and answers, it's hard to keep going through the individual letters, then I get an answer, and have to back track to find out, who was it that asked that, or said that.....

it took me awhile, but ever since November mentioned hair falling out, I knew someone had told me one thing inparticular that was instrumental, then in Aqua/Deb's 'list', I saw it. and it's maybe before you try supplementing and maybe overdoing one particular vitamin/mineral, get your Dr to run a test, to see how your zinc level is.....

since this report, was from a male friend of mine (about the zinc), and he has a beautiful head of hair,,,so I'd investigate your own body levels first..

you also mentioned that 3 months ago, you cut back on calories.....boy this is a no win situation.....unfortunately, when you cut back on calories, you also cut back on what your body requires to function properly, and it's usually minerals, that take the it could very well be related..... when we lived in Germany, (I gained so much weight,,,,lets not go there), however, I had to learn (the hard way also), just what was in every morsel that went down the hatch......the horror I discovered was that in order for me to get what I needed from food, in content, meant that I had to eat 2,500 calories a day, of perfectly balanced meals, which meant all 5 food groups, 3 times a day.......good luck,,,,so you cut back calories, and you have to supplement, or your only hurting the way, I lost over 40 ate everything I just couldn't live without (German beer and wine,,,,,it's actually good for you).......deep fried chicken and desserts......oh,,,,,well, that's another discussed with some "Chai Tea"

Think we all need to go to the 'Cafe',,,,,,time out.....

oh my's 3:17 a.m. (not that I'm on a time schedule), but it's becoming a bad habit....there's one nice thing I'm discovering about getting older, is that you need less sleep, and you get it when you need it.
something for all you young ones (Sandy 29, hee hee) to look forward to.

I think Michelle, you hit a nail on the head, with the secret touching the public awareness.......perhaps it's purpose was a 'door opener'.....I've found more opportunity in being able to show 'those seeking' the foundation.....and it's wonderful when you see the light bulb go on,,,,,then they start transforming their lives, from the inside first.....

Starrlyte, wonderful affirmation you passed on,,,,,one I can paste in a few appropriate places for me right now....have you noticed that the most powerful affirmations always begin with I AM........really says it all hey!
question.......have you read Ask......more than once???? since you've seen the difference in yourself from a yr it again, and you'll get a whole new set of messages......

and on that note, I've only posted a couple of times on the Ask thread, and I'm about to get into the first chapter, which talks about that very thing......reading it more than once.

you've got a good point about bringing yourself more into alignment, just remember it isn't so much the 'what' you ask for, but the how, and where you're asking from....when you have that alignment you don't lose the higher vibration, cuz it's always a work in progress......that'll be discussed on the 'ask' thread,,,,I hope there'll be some discussion, which is why I'm putting it out in small sections, so we can bounce back and forth between posts....

I love your passion,,,,,it's one of the key ingredients....

oh Deb, before I forget,,,,,since you're into some of the processes, have you tried "the Pivot" yet,,,,I noticed you had it on your chart, and thought you must have tried was one of the first ones we did as a group, what fun it was.....

well, gals, if I'm going to keep my own committment of doing at least 1 hr a day on the Ask thread, I better go to bed, it's now nearing 4 a.m.

Love to you all
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Post by gypsie »

Aqua Deb
Thank you for the wonderful list of foods to help I remember way back in the thread you talked of healing foods. I am writing them down and will follow your tips.. it is such a gift to have the amazing diversity here, I love it..
Sorry to not catch up on all I have read the posts but am flooded with a gypsie family reunion which happened today. Cousins from all around the world gathered in a park today on beautiful Sydney harbour... What a glorious day, my daugther Yasmin said all the Scottish accents talking at once was deafening... me I just kept talking..
As we talked about family members who have passed we renamed the park Goosebump Park...
Magical Day Just Magical blessed to be alive :cheers:
Love to all Gypsie Deb will write soon... Geoff I totally agree I knew something bothered you way back in page one, research well done..
it certainly came from inside today... we will not regret the past nor wish to live in the future (AA Big Book).
I did a meditation with the boys before State basic skills exams this week... a yoga meditation about living in the present...

Living in the present is the perfect place to live :sunflower:
Love is an action and not a word...
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Post by blue nova »

If the secret addressed the issue of inward security, we would automatically manifest outward security. But it doesn't, it tries to trick the mind into thinking we can manifest outward security without inward security.
Bingo ! Thank you Geoff, something seemed a bit off and I
couldn't quite put my finger on it till now.

Like Gypsie in the present, the now. Have you read any of Eckhart Tolles books Deb ?

Hugs everyone,
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.. ~Swami Rama Tirtha~
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Post by Morning Light »

Wow! This thread has become a book!

