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Post by Sandy »

Oh Cathy,

I can just imagine how beautiful your home must be, surrounded by all that forest. Our immigration agents home is out in the middle of no where in the middle of a deep forest. I am always struck by how quiet it is out there..the hustle, bustle, and car and airplane noises (we live near an airport) of the city are left far behind. It's funny as I listen though, I discover what at first seems quiet usually becomes a loud "din" of sound as I begin to hear the insect and bird life as well as the swish of the tree boughs pushing against each other in the wind. The smell is what is most striking to me. I close my eyes and deeply inhale the wonderful smells of wood and plant life. Gosh I love it! Just give me a one room shack in the middle of no where surrounded by trees and I am happy...
Hope everyone has a blessed day!
You too Cathy!
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Hello EveryOne, I'm glad you did end up getting the property Cathy. And Deb, what a fantastic place to live. It's nice here in Wales but it never has resonated with me and I hate to say it as most folk think Phil and I are spoilt having almost inherited the farm. In the end, because we simply don't feel at home here, we've decided we definitely are moving.
Phil's parents have been kind enough to let us live in another one of their houses (they rent them in the summer) until we find a place of our own, hopefully down South but not on the coast. Keep ya's posted on that!!
Anyway, Croupet is a tiny hamlet in a broad green valley and there's forest too, with a little stream passing the house. It'll be lonely for me, but I think I need the solitude for a while...
Renee, I notice your keyboard spacebar is still on the blink? You said:
i think anyone can make up their mind several times on one particular issue. soetimes it may not be just about the hard facts or the simple thoughts, but your intuitive feelings. maybe? i think.
Maybe, I think so too! I make up my mind several hundred times on an issue. But if in doubt at all, I always rely on my good old intuition as it's never failed me! :D
Hey Sandy, you wrote:
I love it! Just give me a one room shack in the middle of no where surrounded by trees and I am happy...
I couldn't agree more! And a one room shack is way more easier to keep clean than a big house, hehehe!! Dear me, I am a spoilt brat when I think I have no neighbours and can put the music up as loud as I want, the kid's can scream to their hearts content and no-one barely hears!!! Most homes I have lived in had really noisy neighbours. It's an awful experience when every night the people above you are screaming at each other and watching TV at full volume without caring what anyone thinks. I seem to have forgotten about that!! I had one neighbour who complained profusely about Thalia waking up in the night for her bott-bott! Yet they had loud parties almost every other night till 6 am!!! Awful thing happened though, a week after we moved out, they were killed in a car accident.

Be good and hugs to you All, Love Pet XXXXX
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Post by gypsie »

Hi CathyLynn

I just wanted to say I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply I haven't logged on and when I read your post I thought OH NO :oops: did I come across the opposite to the way I intended, I am so sorry. You have not brought discord to the thread, I loved what you had to say, you have brought a exciting and loving new life to the thread.

Sandy when you mentioned there may be people out there who are not aware of clearing their energies of traumtic past experiences and may not be able to flow with the secret, I thought, how silly of me to not think of that.
I am dealing almost daily with my 76 year old mother who is so stuck and I know many of her fears are from abuse as a child. I have sat with her 15 times now making poor Mum watch the Secret and she either doses off or makes a comment "what a lot of rubbish". Through gritted theeth I think 'If she would only watch it and understand her life would be better'.... How stupid of me :oops: I can't believe I missed it!!!!

Sandy and CathyLynn you have through your amazing honesty and this thread shown me (in my ignorance) how can my mother get this? The poor lady is still frightened of the postman because of what happened to her as a girl during the war in Wales... THANK YOU so much for opening my eyes to see it is wrong and unfair of me to think all people can just move on and by watching the Secret or reading a book and become flowing spritual beings. I feel so stupid, CathyLynn you have opened my eyes to something I could not see and now I feel (Yes I'm crying) deeper compassion for Mum.

The poor lady has lost her house, landed on my doorstep, meeting welfare workers and here I am forcing her to watch the Secret because it works for me! :roll: shame on me..

Keep researching girlfriend I need all the lessons you are learning, you may not know it but you have helped my family with your insightful post and I thank you for that :love

Aqualeaf (Deb)
WOW what a beautiful place I just loved the photos it is so pretty and I know you will be so happy there.

