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Post by Sandy »

Hello Everybody!

Agua Deb, I am so sorry that I am just now getting around to wishing you a Happy Birthday. From your lovely avatar picture, it looks like it was a special one! I loved the picture of your Easter eggs and the story that went along with them! I tried doing what you suggested to Petra, Mike, about transferring the picture to my desk top background. It worked like a charm only it is small and in the middle of my desktop.? Wonder what I did wrong. :scratch: (I can just see all those wonderful people with comp. skills shaking their head in dismay at my computer ignorance. :oops: )
I loved the message that Tris gave you and your sweetheart Debbie!
Tris said how much great joy he feels now that he's on the Other Side, liberated from the inherent limitations of being contained inside a body, and how he now realizes that he could have felt ten times more joy while still incarnated than he ever allowed himself to feel, and he wants to pass along that message to all of us who are still here: We can all feel ten times more joy that we do right now if we let ourselves. The entire tone of his message was very much, "Don't feel sad for me, I'm doing wonderfully over here!"

I echo the other's sentiments and say "Thank you for that!" Now I guess the question we each need to ask ourselves is how do we allow ourselves to feel ten times more joy? What do we need to do? What do we need to change? something to meditate on ....

Hello Tulia! :hithere I saw that you were posting again and I am pleased as punch. I don't know you very well because I sort slipped off for a time, but I read many of your posts and they always helped me and inspired me during difficult times.
I wish I had found the U Book when I was fifteen. But I probably would not have been ready for it then. My Dad is reading the Urantia Book now in an attempt to understand his "wayward daughter" :) and I am hopeful that it will bring some peace to his mind in regards to me. You know, that even though, in his eyes, I have left the religion of my childhood he will see that I still love God with all my heart and am trying to do his will. I Fail miserably at times as my own will seems to run interference, but I guess all I can do is keep picking myself up and trying again. :?
Gypsy! Memawlaura is back! I was thinking about her too all day yesterday! She returned with the most wonderful story of love and Angelic help! She wrote all about it in the Prayers forum. It is funny, because all day yesterday just like with you, she was on my mind. Another syncronicity between us?
Okay I hate to admit this but who is Hugh Jackmann? :oops:

Well, I just want to say, that I think you should all come for a road trip and visit with us here in beautiful Australia, right Gypsie? Well, something to keep in mind in the years to come....

Love you all,
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Post by Tulia »

Hiya Sandy,

You were a bit busy during the last time I was posting a bunch. Busy with a really big move across the world to keep wonderful company to our head papa smurf! :)

It's super that your Dad is reading the UB now even if its for the reason of understanding his "wayward daughter." It's really hard to imagine you described as wayward anything, but some religions do have such a hold on some of our loved ones. I'll bet he will see how much you love God and also new seeds of truth will be planted in his heart and mind.

We do have an incredibly big role model to live up to, you know, as far as doing the Fathers will. ;) "Keep picking myself up and trying again," - it sounds like you are using the Thomas Edison model of looking at failing: "I didn’t fail ten thousand times. I successfully eliminated, ten thousand times, materials and combinations which wouldn’t work." I need to remember that perspective often!

So nice to chat with you, dear Sandy.

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Post by Sandy »

Hey Tulia!

I was just heading for bed...and decided to post a quickie. You know, I think my Dad really has softened his attitude a bit over this past year. George would probably say alot. He has always been suscpicious of anything sort of "new agey." I love both my parents very much and they truly put their love of God into service and action! But I could never seem to have the same fire in my soul for the path they had chosen. I think they are beginning to understand that now and are thankful at the very least that I have chosen a path at all. :lol:

You wrote:
"Keep picking myself up and trying again," - it sounds like you are using the Thomas Edison model of looking at failing: "I didn’t fail ten thousand times. I successfully eliminated, ten thousand times, materials and combinations which wouldn’t work." I need to remember that perspective often!"
:lol: :lol: I love that! In other words, I'm not willful just thorough!" Thanks for that! :D
Okay I better scoot now! Goodnight Tulia and everyone else out there.