Now, before I forget, all of you coffee lovers... my favorite cuppa coffee is a Breve with carmel and vanilla flavoring... tastes like a lovely roasted marshmellow :D and Aqua Deb, I like the cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamon spices too. There is a spice called pumpkin pie that I like to use... has all of the spices you would put in a pumpkin pie :wink:

Just want to say that I've been sitting here having a cup'a joe with ya all for probably the past hour and a half.... catching up on your lives.... all good stuff... my head is a whirl on where to begin. I'll try to remember who said what and if I miss anyone please don't be offended..... and here we go....

Sandy, I haven't heard anything about the play so far... it will be performed in October... I'll have that month off so I am excited to start up something new... learning, changing and evolving :wink: I am sending you a ((((huge cyber hug)))) sorry to hear that you've been down. I get that way too sometimes, the thing about being more conscious and aware, is that we are more conscious and aware :lol: The key, for me, is to be kind and gentle with myself while I am trying to learn a new behaviour, way of thinking etc. Thank you for the re-minder because I've been relentless with myself lately... no shelter from my self critical mind :tongue: I'm taking a page from you and Seeker in this regard... perfection comes at the end of a journey... Which reminds me... I've just begun reading this book... it's called "The Velveteen Principles for Women" shatter the myth of perfection and embrace all that your really are by Toni Raiten-D' Antonio. It is an excellent read, so far!

Tannis, Cathy Lynn, Aqua Deb, Petra...It is has been wonder-full to read your experiences in regards to "fire the grid". Before I fell asleep, seeing how I needed to be up for work at 5 am and jealously guarding every minute of sleep I can get, I asked that my I AM presence take part in the intent and celebration. Not sure what happened but I slept like a rock..... Yesterday was our first annual Reiki Reunion and Drumming for Peace on Planet Earth. It was beautiful! I shed many tears of joy, just to know and be with such beautiful people... much like this site!

Peacock and Reborn, I've let my hair go grey, it is still partially red, which was my natural color. I am planning to have three colors streaked into it the next time I visit my hair dresser... red, brown and blonde... since my hair is.... sort'of salt and ginger now. I agree with what you've all said.. I have no problem going grey, bright red or anywhere in between... what ever suits my fancy at the mo! Aqua Deb, you've peaked my interest in regards to henna, your hair looks luscious and bright!

In regards to painting rooms in your home for healing etc. I Love this idea and I have written down the name of the book. Petra, when we moved the realtor had us paint the front door white, since it was red at the time. We worried about the key lime den and the mauve kitchen... but the people who bought it loved it! I painted my reiki/meditation room turquoise and purple with a gold foil band between the two colors.... It is Beautiful! and very helpful for meditation and healing work. Sandy I agree with Deb, the leaves dipped in paint was a very creative idea! I've got lots of white walls right now and I'm planning to do something drastic soon... sponging etc :shock: Magenta and green, I bet that would make your eyes pop! I've been amazed at the colors people use, and how beautiful they are together.

It sounds like you have figured out your shoulder problem, so sorry to hear of your trouble... I know that you can overcome it... mind over matter... I'll be sending reiki your way just as soon as I finish here. One day, I plan to visit Australia, I would love to meet you and your lovely family!

Yes, I am a Karuna Reiki Master there are many healers on this site.... each using different techniques but healers with out a doubt. If this is something your are interested in doing... you might want to join us in the healing group that George has created on this site. Another book that is great for diagnosing the mental/emotional origin of an illness is called "Feelings Buried Alive, Never Die" It is a wonderful book that includes a script for releasing negative thoughts for positive ones etc. I'd type it up right now but I cannot figure out where I've put it... will find it and put it in this thread soon.

Thalia,Thank you for sharing your lovely fairy dream, it sounds heavenly! P'raps it wasn't a dream eh? Have you seen Judy's Queen of the Fairies site yet? It is the absolute bomb diggety! In fact, I think I will start a thread in that regard soon! Sandy, the Tree Spirit is my favorite also. As a child, I had a weeping willow in my back yard, I would climb up into her arms and sit there for hours. I can't really explain the feeling of being loved and protected, but I felt that I was. Seeker, isn't it wonder-full, the site I mean? What did Aleah say after seeing it? The pictures are completely authentic and Judy has taken alot of them near her home. There is soo much beauty to see, right under our noses. Starrlyte, I love the idea of a fairy bridge and tree... what a magical site to see on your way to work each day. Funny how you can feel a difference when the elementals/fairies are around.