How are ya beautiful?, I am forever laughing at your posts isn't the one George started funny? Kids we have to love them. :bana:

Hi Bing
Love those emails keep sending them and how is your friend doing? Hope all is well...


You are forever balanced here on the board, what would we do without you? I know it is hard for you being in another country away from family. But Sandy you give so much to so many of us it's like you are watching over us and steering people to a kinder spritual path. I just want you to know I love you and am blessed to have found you here, I know I speak for many.

Hi how are you? I hope work isn't too hard and remember you cross my mind from time to time, it always brings a smile to my face...

Better go it's day one of school holidays the boys ave been to see transformers, thankfully I can now leave them and not get a lecture from the cinema manager like last time :roll: I have been watching movies like transformers for 26 years now!!!! The good thing about Yasmin being a young woman now is we go to the hairdressers while the twins go to a movie. Mind you Jack is asking me as I type "I am bored what can I do"? I am thinking clean your room but know it's wasted words :lol:

Enough rambling, any prayers sent Mum's way for her to get a little council unit soon would be greatly welcome. She is still shaken as a result of my sister's Bi Polar experience and needs a little love sent her way :kiss:

Again thanks for the insight into my spritual growth I am forever the student so please keep teaching me to become a kinder human being..

Much love to my Secret brothers and sisters

Gypsie Deb :loves
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Post by gypsie »

Gee Petra I am sorry I somehow missed the last sentence of your post, how awful for your neighbours, were they drinking ect to possibly create the accident? Or maybe they had a higher purpose, something is running through my mind at the moment but I need time to find words and process it in meditation, strangely I want to explore this incident and have no idea why?

Tonight Harry and I went out for the first time in 5 years to a very groovy place where it was all painted red, real bohemain feel. Had a meal then watched a band covering the Black Crows it was so much fun and it is a buzz to laugh with friends again without 15 kids running through hhe house.
Bing I received your email on a Solitary Life are you allowed to put the link here? I cried when I watched it it's just so beautiful...
Love again Gypsie
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Hello Debbie Gypsie...I know, it was such a shock as they were such a vibrant and young couple! Not their fault we could hear each other pee, the walls were extremely thin but the location was beautiful!
No, there is a dangerous junction from the road to the village and the main road to Lons and Chalon-sur-Soane. Phil often said how dangerous it was and that it needed redoing!

Phil and I haven't been 'out on the tiles' for so long either! But all that is going to change when we live near his parents!! Image Well, probably not! These days, I'm quite happy putting me feet up and getting stuck into a good book!

Love, Pet XXX
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello everyone, I just did not have enough time to read this gigantic thread, but I thought I would just say how much you all mean to me and that "All is well in my world". I wanted to pass on a book I've been reading which encompasses The Secret with tools to use, its called "Healing Your Life" I'm at the library so I dont have the authors full name her last name is Hays. Its great stuff about our belief system and by changing your beliefs you practice The Secret and of course The Golden Rule. Basically you learn to love yourself and forgive everyone around you now and in your past. Well I will be gone for awhile riding on the Big Truck with my husband, but I wish you all well and I will chat with you soon. My email changed so I was locked out for awhile but our father had other plans for me and wanted me to journey into new healing processes because I was struggling. I missed all of you!!
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by Sandy »

Hello Memawlaura!!!!

I was just thinking of you yesterday, missing your sweet nature on the boards. What a treat for me to see your post today! That happens so often...I'll be thinking of someone I haven't heard or seen in a while and that day or the next some form of contact is made. I saved the name of the book you are reading and this time placed it on the edge of my computer moniter so I can't loose it like I did the title of Mo's book. I also have another book title there that was recommended by Bryan (DanceJunky) a while back on this thread. It is called 'The Disappearance Of the Universe by Gary Renard. It might be something that would interest you too as this is what he wrote about it...
I would like to say I am just now finishing up a wonderful book titled Disapearance of the Universe. The forgiveness lesson's in this book have worked wonders for me in removing many emotional "blocks" that I was unaware existed with me.
I think it was good for me to look up his post because in it he also said this...
Reading is almost meditative to me. My way of honoring myself (escaping) too I suppose.