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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone! :hithere

Gypsie Deb, yes, I loved that story about Midwayer Mathew rearranging the sea urchin skeleton, and the reminder of our fragility (I think we can all relate to that at various times! :roll: ), and this illustration of how the Midwayers make their tasks fun and have a sense of humor! In fact, as you've probably seen, there's been an amusing thread going on for a while on the question of whether or not the Midwayers steal our socks whenever we find them missing while doing laundry! :lol: ( I found it delightfully amusing that, as George also noted on the thread where the sea urchin story was posted (, Midwayer Mathew mentioned in that same session, "We don't steal socks." Apparently they're paying attention to the conversations on these boards too! :lol: :lol: :lol:

We're having the opposite season-wise here in the northern hemisphere; spring is just arriving. Here in California, profusions of huge yellow flowers are beginning to blossom on two different shrubs in the backyard, and it's glorious to see. :colors:

I had to laugh at your story about Hugh Grant/Jackman! Here's yet more evidence of our collective psychic web of connection mentioned earlier: Ron had had a dream with Hugh Jackman in it just a few days ago, and I wasn't sure who that was either, Sandy, so just a couple nights ago, Hugh Jackman showed up on TV for a few seconds, and Ron pointed him out to me. I can't even remember what he looks like now (except that he didn't look much like Hugh Grant, as I recall! :lol: )

Tulia, that's great that you've been reading the UB since age 15! I would like to get a copy and start reading it. Since it's so big (I got it out of the library once, but was overwhelmed by the sheer size of it!), do you have any recommendation on the best place to start with it? Thanks for the link to the online search facility, that's a handy reference!

November and Sandy, how nice to see you both here again, and thanks for the birthday wishes! :bana: I intend to continue this post, but need to break it down into multiple messages so they won't get too long! Stay tuned...

Love and Blessings, LUV2
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Again All,

Continuing on from my last post, I'm also glad you all enjoyed the easter egg picture! Pet and Sandy, I'm honored that you'd want to use it as a desktop background! Sandy, if you right-click on your desktop and select "Properties," then select the "Desktop" tab, you'll see a little "Position" drop-down menu for the image that is currently set as your background. Sounds like you have it set on "Center" right now, which just shows the picture in the middle of the screen and keeps it small. If you choose "Tile," it'll cover your whole desktop with a bunch of copies of the same picture (I tried it myself with that same image, and I noticed that that option looks a little busy). You can also select "Stretch," which stretches the image out to fill up the whole screen. Since the image was in portrait rather than landscape mode, it looks pretty distorted when you stretch it.

To fix this problem (now that I know you're using them as a desktop background! :D ) I've included a couple of other images of the eggs below. One's another copy of the same image, which I resized and cropped into landscape mode, so it doesn't distort as much when stretched, in the event you'd like to try that one instead. I had to chop off some of the eggs, but it's still got all the colors in it, anyway. The second one is just a wider-angle view with some of the presents included in the shot (and the eggs were arranged slightly differently there as well), but it's in landscape mode, so distorts less too. How fun that these unsuspecting little eggs would end up as backgrounds on friends' desktops 'round the world! :shock: :D

That's wonderful, Sandy, that your father would be willing to explore beliefs and viewpoints different from his own in an effort to understand you! Sadly, as a fellow "wayward daughter," I can't say the same for my own bio family! Tulia, I also love your quote about the Thomas Edison model for failing -- that's a great one to remember!

Oh, before I forget, here are the images:



Love and Blessings All, :colors:
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Dear Aqua Deb!

I just clicked on one of your new egg basket photos and followed your directions. It worked and it looks fantastic! So much brighter than my old drab green background. Now don't get me is my favorite color but I needed some "spice" in my life every once in awhile and I just love the new look!
There is just something about your Easter eggs that takes me back to a day gone by. Sort like an indistinguishable smell or even a combination of stimuli which tickles your senses in just the right way to immediately transport you to a delightful moment in time.
One year, as a youngster, I decided to "hatch out" my Easter eggs. I had these dreams of starting my own chicken farm! (I could imagine the money rolling in as I delivered my special eggs door to door! :roll: )... so I placed the colored eggs in a shoe box filled with grass and hid them away in a back corner of my closet. For a while I checked them every day but after awhile when nothing happened I soon forgot all about them. It wasn't until a year later that my mom came across the sad remains while spring cleaning and threw them out with out even giving a howdy-do to the fortune I could have made selling them to the high school kids for their late-night Halloween activities next Fall! I remember I was a bit put out with her for her short sightedness! :roll:

I got the biggest kick out of that sock thread you are talking about. I had a feeling the Midwayers were enjoying it as well! :D Wasn't a bit surprised that it was Mathew who said something about it! He's the same dear one who told us in no uncertain terms to "take our own chestnuts out of the fire!" when we were complaining rather loudly about something! :oops: You wrote,"Apparently they're paying attention to the conversations on these boards too! " Oh they do! All of us are important to them. Together as a group or as individuals in our own lives we have the ability to make real changes in the world around us. They know all of you! That one thought has always made me smile. :) I just love them so much!

Well looks like another long post for me. Sorry again everybody. You all are so patient with my ramblings.

Love you all,
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Post by Tulia »

Hi Debbie,
do you have any recommendation on the best place to start with it?
Well, really, wherever your heart feels drawn is what I would recommend. Often when I read the UB, I just open to a page and poof the right reading for whatever's happening in my life just appears. Now, I wonder how that works? ;)

My favorites though are almost all of the life and teachings of Jesus, and also the papers about religion - papers 99 thru 104, 100 being the one I tend to read over and over again. :)

Your easter baskets are really lovely, the colors are so vibrant! And I'm adopting your name and color posting strategy 'cause that works so well!

Sandy What ramblings? :) Ramble on.

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Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy,
How can you call it rambling when you're talking about year old Easter eggs!

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Hey Guys! Always perks me up reading the latest on this thread!

Love you all, Pet xxx
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Post by Dart »

Even thought its reached new heights
I rather like the restless nights
It makes me wonder it makes me think
There's more to this I'm on the brink
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Post by gypsie »

Sandy Sandy Sandy
Hugh Jackman is a Australian Hottie who is here making a movie named 'Australia'. He stared in The Boy From Oz, I will brag here because my nephew played Peter Allan as a child in the first musical here, it was fantastic!!!

Now Hugh (the Jackman) was in x-men and come on girls you must know more to help Sandyto see how ridiclious I looked when I said Look it's Hugh Grant!!!

Really though Hugh cares???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Socks guys !!!what is going on here have I missed the sock thread :shock: my mother has just left after a very long stay and her obsession is WASHING :roll:
So we couldn't find one matching pair of socks, I set off to find them, BINGO under her bed was 'the sock box' after about 1 hour I had 30 pairs of socks.
Moral of the story : It's not the Midwayers it's our mothers!!!

Did an amazing meditation yesterday, went to Alastic Construct and this boy appeared. He was about 13 and dressed in a white suit, like a wedding suit.
I can see him so clearly but had no idea what Iwas supposed to do with this boy??? We stared at each other for a while he smiled and left??

I'm confused and feel I need to know who he is, has anyone seen him before in their meditations?
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Post by Sandy »

Hello dear Gypsy,

Okay now I am not going to be able to sleep tonight until I have a clear picture of this Auzzie hottie! Looks to me like I had better do a google search.
Really though Hugh cares????
:lol: :lol: :lol: Good one sis!

Gotta love your Mom and her socks! (I mean your socks!) You haven't seen any black and gray striped ones in that box have you? ( Missing mine) :? Is your Mom settled nicely in her own place now?

I have never seen this boy who was dressed in a white wedding suit in my AC, Gypsy. He could have been a patient perhaps. Try asking for him to come back. Did you get a clear look at his face? Is there any way at all it could have Kieran in a Morontia type of form?
I had a strange time too with my first patient.
I was wanting it to be my old friend who was stricken with MS. As the person became clearer and clearer on my elevator I realized it was not my friend and I was completely floored, wasn't sure what to do...So I turned my back on her walked over to my desk and began praying. When I looked up a short time later she was standing right beside me and I remember thinking. "What! Are you still here? ..I guess I had better try and heal you then." I remember being sort of in a daze but I reacted on my instinct and sort of felt and fumbled my way through it. I did this wavy thing with my hands over the top of her body and you know the funny thing was... I knew when I did this what was wrong with her. And when I walked over to the medical cabinet I knew what needed to cure her. It wasn't really me of course it is always God and we are just his hands, his tools on this plane. I think I could have given her an apple at this time and it would have been the cure. God can heal in whatever way he chooses.
Anyway, I hope you get to see him again so that you can understand what he is about. Maybe someone else will have some ideas. Hope so!:finger:

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Dear Debbie and Every One, I felt compelled to answer your post about the boy in white in your Akashic Construct...the same thing happened to me, only there were 2 children. The boy said very clearly: "Oh! You're here! My mom said you'd come!" His accent was American. The girl was ill and didn't say a word. I didn't even try this time, I simply went with the flow. Every time I get in any way excited, something in the perspective changes. However, I did feel like I fell asleep, but I know I didn't, because I was talking. Even out loud! (So my son told me later on). I loved that visit. And this morning as I was doing my morning's abolutions, I could hear Manny and Thalia playing some game on the computer, and George's voice drifting in from the girls' bedroom: Mathi was meditating and afterwards showed me a drawing of her Akashic Construct and her rose garden!! So cool!

Petra XXX
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The Secret

Post by dancejunky »

I recently had a friend tell me about "The Secret" movie that was out. Of course after it aired on Oprah, it drew much attention. I have not seen the movie; but from what I have is only a secret to people that don't realize we create what we know as "our reality" with our thoughts. I guess that would seem to be a secret to some. After reading various posts on this forum, this does not seem to be a secret to many of the members. Maybe just a reminder of how powerful our thoughts are whether positive or negative. Honestly, 20 years ago it would have seemed to be more of a secret to me when I had conviced myself I was way too wise before my time :cyclopsani: I am still going to order the DVD and watch it. I didn't get this far on my path by being closed minded :scratch: and will take any boost in the right direction. I would like to say I am just now finishing up a wonderful book titled Disapearance of the Universe. The forgiveness lesson's in this book have worked wonders for me in removing many emotional "blocks" that I was unaware existed with me. I was encouraged to read it before reading ACIM (A Course in Miracles) that I ordered some time ago. Reading is almost meditative to me. My way of honoring myself (escaping) too I suppose :study: . I have had my Construct CD for almost 2 weeks now and enjoy it more each time I listen to it. The power of one's mind never ceases to amaze me. Close to midnight here and it has been a long week. Had some really severe weather here this evening with high winds, hail and tornadoes everywhere. First time I have heard the sirens go off this season. Just that time of the year and means Summertime is just around the corner! :sunflower:
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Post by Sandy »

Hi there Dancejunky!

Sounds like you all had quite a night! :compress: So glad you made it through the storms safe and sound. Did the tornados touch down or cause much damage? We used to get a few storms like that this time of year in Northern Ohio too. I really dislike it when the storms arrive at night and I can't get a good look at the clouds. One evening in particular I can remember spending a good hour squeezed into a little closet with two big dogs and a cat. Luckily they all got along but talk about difficult! It was tough keeping all three busy and occupied all at the same time. :roll:

Thank you for the information about the book, Disappearance of the Universe. Can you tell me who the author is? I have a bit of trouble in that area so perhaps it will help. You mentioned in another post too that you learned some meditative techniques to help still your mind some years ago. I would love to hear more about them as well. :)

How wonderful that you are finding the AC beneficial. I wrapped those cd's to mail with my very own hands, hence the messy tape job. :lol: That sticky tape always gets the better of me. When George used to do it they always looked picture perfect. :wink:
You wrote:
The power of one's mind never ceases to amaze me.
Absolutely...and I didn't have a clue until a few years ago! That was when I discovered there was much more behind my closed meditative eyes than I could have possibly imagined. My world has enlarged in leaps and bounds since then. And to think it is just the beginning. 8)
Have a lovely week end.

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Hello Dancejunky! I will check that book out, Disappearance of a Universe. I still haven't got round to buying ACIM, even though I thought I had.

I've never seen or experienced a tornado... :shock: I love thunder storms though! They make me go mental for a while. I miss them, 'cause we don't get many here in Wales at all. (Now knowing my luck, we'll get one tonight just as we're putting up the tent!! :lol: )

Have a lovely day, Pet xxx
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Petra!

Are you guys camping out tonight?

