Yeshua & Raph: Effective Prayer

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Yeshua & Raph: Effective Prayer

Post by psyosra »

Channelled by Brian Murphy - 11 October 2004 Yeshua and AA Raphael


Intro from Brian:

Over the past few weeks I have been channelling Yeshua on personal learning issues, mainly to do with my own journey through ACIM (A Course in Miracles) but other stuff as well. As most of it is personal there is no point in presenting it publicly, but a few pages seemed to be more aligned to a public perspective, so when I came to channel Raphael (he and Yeshua have agreed to take turns) this evening he presented a choice of presentations, and we settled on this one. It has to do with the part in Yeshua's channel dealing with "Effective Prayer", and although we've heard most of this before, probably in dribs and drabs from other channels, Yeshua kindly has put this together in one place and in the context of the rest of my personal stuff. Raphael has asked me to separate this part out and present it as the basis of this lesson.

From Yeshua:


"Now, a journey of a thousand miles, as you know begins with the first step and that is to learn how to pray effectively. All of you are not good at this yet. Yes, you all know how to converse, and you all know how to ask, and you all know how to accept and give thanks for your gifts, but . . . . . . there is more. Much, much more that you can do, and will do because with my guidance you will learn the Secret of Prayer without the hype and cryptography that you have found to be a stumbling block until now. The secret in a nutshell is to verbally give thanks, together in husband and wife pairs whenever possible, and singly whenever it is either not possible to co-create or if you need to pray alone, for what you recognise as being a gift from God. Now this may sound simple but really it is quite profound.

When I say verbally, it does help to this aloud whenever you feel it appropriate, and this especially means whenever you do it together. This is because it helps to align the two Souls, if you like, to the same thoughts. Don't ever assume that Souls communicate behind the scenes. This does not happen, and common prayer needs common dialogue, and common dialogue between two or more people must be aloud. Individual prayer can be done in your mind as long as you properly direct it by alerting, or addressing your prayer specifically. If it is to God, address it to God. If you want me to pass it along, I'll gladly do that but please address it specifically to me. Out loud is better in all instances, except when privacy considerations override, simply because the action of producing sound reinforces your prayer, and you provide feedback to all facets of yourself, including the physical, which is quite often ignored. Although I reiterate what I said in ACIM about the physical world being the grand illusion, at this time you are still there and cannot ignore this fact, so let us work with that as well. The main point of ACIM, if you haven't already grasped it, is that you are primarily Spirit having a physical and illusory experience, and that miracles are the norm in your home environment. When you realise that fact and act on it consistently then you have mastered the art of miracles. This is part of that process and the first step is Effective Prayer.

As you have been alerted before, and don't be alarmed because there are very, very few humans who can even grasp this concept properly is to pray from a knowing that what you seek has already manifested, and that you are only giving thanks for what has been given.

Effective prayer is more than just communicating between you and Spirit. It puts in place a course of action leading to a miracle or two, depending on the situation, and by showing gratitude for what you desire, you show knowing that what you desire has already been provided in the Spirit realms, the Higher Dimensions. You know this because you thought of it, and paradoxically you thought of it because it has already been given. Now I know that doesn't make a great deal of sense right now, but that's the way it is. If it wasn't already manifested you would not have been put in a position of desire, and without desire you would not have manifested the thought of what you want. Prayer then gives permission merely to bring the manifestation from one dimension to another, and also chooses from that point on a particular destiny out of the myriad of destinies possible at the time. It switches the train tracks to use another analogy. Know that your manifestation/miracle exists in the spiritual dimensions, fifth, sixth or seventh, it doesn't really matter, and call it to you. Within the bounds of Universal Law it must be given you, and if it is not given in the form you imagine, then it will either be outside the bounds of Law, or it will manifest but not in the specific form that you imagine. Rarely does it manifest in the form you imagine because rarely your imagination coincides with Law or the highest will and good of all concerned. But I'm sure that you will recognise the miracles as they eventuate, especially when you get used to the idea.

Don't try to second-guess the Holy Spirit either, with such things as predetermining if your request is within the bounds of Law. You will never know this. It is the Holy Spirit's job after all, and only He knows all the circumstances surrounding any request made of Him. You will be pleasantly surprised to know that very few requests fail absolutely, very few indeed, but most are modified to some degree simply because of the effects on others, or yourself for that matter. You do not have the ability to predict the outcome of specific requests, but the Holy Spirit does and this he looks at and chooses for you, the outcome with the highest potential.

With Effective Prayer you also need to be aware that time is not a factor for the Holy Spirit. That is not to say that you will get your request in the next lifetime, and therefore effectively be put off. What I mean is that your request will be granted at the earliest opportunity consistent with the highest outcome. If for instance, a better result would be achieved by postponing a miracle, then it will be done, but you will not have to wait for long in your terms. Sometimes a delay brings about another set of circumstances and those circumstances make nonsense out of a previous request. When this happens, which is quite often, the Holy Spirit will have achieved his or your purpose anyway, and will automatically cancel the request. In the meantime you will no doubt have made even more requests, because you will have been fed reminders of even more manifestations, by way of more thought injections. Remember, your task is to choose. And you may think of shopping in a supermarket if you like for this, except you are shopping for miracles, and there is no checkout.