A good reminder to me to give myself some time to recoup and nuture my own spiritual growth.

Enjoy your time out on the road, Sweet Memawlaura. It sounds great! We'll see you when you get back! :kiss:

Hello beautiful Gypsy :hithere
It sounds as if you have much on your plate right now. Your poor dear Mom sounds as if she has had some tough things occur in her life. I can tell by your words how much you love her and that in itself is the best balm you can give her to ease the pain of her difficult life. I have a feeling that your love and happiness will eventually be infectious and perhaps then your mom along with help from her Angels will be able to see the world in a brighter way. Letting go of the past is tough...unfortunately I have struggled a bit with that... (Past tense I hope)
As for you my dear sis, you are a bight light to all of us here...always thinking of others in need and encouraging us to be positive and happy in the life that we are cocreating with God. I hope you never underestimate your importance because you just never know what ripple affect your words will have on others! Love is very powerful you know!

Oh, by the way, we were in your neck of the woods yesterday. We went to the machines Of Leonardo Da Vinchi exhibit in Sydney. It was an interesting exhibit and such a beautiful day to be out exploring parts unknown to us..well me anyway. I haven't been on a train since I was five so I actually enjoyed the journey as much as the destination. Glad you and your husband could get out for some time to yourself. It probably did both of you a world of good!

Hey there Pet! :salut:
It sounds like you will still be living in a rather quiet secluded area so hopefully you, Phil, and the kids can still whoop it up as much as you like without scaring the neigbors! (I just tried putting that little band emoticom that you recently sent me here...but no luck! That was such a cute one too! :lol: )

Love to all of you,
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hey Sandy, oh that band one doesn't have an url address, I 'nicked' it from another message board, the adminforum one, by right-click- pasting! But this one is for using on message boards! Got some cute ones on there!

Hey Memalaura, like Sandy, I have been wondering about you and missing your loving posts! I hope you enjoy your trip!

Love to All, Pet XXX
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All!

Sandy, here is the name of the book and a bit about it...
She's expanded out into many different areas since she wrote that book. I really enjoyed reading it.

Yeah, I loved that middle aged woman song LOL! I swear she wrote it just for me :mrgreen:..... unfortunately.

I am glad to hear that you and your lovey were able to enjoy a night out on the town. My husband and I did the same thing recently, we danced quite a bit too, it was a birthday party for a friend ! Loads of fun.. we've also attended a couple of pool parties etc. I'm learning pole dancing from my friend who's an instructor.... there are three of us middle aged women in the class and we are having a blast!

I'm trying to find a balance between work and play... I have been rather fatigued lately :rabbit:

I enjoyed reading all of your posts since I visited last, ya'all are such beautiful people, cheers to everyone who is moving to a new and magical place! Change is Good!

Sandy, I love how you bring it/us all together in such a loving way!

All Love to You Dear Friends!
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Mo, :hithere

I was so excited when I saw that you had posted! Thank you, thank you, thankyou! And just so you know... the URL you gave me is safely on my computer and I will order it for my sis tomorrow. (Honest! :lol: )

Good for you!!!...pole dancing lessons! Our landlady also took pole dancing lessons and she had a great time too! Is it very strenuous or is it just that the belly muscles overtaxed from all the laughing? :P
I'm trying to find a balance between work and play... I have been rather fatigued lately

Are you okay?...eating right?...getting enough water?...having at least a little good ole "MO" time? It is so easy to put your own needs aside in the face of a busy schedule....

Thanks for the nice thing you said Sis, coming from you, one of the most loving people in the universe, that is high praise indeed!
Be good and enjoy that warm sunshine! :sunny:

Love ya,

Oh Pet, before I forget, I got my father the Bryon book you recomended and he said he was enjoying it the last time I talked to him. :thumright:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello Sandy, hello All,
Bill Bryson (obviously without knowing it) saved me from going off the edge once!! I was so down, no self-confidence, always seemingly bad news ocurring, then one day I found it amongst a heap of books Phil's dad was given and read it almost in one sitting!! The Australia one it was. :lol:

Sorry I have been absent, but Thalia often needs to go on (homework...yeah, right!!) Looks like I need my own? She's been teaching me a few things!!