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Dear Sand' without boring the pants of the rest of you's, yeah! I think I may have mentioned it on almost all of the forums! :lol:

I'm actually very excited and the weather's very warm too! We're gonna go off the beaten track, find a stream and just put up tent and make a fire. Canny wait!! Hopefully the legendary Beast of Snowdonia won't find us? :lol:

Love pet xxx
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Post by gypsie »

Hi Dancejunky :hithere
Big welcome to the international Secret Coffee Table (thats my way of seeing this thread) Your book sounds amazing, moving emotional blocks and forgiveness lessons is exactly what I was chatting about with my friend this morning. Not those exact words but the same outcome :study: forever the student....
Now for the boy in the white suit he came back this morning, I don't think it's Keiran Sandy but after reading your session with the boys and their parents, who knows????
He has shoulder length hair and fair skin, big blue eyes, I will try and make contact next time... What I found amazing is how a total stranger can just appear...
So much to learn!!!!!
The boys are already starting to talk about their beloved Mount Warning, the thought of another move sends shivers up my spine..but the thought of the rainforest in my backyard is very attractive..
Chat Soon Love to all Gypsie
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Thanks for the Warm Welcome!

Post by dancejunky »

Hello Gypsie and thanks for the warm welcome. I should be finished reading “Disappearance of the Universe" this weekend and will definitely go back and spot read some places that I have highlighted. By making mental notes about trying to practice more continuous total forgiveness I can really tell the difference in how I feel and react in on a daily basis. I am far from mastering it, but it has been a real wake up call for me in releasing those emotional blocks. At first I was a little uneasy about how they refer to Jesus as “J” instead of using his name. :x I am sure this is due to old fundamentalist Christian upbringing programmed into my mind, but I actually forgave the writer and most importantly myself for even feeling that way and *POOF* I was OK with them calling him “J”. :D This is just like your shower in your Akashic Library. It just washes right off and out of you when you forgive yourself.

Howdy Petra and Sandy, and thanks for the welcome. If you do read the book, let me know what you think. The author is Gary R. Renard. The storms were bad in areas close to us and we had one tornado touch down close, but we made it out safe and without any damage. Sandy, sounds like you know how unpredictable tornadoes can be and like you said earlier….its worse at night because then you can’t see the clouds. :pale: Was good practice for us to go through the drill to our shelter. Sandy it is funny that you ask about my earlier meditative years. Coming from a fundamentalist Christian family, I use to tell them it was a bible study group, so they wouldn’t make me go and talk to my church pastor or possibly even counseling. :roll: I actually did the last step of the Akashic Construct CD tonight. I will save that report for the thread that was started for students. Although I will tell you it is very close to the meditation I have used for years, but George guiding it makes all the difference. He must be a trained therapist. :wink: I initially learned a meditation called the “Middle Pillar Exercise” and is somewhat similar to the part of the Akashic Construct where you are floating through the colors. I personally experience my chakras opening and spinning with each corresponding color that I go through that on the A/C. I associate colors with healing, so it was a very healing experience for me also. After going through that I am totally centered and ready to create and experience most anything that happens. The Middle Pillar is similar but you use Hebrew God Names to chant and open the chakras. That is how I got started on silencing the “chatter” of everyday life in my mind and become still. My older sister has a really high stress job working in the stock market and uses it to relax her at night for sleep. Even though I had gotten away from guided meditations for a while, I have to say I really enjoyed the CD and will continue to use track 3. I don’t have much problem getting to my pleasant scene in nature or deep alpha state. I am sure that is from practice, because I struggled getting there when first learning to meditate. I have found that if I miss meditation for a long period of time, then I have to concentrate more to get relaxed totally or to the alpha state. I think it is a bit different for everyone, but practice and consistency definitely pays off. I have rambled on long enough and it is again late and time for bed. Thanks again to all of you for the warm welcome. Oh and by the way Sandy, my CD arrived packaged nicely and most of all securely and not damaged. Great job on the shipping. I have ordered other CD’s through the mail and have them damaged on arrival from poor packaging.
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Post by gypsie »

Great Post Dancejunky I really followed your journey with meditation as if I was there.
Yes George is very qualified I learned from reading his book and the stories of his professional journey... I too enjoy the AC meditation.
This week I am listening to Louise Hay again it's so funny because I gave a copy to a friend and she returned it yesterday laughing the woman never shuts up!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I told my very chatty friend the idea is to follow Louise's words to shut your own head up emmm :scratch: she said well I still don't want it..

