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This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Post by blue nova »

Hello Sunny :sunny:
I would love to hear any technique you could come up with for focusing! That would be wonderful!
When I was young I was always flying, via imagination :wink: We would go to my grandparents house often on weekends which was a pretty lengthy drive and my face was plastered against the window while I was "flying off in the distance". Up down, doing tricks, taking quick dips in a lake or two if it was hot out, what rides ! They were so real to me that it felt as though I was on a rollercoaster ride, funny stomach feelings and all.

I was meditating one evening I tried to fly again, I took a leap and I started to fall. I decided I needed some help and as I looked to my left Michael was beside me ready to go. He took my hand and off we went. During our journey I was reminded how important our imaginations are to us.

I'm practing now almost every day in stillness. I'm also swimming underwater with the dolphins and whales, the first time in many moons. I found that I needed breath..hmm :?: :roll:

This has helped teach me to focus again, for meditating anyway :wink:

A true "de-cluttering" is a process, total dedication is needed and is it always happening, it has to be kept on top of once you get in the present (starting from past working to present).

We had a field trip to the local icecream parlor...it was a blast ! I'll send ya some warm vibes to you ! It's hotter than blazes here and poor Ohio's getting some wicked T-storms today.

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Post by daysee »

Hello everyone!!!....I gotta tell ya, with the AC/cd I notice when I haven't had "time" to listen to it...my sleep is not good...but with the cd I sleep very nice...it does help to clear up those "cobwebs" we all have "for myself"the Cd has helped me bring to surface things that I have surpressed for many yrs...and it helps me work those things out with a much calmer clearer approach...
George [quote]Some of us could possibly hang from the rafters by our toe nails and receive messages, but the majority needs help. [/quote yep you got it... :) that's me all the way...a majority... :idea:
Sandy, I'm with you with decluttering...
Anne...yea, if you come across a way of focusing..please send it on down the line :D
Leanne... :thumleft: to you!!!!
Sending love
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hello Sarah,
It sounds like that is a great start to me! Were you using Akashic Construct cd fairly late in the evening or after a long tiring day? I have found I go right off to sleep if I am the least bit tired when I do the exercises. I just get so relaxed.
Hello Sandy.... :D

It was late at night, so i was feeling quite sleepy, suppose it could have been the beginnings of a dream...naw... :) I actually felt the words spoken in my left ear and that vibration that everyone feels, i wonder why the left ear and not the right ear...?

I shalll keep trying....

With Love

Sarah xxx
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Post by blue nova »

Hi Sarah,
i wonder why the left ear and not the right ear...?
I'm a lefty too :D :wink:

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Post by George »

Sarah and Blue Nova write:

<<< I actually felt the words spoken in my left ear and that vibration that everyone feels, i wonder why the left ear and not the right ear...? >>>

The left hemisphere of the brain contains the two speech centers -- Wernicke's and Brocha's. One deals with concepts, the other with the precise words to express the concepts.

Long time since I studied that, and I never REALLY got it 100% :lol: :lol: :lol: yet the right hemisphere has a small part to play in it as well.

Years ago I watched a receiver in action, who could not transmit messages without swaying her arms all over the place. Then some months later the Midwayers explained that her sign language center and one speech center were overlapping.

One could not be activated without the other being prompted into action. :shock:

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Post by Sandy »

Hello Everybody,

Anne wrote:
I'm practing now almost every day in stillness. I'm also swimming underwater with the dolphins and whales, the first time in many moons. I found that I needed breath..hmm

This has helped teach me to focus again, for meditating anyway
Oh Anne, I am enchanted with what you said! Do you think we all have these capabilities? ... How wonderful! I will try to simply imagine, and let my spirit take flight! I did wind up in my aquariam once, but it wasn't something I tried or meant to do. I was drozing in my chair and all at once I found myself in my fish tank. What a wonderful sensation. It didn't last very long though. I "wowed" myself right out of alpha I think. I did learn one valuable thing from the experience though. I needed to clean the tank more often...poor fish! :( :oops:

I remember some of those Ohio T-storms! :shock: Could be a long summer weather wise if this heat continues huh?

Hi sarah, I'm you asked your question about the left and right ear ringing. It was something I have wondered about in the past too. I heard the words in my left ear too. There is no mistaking them for something else. A person just knows when "someone" is speaking into their ear.

Hello daysee, How are you doing, you clutter free lady! :D I'm working on the decluttering, but sometimes it is an uphill battle. It seems I add to my collection almost as quickly as I "give it away". Hince the importance of doing this on a regular basis as Anne suggested. Otherwise I would be up to my armpits in "little nasties." Feels good to get rid of them. I have a few that are persistent and want to come back like a well thrown boomerrang. I have faith that eventually I will be ready to let them go for good!

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Post by blue nova »

The daily-chatter-type stuff comes in the left. It seems the right side is used for the "big stuff". When I found myself in a dire kind of situation, the warnings seem to stem from the right or from up above.

Sunny wrote:
Do you think we all have these capabilities? ...
Absolutely :!:

I put on my Reiki whale songs and off I go.

Hello George,
Is it the left side of the brain where our artisic and creativity resides ?

I bet it's the right side that expresses them :?:

And if this were the case could one become unbalanced. :idea:

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Post by George »

Hi dear Blue Nova,

<<< Is it the left side of the brain where our artistic and creativity resides ? >>>

Left is the 'rational' side, right is the more 'creative' side. In reality they need each other to complete almost all tasks, as is found when the sides are separated in instances of extreme grand mal epileptic fits.

<<< I bet it's the right side that expresses them >>>

Not real sure

<<< And if this were the case could one become unbalanced. >>>

I'm not sure what you mean by this. There are many things that can unbalance a person -- stress on the system of many kinds. Personally I feel we cannot ever be 100% balanced, but either in an improving or worsening state -- constantly readjusting.

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Post by blue nova »

Oops...I was backwards. Big surprise :lol:

The reason I asked is that I'm a creative individual but not one to express myself very well verbally , I never have. It seemed to be a large concern of my parents when I was young.

A lot of trips to the past lately, I think that it has to do with the releasing I've been doing the last few months. I finally figured out why I was so shy when I was a child.

Hugs all around :D

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Post by George »

blue Nova writes:

<<< I finally figured out why I was so shy when I was a child. >>>

So was I, shy, and I got picked on at school. One day I did not wait for the biggest mulligrub to start on me. I got him before he knew what hit him.

At the time I was proud of myself, because it was the end of year two and beginning of year three primary school trauma.

My mom: "You're a bad boy for resorting to violence."
Me: "He's the biggest kid in year four !!!"
My mom: "I guess that makes a difference."
My dad: "Ann !!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Anne,

You wrote:
The reason I asked is that I'm a creative individual but not one to express myself very well verbally , I never have.
In my opinion you write like an Angel! Your words have helped me countless times! :happy


Your's too George! LUV2
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Post by blue nova »

Hugs to you Sunny,

You and my 11:11 always make my day brighter :kiss:

Love you guys,
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Post by George »

Previously I noted;

<<< Then some months later the Midwayers explained that her sign language center and one speech center were overlapping. >>>

Oooow! :shock: :evil:

Then some months later the Midwayers explained that her sign language center and one speech center were partially integrated.

would be the correct term. 8)
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