It's still raining like a good'un, with occasional bursts of sunlight and magnificent rainbows! There isn't any floodings in the Cardigan area, so 'phew' on that one! There are some amazing skies: black, purple, and blue. I am missing the sun and moon though!

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Post by Morning Light »

Heya Sweet Sis and All!
I had forgotten the exact title of the book and I couldn't find my copy, so I was relieved to find it on the internet :wink: Please let me know how she likes it :D

I think it's the mental strain that I put on myself at work... I can be soo critical of myself... expecting perfection even when I don't know what I'm doing yet.. they say it takes at least a couple of years before you can expect to know the job... I don't function well in that sort of scenario... must remember... Perfection comes at the End of a Journey.. and by then I'll be bored... learning to embrace the journey.

Thank you for asking though LUV2 it means alot to me.

Yeah, the pole dancing was not something I would have gone looking for on my own. One of the women in our moonlodge was talking about her healing journey from a childhood of abuse into a life of self love and acceptance. She is now teaching classes on 'honoring and embracing our authentic selves'. Finding our inner goddess through meditation and then learning how to express her through movement and dance.

I was really surprised at how much body strength and stamina it takes to dance like that :lol:

Oh, I Love You Sandy, you always manage to tickle my funny bone :kiss: The belly laughs are my most favorite exercise of all, some of the things that have happened are absolutely hilarious :cheers: Like falling off our high heels, flying off the pole...

The three of us 'middle aged' women have grown in soo many different ways.... for one thing... I hadn't realized how uncomfortable I was in my own skin.. I now realize that I was spending alot of time floating around or hanging out in my head all day long... it felt like a warm welcome home to be grounded in my physiclal body again... like being out in nature... safe, stable, secure and in control of myself, my thoughts etc. Also, I'm buying different clothes, shoes etc. It's been great fun. As I like to say... I may be getting older... but I'm not dead yet.

All things in balance... sorry for rambling.. hope this all makes sense... I've been a seeker on a spiritual path all of my life... the last piece seems to be learning how to integrate the physiclal with the spiritual... making peace with my religious childhood upbringing, one that sought to separate the physical from the spiritual in a very sterile and fragmented way....

Heya Petra,
Maybe you could paint some of those spectacular sites eh? Have you had a chance to paint or draw lately?

Well sorry to go but Lowell has fixed me breakfast... better eat before it gets cold.

Love to All, May your Day be Blessed with Love, Peace and Laughter!
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All,

Looks like I've stunned you all into silence. :lol: That was sort'of my reaction when my friend asked me if I would take her class and then give her some constructive feedback at the end. :shock: The three of us took the class to support her in her new endeavor, thinking it was all for her, then we found out it was very helpful for our own lives :albino: and great fun! :wink: It's a 6 week class, which ends this Wednesday... and then I will be on to my next adventure 8) Which is finding out how I can help support a cast and crew of people who have put on plays for many years at a local theatre here called The Egyptian Theatre. I've always wanted to be involved in the arts and local culture! We'll see what happens tonight, it's the first board meeting that I will be attending.

Yesterday, in a hospital near my home, a woman gave birth to a little girl and they named her Isabella Mecham... she was born on 7/7/07 at 7:07:07 am and she weighed 7lbs and 7 ounces. I wonder what little Issy has come here to do.... maybe one day she'll be signing on here to chat with us LOL!!

Well, I hope that everyone is happy and well, creating beautiful and vital lives for yourselves!