November,I've been losing my hair for quite a while now :shock: Thank you Cathy Lynn and Aqua Deb for the hair info.... I'll have to read it again now that I've caught up on this thread LOL!! My hair is still thick, I thought it might have to do with being pre-menapausal... hormones etc. :scratch: Other than losing hair, how are you feeling with your new weight loss? I've been gaining weight like a christmas turkey, ever since I started this desk job! I take walks on my first and last break.... gotta do something different... how did you lose all of that weight? Are you healthy? Oh, I must tell you all here... pole dancing will get you into shape quick! It takes alot of body strength to do all of those dips and dives.... to avoid further confusion... I only danced on the lesson day... but if I did it often. Just thought I would mention that here for people who hate excercising 8)

Gypsie, Starrlyte, How about that Harry Potter eh! I absolutely loved it! I totally agree with you Seeker, what an imagination.. and funny! I'm still laughing over the soup that smelled like burning underpants... no worries AJ... mums the word!

Just want to send warm hugs and sunshine to all of you... and rain to those in a drought Tannis, Nicola, Gypsie, Kim, Petra, Cathy Lynn, Sandy, Reborn Falcon, Anne, Michelle, AJ, Thalia, November, Geoff, Peacockplume, Aqua Deb, Starrlyte, Seeker! Hope I haven't missed anyone! It's been great spending this time with you, what a great conversation, over a cuppa joe!

Keep Your Sunny Sides Up :sunny:
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Post by Seeker13 »

Hi ya, Mo'!
Aleah's painting her room purple as we speak! One wall is going to be a baby blue sponge over the purple. We're going to attempt to dye the carpet dark purple. She liked the fairy site was a little surprised to know that not everyone sees fairies though.

The title of the book you suggested really spoke to me. I'm going to try and find it and the one Lynn is working on. We're going on vacation and plan on doing a lot of reading, especially with the long layovers.

Sorry ladies, don't think I'll ever go gray, probably since I still feel about twelve inside!... Excuse me while I break up a food fight, there's broccoli flying every where! I guess Aleah and Dave are stuck at about seven!


And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Post by Morning Light »

Hello Seeker!
Are you going anywhere exciting? I've never equated my hair color with my age... Lowell says it makes me look distinguished.... isn't that what they say about grey haired men LOL ! I'm ready to dye it purple and spike it.... NOT :lol:

Enjoy the trip, Enjoy the book!

Aleah, you are going to love your purple bedroom!

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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Mo',
We're headed to Colorado, bought my hiking boots and Peacockplume's book today. We searched high and low at the book store for your's. Will have to look on-line maybe.

I'm jealous, Dave refuses to let me paint our room purple! Men.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Post by Morning Light »

Oh Wow!
We attended my friends wedding... she was married at the Colorado National Monument near Fruita.... red rock, very beautiful... she was bare footed with a wreath of flowers and feathers, that she had collected from her parrot over the years, in her hair... it was a traditional native american ceremony.

Colorado is gorgeous! Especially through Ouray and Silverton on the million dollar highway to Durango. Once we got in Durango, we took the old train up to Silverton again, it was a beautiful ride. Mesa Verde is the bomb diggety :shock: I hope you are able to see some of these things that I am talking about!

I bought the book "Ask and it is Given", long before it became a great sensation, it is an excellent book. Funny thing is that Esther Hicks is the sister of a friend I worked with years ago... her channeling of Abraham was the first that I had ever heard of channeling... and in a way... listening to her tapes, started me on my own spiritual journey in this regard. I keep looking for the Ask and it is Given cards... I would like to take them to work with me and draw a card each day.

I think that you will enjoy The Velveteen Principles.... we already do, and understand, alot of it... being a part of this site is evidence to the fact that we have our own minds/hearts and we know how to use them. Alot of it is about having an awareness of how other people's opinions, which Toni calls OPO's, along with US of G, United States of Generica, POW's Perfect Object Women etc. effect our lives... and especially our children.

I think you will have an excellent time in Colorado... if you find that you have loads of extra time.... Bruce and hopefull Gai will be visiting me on Aug. 20th and we are going to take a bit of a road trip to Southern Utah... you and your family are more than welcome!

With Love and Warm Hugs!
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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Mo'
Sounds like a wedding to fill the senses! I actually thought of you when we decided to go west. I would love to join you, especially if Gai is going to be there but the fam. is coming up with new plans everyday. Some year soon it will happen.

Will you tell Gai I said,"Hi! With extra sugary hugs and kisses!" I haven't seen a post from her in a long time. I miss her quirky sense of humor and words of wisdom.

I'm putting the books on my list. There's always something new and exciting to open our eyes isn't there. Take care, I really should get something done today!... Think I'll sing, "Colorado rocky mountain high!"

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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