Now another point about Effective Prayer is that when you recognise a miracle you should respond with gratitude. This is not an ego thing for the Holy Spirit but merely acknowledgment of the miracle, and in accordance with the Law of Attraction, you will be setting the scene to receive even more. This can be done personally in your mind, and this is quite effective. It takes no formality, just recognition that you are aware of the receipt of your miracle, the answer to your request, in an informal mindset of gratitude. If on the other hand you become aware of a miracle that affects more than one of you, a verbal vote of thanks, aloud, will be most appropriate. The way you do this is really up to you. It doesn't really matter how, but it does matter when and if.

Be consciously aware that you are continuously in touch with the Holy Spirit and that nothing happens in your life without Him. If what you consider to be bad things manifest in your life, then you must realise now that you have asked for this in some way or other and that you can attract these things to you just as easily as attracting anything else. It is all a matter of choice, and recognising that you have chosen unwisely is just as important as getting your specific requests in order. By recognising that you have received something that you don't want, and by giving gratitude to it but in a way of saying that you would prefer the polar opposite, you will also be abiding by what I am instructing here. Recognition and gratitude are primary keys for moving forward.

As an example, if something untoward manifests with you, I recommend something like, "Spirit I thank you for this manifestation of ____________________(whatever) and recognise it as a lesson from Spirit and your answer to my request. In view of this lesson I would now like to experience ___________________(whatever you consider to be the alternative you desire). I know that I have already manifested this in the Higher dimensions and I now ask the Holy Spirit to bring it forward in this dimension, and I thank you". Then leave it. Nothing more should be said because elaboration or doubt will hinder, or even cancel such a request. Doubt certainly will because it shows that you don’t have faith in your ability to create. Your thoughts have already created the manifestation in the Higher Realms, and doubt will instantly destroy your creations and replace them with the creation of doubt. Once a creation is destroyed or replaced, it must be created anew for it to manifest after that.

According to Universal Law your request must come through and must come with the love that you portray in the asking. This is why requests for punishment of others for supposedly doing wrong by your judgment are powerful prayers and will be granted according to Law, that is, if the highest will and good principle applies, which it mostly doesn't in this case. That is not the point though and the point is this; if you put passion into your prayer, be it what you see as good or bad, the degree of passion determines the severity, or the degree of the result. But don't forget that this also applies to the degree of karma created by such requests. So, if you passionately pray for the demise of someone, think also that you are also passionately praying for your own demise. On the other hand, if you passionately pray for the health or wellbeing of another, think also that you are again praying for the same for yourself. This is outlined in ACIM and comes under that subject of "Healer, heal thy self". To sum up this paragraph, if you pray passionately expect passionate results, if you pray lightheartedly, expect lighthearted results. Mediocrity will bring mediocrity and so on."



Thanks Brian. I think this stands alone as a topic and needs no further addition from me, so I will just add a few thoughts, if I may.

Firstly, with this Effective Prayer message whilst you may or may not have heard it before, it is not really new information. But it is definitely timely because we know that most of you don't do it. Not nagging, just observing. It's your choice after all but you also seem to pray only when needs must, and that is not really the point of prayer after all. The point is more to do with it becoming a daily routine, a routine of prayer, recognition, and attraction.

The second point is this. To attract what you desire, you not only need prayer, but also faith. If you pray with a disbelieving attitude then forget it. You may as well not have prayed in the first place. No harm will be done, because nothing will be done, except you will have wasted your prayer, and more importantly, you will have affirmed your disbelief, and therefore you will jeopardise future faith. A Catch 22 if ever there was one. Faith also means not asking twice for the same thing, and not asking twice by just changing the wording slightly to get around this requirement. This just shows lack of faith, and it is faith that moves mountains. Prayer and faith are very effective and must partner each other.

The final point is that you should pray often, even for little things such as parking spots, for these present opportunities for the miracles to happen. Remember that Yeshua said, "There are no degrees to miracles", and by praying for small miracles that are easy to recognise, your faith in prayer will be affirmed time and again. It is a matter of practice. And don't just save prayer for those times that you think are worthier. It doesn't work that way. All prayer requests are worthy, and the miracle is in the recognition of the miracle, be it whether you judge them to be big or small. Remember also that practice makes perfect and that it is much easier with our assistance than battling along on your own



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Post by Geoff »

Dear Psyosra,


I have to admit that some of the things in that message do not resonate for me. Prayer is of course very important, perhaps the most important thing and we have a great number of messages on the subject, yet somehow that did not, to me, seem to touch on any of the really important issues. Furthermore it introduced some issues that I have never seen verbalised, in any messages, from many Celestials.

If you are interested, I could elaborate.

Technically too, this should perhaps not be in this forum (Miscellaneous), and I will move it.

Much love,
"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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Post by psyosra »

Hi Geoff

Thanks for the welcome and your honesty re the resonance, or lack of it. Nothing unusual - these messages are not meant for everyone, and I just posted this one here on impulse even though I have been lurking for a while after being led here by George. I guess he has something to do with creating this space as well??

Moving it to another heading is OK by me, or even deleting it if it doesn't belong here, it's your board after all. I'm also taken with your sign off. Most appropriate.



PS: The rest of my channelled material can be found on my website at ( site gone )
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Post by CherBear »

Hi Psyosra. I really appreciate your message. I'm a big fan of the "Conversations with God" series (I've just started reading them a 2nd time around). The subject of prayer is talked about in great length in the 1st book and pretty much says the same thing as your message did. You don't need to plead and beg.....the answer or solution to your prayer is already there. Ask for food and then set out the dishes.

Thanks, again and welcome! :)
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