Hugs :cheers: and Sunshine :sunny: all Around :compress:
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Post by Sandy »

Hey there you pole dancing Wonder Woman! :P

Speaking of belly laughs, I got the biggest one picturing you guys falling off your high heels sort of like "Whats her name" in the movie, 'True Lies." You three are such brave adventurous women and it's great that you learned something from the experience beyond just the obvious. :wink: I hadn't really thought about the differences...Living in the mind/living in my body before... You've given me something to ponder. I tend to hang back from new experiences and am a little (a lot) self conscious. (down right prudish at times) Maybe I am uncomfortable in my flabby skin and need a "reaquantinance" (I know this is not a word, but it suits my sentence anyway! :lol: )

Mo I have often thought it would be great fun to assist a local theater production group. Not acting or anything like that, but behind the scenes with the scenery and the propts. I had the tinist of tastes of that with a classroom film production when my youngest was in school. I enjoyed coming up with backdrops and figuring out basic special affect to move this childrens science fiction story along. They even gave me a bit part...I played the mother, and I got to dress in my comfey old housecoat. :roll: I only had two lines and when the camera rolled my way, don't you know I froze and stumbled through my lines. :oops: I guess my performance added some comic relief. I know it has provided my family with many of those coveted belly laughs over the years... :lol:

I just love the name Isabella don't you? No doubt she is a child of great promise with all those wonderful 7's. Will be interesting what the future brings for her, for all of us huh? I, myself, feel rather optomistic, about the future of our world when I look at some of our "own" children. Little by little things are changing....will change I think...I am ever hopeful!

And Pet, I'm glad to hear you aren't floating away! It was raining again here today, as well, but as you know, I am strange and love every minute of it. I'm hoping for some sun for you water drenched people though!

Has anybody heard from Aqua Deb? I am wondering if she has settled in to her new home yet.

Love to all you dear people,
Sandy LUV2
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello Peeps,
Mo, I haven't been drawing for ages! I handed the last painting in to the Council months ago and they still haven't paid me! Humph! I'm not going to pursue it, the pleasure for me is that so many kid's will delight in those simple paintings, makes me smile every time I think about it!

Sandy, the rain has subsided but it ain't all that warm, I'm still wearing a rain jacket! (It's an anorak actually, but I didn't want to admit to that!) :lol: Had to buy a new one the other day because someone nicked my other one from the car, serves me right for not locking the doors!

Right, gotta make supper
Phil's just been winding me up about doing my 'duties' so now I am refusing to cook! I'm off for a takeaway! He can cook his own tonight! Goodness, I'm not doing very well on my progress path these days, hahaha!

Love you all, Pet XXX
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Post by Morning Light »

Well Hello You Lovely Ladies :wink:

Yeah Sandy, Wonder Woman describes it well.... as in .... I Wonder Whut I am doing :scratch:

We are not as courageous as you might think, it's all in the privacy of her dance studio and we've known each other for several years... we're like sisters. Now the courageous thing will be if I dance for my hubby... I'm like you, self conscious, p'raps in a dark room by candle light. :oops: Lowell won't know what hit him! I had slowly gravitated towards comfy cozy only two steps away from granny panties and a moo-moo LOL! Sort'of freaked me out when I realized where I was heading :lol: I'm having lots of fun buying new things. Okay nuf said bout that. :albino:

When I was younger I was in a few church plays, then in 9th grade I was Lydia Sagebrush in a melodrama...."Oh there you are Trigger Sam, I've been looking for you". :P

I think your experience with the back drops etc. sounds wonderfull :D I volunteered Lowell to help with sound and lights :lol: He didn't mind though. Yep, that would be me too, flubbing my lines and paralyzed with stage fright :shock:

No acting for me.... it's all behind the scenes stuff. I went to the 'board of directors meeting' last night and I am now, officially a director's assistant.... not sure what I am getting into... but it promises to be fun. The duties on paper include On book, Props, Costume. I dunno what 'On book' means :scratch: But I am excited :shock: Our first play is called "House Where the Fairies Danced". The people are soo creative and talented, they write thier own screen plays etc.

I am headed downstairs to watch The Passion of Art with the ol' hubster... tonight it's all about Rembrant... I am amazed to learn about these people who could not sell thier paintings but continue to believe in themselves.... being an artist is not for whimps... which is so odd to me.. since they are, for the most part, such sensitive and vulnerable people.

If you Love it, Just do it.... for yourself... who knows where it might go from there!

I absolutely Love the Rain! Would you please send some my way?