I will order George's when I have a minute and hopefully this will help with her stress levels. We do have a good belly laugh though because we are so different...
Much love to all Gypsy
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Post by memawlaura »

:hithere DanceJunky,
Where are you at in Texas, I have a sister and her husband working out of the Sherman area. She said she was terrified that tornados touched down on the east and west of her location. They travel for their work and stay at a motel, so I told her to go into the bath tub with a mattress if she hears sirens. My husband is from Louisiana and his advice for them was to bend over and kiss their a** goodbye, :lol: Men what do you do with them.

It seems everyone does real well with the AC CD I'm going to have to get a copy, I'm having some problems getting anywhere with memditation. I do once in awhile but lately I cant even visualize my pleasant scene? I should read “Disappearance of the Universe" right now while I'm typing this I was prompted 11:11 :wink: .
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by gypsie »

Hi Memawlaura
Sooooooooooooooooooooo nice to have you home safely :kiss:
Plus big hug for thoses beautiful children, I was wondering if the boy in my AC room could be your 13 year old nephew? He was certainly on my mind that week and still is as you can see.... just a thought
Love to all Gypsy :loves
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Don't Give Up!

Post by dancejunky »


I am in Grand Prairie centered between Dallas and Fort Worth. Sherman is Northeast of where I am located but seems the Sherman area has just been hit hard this season with hail, high winds and tornadoes. I have to laugh at what your husband said. Is he Cajun? I am actually from Beaumont Texas very near the coast and just 30 minutes from the Louisiana border. My mother was born in Lake Charles and we use to frequently make trips there, and I still do sometimes when I go back to visit family there at least once a year. The Beaumont/Port Arthur area has a very heavy Cajun influence. Unfortunately, that area was hit really hard with hurricane Rita right after Katrina hit New Orleans and it is slowly recovering. I was very fortunate that all of my family evacuated safely and only my oldest brother lost his home. He lived closer to the coast than anyone else. All is well with them now.

If you decide to read the book, let me know what you think. I am still going back and re visiting certain parts of it that I have highlighted before starting ACIM. I have actually had ACIM for sometimes, but every time I would pick it up to read........ something would tell me to wait a little while longer. Now that I have read Disappearance of the Universe I am going to give it another try.

Getting the AC CD helped me and was a reminder for me that practice makes all the difference. If you are getting to your pleasant scene, then you are most likely getting to Alpha state and are well on your way. It is a great CD for silencing the chatter in your mind and getting to your library/workroom to receive whatever message you are open to receive at the time. One word of advice is become persistent in your meditations and make it a routine until it just becomes a part of your life. Kind of like breathing, it becomes involuntary. Don’t give up! Honor yourself with some quiet meditation time. You deserve it! :) computer clock says it is 11:11!

Many Blessings,

~Life is a reflection of your thoughts. Change your thinking and change your life!~
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Post by justylonging1111 »

Dear Brian, Hello Everyone! I have missed lots on this thread!

Hello again, LOVE the thread Everyone, its nice to be back here. Oh I am just so excited these days for the blessings in my life. I am blessed to have met some of the worlds kindest, loving People to learn from!

I think I know what you all talk about when you refer to your pleasant place. I had the best meditation session ever last night and it was so refreshing, I had the most beautiful time chatting to some old friends, guess what room, yes it was Religion room 11. I was even singing in there last night! I sang Angel by Sarah McLaughlin.

Well throught out my meditation, I heard sounds of rain, wind, the door closing from the breeze of an open window and I was just in tuned to a presence of Love. That was something to remember!

Oh and my friend Wolf, from British Columbia, who is in a band, showed me his website of the work he does. Oh my it was absolutely beautiful. He takes deer, elk, antlers, which these magestic creatures shed each year along with ivory from fossilised mammoth from the Yukon territories and makes the most beautiful works of art.. he carves intriquite designs of animals like wolves, deer, elk, eagles I wonder if I can share his site here? Would that be alright?

Oh well I wish you all the best!

Blessings :sunny:
Mortal existence must be visualized as consisting in the intriguing and fascinating experience of the realization of the reality of the meeting of the human upreach and the divine and saving downreach.

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