Warm Hugs and Sweet Sunshine to All :sunny:
Love Mo'
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello Mo, you wrote:
I absolutely Love the Rain! Would you please send some my way?
I do too, but not every day from the last weeks of Spring continuing till, (according to many old folk who I've spoken to these last few days) the beginning of Autumn! How do they know this??? The usual morning greeting of: "Nice day today! Hope it doesn't rain!" has been replaced with: "Don't even talk to me about this weather we're having!" not that I was going to.
Each time the sun peeks out, we rush out to absorb some rays, only to rush back in 10 mins later out of the lashing rain. Oh well...

Maybe when we move I'll have time for drawing and painting again.

Take care Guys, Pet XXXXX
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Post by Morning Light »

Wow yeah Petra,
I do too, but not every day from the last weeks of Spring continuing till, (according to many old folk who I've spoken to these last few days) the beginning of Autumn!
That is alot of rain :shock: Is that normal weather for you? No wonder everything looks soo beautiful and green over there :sunflower:

Over here we are having a heat wave 97 degrees etc. day after day :sunny: Our lawn is burning up.... we go for swims in our little pool quite alot :wink: Oh and we bought one of those great big blow up waterslides for the kids and grandkids.... we enjoy it too! 8)

I do hope that you will be able to find time for drawing and painting again soon. When are you moving? You'll have to post some pictures of your new place eh?

Well, I'm off to the grocery store soon!

I'm sending you Loads of Sunshine!
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Post by Seeker13 »

Hi ya, Mo'!
Couldn't even bring myself to imagine me pole dancing! Pretty sure the pole would run away in fear.

I'll send drizzly thoughts your way. Every summer day I'm grateful to be surrounded by water. We've finally gotten a reprieve from the heat. It's been raining on and off for a few days now, seventy degrees and windy. We so welcomed the rain that we were even swimming in it yesterday, until the thunder and lightening started. "Yikes!"

Well, just wanted to say, "Hi!"

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Post by CathyLynn »

Hello everyone,

Hot weather here lately and we've been having a drought over the past few months with bits of rain now and then, almost not worth mentioning. But this afternoon look out! It's raining hard and we need it!

Petra: You must have wished some of your rain my way - THANKS! :bana:

Ya'll be good!
Cathy :loves
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hey Cathy, yeah I did! I have never considered the weather, but lately I focussed on rain in mid America, their sunshine over 'ere!! Tomorrow is the kid's sports day and all I've heard is: "Forget it! It'll be raining for sure!"
Do you think collective-thinking can make things like bad weather happen? I do!!

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Post by Sandy »

Hey everybody,

Petra that is an interesting question!
Do you think collective-thinking can make things like bad weather happen? I do!!
A year ago I probably would have said no, but now I truly believe our thoughts can make great changes in the world around us. Collectively for the good or the bad depending on the attitude. For instance there have been terrible droughts here and I have noticed since trying (emphasis on trying!) to be positive in my thinking processes that we had been inundated with "drought this... and drought that..." That came out sort of funny :? ...I'm not saying I am the cause of the drought, I am saying I am noticing negative thinking and negative projecting more than I used to. ... And it seems that by seeing and hearing about how bad the drought is in the media and newspaper, and in the streets as people discuss it...well that's a lot of negativity! The same with areas where there is so much rain as the days of dreary rainy weather grows more focus is placed on the very thing you really do not want, more rain. By the collective focusing on the negative, what we aren't getting,it could increase the chance that we don't get the very thing we want.
I love your idea of positive focusing Petra for those areas in the world that need help. Can you imagine the good that would occur if all people lit a candle and focused love and attention on the needs of the earth and her inhabitants every day! (Well that many candles could be a source of pretty smelling pollution forget the candle thing. :lol: )
I'm a newbie with all this positive thinking, but it seems to make good sense somehow to me.

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Post by AJ »

Morning Light wrote:Hello All,

Yesterday, in a hospital near my home, a woman gave birth to a little girl and they named her Isabella Mecham... she was born on 7/7/07 at 7:07:07 am and she weighed 7lbs and 7 ounces. I wonder what little Issy has come here to do.... maybe one day she'll be signing on here to chat with us LOL!!

Well, I hope that everyone is happy and well, creating beautiful and vital lives for yourselves!

Hugs :cheers: and Sunshine :sunny: all Around :compress:
That is very interesting MO!!! I had a dream about a year ago about a little girl name Isabella. She was extremely special and had dark hair. I was holding her in the dream but she did not feel like my child. I just wonder??????????
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Post by CathyLynn »

Hello hello,

Hope your kids sport day didn't get rained out! Also, I do agree that collective thinking can make things happen good or bad. Just as they say in The Secret positive thoughts will equal positive outcomes etc.

Sandy said:
I love your idea of positive focusing Petra for those areas in the world that need help. Can you imagine the good that would occur if all people lit a candle and focused love and attention on the needs of the earth and her inhabitants every day!
So let's all be positive on Jul 17th when we fire the grid! Who knows what we might be able to achieve!


That was a dream worth pondering, who knows you just may have had a dream about this little girl who was just born. Her name is worth keeping in the backs of our minds, maybe she'll do some good in this crazy world when she gets older.

Ya'll be good!
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi All You Beautiful People! :hithere

It's great to be joining in on this thread again! After a long few weeks of multiple trips back and forth between Mendocino and Monte Rio, we are now officially completely moved out of the old place and largely moved in to the new place (there are still a few boxes lying about, but most of the commonly-used stuff is now in place)! Hurray! We are both exhausted, and I'm still getting over a cold and cough that I've had for about two and a half weeks now, the first cold I've gotten in about three years Image! So we'll probably need to rest up for a couple of weeks now in order to get back in balance, but it's great to have this move completed! :colors:

We got our Internet service hooked up here about a week ago, and I've been checking in and following along on this thread whenever I can, but have only just today really had enough time to sit down at any length! I've enjoyed all the talk about pole dancing, the weather, positive thinking, Isabella and all her sevens, and everything else! :D All of you are such special, sensitive, intuitive, gifted beings! This is a great group of souls to commune with! :colors:

We're enjoying the extra connectedness to nature that this new place gives us Image. We keep looking out from the back deck with our binoculars to watch long-legged white crane-like birds wading in the river, and a mother doe and her two baby fawns nibbling the water plants at the river's edge. A pair of yellow birds of some sort has even build a nest under the eaves of our front porch. This is one of the first days I've stopped being hyper-busy long enough to remind myself again just how cool this new setting is!

Speaking of rainy weather, this place is apparently known for flooding to varying degrees in the winter Image :shock: . Hopefully, since we're up on a hill overlooking the river, rather than right on its banks, we won't be as prone to flooding as some of the town. At the very least, it should be an interesting adventure to live here year round and see what happens! :D

Mo, thanks for the link to that Perelandra website. I had heard about her books before, and they sounded interesting but I never got around to reading them, so it's a synchronicity that I'm hearing about it again now too -- it may be a sign! Memawlaura, I think I know the book you mentioned; is it "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay? I worked with that book intensively several years ago and grew a lot as a result. It's one of my all-time favorites.

I also enjoyed the Optimist's Creed you sent in, Bing. As I was reading it, I could feel it raising my vibrational energy. I think I'll print it out and keep it next to my computer, since the repetition of reading positive words over again and again really seems to help! With this move and being so busy, we've sort of gotten out of our habit of watching Abraham DVD's and such, and I've several times caught myself thinking negative thoughts and focusing on what I don't want (like you mentioned, Sandy; I know what you mean)! Now that we've made a leap to this wonderful new environment, I feel the urge to take advantage of the momentum of this "wave of change" and delve into the Abraham processes and use positive affirmations more, in order to make a corresponding leap in consciousness to match! I used to repeat affirmations years ago with highly positive results, but for some reason, haven't done much of that in the past several years. I also wish to get back to the AC meditation, which has fallen by the wayside in the past few months as well. :roll: Oh well, I'm sure I'll get back to all of it in Divine right timing. :D

I'm tired, and am beginning to think that maybe it's time to go take a nap before dinner! Image (note the use of smilies from the website you recommended, Pet -- you're right, there are some good ones there!) I rarely let myself lie down and take naps or meditate in the middle of the day (though I'm sure it's precisely the thing that would be best for me! :roll: ), but it seems lately that any time I sit or lie down for even a few minutes lately, I fall asleep anyway Image, so I must need it!

Love and Blessings to All of You Image,
Aqua Deb
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